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Knowledge is the only wealth which thieves cannot steal
And by zeal and diligence it can be gathered in everywhere,
But as Music cometh only by playing on instruments,
So seek the company of, and ponder the words of the Wise.
Indolence soon defiles young and old. Hold high the Torch
And busy thyself in works of usefulness and mercy.

Nought is so precious as the first steps to holiness

Nor so attractive and useful to all mankind,

Therefore specially cherish, youthful efforts to goodness,
They oft recur in later years when evil temptations wax strong.

It is Nature's rule, that as we sow, we shall reap,

She recognizes no good intentions, and pardons no errors;
Therefore no deeds, virtuous or sinful are to us of

Small importance. All must bear some fruit
And must follow us like shadows for good or ill,
Mayhap to rankle secretly and for ever to poison our lives.

Begin by restraining and conquering thyself;
Practise the Art of "Giving up"-of doing unto all

As thou wouldst have them do unto thee.

Weary not in well doing, but be active and earnest,

Sympathetic and benevolent even in thy thoughts

Concerning others, and courteous in words and manner.

Observe "the old rule" that soft words and looks dissipate anger.
Return good for evil, justice for injustice;

Remembering that hatred is only overcome by love;
That as Evil develops Evil, so does good, Goodness,
And that Righteousness yields happiness unto the doer.
Seek not thus however any personal boon or advantage
But only the highest good of all sentient creatures.

Virtuous conduct comes naturally to him who practises virtue,
And his heart and life will be full with kindly activities,
With the spirit of Charity, gentleness, purity and truth,
Let these be precious to thee as the breath of life.
"To cease from sin, attain virtue and a pure heart
Is the Religion of Buddhas," not rites and ceremonies;
Not reading of Vedas, shaving the head or going naked
In dirt or rough garments, nor any penances
Prayers or sacrifices availeth or cleanseth thee:
But anger, evil words, envy, hatred and malice
Defileth more even than the eating of forbidden flesh.

Sin can only be atoned by ceasing to sin;

No priest can gain for thee or grant thee salvation,

And sacrifices but injure the innocent, are cruel and selfish.
Thou mayst not seek good by doing an evil deed,
And to inflict injury on any sentient creature is a
Breach of all the laws of just and moral conduct

If thou wouldst have mercy, be just and merciful;
Sympathize with sorrow, and rejoice with the joyful
Ever striving to fill the world with lovingkindness.
Till well thine own field and help others to do likewise
And accept no exaltation to the prejudice of another.

Cultivate equanimity and patience under all conditions.
Life is full of sorrows. They are part of Nature's Order
Which the wise man accepts as the inevitable

But does his best to alleviate and utilize.

With this view he may seek for long life, power and wealth
And this even for those who desire to follow in his steps,
So that wrongs and miseries may be thus mitigated.

Love and venerate thy parents and respect the aged,
Help the young, the bereaved, the sick and helpless.
Take thought for thy friend, and fear to offend him.
Let husbands love their wives and wives revere their husbands,
Judge none hastily, harshly or by outward appearances
But calmly and sympathetically, remembering that thou
Too art far from having attained to "the Perfect Way."

Be ever more ready to praise than to blame any,
For the fault-finder has need to be himself faultless;
Yet withstand the wrong-doer and the evil speaker,
Instructing with judgment if they will hearken.
Perchance ignorance, error or a wrong, have misled,
And by enlightening thou mayst guide aright.

Thou must work to live, but choose a peaceful calling,
And give of thy earnings to the virtuous needy.
Live righteously, doing as thou wouldest be done by;
Nor let ingratitude weary thee in well doing.
Subdue thyself, if thou desirest to subdue others,
And the former is a yet harder task than the latter.

Be long suffering, meek, pious and tranquil;
Practise and accept what is good in all teachings;
Fine words without good actions are fruitless
And beguile alike the teacher and the taught ;
Reason out thy faith earnestly and with simplicity;

Submitting all to Reason, thy surest guide

Amidst the fallacies and sophisms of creeds and philosophies.

Go forth and alone, into all lands and preach holiness;

Trusting in its serene power and in no arm of flesh.

Instruct rich and poor, males and females, priests and peoples,
Driving away ignorance and befriending the wronged.
Let thy words be as lotuses rich in scent as in colour,
Springing from the depths of a pure heart and mind.
Decry not other sects, faiths or individuals,


But accept truth under whatever garb it may appear,
Rendering due honour unto whom honour is due.
Doubts and difficulties must exist whilst minds endure,
They are agents and progressive forces of Man's Nature,
And must not hinder us in the pursuits of Virtue
However rugged and difficult they make the path.
Busy not yourselves anxiously and unprofitably
About other worlds, gods, spirits or demons;

Nought is proven; all is unknowable and incomprehensible,
Whilst the duties of life are substantial and urgent.

"Trouble not yourselves because I pass away;"
It is of the nature of things that all must separate,
For whatsoever exists is without endurance,

And death may be only a beginning of new life:

By it we shall live in the assemblies which follow

Mayhap "in the foundation of a Kingdom of Righteousness."
Ye my disciples, have run well; continue to be
Earnest in the duties of life, vigilant unto the end;

So wilt thou reach unto supreme Wisdom

"An unconditioned state-the fruition of Enlightenment."
Askest thou of Brahma-the Spirit of the Universe?
Such is incomprehensible, infinite, emotionless;

Therefore weary not thyself, seeking after the hidden :
Work: for the paths of duty lie close before thee,
Behold thy brethren call unto thee from the ground,
From miseries, perplexing and unspeakable
Which if thou wouldst, thou couldst alleviate.




RAJA SIR SOURINDRO MOHUN TAGORE, K.C.I.E., the well-known scholar who has revived in India the teaching of Sanskrit music, to which he has set some of the most charming Sanskrit poems of his own composition, has sent to the Lisbon Oriental Congress "a Brief History of Music in India," as also a number of musical instruments including the curious Nyastaranga," a wind-instrument which is played by the mechanical pressure of the muscles of the throat from the outside.

He has accompanied his paper by a musical and poetical address in Sanskrit to the highly-gifted King of Portugal-himself an Orientalistcelebrating the history of Portuguese enterprise in India [see specially verses 18 to 26], which we quote in its English translation. The Congress is celebrated in verses 28 to 40. Persons desirous of understanding Sanskrit music, that wonderful art and science which seeks to render not only every variety of human feeling and thought but also of the seasons and the hours in their mystic dance, should study the dramatic, epic, lyrical, idyllic and mythological compositions of the Raja as also the collection of Eastern, ancient and modern, musical instruments (especially Indian) at the Museum of the Oriental University Institute, which will be open to visitors on Saturday afternoons, by special permission of the Principal.


1. May He, whose illusion-producing powers cause the deities and men to move incessantly about like so many blind beings, the ignorance of whose real nature makes men look upon the earth and other mundane objects as separate entities, whose kindness instils parental affection into the hearts of our mothers and fills their breasts with milk-May He, that supreme Being, preserve thee, Dom Carlos, King of Portugal!

2. May Indra and other guardians of the ten regions of the universe protect thee and thy friends! May Sarasvati, the Goddess of learning, charmed with thy attainments, make thy throat her happy home! May Victory and Prosperity attend on thee on earth, and may the Moon, the repository of cooling herbs, shed nectar on thy kingdom and for ever cause an increase of crops !

3. May Lakshmi, the Goddess of Fortune,-whose look of anger makes even Indra and the other deities forsake


their divine character and behave like senseless mortalsMay Lakshmi abandon her favorite home in Vaikuntha and live in happiness at thy Royal abode !

4. The six evil passions, Desire, Anger, Covetousness, Ignorance, Pride, and Envy, are known as the greatest curses of human life; but, under circumstances, they are productive of good. May, therefore, thy Desire shun all females of mortal make and cherish as its long-lived Consort, the cultivation of Letters and Art! May Anger alone be the victim of thy Anger! May thy Covetousness draw its attention away from wealth, empire, and other ephemeral objects, and confine itself to virtue alone which follows man to eternity! May thy Ignorance be only that of evil ways I May thy Pride challenge such persons only as are noted for their control over their passions; and may thy Envy claim for its object only those who may be the most powerful among thy enemies!

5. May thy superior prowess scatter thy enemies even as the dazzling light of day drives owls to seek shelter in dark sequestered spots!

6. The sight of the lunar Circle causes the ocean to swell, but the ocean is unable to overflow its shores. The sight, however, of thy bright, spotless, and moon-like face makes the ocean of pleasure in all good men's hearts swell and overflow.

7. Only once a month, at new moon time, does the ocean expand. But the sea of thy kindness is at all times expanding at the sight of the poor man's woe. The ocean, undoubtedly, yields the palm to the sea of thy kindness.

8. The submarine fire is, to my thinking, nothing else but the visible manifestation of the unbearable anguish which the ocean feels at finding that the gravity, majesty and other attributes of which it thought it had the monopoly, have been surpassed by thine.

9. King Bali made over to the dwarf-god his dominions in the three regions of the universe, and subsequently his own self. The sage Dadhichi gave away the bones of his

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