It is a good thing and a wise to be able, with a few books and a little needlework, to give any room, however strange and desolate, a look of home-to be able to pursue our usual employments anywhere at a moment's notice and a blessing beyond wealth, beyond beauty, or even beyond talent, is that cheerful temperament, which can rejoice in the sunshine, yet be merry in the shade, which can delight in the birds singing in spring, yet solace itself with the heart's own music when winter is at hand. M'Chellan. THE SEQUESTERED HOME. Nature I'll court in her sequester'd haunts, By mountain, meadow, streamlet, grove, or cell, Where the poised lark his evening ditty chaunts, And health, and peace, and contemplation dwell. There study shall with solitude recline; swains ; And toil and temperance sedately twine tains; And fearless honesty shall guard the door; And taste unspoil'd the frugal table spread; And industry supply the humble store; And sleep unbribed his dews refreshing shed; White-mantled innocence, ethereal sprite, Shall chase far off the goblins of the night; And Independence o'er the day preside, Propitious power! my patron and my pride. Smollett. THE FAMILY A DIVINE INSTITUTE. The domestic constitution is a divine institute. God formed it himself. "He taketh the solitary and setteth him in families;" and, like all the rest of His works, it is well and wisely done. It is, as a system of government, quite unique: neither below the heavens, nor above them, is there anything precisely like it. In some respects it resembles the civil government of a state in others, the ecclesiastical rule of a church; and it is there that the church and the state may be said to meet. This meeting, however, is only on a very small scale, and under very peculiar circumstances. When directed as it should be, every family has a sacred character, inasmuch as the head of it acts the part of both the prophet and the priest of the household, by instructing them in the knowledge and leading them in the worship of God; while at the same time he discharges the duties of a king, by supporting a system of order, subordination, and discipline. Conformably with its nature is its design: beyond the benefit of the individuals which compose it, and which is its first and immediate object, it is intended to promote the welfare of the national community to which it belongs, and of which it is a part: hence every nation has stamped a great value on the family compact, and guarded it with the most powerful sanctions. Well-instructed, well-ordered, and well-governed families are the springs which, from their retirements, send forth the tributary streams that make up by their confluence the majestic flow of national greatness and prosperity nor can any state be prosperous, where family order and subordination are generally neglected; nor otherwise than prosperous, whatever be its political forms, where these are generally maintained. Rev. John Angell James. THE GOOD ANGEL OF THE HOUSE. Joy for the happiness of home! where peace, content, affection Shine, a triple sun to bathe in bliss that little world. There the good angel of the house, the mother, wife, and mistress, With gentle care and thoughtful love is ministering life; There in firm wisdom ruleth well the father, husband, master, Heaping it with prosperities, as guardian, guide, and judge; There the sons obey, diligently heeding duties; There the cheerful daughters plan their charities for all; There with no eye-service, but in honest faith and truth, The family domestics work, and worship with their betters; While all the neighbours round about, and scores of friends far off, Point to that house and praise it well, the happy home of Christians. O beautiful in essence is that angel in the house, The gentle charitable wife, its pure pre THE STILL SWEET HOME. Still and sweet was the home that stood As if from the glow of an emerald shed, Pouring from lime-leaves that mingled on high, Asleep in the silence of noon's clear sky. Like one tall shaft of some fallen fane. Mrs. Hemans. A CHARM TO KEEP OUR HOUSE WARM. Oh, sweet to sit around the board that Providence hath bless'd, And sweet to draw the curtain round our warm and shelter'd nest; To see the faces at whose smile the household hearth grows bright, And to feel that 'mid the darkness in our dwelling there is light! If we have done what love might do, and wish that it were more, To keep the grim wolf yet awhile without the poor man's door, And if our day hath not gone down without its kind relief To some of those its sad day woke to misery and grief, We need not fear the frost and cold; we have found out a charm, To keep our house, and home, and heart, and all our being warm! Dora Greenwell. I THE GOLDEN MEAN PREFER. Pleasures abroad the sport of nature yields; PEACE AT HOME. It is just as possible to keep a calm house as a clean house, a cheerful and an orderly house as a furnished house, if the heads set themselves to do so. Where is the difficulty of consulting each other's weakness, as well as each other's wants; each other's tempers, as well as each other's health; each other's comfort, as well as each other's character? Oh, it is by leaving the peace at home to chance, instead of pursuing it by system, that so many houses are unhappy. It deserves notice, also, that almost any one can be courteous, and forbearing, and patient, in a neighbour's house. If anything go wrong, or be out of time, or disagreeable there, it is made the best of, not the worst; even efforts are made to excuse it, and to show that it is not felt; or, if felt, it is attributed to accident, not design; and this is not only easy, but natural, in the house of a friend. I will not, therefore, believe that what is so natural in the house of another is impossible at home; but maintain, without fear, that all the courtesies of social life may be upheld in domestic societies. A husband, as willing to be pleased at home, and as anxious to please as in his neighbour's house, and a wife as intent on making things comfortable every day to her family as on set days to her guests, could not fail to make their own home happy. Let us not evade the point of these remarks by recurring to the maxim about allowances for temper. It is worse than folly to refer to our temper, unless we could prove that we ever gained anything good by giving way to it. Fits of ill-humour punish us quite as much, if not more, than those they are vented upon; and it actually requires more effort, and inflicts more pain, to indulge in them than would be requisite to avoid them. Phillips. THE ENGLISH FIRESIDE. The pleasures and gratifications which flow from the fireside may be considered as almost peculiar to these islands. In warmer climates the aid of fire is demanded for little else than culinary purposes; whilst in the northern regions of continental Europe the gloomy and unsocial stove forms, in general, the only medium through which the rigours of their intense winter are mitigated. To the enlivening blaze, and the clean-swept hearth, and to all the numerous comforts which in this country so usually wait upon their junction, they are perfect strangers. Delightful and interesting as is the aspect of nature, under the warmth, splendour, and genial influence of a summer sun, it is, we confess, not without a preference that we look forward to those seasons when the falling leaf or drifting snow draws closer the family circle, and ushers in that social and intellectual intercourse which constitutes the dearest charm, and, next to religion, the highest privilege, of human existence. When all without is wrapped in darkness, and the freezing blast howls, eager for entrance, round your dwelling, with what enjoyment do its inmates crowd to the cheerful hearth, and, as the flame glows brighter on their cheeks, listen, with a sensation of selfgratulating security, to the storm that shakes their solid roof. It is here that the power of contrast is experienced in all its force, not only in reference to the exposure, fatigues, and hazards which may have been actually incurred ere the daylight closed; but imagination is at work to paint the lot of those less fortunate than ourselves, and who, still exposed to all the horrors of the storm, feel the bitterness of their destiny augmented by intrusive recollections of domestic ease and fireside enjoyments. We owe the following lines to the learned and accomplished biographer of the poet Kirke White, Southey, who, describing in his Madoc the adventurous vessel of his hero driving before the storm, beautifully says:— "Tis pleasant, by the cheerful hearth, to hear To know all human skill, all human strength, Anon. Build thou that home upon a mountain-top. Where all the free winds shall have space to blow. Open its casements to the East and West, Let every wild-bird find sweet welcome there; Of thy well-order'd empire; and inlay And blood-red ruby and green emerald, Some in the Parian marble, some in gold; Or outward use he lived, taught, acted, sung, And Athens wear her violet crown again, The hosts who flung their free lives on the pile Of patriotic virtue, or who cast The gage of battle to unnumber'd foes, Their spirits to the Hero-halls above. In many a rite and symbol-none forget. Let Dante sing from out his Middle Age; the sun Of spirit-light o'er Eden of old time, When morn is on the mountains, and the stars Close their white buds and grow invisible. Force not the overflowing cup too long On him whom thou dost honour, lest he grow Surcharged in brain, and curse instead of bless. Be modest in thy opulence, and know This fact, that thou mayst learn a truth from all. Take what thy brother offers thee; perchance In all thou doest, first of all be true INTERCHANGE OF PARENTAL AND FILIAL DUTIES. An interchange of the parental and filial duties is friendly to the happiness and virtue of all concerned. It gives a peculiar scnsibility to the heart of man, infusing a spirit of generosity and a sense of honour, which have a most benign influence on public good, as well as on private manners. Beattie. CARES DISPELLED BY HOME DELIGHTS. When eve, of day and darkness born, John Malcolm. Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established: and by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches. Proverbs of Solomon. |