페이지 이미지

body to Indra to be made into thunderbolts.

Both donors have risen to eminence by their uncommon deeds of charity, and the aroma of the lotus of their fame has delighted the three worlds. But in the present day, the white swan of thy reputation for charities is attempting to destroy that lotus by eating into the soft fibre attached to its stalk.

10. In describing the fame of an illustrious personage, poets compare it with the moon, the pearl, or camphor. But the moon is full of spots, and thy fame is perfectly pure; the pearl has a hole drilled into it, whereas thy fame is all intact; and the camphor evaporates, while thy fame endures all time. These objects, therefore, cannot form suitable similes for thy fame.

11. Sarasvati lives in the lotus of thy mouth. Lakshmi came to pay her a visit in thy palatial residence, but thou, being aware of her ever-veering proclivities, didst bind her with the cord of thy virtues. Hence her inability to leave thy palace and visit her lord, Narayana, in the celestial regions of Vaikuntha.

12. The Earth, in her division representing Portugal, holds thee in her bosom as a glorious gem excelling in value the combined treasures of the mines, and prides herself on the significance of her name Vasundhara-the receptacle of wealth.

13. Thou bearest a matchless name and enjoyest all happiness on earth, because the bee of thy soul ever covets the honey of the lotus of virtue.

14. O mighty King! who can now rival thee in the anxiousness that thou evincest for the company of the good and for achieving glory by the performance of kingly duties alone?

15. Mayst thou prosper with thy friends and ministers! Mayst thou meet with no obstacles in the run of thy career! May thy enemies be destroyed; and may Peace dwell for ever in thy dominions!

16. By dint of thy virtues, thou hast given thy subjects health and wealth, and made them attached to thy royal

self, by instilling goodsense into them, with the help of Hence it is that thou art honoured

thy wholesome advice.

by the world at large.

17. The sun of thy prowess acts on the faces of thy friends as on the blooming lotus, and on the faces of thy enemies as on the drooping white lily.

18. The Portuguese were the first of the inhabitants of the West who, for commercial purposes, crossed the vasty deep-so full of marine monsters to discover a way to India. By rounding the Cape of Good Hope, they fulfilled the hope that was long cherished in their hearts by the European nations. No commercial country will ever be able to repay its debt to Portugal.

19. The river Sarasvati rolled through Bengal with a rushing current when the Portuguese people started commercial enterprises in this province. It is a matter of utter regret that with the close of those enterprises, little has been left of the river save its name.

20. In the town of Bally, near Hugli, in the province of Bengal, stands a church which was established there by the Portuguese, and which serves to keep alive in us the memory of that great nation.

21. It is the Portuguese who are said to have introduced into India the musical instrument called the violin-an instrument which by its use in vocal, instrumental, and dance performances, contributes so much to the delight of the heart, and which is equally in favour with the rich and the poor.

22. All parts of India enjoy the benefits of Western civilization, brought into this country, for the first time, by the Portuguese of the days of old.

23. It is the Portuguese who first brought into India the variety of European apparel, so delightful to the senses, which contributes so much to health of body, and is held in such favour by the people of this country.

24. All articles of European make, introduced here for useful or ornamental purposes and tending so much to our




comforts, were first brought into India by the Portuguese nation.

25, 26. It is the Portuguese who introduced into this country the Flute, the Clarionet, and other wind instruments, and several varieties of percussive instruments made of metals or covered with skin, together with the musical system and orchestral performances of Europe.

27. People feel as much delight at a concourse of learned men, as one left in darkness does at the sight of a brilliant lamp, or as one cast into the sea does at the unexpected arrival of a large ship, or as one oppressed with thirst when ice-cool water greets his vision.

28. The Tenth International Congress of Orientalists which sits in thy Capital spreads thy fame far and wide.

29. This Congress, adorned by scholars, meek in spirit and wise as the sage Vrihaspati, looks like the celestial Court of Indra transported to earth.

30. People at large may think that noble scholars from all parts of the globe where light and air prevail, have met together in this Congress to promote friendly feelings among themselves. It strikes me, however, that they are come to thy capital, under colour of the Congress, to satisfy themselves with their eyes, as to what was communicated to their ears about thy matchless glories.

31. How shall I describe thy luck, O King! For firstly, the fickle Goddess of Fortune, has become steady (since thy coronation), and has ever since resided at thy abode; and secondly, the foremost scholars of the world have of their own free will accorded thee the first place in the Congress. 32. Thou hast been chosen President as there are but few to equal thee in thy taste for literature and music.

33. Thou art respected by the learned, honored by the great, and possessed of matchless luck and inestimable virtues. Hence the savants of the world have elected thee to the Chair of the Congress-an honour accorded but to a few.

34. Thou devotest thyself to the performance of thy

royal duties, and thereby promotest the welfare of thy subjects. Thou art meek, pleasant-spoken, and a champion of truth. Hence thou hast come to be so highly esteemed in civilized society.

35. The family of the Tagores have for ever been bound to thy nation by the ties of gratitude; for the ancestors of this family amassed great wealth and fame by faithfully working at the commercial concerns of thy nation in Bengal.

36. The renowned Scholars of the world will meet in thy Kingdom in order to bind themselves in stronger cords of sympathy. Thou hast remembered on this occasion and invited an humble individual like myself, who has little pretensions to learning and intellect. For this high honour I feel exceedingly gratified and proud.

37. In my early years, I studied poetry under erudite professors and subsequently cultivated music-an art that charms infants, the lower animals, and even vicious serpents. By the grace of Sarasvati, the presiding goddess of these two arts, I have composed these unpretending stanzas, and set them to Aryan music-In honour of the Congress, I have taken the liberty of submitting these my humble compositions at the foot of thy Royal Throne.

38. This little poem does not boast of any brilliant sentiments. Still, I humbly hope it may not prove unacceptable to thee, as it has been set to music-an art adored by all the Aryan races.

39. May the Lord of the universe shower blessings on thee and the members of the Congress!

40. Ye members of the Congress-young, adult, or old! May Sarasvati, whose favourite arts are Poetry and music, be pleased with the enthusiasm shown by yourselves, and pour the honey of righteousness into the lotus of your hearts; and may you live long, and, with your families and children, enjoy its blessed Sweets!




هو الله


Alá yá! send the Cup round! Oh, Saki, brim and send! Love, which at first was easy, grows harder at the end.

For ache of what the Breeze brought from that sweetscented brow

Those musky, tangled tresses-heart's blood is dropping


Well! soak thy prayer-mat purple with wine, then—as 'tis bid

Such solace of Love's stages from Magians is not hid.

But this World's stage, Belovéd! 'tis too long! when the Bell

Calls to unpack our Camels, by God! it will be well.

The black Night, and the fearful Wave; and Whirlpool wild of Fate,

Ah, lightly-burdened Ones ashore! what know ye of our State?

Wending mine own way, unto woe and ill-fame am I brought,

How, in the loud Assemblies, could such high lore be taught?

If thou wilt have the Presence, Hafiz! why, seek it so? This World and the Belovéd-choose one, and let one go.

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