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times, no one ever imputed to me any thing which | market, it had been the custom of my grandwould have justified that lady's fear.

Proud though I was, and so far like himself, my grandfather never loved me; for I was, as people say, the image of my father, and at times, when strongly excited, I spoke with the accent of his country. Neither with my mother was I ever a favorite: neglect and unkindness, aggravated, perhaps, by her own unconciliating manners, had long before this separated her heart entirely from her husband; and I was like him in so many ways and features, that people were never surprised to find I was less loved than my fair and gentle little sister. I was chidden for faults of which I had never been warned; motives and thoughts were attributed to me which had never entered my imagination; mischief and destruction were laid to my charge, which I had never committed; and continual allusions were made to my wild Irish voice and manner. For awhile all this distressed me cruelly, for I had a warm, fond heart, and generous disposition, and I sought eagerly to exonerate or justify myself. But when I found that justicethat cold, stern quality-was merely done me, and that, if I had been wrongfully accused, it was only the principle of justice that was considered to have been outraged, not my feelings, I ceased to excuse my fanlts or plead with tears for pardon, and became that most wretched thing, a child with a woman's will.

To this early mistake in my education how much of the evil of my after life is owing! What a desperate enemy people arm against themselves when they are unjust! Once let the of fender feel that he is treated with injustice, and all the motive to repentance is gone. A man may have many and great faults, he may be giving way to a sin ten times greater than the particular one of which he is accused; but only let him suffer blame and punishment for one of which he knows himself to be innocent, and all his real guilt will be forgotten in angry indignation at the injustice. The sinner, then, in his own opinion, becomes the martyr; and all reformation is hopeless. How is it that people will not see this, and especially in children? There is no greater mistake, than to suspect and accuse a child of faults and motives of which you have not full proof; if you make a wrong guess, you have lost your position almost irrevocably; and if you act upon it, you have set up in the child's heart a memory of outrage forever.

father and his family, for generations past, to attend the meetings regularly; and some years before, upon his appointment as high sheriff, the equipage and horses bearing his arms and livery had made so brilliant an appearance as to be even yet talked of in the county. Things were, however, altered now; for the large sums bestowed upon his children had sadly impaired my grandfather's means, and among other retrenchments the races had been given up. Still, for the gratification of my mother, who had a womanish pride in showing her husband the style in which English country gentlemen lived, he determined to visit Newmarket once more in the old style.

I remember the day well; it was a glorious morning in autumn, the leaves had begun to change, and all the wealth of nature seemed scattered upon the lawns, and hung on every golden-hued tree. The carriages came round to the hall-door; and with their bright panels, and the silver ornaments on the trappings of the horses, the rich green liveries, spotless buckskins and velvet caps of the postillions, they promised to form a brilliant addition to the scene at New


For the first time, I felt proud of the neatness and style of my mother's English home, and its belongings; and, as I stood at the nursery-window and watched the carriages sweeping along below, I felt more respect for my grandfather's prejudices, than I had ever done before. The effect of this impression was, that I turned round, picked up the books and toys I had scattered all over the room, tidied the table, and went to my maid to request that my hair might be brushed, and my frock changed. How slight a thing may leave a lasting memory! a glance, a sound, has often awakened thoughts and resolutions which have endured for life; and we can frequently trace back our wisest determination to some sudden conviction wrought by a seeming trifle. So it was that day with me. I had seen the order and elegance of the establishment at Ingerdyne, the propriety of the domestics, and the unsullied neatness of all the appliances, every hour since I arrived; and at first they had only struck me as formal and disagreeable, the result of a perpetual fidgeting which was the enemy of all gayety and freedom. Now all was altered, and I looked with a strange respect upon the regulations which had resulted in the brilliant cortège I had been gazing upon. From that day there was a change in my habits; and, although I was far from being as sedate as other well-behaved children, I was no longer a tameless romp: indeed, considering what I had been, the change left me a rather discreet little person.

When we had been at Ingerdyne a few months, my father came there to visit us, and brought with him a young brother officer, who was the son of an old friend of my grandfather's. Why he did so, I can not imagine; unless it was to provide, by the society of this friend, against the ennui of a country residence and if this were his object, it was certainly fully attained, for the two friends were inseparable. One of the few amusements in which my grandfather indulged was billiards, and his house was therefore provided with a splendid room and table dedicated DURING the absence of the party at Newmarto the game. In this room my father and Cap-ket, I was fated to become acquainted with suntain Launceston spent many hours; and, as might dry other members of the family, of whom I had be expected, large sums were lost by each to the heard but vaguely. My mother had an only other; although, Captain Launceston being the brother, an officer in a hussar regiment, serving best player, his companion was most frequently in the Peninsula. He had for some time been the loser. stationed at Gibraltar, where he met at a ball a Ingerdyne being only a few miles from New-young Spanish beauty from Madrid, with the


large black eyes and coquettish manners for before the door, and intercepting the light, a which her countrywomen are famed. He was traveling carriage, packed inside and out to a fascinated by her charms, and soon procured an perilous excess. I did not move, for I felt no introduction; but, as he could not speak a word curiosity about the circumstance, and certainly of Spanish, and she was equally ignorant of did not consider it any part of my duty to open English, one would not have thought the acqaint- the door, but when the post-boy rolled off his ance was likely to be either very long or inter- horse, and applied his whole force to the bell, I esting; but there is no accounting for the freaks rose and went forward to survey the arrivals. of Cupid, especially when he lurks amid the olive Just as I reached the entrance, the carriage groves of Spain. A few days after the ball, to door, over which were crowded heads of all the despair of the governor's niece, the horror sizes and ages, suddenly burst open, and down of the colonel's two daughters, and the disgust came what seemed in the confusion to be a of sundry other damsels, who had entertained whole nursery of children. Never in my life hopes of the eligible major and his father's prop- had I been so astonished. The screams of the erty, it was announced by the chaplain at Gov- children were soft and musical compared to ernment-house, that, with the aid of an inter- those of their mother, whose vehement gesticupreter, he had the day before married Donna lations and shrill voice, invoking the most unJosephina Leoline da Silva to Major Vere. Great intelligible mixture of saints and punishments, was the consternation caused by this intelligence. were to me perfectly terrific. At first I stood The governor who was godfather to the bride- still, gazing panic-struck upon the scene; then groom, and upon whose staff the offender had turning round I rushed through the house screamlong been placed, was in dismay: he sent imme- ing like a little fury, until every creature in it, diately for the culprits and the clergyman, threat- from the old cook to the fat lap-dog, came to the ened arrest and all sorts of impossibilities, storm-rescue. In the course of my frantic career I ed most furiously, and prophesied manifold evils arrived at my grandfather's dressing-room, the which were to arise from this ill-considered open windows of which looked out upon the union; but, after all, ended in a promise that he scene of tumult; and there I stood to see the would receive the delinquents at Government-result. house, and intercede for them with Mr. Vere. Very few weeks elapsed before the major and his bride mutually repented their marriage. Her temper was terrific; she was jealous and desperate to a degree of which English people have no idea, and, having never learned to regulate or control it, the life of those around her was rendered any thing but agreeable. She had taken the most violent hatred to Miss Danvers, the governor's niece, whom she suspected of an attachment to her husband, and in whose most common-place civilities she discovered sinister intentions, of which neither her husband nor the lady ever dreamed; the consequence of this was a very unpleasant coolness between the families, which ended in the major being compelled to resign his staff-appointment, and change his quarters to a miserable little inland town.

This circumstance, which was necessarily reported to my grandfather, did not assist in propitiating him toward his Spanish daughter-in-law; and nothing but the dangerous illness of his wife -who, believing herself dying, besought his pardon for her darling and only son-would ever have reconciled him to Major and Mrs. Vere. As it was, he dispatched a letter of severe reproof to his son; in which, after predicting the miseries certain to accrue from this act of folly, he concluded with a cold message of forgiveness to his daughter-in-law, and and a formal invitation to Ingerdyne.

This occurred about five years before my mother's marriage; and there had not appeared any prospect of a visit from my uncle, aunt, or cousins-of whom there were four-until the day of the excursion to Newmarket, when they descended upon us in great force.

I was sitting in the hall, reading "Robinson Crusoe," and as I read pulling out unconsciously the hairs from the tail of a great rocking-horse against which I leaned, when I heard the sound of wheels along the gravel sweep. In a moment after, the hall was darkened suddenly, and looking up to ascertain the cause, I saw drawn uo

Every body was now congregated in a group beside the carriage, staring at the party, which consisted of a tall, soldierly man; a little, fat, Moorish-looking woman; a boy about four years older than myself, and very much taller; a wildlooking girl, a little younger; another younger still, and a baby in the arms of a bonne.

The two girls and the baby were crying with all their might; but the boy stood with his arms folded, looking amazed, but strange and contemptuous, and as if no one there belonged to him. The lady was exclaiming and gesticulating furiously; threatening with hands and feet, eyes and tongue, the unfortunate post-boy, whom she accused of the most diabolical intentions in not having fastened the door properly; while he, bewildered by her volubility, and stunned by the noise, stared stupidly at her.

The gentleman was trying to pacify and quiet the lady; in which praiseworthy undertaking he was seconded by the French nurse, who chattered to her mistress while she energetically tossed the baby, greatly to the alarm and discomfort of the screaming child. Looking on, in a state of great amazement and impatience, stood Mrs. Reynolds, the housekeeper, who seemed perfectly at a loss to understand who these awful people could be; and with all her ideas of Ingerdyne propriety up in arms at this outrage upon the peace and quiet of the establishment.

All this time, no one had the slightest idea of who the visitors were, for most of the old servants were either gone with the carriages, or had taken advantage of their master's unusual absence to indulge in a holiday, so that there was no one who recognized "Master William." At last, quite tired out with his useless endeav ors to pacify his wife, the gentleman turned to Mrs. Reynolds, and said,

"My father is not at home, I fear."

"Sir ?" answered she, doubting the evidence of her own ears.

"My father, Mr. Vere: I am Major Vere." "Oh, sir; I beg your pardon! I had no idea

-No, sir; Mr. Vere and all the company are gone to Newmarket. I am sure I beg your pardon, sir, for not knowing you; but I was not aware that you were expected. That is Mrs. Vere, with the young ladies and gentlemen, I presume."

In an instant every one looked up, and Mrs. Reynolds said, with a smile to me,

"It's your cousin, sir-Miss Florence Sackville. Miss Sackville, more properly, for she is the eldest."

A frown settled upon my uncle's brow as he "Yes," said the major, shortly; for he de- turned away, and, speaking to his wife in Spantected the displeased surprise of his father's serv-ish, walked with her a few steps apart. They ant in her voice. His foreign wife had evidently evidently entered into a grave consultation. made no favorable impression upon the precise Englishwoman; and matters were not improved when Mrs. Vere exclaimed, vehemently,

"Where are the servants? William! William !" addressing her husband imperiously, "has your father no people to receive us properly? Why does nobody come? Is dis de way you English behave? Oh, misery! why did I ever leave my own Spain, where every body is hospitable and good, for this country of savages?" and she darted a look of rage at the miserable post-boy.

"My dear, here are plenty of servants. This is the housekeeper; let her show you into the house, and I will give orders about the luggage.

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No, no; I will stay myself; I will trust nobody here: dey are all shocking. You remember your English servant in Spain, how he cheat you. I have not forgot him. No, no; I will stay."

My cousin, whose manners and appearance were those of a youth of fifteen, instead of a boy of twelve, kissed his hand to me and called out, "If you are not shut up, cousin Florence, come down directly."

This rather authoritative request had no greater effect upon me than to make me open my eyes as wide as possible, and stare with all the indignation I could muster; at which display of dignity my cousin only laughed, as if amused, calling out,

"Little thing, how you stare! Do you think you are a woman already, and not to be taken such liberties with ?"

I never could bear ridicule, and don't know what passionate things I might have said; for I felt my face and neck glowing with a sudden heat, from the angry blood which rushed over them; and I knew by the boy's laugh that he saw and enjoyed it: but my uncle called to him in an angry tone to follow him into the house, and in a minute they had disappeared.

For a short time the whole house seemed to

banging of doors and rushing up and down stairs, struck me with a sort of angry terror, anger that any one should dare to be so familiar in my grandfather's house (I forgot that he was the father and grandfather of the visitors too), and terror at the noise, which seemed to me horrible.

It would be difficult to describe the various looks of vexation, astonishment, and anger which come over the countenances of Major Vere, Mrs. | be in confusion; the screams of the children, the Reynolds, and the boy, at this speech. There was something in its tone and manner which, more than even the words, conveyed the impression of vulgarity. A Spanish lady might very well be ignorant of English customs, and make a strange medley of the language, using inappropriate and even offensive words, but no lady of any country could have used such intonations and gestures as those which accompanied Mrs. William Vere's speech.

My uncle made no reply; for there is such a thing (and he knew it) as making bad worse by interference, so, turning round, he addressed the housekeeper, asking if there was company in

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In about half an hour my maid, who had been seized upon and pressed into the service of the newly-imported nursery, came to me, and, in her usual quiet way, requested me to go with her into the library, where my uncle wished to see me. The library was a large, old room, at one end of which yawned a vast chimney, in which my grandfather was accustomed to burn huge logs of wood upon the hearth. The floor round the fire-place was inlaid with ornamental encaustic tiles, and the fender was formed of stone blocks standing about half a foot high, rounded at the top and fitted into the tiles. This last is a fashion I never saw except at Ingerdyne, until lately that Mr. Pugin has introduced it into several houses built by him; in one of which, the Palace of the Roman Catholic Bishop at Birmingham, these stone fenders are in every room that I have seen. Opposite the fire-place was a noble window, occupying the whole end of the room, except a small space on each side, where stood high, narrow book-cases, nearly concealed by the heavy folds of the curtains. The room was divided by two pillars close to the walls, supporting a pole of carved oak, over which in cold winter nights was drawn a thick curtain, matching those at the window; thus contracting the spacious room into a comfortable snuggery.

Lounging in one of the great deep arm-chairs, half-screened from the light by these curtains, sat my uncle. He was alone; and as I entered the room he leaned forward upon a small read

ing table that stood by him, and looked at me. | ilarity between us, both being proud and selfThere was a cold, sarcastic smile upon his face: confident; we were, therefore, able to syman expression which was quite new to me; for pathize with each other in all grievances, real all with whom I had ever associated, as yet, had or fancied. But, however amicably we arranged been open and fearless, and, whatever their bad matters, others were not so fortunate. The whole passions might be, they rather gloried in, than establishment at Ingerdyne was quickly thrown disclaimed or concealed them: pride, anger, and into confusion by our new visitors; the Spanish self-confidence never being looked upon by any lady and her French bonne keeping us all, from member of our family as sins or offenses against the kitchen to the drawing-room, in a perpetual propriety. I was too young then to analyze the state of ferment, so that my poor grandfather impression which my uncle's smile made upon began, for the first time in his life, to think that me, but my instinct told me there was something the Irish were a most belied and peaceable race. Wrong in it: something cold, false, and wily; And certainly he found his son-in-law, whom and although his features were perfect as to form hitherto he had so much disliked, a model of and regularity, and his tone of voice gracious and propriety and gentleness when compared with condescending, the first impulses of my heart this terrible daughter-in-law. I, too, came in were aversion and distrust. I suppose he read for my share in the benefit accruing from this these feelings in my face, for the expression of new state of affairs; being, in comparison with his own changed, and he said: my three youngest cousins, a very pattern of quietness and obedience. This, however, was a state of things too dangerous to the interests of the major and his wife, to be allowed to continue, without an effort on their part to alter it.

"So you are the young lady who wished not to be treated as a child just now: the height deceived me; I expected to see a girl of sixteen at least, and not a baby. Come here, and let me see if you are as high as the table;" and he laughed sardonically.

My uncle was wary and clever, and, knowing his father's prejudices, was always contriving I was a very tall child of my age, and not a that my father and I should offend them in some little proud of it; to be treated in this contempt-way or other. Upon looking back to this period, nous way, therefore, was more than I could bear patiently. I felt my color come and go, and my breath quicken as I stood still where I had first entered.

"Don't you know what I say? don't you understand English?" he asked, sharply.

I must acknowledge that his management showed considerable talent; for, although there were times when we could not help seeing whose specious words had led us into error, still they had been so craftily spoken, that it was impossible to fix an evil intention upon the speaker.

I was silent. Many men would have taken Between us all, my poor grandfather was in this for shyness, and have given up the task of a most wretched state. Distracted by the voltrying to make me speak; but not so did Major ubility of Mrs. William Vere's broken English, Vere he knew that I was not frightened-that in which she constantly attacked him for some no babyish coyness kept me silent, but that the imaginary wrong inflicted by somebody; apinstinct of the child had answered to the pene-pealed to by his son-in-law-quietly, certainly, tration and worldly knowledge of the man, and that in my eyes he was an object to be shunned. From this day to that of his death, we never changed our opinions of each other; and, without attributing to him any greater sin than an intense hatred, I do believe that he would have rejoiced exceedingly to hear of my death. This may seem an exaggerated feeling to attribute to any man against a child, toward whom aversion would generally be shown by utter indifference; but to a man who goes on his way deceiving, there is something in the calm gaze of a child, and in its fresh and clear perceptions, that harasses and bewilders him.

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but sometimes upon very irritating occasions; annoyed by the crying and refractory children, who invaded all parts of the hitherto peaceable house and grounds; and wearied by the perpetual discord, he looked harassed and care-worn enough to attract even my attention. One day, after another of the recriminatory and bitter "explanations" between my father and my uncle, which had been as usual referred to my grandfather, and in which, as usual, Major Vere had managed to appear the aggrieved conciliator, Philip said to me:

"Flor., there is something wrong going on, I'm sure. My father is deceiving Mr. Vere."

I looked at him, not in doubt or astonishment, but in acquiescence; for my dislike to my uncle had increased until it had become nearly hatred, and I simply answered: "Yes."

"I know it, Flor., and I'll tell you why it is; for I can trust you, though you are girl, and I hate all these cunning underhand ways.'

I sat down upon the grass where we were walking, and prepared to listen.

"You know, Flor., that I never lived at home till a few months ago. My father's godfather, old Sir Hugh Danvers, was mine, too, and took me as soon as I was born. While I was with him, I was as happy as the day was long-I wish I was there now," and the boy heaved a sigh. "Well, all that time, I scarcely ever saw my mother, for we were at Government-house, and she was going about from place to place;

but my father often came, and I heard the offi- to pack up your clothes, for you must go to.
cers and Sir Hugh say, every time he arrived, morrow; and when he has done so bid him come
how he was changed for the worse, and that he to me.' Well, that horrible to-morrow came,
had become as cunning as his Spanish wife. I and I went: but, Flor., if I thought I should
did not think much of this then, because I never never go back to Sir Hugh, but live in this way all
thought I should leave Sir Hugh, and I did not my life, I should either do some dreadful thing to
much care for people I was not likely ever to somebody else, or kill myself—I know I should,"
live with."
acacia-tree which spread its canopy above us,
and the boy sprang up and leaned against the
and breathed hard, as if wrestling with himself."
deep passion I had never seen before, and I could
I was too frightened to speak, for such calm,
minutes' silence, he continued:
do nothing but wonder. At last, after several

I remember when Philip said this, that a kind of odd sensation came over me, as if it was wrong; but as I could not have defined it, nor pointed out where the error lay, I remained silent. He continued:

back to me.

"Well, three months before we came here, I was finishing my drill lesson, when Sir Hugh sent for me. I found him in his study reading had been wondering what it would be like, but "In a few days I got home. All the way I a letter, and looking very unhappy. Phil.," he when I saw it!-Flor., it's bad enough here, said, 'you are about to leave me your father is with all this quarreling and plotting, but it is going to England on leave, and has sent for heaven compared with our home abroad. It you.' I was frightened, and cried, 'No, no; I was a great house full of dirty little rooms halfcan't go don't let me go.' 'I can not help it, furnished. Every thing was soiled, torn or Phil., he said; 'your father has a right to you, broken; nothing was clean, or in its place; our and I have none: you must go.' Oh, how I cried, meals were as untidy and irregular as if we had Flor. I don't think you or any body else ever been on a march, and nobody ever seemed to saw me cry before or since, but I cried then know whose place it was to do even the comdreadfully, and Sir Hugh walked about the room monest things. No servant that was good for almost as miserable as I was. and sat down again by me, and said, 'Be a man, like a Babel. One day we were half-famished, At last he came any thing ever staid, because the house was Phil. I am glad to see you love me so much; for some whim of my mother's, and the next, but you must not cry like a girl. Cheer up, there was waste enough to have kept the village. and listen to me: you are my godson, and I love Sometimes my mother would storm at my father you better than any body on earth, except my until he went out of the house in a rage; and a niece; so, some day, if I live, you shall come few hours after she would be petting and fondling But mind, Phil., it must be as you him as if he were a baby. We were never at are. I will have no cunning, artful, ungentle- peace; always either in fire or frost. manly tricks: no saying one thing and meaning this would have been bearable, if it had not been another; no making a thing look like truth that for the false things my mother used to say of Sir But al is not truth. Keep an honest soldier's heart, Hugh, and the way in which she spoke of combrave and true. You will, I fear, see a great ing here. Something-I can't tell what-that deal which I hope you will shun; but I must not my father was told at the reading-rooms, decided tell you what. If you are the proud-hearted boy him to come to England; and, I am sure, from I think you, you will scorn deceit and hate a lie; what I have heard lately, that something wrong and if you are not, I shall find it out when you is going on, and my grandfather is being deceived. come back, and with me then you shall not stay. I know that your family were not expected to be Your grandfather is my oldest friend, and his found here, and I think that has something to do family one of the most ancient in England; take with the plan that is forming now, and which I care that you bring no disgrace upon it. are the eldest son of his eldest son, and the honor his property to us. You do believe is to get my grandfather to leave all of the whole race is in your keeping; you have that your father is so often misled. I am sure It is to further this scheme no right to blemish it by a single unworthy deed of it; and it makes me miserable. This must or thought. That which is given to you entire, be what Sir Hugh meant when he told me I must be returned unblemished. And now I must should see things done that he hoped I would speak to you about the great enemy of mankind avoid and I will avoid them; for somehow or -money. It is the root of all evil; and the un- other, I will find out the plot and defeat it, if I due love and striving for it, leads men into greater can. infamy than any other invention of the arch-fiend. was right; living with men, makes me a man, People think I am a child, but Sir Hugh But with you this need never be a temptation. and I never feel like a child, except when I am Be economical, at the same time that you are with you, Flor. And if it were not for you I liberal, and gentlemanly in your pursuits and would not stay a week longer: I would write to habits; and send to me freely whenever you Sir Hugh, and tell him what I think, and he want money. I shall never think you require would send for me, I know; but I like you, Flor., too much, if you obey these cautions. I speak and I will not go if I can help it." to you as I would to a young man, Phil., because, though you are but a child in years, you have all those years lived more than a child's intelligence; therefore as I among men, and ought to have treat you, so I expect you to behave. Here is a pocket-book, you will find in it more money than you have ever had before. I shall be glad if you send me an account of how you spend it; but do as you please: I do not insist upon it, only I should like it. Now go and tell Harris

on my memory, as if it had only taken place
This conversation is as strongly impressed up-
the very spot, and the trees and shrubs upon
yesterday; and if I were there, I could point out
which my eyes often turned while these words
were spoken by Philip. Those objects have been
connected in my thoughts with the words ever
since, and when I see them, I recollect every
syllable, look, and tone; no wonder. then, that
I can repeat them perfectly.

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