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I. The Characteristics of the Present Age.
Post 8vo, 78. cloth.

"A noble and most notable acquisition to the literature of England.”—Douglas Jerrold's Weekly Paper.

"We accept these lectures as a true and most admirable delineation of the present age; and on this ground alone we should bestow on them our heartiest recommendation; but it is because they teach us how we may rise above the age, that we bestow on them our most emphatic praise.

"He makes us think, and perhaps more sublimely than we have ever formerly thought, but it is only in order that we may the more nobly act.

"As a majestic and most stirring utterance from the lips of the greatest German prophet, we trust that the book will find a response in many an English soul, and potently help to regenerate English society." Critic.

II. Memoir of Johann Gottlieb Fichte.

SECOND EDITION, enlarged. Post 8vo, 4s. 6d. cloth.

A Life of Fichte, full of "We state Fichte's character as it is nobleness and instruction, of grand pur-known and admitted by men of all parties pose, tender feeling, and brave effort; the compilation of which is executed with great judgment and fidelity."Prospective Review.

"The material trials that Fichte encountered in the body are lost sight of in the spiritual contest which he maintained with his own mind. The page that keeps the record of incidents is dignified throughout by the strong moral light that falls everywhere upon it like a glory, and sweetened by a living episode that flows through its dark and bright places like a stream of music."-Athenæum.

among the Germans, when we say that so
robust an intellect, a soul so calm, so lofty,
massive, and immoveable, has not mingled
in philosophical discussion since the time
of Luther.
Fichte's opinions may

be true or false; but his character as a
thinker can be slightly valued only by such
as know it ill; and as a man approved by
action and suffering, in his life and in his
death, he ranks with a class of men who
who were common only in better ages than
ours."- State of German Literature, by Tho-
mas Carlyle.

III. On the Nature of the Scholar and its Manifestations.

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believe, a perfect novelty.
orations are admirably fitted for their pur-
pose; so grand is the position taken by the
lecturer, and so irresistible their eloquence."

แ With great satisfaction we welcome this first English translation of an author who occupies the most exalted position as a profound and original thinker; as an irresistible orator in the cause of what he-Examiner. believed to be truth; as a thoroughly honest and heroic man. The appearance of any of his works in our language is, we

"A pure and exalted morality and deep religious feeling breathes throughout the whole."-Irish Monthly Magazine.

IV. The Vocation of the Scholar.
Post 8vo, cloth 28.; paper cover, 1s. 6d.

"The Vocation of the Scholar'
is distinguished by the same high moral
tone, and manly, vigorous expression which
characterize all Fichte's works in the Ger-
man, and is nothing lost in Mr. Smith's
clear, unembarrassed, and thoroughly Eng-
lish translation." Douglas Jerrold's Paper.
"We are glad to see this excellent trans-
lation of one of the best of Fichte's works

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presented to the public in a very neat form. No class needs an earnest and sincere spirit more than the literary class ; and therefore the 'Vocation of the Scholar,' the Guide of the Human Race,' written in Fichte's most earnest, most commanding temper, will be welcomed in its English dress by public writers, and be beneficial to the cause of truth."-- Economist.


The Catholic Series.

For Prospectus indicating the character and purpose of the Catholic Series, and for List of Books already published, see Catalogue at the end of this Work.





Zwei sind der Wege, auf welchen der Mensch zur Tugend emporstrebt;
Schließt sich der eine dir zu, thut sich der andre dir auf:

Handelnd erringt der Glückliche sie, der Leidende duldend.

Wohl ihm, den sein Geschick liebend auf beiden geführt !






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