페이지 이미지

144-146, 556, 652; delegates in Conven-
tion, 122; news of ratification, 143; secrecy,
148; last sessions, place, 224; foreign office,
329; judiciary under, 347-349; social posi-
tion of president, 410, 420; broadsides, 611;
character, 650. See also Confederation;
Seat of government.

Contracts obligation, 33, 547.

Conway, Richard, Washington's debt, 259.
Coolidge, Calvin, Constitution Shrine, 622;
on local self-government, 732.

Copley, J. S., portraits by, 776, 778, 780, 786,
788, 794, 796, 819, 826.
Copyright, 32, 546.

[blocks in formation]

Corneli v. Moore, 45.

Costa Rica, high court, 759.

Costello, Jerry, cartoon, 833.
Council, plan for, 19, 23.

Council for New England, 5.

Council of Revision, New York, on senators,

Court of Appeal in Cases of Capture, 349.
Courts. See Judiciary.

Cowles, J. H., Masonic tribute, 616.
Coxe, Tench, on Pennsylvania congressmen,
180-182, 185; on presidential election, 205;
letter to, 295; postoffice, 345; on state-
nation pluralism, 439.

Crawford, Boyd, staff, 588; Mt. Vernon
exercises, 695.

Credit, interstate, of state proceedings, 36,

Creed, J. P., staff, 588.

Creek treaty, 404-406.

Crèvecœur, H. St. J. de, on second conven-
tion, 289.

Criminal trials, regulation, 42, 136, 557.
See also Jury.

Cropley, C. E., court clerk, 718.

Cross, W. L., portrait committee, 774.
Cuba, high court, 759.

Curtis, B. R., service, 756.

Cushing, William, associate justice, 365, 367,
368; first term, on it, 370, 371; on circuit,
372; refusal of judicial opinion, 430;
service, 754.

Cusick, C. A., staff, 588.

Custis, Nellie P., portrait, sketch, 790.
Czechoslovakia, high court, 759.

Dalton, Tristram, senator, 164; inauguration,
274; power of removal, 386, 387.
Dana, Francis, candidacy, 164; Confedera-
tion, 539.

Dane, Nathan, candidacy, 164; letters to,
224, 240; amendments, 326.
Daniel, P. V., service, 756.

Daniel, R. W., portrait committee, 774.
Darrow, G. P., Commission, v.

Davie, W. R., amendments, 300; on Anti-
federalist leaders, 470; portrait, sketch,
807, 814.

Davis, David, service, 756.

Dawson, Mrs. Nicholas, portrait, sketch,

Day, W. R., service, 757.

Dayton, Jonathan, Convention, age, 16, 122;
portrait, sketch, 52; candidacy, 178; signs
Constitution, 553.

Dayton, W. H., Confederation, 540.
Dearborn, Henry, marshal, letter to, 366.
Debates, publication of House, 242. See also

Debts. See Public debt; Stay and tender.
Declaration of Independence, signers, 124,
532; size of original, 124; words, reading
time, 124; history of original, 529, 541;
facsimile, 529, 590, 593, 596; literal text,
530-532; as milestone, 663. See also
Independence; Signers.

Deigendesch, H. F., portrait by, 790.
Delaware, and Confederation, 11; Annapolis
Convention, 15; ratification, 25, 60, 125,
652; elections, 186; electoral vote, 216, 218;
amendments, 318; state-nation pluralism,
438; new constitution, 454, 455; Signers,
532, 540, 553.

Democracy, survival, 629, 631, 644–647, 665,
675. See also Constitutional government.
Denmark, high court, 759.

Dicey, A. V., on Constitution, 38.
Dickinson, John, Convention, signer, 12, 124,

553; portraits, sketches, 55, 776, 779; Con-
federation, 533, 540; view of home, 828.
Dickinson, Mrs. John, portrait, sketch, 780,

Dickinson, Sally N., portrait, sketch, 780.
Dinners, presidential, 405, 417, 418, 422.
Dillon v. Gloss, 62.

Diplomatic offices, Senate and establish-
ment and rank, 394, 398-404; Senate and
removals, 395; intercourse, Moustier inci-
dent, 425.

Direct tax, apportionment, 21, 542, 546.
Disability for rebellion, 560.

Discovery, Cabot's, 5; and claims, 5.
District courts, provision for, 355, 358, 361,
363; first terms, 368, 369.

District of Columbia, establishment, 155,
156; control over, 546.

Division of powers, preservation, 30, 750-
753; Supreme Court and balance, 725, 731,

Domestic affairs, proposed department, 334,
337; under Department of State, 338.
Domestic violence, protection of states, 37,

Dominican Republic, commemorative stamps,
614; high court, 759.

Doorkeepers, congressional, 239.

Douglas, W. O., portrait, 717; Supreme
Court sesquicentennial, 718; service, 758.
Downey, Mary E., staff, 588.


Draft, and Thirteenth Amendment, 44.
Duane, James, ratification, 27; elections,
candidacy, 174, 175; Federal Hall, 223,
225; inauguration, 276; district judge, first
terms, 369; presidential dinner, 372; first
circuit court, 372; refusal of nonjudicial
duties, 430; state-nation pluralism 439;
Confederation, 539; portraits, sketches,
782, 784.

Duane, Mrs. James, portrait, sketch, 780.
Due process of law, requirement, 42, 44, 136,
557, 559.

Duer, William, vice presidency, 211; Con-
federation, 539.

Dupont, Mrs. Eugene, portrait committee,

Durand, A. B., portrait by, 786.

Duties, duration of first act, 238; Senate
amendments, 256; proposed amendments
on power, 295; state acts, 446; cessation
of state: in New England, 446, 447; in
middle states, 447; in South, 448, 449;
interregnum, 450; state excise, 450; state
inspection, 450; state tonnage, 450; state
sick seamen levies, 450; on goods from out-
side states, effect, 474-478; Rhode Island,
485, 487, 488; power to levy, 545; restric-
tion on states, 547. See also Tonnage.
Dutton, Joseph, Mt. Vernon exercises, 619.
Duvall, Gabriel, services, 755.

Dwight, Timothy, on election tactics, 166;
letter to, 304.

Earl, James, portrait by, 775.

Earl, Ralph, portraits by, 776, 780, 802.
Earle, G. H., portrait committee, 774.
East Florida, proposed occupation, 575.
Eaton, C. A., Congress sesquicentennial, 656.
Economic conditions, changes since 1789,

Ecuador, commemorative stamps, 614; high
court, 759.

Edenton, N. C., shipping, 476.

Edenton State Gazette, on ratification, 480.
Education, development, 113, 115; Constitu-
tion and, 128; Washington on, 570.
Egypt, high court, 759.

Eighteenth Amendment, 45, 561; repeal, 47,

67, 137, 562; date of ratification, 66; as
statute, 137.

Eighth Amendment, 42, 136, 558; date of
ratification, 62.

Election, congressional, to Senate, 45, 543,
561; control over, 174, 295, 312, 544; to
House, 542. See also Election.

Election of President, plans, method, amend-
ment, 23, 43, 46, 132, 547, 548, 558;
changes in electoral votes, maps, 111, 114,
119. See also Presidency.

Elections, problems of first, 157-159; absen-
tee voting, 182; broadsides, 603-611; im-
portance in democracy, 681. See also pre-
ceding titles; states by name.

Eleventh Amendment, 43, 558; date of
ratification, 63; origin, 747.
Eliot, John, letters to, 196, 208.


Elizabethtown, N. J., reception of Washing-
ton, 271.

Ellery, William, Independence, 532; Con-
federation, 539.

Ellsworth, Oliver, in Convention, 17, 123;
senator, service, 170, 236; attends, 229;
enactment style, 249; amendments, 315;
Court of Appeals resolve, 349; judiciary
in Convention, 351, judiciary bill, 353,
354, 357, 358, 362, 481; titles, 375; power
of removal, 387; state-nation pluralism,
439; state instructions, 460; Rhode Island,
494; messenger, 670; judicial service, 754;
portraits, sketches, 799, 812.

Elmer, Jonathan, senator, 177; on New Jer-
sey elections, 178; attends, 200.
Emancipation Proclamation, 44.
Embargo, Rhode Island measure, 485.
Eminent domain, regulation, 42, 136, 557.
England, government, 29, 739, 740, 742.
Engrosser of the Constitution, 123, 761–769.
Enrolment of bills, joint committee, 245.
Equality under law, 44, 559.
Equity, in judiciary bill, 356, 357.
Estonia, high court, 760.

Europe, and American territory, 575–577.
Evarts, W. M., on interstate commerce, 634.
Ex post facto laws, prohibition, 33, 136, 546,

Exchange, New York, Supreme Court, 369;
view, 716.

Excise, state, 450, 458; national, 545.
Executive departments, development of
Cabinet, status, 23, 131, 423-425; estab-
lishment, precedence, 131, 135, 549; and
Congress, 130, 339, 340, 394; under old
government 329-332; in Constitutional
Convention, 332; preliminary House dis-
cussion, 333-335; salaries, 341, 636; ad
interim, 409; information for Washington,
423. See also Attorney general; Postoffice;
State; Treasury; War.

Expenditures, legal appropriation, 547, pub-
lic statements, 547.

Export tax, prohibition, 33, 547.
Extradition, 36, 551.

Faction, Washington's warning, 568.
Falls of the Delaware, capital, 146.

Farewell Address, words, reading time, 124;
history of manuscript, 563; literal text,

Faw, Abraham, candidacy, 189.

Federal Hall, reconstruction, 223, 224; cost
payment, 225, 226; later uses, 226; L'En-
fant's pay, 227; description, 228; audience
chamber, 229, 246; view, 658.

Federal system, symmetry, popular power,
47, 48. See also States; Union.

Federalist, 26; on judiciary, 352; on power
of removal, 383.

Federalists, term, 124.

Feke, Robert, portraits by, 804, 808.
Fenner, Arthur, letter to, 498; proclama-
tion, 605.

Fenno, John. See Gazette of the United

Few, William, portraits, sketches, 59, 797,
816; seat of government, 147, senator,
197; attends, 229; judiciary bill, 353;
diplomatic offices, 401; signs Constitution,

Field, Robert, portraits by, 792, 800, 820.
Field, S. J., service, 756.

Fielding, Mantle, portrait committee, 774.
Fifteenth Amendment, 44, 560; date of ratifi-
fication, 65.

Fifth Amendment, 42, 136, 557; date of
ratification, 62.

Finances, state accounts, 409, 473; readjust-
ment of state, 455, 456. See also Debts;
Expenditures; Revenue; Taxation; Treas-


Findley, Williams, elections, candidacy, 180-
182; broadside, 609.

Fines, excessive, 42, 136, 558.
Finland, high court, 760.

Fireworks, inauguration, 272, 279.

First Amendment, 41, 557; date of ratifica-
tion, 62.

Fishbourn, Benjamin, rejection by Senate,
396; letter to, 397.

Fitzpatrick, J. C., on engrosser of the Con-
stitution, 761.

FitzSimons, Thomas, sketch, 53; elections,
candidacy, 181, 183; representative, 235;
amendments, 306; executive departments,
335, 339; signs Constitution, 553.
Florida, admission, 60; proposed occupation,

Floyd, Catharine, portrait, sketch, 794.
Floyd, William, Independence, 532; por-
traits, sketches, 794, 802.

Floyd, Mrs. William, portrait, sketch, 794.
Fonda, Jellis, elections, 174.

Foreign relations, under Continental Con-
gress, 12, 329; presidential control, 132,
399, 549; bill for department, Depart-
ment of State, 335-338; isolation, 335,
571, 572, 629; ad interim office, 409;
hemispheric basis, Monroe Doctrine, 575-
577; Washington's advice, 570-573; Eu-
ropean-held American territory, 575.
also Diplomatic offices.


Forrest, Marie M., Staff, 588.
Forrest, Uriah, candidacy, 188.
Fortescue, Sir John, on natural law, 742.
Foster, Abiel, representative, 160, 230.
Foster, Theodore, diplomatic offices, 401;
senator, 498.

Fourteenth Amendment, 44, 136, 559; date
of ratification, 65.

Fourth Amendment, 42, 557; date of ratifi-
cation, 62.

Fourth of July, presidential reception, 418.
Fox, D. R., portrait committee, 774.
France, mission, 400, 401; commemorative
stamp, 614; high court, 760.
Frankfurter, Felix, portrait, 717; Supreme
Court sesquicentennial, 718; service, 758.

Franklin, Benjamin, Albany Plan, 8; Con-
vention, 16, 17, 122, 623; ratification, 25;
portraits, sketches, 52, 791, 802, 808, 810;
vice presidency, 205; on delay of Congress,
231; on amendments, 292; postoffice, 332;
prize cases, 348; on Adams, 378; Inde-
pendence, 529, 532; signs Constitution,
553; study for statue, 810.

Franklin, Deborah, portrait, sketch, 808.
Franklin, Walter, house, 263.

Fraser, Charles, portraits by, 790, 796, 798,

Fraser, J. E., Washington statue, 710, 711.
Freeman, J. E., Mt. Vernon exercises, 619,

Frelinghuysen, J. S., portrait committee, 774.
French and Indian War, political effect, 7.
Froyd, Margaret, staff, 588.
Fugitive slaves, rendition, 551.
Fuller, Abraham, oath, 434.
Fuller, M. W., service, 754.

Gadsden, Christopher, elector, 218.
Gale, E. W., cartoons, 832, 853.
Gale, George, candidacy, 188.
Gallatin, Albert, senatorship, 241; amend-
ments, 281.

Gardoqui, Diego, reception of Washington,
273; inauguration, 276; illumination, 279.
Garfield, H. A., Commission, v.
Garner, J. N., Commission, v; portrait,
sketch, 657; Congress sesquicentennial,
661, 662, 667, 672, 677, 683.

Gazette of the United States, on Treasury
appointments, 345; use of titles, 377; on
power of removal, 391; on social regula-
tions, 412.

George VI of Great Britain, visit, 614, 615.
Georgetown, D. C., reception of Washington,

Georgia, settlement, 6; ratification, 25, 60,
125, 652; elections, 196; electoral vote,
216-218; amendments, 328; South Caro-
lina case, 350; state-nation pluralism,
438; cessation of imposts, 449; tonnage
tax, 450; lighthouse cession, 453; new
constitution, 454; paper money, 457;
militia law, 457; instruction of senators,
460; Signers, 532, 540, 553; and Supreme
Court, 746, 747.

Germans, Pennsylvania election, 184.
Gerry, Elbridge, Convention, 17, 124; ratifi-
cation, 25; candidacy, 165; service, 236;
oath, 249; amendments, 301, 303, 308-310,
312; congressional timidity, 303; standing
army, 310; executive departments, 334,
335; judiciary, 351; power of removal, 383,
385; letter to, 452; Independence, 532;
Confederation, 539; declarings acts void,
746; portrait, sketch, 809, 820.
Gerry, James, portrait, sketch, 804.
Gerry, T. R., portrait, sketch, 804.
Gibbons, Mrs. J. H., portrait committee,

Gibbs, Shirley, staff, 588.


Gilman, Nicholas, portraits, sketches, 50,
809, 820; representative, 160; service, 237;
signs Constitution, 553.

Gladstone, W. E., on Constitution, 127, 666,

Goolrich, C. O., Commission, v.

Gordon, G. A., portrait committee, 774.
Gore, Christopher, King's candidacy, 164;
on vice presidency, 207; on Laco, 210; on
Hamilton, 343; on judiciary bill, 358; on
judicial appointments, 365; district attor-
ney, state-nation pluralism, 365, 441; on
Jay, 431.

Gorham, Nathaniel, portraits, sketches, 50,
803, 810, 822; Convention, 123; candi-
dacy, 165; office-seeker, 264; signs Con-
stitution, 553.

Grand juries, circuit court charges, 430;
requirement, 557.

Gray, Harrison, letter to, 240.
Gray, Horace, service, 757.

Grayson, William, senator, 192; service, 236;
letter to, 293; amendments, 300, 304, 315-
317, 319; judiciary bill, 357, 358; titles,
377, 379; power of removal, 387, 388;
death, 459.

Great Britain, missions, 400-402; high
court, 760. See also England.

Greece, high court, 760.

Green, Thomas, admonished, 259.

Greene, William, portrait, sketch, 782.
Greene, Mrs. William, portrait, sketch, 782.
Grey, Sir Edward, on decay of civilization,

Grier, R. C., service, 756.

Griffin, Cyrus, inauguration, 276; Court of

Appeals, 349; state-nation pluralism, 437.
Griffin, Samuel, state-nation pluralism, 437.
Grimké, J. F., elector, 218; on North Caro-
lina, 473.

Grotius, Hugo, on natural law, 742.
Grout, Jonathan, representative, 166.
Guam, annexation, 61.

Guatemala, commemorative stamps, 614;
high court, 760.

Gülager, Christian, portrait by, 802.

Gunn, James, senator, 197; diplomatic
offices, 401; Rhode Island, 494.
Guyer, U. S., Supreme Court sesquicen-
tennial, address, 715, 733.
Gwinnett, Button, Independence, 532.
Gwinnett, Emilia, portrait, sketch, 800.

Habeas corpus, writ of, protection, 32, 546;
English act, 522-525.

Haines, Mrs. C. K., portrait by, 808.
Haiti, commemorative stamp, 614; high
court, 760.

Hall, Lyman, Independence, 532.
Hamilton, Alexander, Annapolis Conven-
tion, 15; Constitutional Convention, 17,
121, 123, 623; signs Constitution, 24, 124,
553; ratification, Federalist, 25-27, 143;
portraits, sketches, 51, 775-777; seat of
government, 148-150; letters to, 163, 176,


203, 210, 215, 286, 343; New York elections,
171, 173; Madison's candidacy, 192; New
York senators, 176; Washington and
presidency, 202; vice presidency, 205;
political leadership, 211; reducing vote for
Adams, 214; beginning of Congress, 229;
amendments, 281, 290; Randolph on, 283;
bill for Treasury Department, 341; adviser
on appointments, 343; secretary of the
treasury, 342, 346; independent judiciary
system, 354; R. H. Harrison, 368; presi-
dential dinner, 372; power of removal, 383;
Richard Harrison, 397; attends President
to Congress, 408; social regulations, 412-
415; Cabinet, 423, 424; Jay's unofficial ad-
vice, 427; broadside, 606.
Hamilton, Mrs. Alexander, portraits, sketch-
es, 776, 779, 820.

Hamilton, L. M., impersonation, 713.
Hancock, John, ratification, 25, 209; vice
presidency, supposed intrigue, 206-210,
215, 216; Adams' departure, 265; second
convention, 286; amendments, 325; Sulli-
van, 368; oath, 434; state troops, 457;
state-nation pluralism, 440; readjustment
of state finances, 456; copper coinage, 456;
assumption, 464; Independence, 532; Con-
federation, 539; portraits, sketches, 776,
778; objects, 792.

Hancock, Mrs. John, portrait, sketch, 776.
Hand, Edward, candidacy, 185.
Handy, John, portrait, sketch, 794.
Hanny, W. F., cartoon, 852.

Hanson, John, Confederation, 540.

Harbor improvements, state tonnage taxes,

Harding, Chester, portrait by, 788.
Hardy, Joseph, penmanship, 765.
Harlan, J. M., Bering Sea arbitration, 430;
service, 756.

Harnett, Cornelius, Confederation, 540.
Harrington, H. W., letter to, 473.
Harrisburg Convention, 281.

Harrison, Benjamin, office-seeker, 264; In-
dependence, 532; portrait, sketch, 798.
Harrison, Benjamin, jr., portrait, sketch,


Harrison, M. E., Commission, v.

Harrison, Pat, Congress sesquicentennial,

Harrison, Richard, judgeship, 397.

Harrison, Robert H., electoral vote, 216;
justiceship, 367, 368, 754.

Harrison, W. H., portrait, sketch, 778.
Hart, John, Independence, 532; portrait,
sketch, 790.

Hartford, Conn., cloth for Washington and
Adams, 260, 266.

Hartley, Thomas, candidacy, 183; amend-
ments, 308; power of removal, 384.
Harvard College, congressmen, 236.
Harvie, John, Confederation, 540.
Hatch, C. A., Supreme Court sesquicenten-
nial, address, 715, 727.

Hathorn, John, state-nation pluralism, 438.

Hawaii, annexation, territory, 61.
Hawkins, Benjamin, senator, 481; legislative
antagonism, 462, 463.

Hayburn Case, 429.

Hazard, Ebenezer, letters to, 213, 473;
reception of Washington, 272; inaugura-
tion, 276; postmaster general, displaced,
345, 346; postoffice and outiside states,

Hazard, Jonathan, ratification, 484, 493.
Healy, G. P. A., portrait by, 806.
Henry VII of England, America, 5.
Henry, G. V., impersonation, 714.
Henry, John, senator, 188.

Henry, Patrick, ratification, 25, 40; capital,
151; as boss, aim, amendments, 190-195,
282-285, 316, 320, 323; Madison's candi-
dacy, 192, 193; and Senate, 193; on Fed-
eralists and amendments, 293; letters to,
300, 304, 316, 324, 354, 378; in power of
removal, 390; state-nation pluralism, 436;
North Carolina, 470.

Henshaw, Samuel, Sedgwick's candidacy,
167; instruction of senators, 464.
Hesselius, John, portraits by, 804, 806, 818,
819, 823.

Hewes, Joseph, Independence, 532.

Hewitt, Erskine, portrait committee, 774.
Heyward, Thomas, jr., elector, 218; Inde-
pendence, 532; Confederation, 540; por-
traits, sketches, 792, 818.

Hichborn, Benjamin, Hancock, 209.
Hickey, William, work on Constitution, 69.
Hiester, Daniel, candidacy, 184.
Hill, Jeremiah, on Hancock, 209.
Hillegas, Michael, treasurer, dropped, 330,
345, 346; ad interim service, 409.
Hillyer, L. C., view by, 828.

Higginson, Stephen, "Laco," on Hancock,

209, 210; on judicial appointments, 367.
Hinsdale, Daniel, cloth for Washington, 261.
Hirth, William, Commission, v.

Hodgdon, Samuel, on Rhode Island, 482.
Hoey, C. R. portrait committee, 774.
Hoffman, Harold, portrait committee, 774.
Hollingsworth v. Virginia, 134, 747.
Holmes, E. J., portrait committee, 774.
Holmes, O. W., on power of removal, 388;
service, 757.

Holmes v. Walton, 746.

Homan, H. E., cartoons, 849, 850.
Honduras, commemorative

high court, 760.

stamp, 614;

Hooper, William, Independence, 532.
Hopewell Treaty, modification, 407.
Hopkins, Stephen, Independence, 532.
Hopkinson, Francis, letter to, 205; judiciary
bill, 355; district judge, first term, 369;
broadsides, 609; portrait, sketch, 819;
portraits by, 819.

Hopkinson, James, portrait, sketch, 819.
Hopkinson, Thomas, portrait, sketch, 804.
Horton, W. S., impersonation, 713.

Hosmer, Titus, Court of Appeals, 349; Con-
federation, 539.

House of Representatives, money bills, 21,
130, 545; election and qualifications, 128,
542, 559; mace, 129; Chamber, 228;
meeting, quorum, 229, 230; organization
of first, 236, 239; rules, 239; temporary
oath, 239; publication of debates, 242;
Senate distinctions, 243, 244, 248, 252-256;
procedure, 246; regulations, 543; and im-
peachments, 543; in election of President,
548, 559; Supreme Court sesquicentennial,
733. See also Congress; Representation;

Howard, J. E., elections, 190.

Huger, Daniel, representative, 196.
Hughes, C. E., on judiciary act, 362, 676;
Congress sesquicentennial address, 673;
portraits, 716, 717; Supreme Court ses-
quicentennial, address, 718, 725; service,
754, 757.

Hull, William, candidacy, 166.
Humphreys, David, Washington's journey,
263, 268; inauguration, 275, 279; foreign
mission, 400; attends President to Con-
gress, 408; on social regulations, 412.
Hungary, high court, 760.
Hunt, Ward, service, 756.
Hunter, Mary S., portrait, sketch, 808.
Huntington, Benjamin, amendments, 308;
power of removal, 384.

Huntington, Jedidiah, state-nation plural-
ism, 440.

Huntington, Samuel, Independence, 532;
Confederation, 539; portrait, sketch, 788.
Hurley, C. F., portrait committee, 774.
Hutson, Richard, Confederation, 540.
Hylton v. United States, 133.

Idaho, admission, 60.
Illinois, admission, 60.

[blocks in formation]

Imprisonment for debt, national, 454.
Inauguration, journal on, 126; Washington
pending, 274; plan, 274, 275; congressional
confusion, 275; procession, 275; Senate
Chamber, 276; oath on balcony, those
present, clothes, 277; address, 277, 278;
church service, 279; illumination, fire-
works, 279; commemorative stamp, 613;
sesquicentennial celebration, 699; reenact-
ment, 712-714. See also Journeys.
Income tax, 44, 137, 560.

Independence, development of desire, 10;
painting of voting, 810. See also Declara-

Independence Hall, Convention, 18.
Independent Chronicle, on New Hampshire
controversy, 444; on completion of ratifi-
cation, 496, 498.

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