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"I owe my success in business chiefly to you," said a stationer to a paper-maker, as they were settling a large account; "but let me ask how a man of your caution came to give credit so freely to a beginner with my slender means?" "Because," replied the paper-maker, "at whatever hour in the morning I passed to my business, I always observed you without your coat at yours." I knew both parties. Different men will have different degrees of success, and every man must expect to experience ebbs and flows; but I fully believe that no one in this country, of whatever condition, who is really attentive, and what is of great importance, who lets it appear that he is so, can fail in the long run. Pretence is ever bad; but there are many who obscure their good qualities by a certain carelessness, or even an affected indifference, which deprives them of the advantages they would otherwise infallibly reap, and then they complain of the injustice of the world. The man, who conceals or disguises his merit, and yet expects to have credit for it, might as well expect to be thought clean in his person, if he chose to go covered with filthy rags. The world will not, and cannot in great measure, judge but by appearances, and worth must stamp itself, if it hopes to pass current even against baser metal.



How difficult it is for those not "to the manner born" to A acquire accurate ideas of the ways of their fellow men! French emigrant of some property, who had experienced great hospitality during the late war in a town in the north of

England, on the eve of his departure invited his entertainers to a dinner, which, on their arrival, he informed them with much apparent satisfaction, he had taken care should be in the true English fashion. To verify his words, there was a hare at the top of the table, a hare at the bottom, and a pie containing three brace of partridges in the middle. The second course consisted of a large piece of roast beef and a goose. Out of all rule as was this feast, still it exhibited the principal features, though exaggerated and inverted, of a substantial English dinner-a joint and poultry, and a course of game. How many descriptions by foreigners of the habits, customs, and ways of thinking of any people, are not more faithful than was this confident attempt at imitation! Nay, often natives themselves, when treating of what belongs to any class but their own, fall into as great errors. It is only profound observers, who are aware of this difficulty of attaining accuracy. Those who have seen little, or seen imperfectly, seldom distrust their own knowledge. I remember once in a party of travelled men, where the conversation turned upon the comparative merits of English and continental inns, by far the most decided opinion was given by a young officer, whose experience of the continent proved to have been confined to forty-eight hours' residence at Quillacq's hotel at Calais.



At the first appearance of lamps, the boy began to count them, and had just given up with the exclamation, "Well! if there are not more lamps in this one street than in all our town-" when the coachman called out to him

66 I say, young man, where are you going to put yourself to-night?"

"I shall stop where you stop," said the boy.

"But you've no money, you know."

"Ay," said the boy triumphantly, "but this gentleman will give me some.”

"So much the better for you," said the coachman.

At the inn, the gentleman took the boy apart, and, putting five shillings into his hand, told him to get a comfortable supper and a good night's rest, and not to let any one know how much money he had. "In the morning," continued he, "make yourself as decent as you can, and go to your uncle's with a shilling or two in your pocket. And now, my lad, I hope you will be steady and do well in the world; and above all I recommend you never to forget your poor mother." The boy was less profuse in his thanks than might have been expected.

"What is your business with me, young man ?" said Mr. B., as a decently dressed, smart youth of about seventeen was shown into the library.

"I am the boy, sir, you gave five shillings to on the coach, three years since, last November."

"What do you say ?" said Mr. B.-"Oh! now I recollect the circumstance, though I do not recollect you; but what is your will with me, and how did you contrive to find me out ?"

The youth told his story, interrupted by occasional questions from Mr. B., in nearly the following words:

"When you gave me the money, sir, I felt more than I said. Your name I saw on your portmanteau, and I happened to hear your servant tell the hackney coachman where to drive; so it came into my mind that I would never rest till I had shown you that I was not ungrateful. In a few days I came to look at your house. I owe you more than you think, sir.

When I found my uncle, I will say he received me kindly enough; but he seemed to look upon me much more as soon as he heard how a gentleman like you had been pleased to stand my friend; and I do not think but I should have been a very different character to what I am, if I had not had the good fortune to see you. I should have come long ago, but I hope you will excuse me for saying I did not forget your advice not to neglect my mother. Now, however, she is so comfortably off, that she has sent me word I need trouble myself no farther on her account. I hope, sir, you will not take it amiss-" (here he paused and blushed ;)—" but why I have taken the liberty to come to-day is, my uncle at this time of the year makes a kind of large, seasoned pie, which is much thought of by the better sort of people in our neighbourhood. It will be nothing to a gentleman like you, I know; but if you will only allow me to bring you one," said the youth in a supplicatory tone.

"Well," said Mr. B. with a smile, "as I clearly perceive it is a free offering on your part, I accept it willingly. Your gratitude does you great credit. Bring your pie as soon as you please, and let me see you again this day week, that I may tell you how I like it."

A day or two after, Mr. B. had a dinner party, at which something occurred to induce him shortly to relate the boy's story. It drew forth various commendatory remarks, which were put an end to by a fashionable witling of the day, expressing an affected curiosity just to see what it was "the better sort of people" in the Borough liked. He said he had rather a turn for that kind of thing, and had lately been reading some account of the manner of living in Madagascar. In consequence of this sally, it was resolved to have the pie introduced; when, contrary to all expectation, and after much grimace, it was ascertained to be a pie of real and original merit, and its history giving it an additional zest, it met with much applause. Mr. B.'s chief guest, a man of great

patronage and intrigue, partly to introduce a fling at the witling, whom he hated for a personal jest, and partly to please his host whose interest he wanted, desired he might have one of the pies sent to his house; whereupon an expectant at the lower end of the table immediately protested his lordship, as usual, showed his taste, and begged to follow so high an authority. A baronet of pretence joined in the request, for the sake of a subject to dilate upon at his own table, and for an appropriate opportunity of signifying his acquaintance with a grandee of the first class. A wealthy member of the lower house, who had not spoken a word before, ventured to express a similar wish, simply because he was not willing to let the day pass without saying something. An indefatigable fashionhunter, judging it a possible case of vogue, resolved not to be left behind; and lastly, an unprincipled wit modestly gave a double order, chuckling at the opportunity of getting a good thing he never meant to pay for.

The donor of the pie made his appearance at the appointed time, and his anxiety was changed into delight, when he found his present had given satisfaction to Mr. B.; but when he was informed of the whole of his success, he was all but overwhelmed. He hurried back to his uncle with the joyful news, and the worthy man of victuals, who had hitherto been kept in ignorance of his nephew's proceedings, no sooner recovered from his astonishment, than he confidently anticipated countless wealth and never dying fame from the patronage of his distinguished customers. But alas! he was unversed in the intricate and slippery ways of the world, and especially of that part of it which lies in the interior of great men's houses. He naturally concluded his pie had been sought for simply for its merits, and that consequently it would make its own way; and he honestly resolved it should continue to deserve its reputation. But his praiseworthy intentions were doomed to meet with no reward in the quarter he most calculated upon; and from the household ministers

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