페이지 이미지

Omnipotence," 501- could not | Taylor, John W.-elected Speaker

bear free discussion, 504 — tri-
umphs in Congress, 509-of the
Armistad negroes, 515, 516, 517,
518, 519-receives a fatal wound,
519, 520-gains Texas, 520.
Smithson, James-leaves a large
sum to the Government of the
United States to be used in the
spread of knowledge, 526-course
pursued by the "Government"
in carrying out his will, 526, 527,
528, 529-utility of his bequest,
529, 530.

Smyth, General Alexander-assails

Mr. Adams, 167-his methods,
severely handled, 168-introduces
an unfriendly reform, 420.
Society-its exactions, 135, 136, 137,
138-its tyranny and shams, 136,
137-its follies and virtues, 137-
Mr. Adams's letter about, 138-
its gossip, 175, 176-in Mr. Ad-
ams's time at the Capital, 592, 593.
Southard, Samuel L.-invited to

of the House, 281.

Temperance-a lecture on, what it
is, 551-stumbling blocks to, 552.
Tennessee - her Legislature blots
out the scandal against Adams
and Clay, 243.
Texas-the question of her bound-
ary, 487-who was responsible for
her boundary, 487-free under
Mexico, to be slave under the
United States, 488-called the
"Lone Star," 488-her independ-
ence acknowledged, 489-move-
ments for and against her annexa-
tion, 499, 500, 501-evils and
benefits of her annexation, 511,
521-admitted into the Union,


Thompson, Waddy-presents a re-
solution of censure against Mr.
Adams, 492-declares that Mr.
Adams's conduct deserved the
attention of the Grand Jury, 495,
496-again offers the gag-rule, 505.

continue in the Cabinet, 218-Treaty-of Ghent, signed, 96-its
becomes a member of Mr. Ad-
ams's Cabinet, 268—quarrels with
General Jackson, 346-acts as
Secretary of War, 381.


Spain her relations with the
United States, her American pos-
sessions, 142 - her Minister at
Washington demands redress,
143-pretends to be satisfied with
explanations, 146-resumes nego-
tiations on Florida, 148-declines
to ratify, 150-ratifies, 152.
Stone, Wm. L.-writes letters on
Freemasonry, 463-Mr. Adams's
view of them and him, 464.

TARIFF its foundation, its begin-
ning in legislation, 369-of 1824,
by whom supported, 370 of
1828, its supporters, 370, 371-its
consequences, 371, 397.


character, 100, 101-text of, 102-
of Florida, 148-its character, 149,
150, 151-ratified, 152 Quin-
tuple, its purpose, Ashburton,

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Rhetoric, 80- makes General
Jackson an LL. D., 448.


VAN BUREN, MARTIN-in the last
Congressional Caucus, 186-nom-
inated for the Vice-Presidency in
Georgia, 189-his votes, 195-sup-
ports the tariff of 1824, 370-takes
up General Jackson, Mr. Adams's
view of him, 373, 374-his course
as to the Armistad negroes, 516,
517, 518, 519-requests Mr. Ad-
ams's views on the Smithson
fund, 527-a letter designed to
injure him, 563.
Vives, General-Spanish Minister,
closes the Florida Treaty, 152.
Von Holst, Dr.-ends the race of
White House statesmen, 428.


WALKER, TIMOTHY-his oration on
Mr. Adams, 624.
Washington, General-his want of
popularity, 43-appoints J. Q.
Adams, 44-his reasons for so
doing, 45, 54, 55, 58-appoints
Mr. Adams to Portugal, 53-his

opinion of Mr. Adams, 55-knew
no friend in his Administration,
307-his relatives oppose the re-
moval of his remains, 440.
Webster, Daniel-announces the
electoral votes in 1825, 216-noti-
fies Mr. Adams, 218-his belief as
to the "bargain," 238.
Whigs-nominate Mr. Clay, 439-
easy about slavery in Texas, 499—
urge Mr. Adams to take the field,

Wirt, William-his views of Ad-
ministration dignity and interfer-
ence in elections, 207, 208-letter
from Mr. Jefferson as to patron-
age, 209—becomes Attorney-Gen-
eral in Mr. Adams's Cabinet,
268-delivers his oration on Ad-
ams and Jefferson, 323-his death,
450 nominated by the Anti-
Masons, 456-his views of Mason-
ry, his race, 457.
Wise, Henry A.-calls the Virgin-
ians out of the House, 498-tries
his hand with Mr. Adams, 502—
abandons the struggle against
the right of petition on slavery,


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