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Submission never yet set boundaries to encroachment.

Upon the opening of Pandora's box, Hope was left behind. Hitherto no seed of deadly aconite has generated into pestilential poison.

It was obvious that if virtue, the virtue of the people, was the foundation of republican government, the stability and duration of the government must depend upon the stability and duration of the virtue by which it is sustained.

In the calm hours of self-possession, the right of a State to nullify an act of Congress is too absurd for argument, and too odious for discussion.

The religion of the Bible must be taught. It must be instilled into the mind of childhood, and believed even before it is understood.

But good and evil rule on earth by turns;

Vice often borrows virtue's brightest hue;
And nought but God's all-seeing eye discerns
Within the heart, the counterfeit and true.

The radical cause of this deplorable inconsistency and of all this melancholy depravity in the history of mankind is defective education.

In the progress of human improvement certain properties were observed invariably to belong to certain material substances, and by common agreement the material substance was exhibited for the property belonging to it. Hence the extension of the art of hieroglyphic writing; and I submit to your consideration a conjecture which has often occurred to me, that the account of the creation in the book of Genesis, was only a transfer to alphabetic writing, of more ancient Egyptian memorials in hieroglyphics. For we are expressly told that Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and this may account for the representation of the Spirit of evil in the form of a serpent, and for that of life, and for the knowledge of good and evil, abstractions of the mind, in the shape of trees growing in the garden of Paradise.

Education is the business of human life.

The doctrine of immortal life is so congenial to the heart even of the unregenerate man; it is so soothing even to his selfish passions, that it is easily believed by all to whom it is taught.

Ambition, therefore, virtue is, or vice;

Ting'd by the object of the man's pursuit;
A jewel, richer than the ruby's price;
A Bohon Upas, bearing deadly fruit;
Ethereal fire, impenetrable ice ;

The good supreme; of every ill the root;
A guardian angel, leading to the skies;

A demon, with the worm that never dies.

The soul of one man can not by human law be made the property of another.

Piety without the practice of virtue is itself a crime and the aggravation of all iniquity.

Education, then, the education of children, and the art of reading, was the primary impulse to the Protestant Reformation.

It (the Bible) contains a system of religion, and of morality, which we may examine on its own merits, independent of the sanction it receives from being the Word of God.

In what light soever we regard it, whether with reference to revelation, to literature, to history, or to morality, it is an invaluable and inexhaustible mine of knowledge and virtue.

It is only as immortal beings that all mankind can in any sense be said to be born equal; and when the Declaration of Independence affirms as a self-evident truth that all men are born equal, it is precisely the same as if the affirmation had been that all men are born with immortal souls; for, take away from man his soul, the immortal spirit that is within him, and he would be a mere tamable beast of the field, and, like others of his kind, would become the property of his tamer.

The Bible contains the revelation of the will of God.

There are three points of doctrine, the belief of which forms the foundation of all morality. The first is, the existence of a God; the second is, the immortality of the soul; and the third is, a future state of rewards and punishments. Suppose it possible for a man to disbelieve either of these articles of faith, and that man will have no conscience, he will have no other law than that of the tiger or the shark; the laws of man may bind him in chains, or may put him to death, but they never can make him wise, virtuous, or happy. It is possible to believe them all without believing that the Bible is a divine revelation.

'Tis true, the soldier's life is short;

But what is life deprived of action?
The craven coward's base resort,

A universe without attraction.

But for pathos of narrative; for the selection of incidents that go directly to the heart; for the picturesque of character and manner; the selection of circumstances that mark the individuality of persons; for copiousness, grandeur, and sublimity of imagery; for unanswerable cogency and closeness of reasoning; and for irresistible force of persuasion, no book in the world deserves to be so unceasingly studied, and so profoundly meditated upon as the Bible.



ABOLITIONISTS-who were the early,
474-the Quaker, in New Eng-
land, the English, Southern Am-
erican, 475-when formed socie-
ties, 476-in the Virginia Con-
vention of 1831, 481, 482— so-
cieties of, organized, 482- in
Congress, 484-sentenced to die,
486-gather strength and favor,
498-not in harmony with Mr.
Adams, 501-their opinion of
him, 515.

Adair, Governor John-causes the
confirmation of General John
Armstrong, censured for his
course, 69.

Adams, John-father of J. Q. Ad-
ams, 11-writes of his son, 19—
goes to France, 23-his views of
human character, 24, 25-again
sent abroad, 25-his desires as to
the education of his children,
27-appointed first Minister to
England, 30-his course with his
children, 32, 33-his attachment
to French society, 32, 33, 34, 43-
writes of his son's foreign ap-
pointment, 44-changes his son's
appointment to Prussia, 55, 56—
hears his son's installation ad-
dress at Harvard, 81-his death,

Adams, Abigail-mother of J. Q.
Adams, 11-her care of her son,
her patriotism, 14, 15-her influ-
ence and teachings, words to her
son, 20, 21-goes to France, 30-

[blocks in formation]

family name and betrothal, 51-
her marriage, 52, 580-dines at
the White House, 68-travels
from St. Petersburg to Paris,
112-her party on the 8th of
January, 191-her attempts at
raising the silk-worm at the
White House, 384-her family,
her travels in Europe, 580-birth-
day poem to, 581--her children,
585, 586-her husband's opinion
of their married life, 585-her
literary work, her part in elevat-
ing General Jackson, 587-her
great 8th of January ball, 588—
mistress of the White House,
590, 591, 593, 594—her character,
585, 587-her death, 595.
Adams, Charles-son of John Ad-
ams, goes to France, 26-returns
home, 34.

Adams, Abigail-daughter of John
Adams, goes to Europe, 30-her
character, 31, 44-her views of
her father, 31, 32-her views of
French society, 33-extract from
her Journal, 44.
Adams, Thomas B-goes with his
brother to Europe, 45-returns
to America, receives his brother's
letters from Silesia, 57.
Adams, Charles Francis - son of

John Quincy Adams, goes to

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