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Indiana, admission, 60.
Indians, treaties, Senate advice, status, 404-
407; and North Carolina ratification, 469.
Information sheets, 589, 590.

Ingersoll, Jared, portraits, sketches, 54, 789,
808; signs Constitution, 553.

Innes, Harry, letters to, 363, 364; judgeship,

Innes, James, oath, 435.

Inspection laws, state, 547.

Instruction, of congressmen, right of people,

308, of senators: Virginia on secret ses-
sions, 459, 460; opinions of senators, 460;
North Carolina on assumption and other
evils, 461-463; Massachusetts
sumption, 464.

Interior. See Domestic.

International law, 546.

on as-

Interstate relations, agreements, 33, 547,

Iowa, admission, 60.

Iredell, James, letters to, 234, 300, 311, 342,
462, 469, 470; justiceship, 368; on circuit,
appreciation, 372, 431; unofficial advice,
427; refusal of judicial opinion, 429; charge
to grand jury, 430; on North Carolina
protest, 463; North Carolina certiorari
incident, 463; influence, 471; service, 755.
Irish Free State, commemorative stamps,
614; high court, 760.

Irvine, William, candidacy, 180.
Isolation, hoped for, 335; Washington on,
571, 572; end, 629.

Izard, Ralph, senator, 196; service, 236;
enactment style, 249; salaries, 254; inaugu-
ration, 274; amendments, 297; titles, 374;
Adams, 377; power of removal, 387; presi-
dential intercourse, 395; diplomatic offices,
401; state instructions, 460.

Jackson, Henry, on Laco, 210; on delay of
Congress, 231; office-seeker, 264; on Adams'
journey, 265; on amendments, 326; on
lampoon, 382.

Jackson, Howell E., service, 757.

Jackson, James, representative, 197; oath,
250; salaries, 252, 255; amendments, 301,
303; judiciary bill, 361.

Jackson, Jonathan, state-nation pluralism,

Jackson, R. H., Supreme Court sesquicen-
tennial address, 719.

Jackson, William, candidacy for Senate sec-
retary, 240; on Fishbourn, 397; attends
President to Congress, 408; attestations,
552, 554; portrait, sketch, 792.
Jails, state, for national prisoners, 453.
James I of England, charters, 5.

Japan, high court, 760.

Jarvis, Charles, candidacy, 164.
Jarvis, J. W., portraits by, 778, 816.
Jay, John, ratification, Federalist, 25-27; on
contest over capital, 151; vice presidency,
206, 208, 216; foreign affairs office, 224,
330; Federal Hall, 226; hospitality, 262,


266; reception of Washington, 272; inaugu-
ration, 276; on second convention, 280;
advice on appointments, 343; chief jus-
tice, 367, 368; letters to, 368, 371, 402, 463;
first term of court, 370; robe, 372; on
circuit, 372, 431; communication to Senate,
394; on Senate and diplomatic offices, 402;
mission, 402, 428; attends President to
Congress, 408; ad interim service, 409;
social regulations, 412; departmental in-
formation, 423; unofficial advice, 423,
427, 428; refusal of judicial opinion, 429;
refusal of nonjudicial duties, 430; broad-
sides, 606, 607; portrait, 716; judicial
service, 754.

Jay Treaty, precedent in Senate alteration,

Jefferson, Thomas, Burr contest, 43; and
Constitution, 122; on capital, 147; on
direct action, 157; letters to, 182, 195, 200,
207, 213, 232, 237, 289, 290, 292, 297, 344,
377, 419, 424; on Washington and presi-
dency, 205, 499; on amendments, 289, 294,
323, 324; secretary of state, 343-346; on
titles, Adams, 378; on Senate and diplo-
matic offices, 400-402; written messages,
408; pell-mell, 422; Cabinet, 424; judicial
opinion on neutrality, 428; on Rhode
Island, 493; on prospects of Union, 499;
Independence, 529, 532; separation of
powers, 735, 736; declaring acts void, 745;
portraits, sketches, 768, 818, 820; objects,
788, 792, 800; view of home, 828.
Jenifer, Daniel, portrait, sketch, 818.
Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas, portraits,
sketches, 56, 797, 819; signs Constitution

Jocelin, Ambrose, on North Carolina, 470.
Jocelyn, Nathaniel, portrait by, 804.
John of England, Magna Carta, 6, 511.
Johnson, Thomas, letter to, 201; service, 755.
Johnson, William, service, 755.
Johnson, William Samuel, portraits, sketches,
51, 805, 816, 818; senator, 170; attends,
229; service, 236; reception of Washington,
271; titles, 375; power of removal, 387.
Johnston, O. D., portrait committee, 774.
Johnston, Samuel, letters to, 360, 470; on

ceremony, 411; state instructions, 462,
463; North Carolina problem, 471, 478;
ratification, 480; senator, 481.
Johnston, Winant, staff, 588; portrait
exhibit, 598.

Jones, John Paul, letter to, 294.

Jones, Joseph, Madison and Monroe, 195;
problems of Congress, 238; secret sessions,
242; Washington's progress, 273; amend-
ments, 304; judiciary bill, 352; titles, 378;
power of removal, 390; state-nation plu-
ralism, 436; state imposts, 448; trade of
outside states, 476.

Jones, Samuel, elections, 172.

Jones, Willie, Antifederalist, 469, 470; rati-
fication, 472.
cartoon, 846.
Journals, congressional, 544.

[ocr errors]

Journeys, to inauguration: enthusiasm and
displays, 261, 273; hospitality, 262;
Adams' progress, 264-266; local prepara-
tions, 266; announcement at Mt. Vernon,
address and reply, 267, 693, 694; Wash-
ington's progress, 268-271; routes (map),
269; New York preparations, 271; cross-
ing New York Harbor, 272; reception at
capital, 272, 273; cost, 273; Washington's
reactions, 274; of first ladies, 411; presi-
dential tours, 422.

Judiciary, Constitutional Convention, 19, 20,
350; organization, 27, 132; status, func-
tions, 35, 36; political questions, 36, 45;
provisions, jurisdiction, 43, 550, 558; in-
come tax, 44; impeachment, 129; proposed
amendments on provisions, 296, 302, 310;
first appointments, 343, 364-368; under
old government, 347-349; in Article of
Confederation, 349, 536, 537; bill: fram-
ing, authorship, 352-354; outside knowl-
edge and advice, 355; contents as re-
ported, 355-357; independent system,
354, 361, 445; appeals from state courts,
356, 361; consideration in Senate, 357,
358; in House, amendments, 360-362;
Madison's objections, 360; enactment,
362; considered experimental, 363; salar-
ies, 363; style of writs, 363, 364, 370, 371;
first terms, 368-372; seals, 370; and other
departments, 426; unofficial advice, 427;
outside services, 428, 430, refusal of judi-
cial opinion, 428, 429; refusal of nonjudi-
cial duties, 429; judges' opinions on sys-
tem 430; political influence of charges to
grand juries, 430; political value of circuit
riding, 431; jails, 453; North Carolina
certiorari incident, 463; extension
North Carolina, 481; inferior courts, 546;
as separate power, 637, 641-643; origin of
independence, tenure, 739, 740; high
courts of other nations, 759, 760. See also
Constitutionality; Supreme Court.
Jurisdiction, in lighthouses cessions, 451-453.
Jury, criminal and civil cases, 42, 136, 294,
351, 352, 356-358, 361, 362, 550, 557, 558.
Kane, Owen, jr., staff, 588; portrait exhibit,

Kansas, admission, 60.

Kasindorf, B. H., staff, 588.


Kendall, Messmore, inauguration celebra-
tion, 713.

Kentucky, admission, 60; district court, 358,

Knox, Henry, letters to, 143, 148, 194, 197,
210, 212, 215, 231, 260, 265, 285, 326, 367,
410, 437, 484, 493; New Hampshire ratifi-
cation, 143; New York elections, 175; vice
presidency, 206, 208; delay of Congress,
231; cloth for Washington, 260; office-
seekers, 264; reception of Washington,
272; inauguration, 276, 279; secretary at
war, 332; secretary of war, 344, 346; dines
with President, 372; lampoon, 382; com-
munication to Senate, 394; with President
before Senate, 407; attends President to
Congress, 408; ad interim service, 409;
official dinner, 411; as adviser, 423;
Cabinet, 428.

Knox, Mrs. McCook, portrait exhibit, 588,
598, 771, 774.

Knox, William, on contest over capital, 148,

Kruse, Albert, view by, 828.
Kühn, J. E., portraits by, 824, 825.

Labor, development, 113, 115, 118.
"Laco," on Hancock, 209, 210.
Lafayette, Marquis de, letters to, 14, 499.
La Guardia, F. H., World's Fair address, 704.
Lamar, J. R., service, 758.

Lamar, Mrs. J. R., portrait committee, 774.
Lamar, L. Q. C., service, 757.

Lambdin, J. R., portraits by, 780, 806.
Lame Duck Amendment, 46, 137, 561, 734.
Lancaster, Pa., capital, 126, 147, 153; politi-
cal conference, 183.

Langdon, John, portrait, sketch, 50; ratifi-
cation, 143; elections, 159; senator, 160;
letters to, 194, 367; departure, 221; at-
tends, 229; service, 237; president pro
tem, reception of Adams, 239, 258, 266,
670, 671; counting electoral vote, 258;
reception of Washington, 271; judiciary
bill, 358; power of removal, 387; objects,

Langworthy, Edward, Confederation, 540.
Lansing, John, ratification, 27.

La Rochefoucauld, Duc de, letter to, 292.
Latimer, George, elections, 183.

Latimer, James, portrait, sketch, 780.
Latimer, Mrs. James, portrait, sketch, 778.
Latvia, high court, 760.

Laurance, John, oath, 249; reception of
Washington, 271; state-nation pluralism,
438; broadside, 608.

Keogh, E. J., Supreme Court sesquicenten- Laurens, Henry, elector, 218; Confederation,
nial 715.

Key, F. S., portrait, sketch, 794.
King, Rufus, Convention, 17, 123; ratifi-
cation, 25; portraits, sketches, 50, 780,
783; Massachusetts candidacy, 164, 165,
192; letters to, 165, 210, 343, 365, 431;
New York senator, 176; service, 237; sal-
aries, 254; power of removal, 387; presi-
dential intercourse,
395; state-nation
pluralism, 438; signs Constitution, 553.
Kittredge, Mrs. B. R., portrait committee, 774.
Knipp, J. C., & Sons, shrine, 593, 594.

540; portraits, sketches, 819, 826; object,

Law, Richard, letter to, 354.

Law of the land. See Supreme law.
Laws, execution, 549. See also Congress;
Constitutionality; Supreme law.

Lawyers, in Convention, 122, 633; in Con-
gress, 236.

Lear, Tobias, on Virginia elections, 194; cloth
for Washington, 261; Washington's jour-
ney, 263; inauguration, 275, 279; presi-
dential messenger, 392, 393; attends


President to Congress, 408; letter to, 418;
on Rhode Island postoffice, 473.
Lee, Arthur, candidacy, broadside, 193, 610;
dropped, 345.

Lee, Charles, letter to, 313.

Lee, E. J., portrait, sketch, 800.

Lee, F. L., letter to, 313; Independence, 532;
Confederation, 540.

Lee, Henry, capital, 148, 153; on Henry as
boss, 190, 192; on Washington and presi-
dency, 203, 205; letters to, 204, 290;
on amendments, 323; on titles, 378.
Lee, R. B., second convention, 284, amend-
ments, 306.

Lee, R. H., ratification, 25; senator, 192;
letters to, 192, 299, 316, 390, 470; and
Washington, 210; and Adams, 211; at-
tends, 230; service, 236; salaries, 254;
inauguration, 274; Sherman's apostasy,
299; amendments, 313, 315, 316, 319, 323;
judiciary, 353, 354, 357, 358; style of
writs, 364; titles, 374, 375, 377; power of
removal, 387, 390; presidential communi-
cation, 392; diplomatic offices, 401, 402;
Independence, 529, 532; Confederation,
540; portrait, sketch, 823.

Lee, Sarah, portrait, sketch, 800.

Legislatures, members and national office,
436-442, 445.

Lehman, H. H., World's Fair addresses, 702,
710; portrait committee, 774.

L'Enfant, P. C., national capital, 156; Fed-
eral Hall, pay, 223, 225, 227.
Lenox, Duke of, charter, 5.

Lenox, James, manuscript of Farewell
Address, 563.

Leonard, George, state-nation pluralism,

Letters, etiquette, 206.

Leutze, Emanuel, portrait by, 821.
Levees, Washington's, 417, 421.

Lewis, Elizabeth, portrait, sketch, 822.

Lewis, Francis, Independence, 532; Con-
federation, 539.

Lewis, Morgan, on elections, 176; inaugura-
tion, 275.

Lewis, Robert, attends President to Con-
gress, 408.

Lewis, William, elections, 181.

L'Hommedieu, Ezra, elections, candidacy,
174, 176; on state-nation pluralism, 439.
Liberia, high court, 760.

Liberty, Virginia customs boat, 449.
Liberty, protection, 42, 44, 136, 559.
Library of Congress, Constitution Shrine,
address, 622-627.

Life, protection, 42, 44, 136, 557, 559.
Lighthouses, state duties, 450; cessions,
jurisdiction, 451-453.

Limb, protection, 136, 557.

Lincoln, Abraham, on authority and liberty,

Lincoln, Benjamin, on Washington and
presidency, 203; on vice presidency, 207;
letters to, 211, 212, 471; electoral vote,


216; office-seeker, 264; Adams' departure,
265; on second convention, 281; secretary
at war, 331; on Lowell, 367; oath, 434;
on lighthouse cession and jurisdiction, 452;
broadside, 603.

Lincoln, Levi, service, 755.

Liquor, commerce, 562. See also Prohibition.
Literature, development, 113, 116.
Lithuania, high court, 760.

Littler, J. B., portrait, sketch, 796.
Livermore, Samuel, representative, 160;
amendments, 307, 309; power of removal,


Livingston, Brockholst, service, 755.
Livingston, Christina, portrait, sketch, 819.
Livingston, J. R., secretaryship, 240.
Livingston, Margaret M., portrait, sketch,

Livingston, Philip, Independence, 532; por-
trait, sketch, 776.

Livingston, R. C., broadside, 606.

Livingston, R. R., ratification, 27; inaugura-
tion, 126, 276, 277, 279; reception of
Washington, 272; and justiceship, 367;
secretary for foreign affairs, 329; Inde-
pendence, 529; portrait, sketch, 802.
Livingston, Walter, dropped, 345.
Livingston, William, portrait, sketch, 49, 51;
elections, 177, 179; signs Constitution, 553.
Livingston family, politics, 176.
Lobbying, restriction, 41.
Locke, John, influence, 127.

Los Angeles Examiner, cartoons, 832, 853.
Los Angeles Times, cartoon, 838.
Louisiana, admission, 60.

Lovell, James, foreign affairs, 329; on Adams
and presidency, 388; letter to, 388; Con-
federation, 539.

Low, Samuel, ode, 607.

Lowell, John, candidacy, 164; Court of
Appeals, 349; judgeship, first term, 365,
367, 369.

Lowther, Thomas, journey, 230; on harmony
in Congress, 233; on amendments, 300; on
Hamilton, 342.

Lurton, H. H., service, 745.

Lynch, Thomas, jr., Independence, 532;
portrait, sketch, 802.

Macaulay-Graham, Catherine, letter to, 422.
McClenachan, Blair, amendments, 281.
McClurg, James, portrait, sketch, 775.
McCutcheon, J. T., cartoons, 848, 855.
McDougall, Alexander, naval office, 332.
Mace of House of Representatives, 129.
McGranery, J. P., Commission, v.
MacGregor, Donald, staff, 588.
McHenry, James, portraits, sketches, 56,
791, 810; elections, 188; on Washington
as king, 260, hospitality, 262; Baltimore
address, 266; signs Consitution, 553.
McKean, Thomas, addresses, 267; judiciary
bill, 355; justiceship, 368; Independence,
532; Confederation,
540; portraits,
sketches, 780.

McKenna, Joseph, service, 757.
McKinley, John, service, 756.
Maclaine, Archibald, on protest on assump-
tion, 462; on Antifederalist leaders, 469.
McLaughlin, C. F., Commission, v.
Maclay, William, senator, 180, 181, 235;
journal, 181; Adams, 211, 214, 250, 266,
275, 364; attends, 229; Butler, 234; sec-
tionalism, 235; Otis, 240; secret sessions,
241, 242; titles, 243, 374, 375, 377; pro-
cedure, 247, 358; oath, 249; enactment
style, 249, 251; salaries, 254, 255; inau-
gural address 277; isolation, 335; execu-
tive departments, 336, 337, 339; autocracy,
337; judiciary bill, 353-355, 357, 358;
style of writs, 364; power of removal, 386,
387; presidential messengers, 392; nomina-
tions, 394; diplomatic offices, 394, 400;
President's consultation with Senate, 404,
405; presidential dinner, 405, 418; state
instructions, 460; Rhode Island, 494.
McLean, John, service, 755.

McMullen, R., C., portrait committee, 774.
McNary, C. L., Commission v; British king,
615; Congress sesquicentennial, 656.
McNiele, ex parte, 222.

Macomb, Alexander, Federal Hall, 225.
Macon, Nathaniel, Panama Congress, 403.
McReynolds, J. C., on power of removal,

388; portrait, 717; Supreme Court sesqui-
centennial 718; service, 758.

Madden, M. B., Constitution Shrine, 622.
Madison, James, sr., portrait, sketch, 825.
Madison, Pres. James, Convention, records,
17, 19, 122, 123, 625; ratification, Federal-
ist, 25, 26; Bill of Rights, 40, 135; por-
traits, sketches, 57, 785, 786, 794, 806;
executive departments, 135, 334-336, 339,
340; letters to, 171, 180-182, 190-192,
195, 205, 211, 214, 238, 241, 242, 254,
256, 262, 273, 282-285, 289, 300, 301,
314, 319, 323, 343, 352, 378, 380, 390, 398,
414, 419, 436, 439, 448, 470, 476; plan to
organize government, 145; capital, 149–
151, 153, 154; New Jersey election, 179,
180; general ticket, 182; Henry as boss,
190; candicacy for Senate, 192, 193;
candidacy for House, 194, 195; vice presi-
dency, 207, 208; attends Congress, 230;
harmony, 232; sectionalism, 234; service,
236; problems, 237; House messenger,
239, 671; salaries, 252, 253, 255; lodgings
for Washington, 263; inauguration, 274;
inaugural address, 277; Henry and amend-
ments, 262; second convention, 283, 289;
advisability of amendments, 292, 293,
298, 301, 302, 311; direct taxation, 295;
amendments in House, 300-304, 306, 307,
311-312, 315; Virginia and amendments,
320, 321; basis of opposition, 320; ap-
pointments, 343, 344; judiciary in Conven-
tion, 350; judiciary bill, 353, 355, 360;
style of writs, 364; titles, 374-377; power
of removal, 382-385, 388; presidential
power, 389; social regulations, 412-414;
as adviser, 423; state officers and national
functions, 436, 437; Virginia and assump-
tion, 461; Rhode Island, 486; signs Con-
stitution, 553; declaring acts void, 746.

Madison, Mrs. James, sr., portrait, sketch,

Madison, Mrs. James (Dolly), portraits and
sketches, 786, 794, 813.

Magna Carta, and colonial rights, 6;
language, 121; and Constitution, 127; im-
portance, 511, 663; exhibit, 614; text,

Mails. See Postoffice.

Maine, admission, 60; district court, 356,
358, 362.

Malbone, E. G., portraits by, 788, 790, 794,
798, 802.

Malone, R. J., cartoons, 851, 854.
Mandeville, John, Adams' arrival, 266.
Manning, James, Providence petition, 475.
Manufactures, development, 113, 116, 118.
Maps, of national development, 111, 114,
119; Washington's and Adams' journeys,
269; of original states, 599, 600.
Marbury v. Madison, 133.
Marchant, Henry, ratification, 493; Con-
federation, 539; portrait, sketch, 794.
Marchant, Mrs. Henry, portrait, sketch, 796.
Marque and reprisal, letters, 546, 547.
Marshall, John, ratification, 25; on beginning
of new government, 222; amendments,
323; on people and Constitution, 727; on
Madison's apostasy, 746; Unionism, 746-
748; service, 754; portraits, sketches, 806,
808, 827.

Marshall, Mary R. K., portrait, sketch, 806.
Marshals, national, 357; census takers, 430.
Martial law, English protest, 520, 521;
American protection, 557.

Martin, -, portrait by, 820.

Martin, Alexander, on ratification, 480.
Martin, J. B., portrait by, 808.
Martin, Lawrence, maps, 599.
Martin, Luther, Convention, 18; ratification,
26; on judiciary, 351; on power to tax,
720; portrait, sketch, 792.

Martin, Maria, portrait, sketch, 792.
Martin v. Hunter, 29.

Maryland, settlement, 6; Confederation, 11;
commercial agreement, 14; electoral col-
lege, 23; ratification, 26, 60, 125, 652;
election act, 187; senators, 187; represen-
tatives and electors, 188-190; electoral
vote, 216, 217; second convention, 287;
amendments, 317; oath, 433; state-nation
pluralism, 437; tonnage tax, 450; light-
house cession, 451; assumption, 459;
Signers, 532, 540, 553; broadside, 609.
Mason, George, Convention, 17, 124; rat-
ification, 25; letter to, 324; on judiciary;
351; portrait, sketch, 804, 815.

Mason, Mrs. George, portrait, sketch, 793,

Mason, John, portrait, sketch, 784; view of
house, 828.

Mason, Mrs. John, portrait, sketch, 784.
Masonry, constitutional tribute, 614.


Massachusetts, coercive acts, 8; ratification,
25, 26, 60, 125, 280, 652; election act, 162,
163; senators, 162-165; electors, 165; rep-
resentatives, 165-167; electoral vote, 216,
217; oath, 249, 433, 434; second conven-
tion, 286; cessation of imposts, 446; light-
houses, duties, cession, 450, 452; tonnage
tax, 450; state finances, 456; coins, 456;
state troops, 457; excise, 458; assumption,
instructions, 458, 464; Rhode Island, 483,
485; Signers, 532, 539, 553; broadsides,
Massachusetts Centinel, on amendments,
292, 327; on titles, 381; on power of
removal, 391; on New Hampshire con-
troversy, 444; on Rhode Island, 482.
Mathews, George, representative, 197.
Mathews, John, Confederation, 540.

Matteson, D. M., staff, v, 588; portrait
exhibit, 598, 771.

Matthews, Stanley, service, 757.
Maxwell, William, Federal Hall, 225.
Meadow Gardens, views, 828.

Meetings of Congress, 46, 132, 137, 544, 549,

Medals, sesquicentennial, 599.

Meeks, E. V., portrait committee, 774.
Mercer, J. F., portrait, sketch, 800, 813.
Messages. See Addresses.

Mexico, high court, 760.

Michener, E. C., Supreme Court sesqui-
centennial, 715.

Michigan, admission, 60.

Middleton, Arthur, Independence, 532;
portrait, sketch, 788.

Middletown, R. I., ratification, 496.
Mifflin, Thomas, portraits, sketches, 53, 775,

781, 786; second convention, 286; judiciary
bill, 355; signs Constitution, 553.
Mifflin, Mrs. Thomas, portrait, sketch, 781,

Militia, proposed amendments on regulation,
296; changes in state laws, 457; power of
Congress, 546; presidential power, 549;
security, 557.

Miller, S. F., service, 756.

Miller, W. D., portrait committee, 774.
Minnesota, admission, 60.

Minnigerode, C. P., portrait exhibit, 599.
Minot, Richard, letters to, 306, 339, 376.
Mississippi, admission, 60.

Missouri, admission, 60.

Modernism, and progress, 707, 708.
Money, power over, 32, 33, 545, 547; state
copper coinage, 456, 457. See also Paper

Money bills, origin, 21, 130, 256, 545.
Monroe, James, ratification, 25, 652; candida-

cy, 195; second convention, 284, 290; letter
to, 324; diplomatic offices, 401, 402; state
imposts, 448; senator, 460; state instruc-
tions, 460, 461.

Monroe Doctrine, occasion, 575, 576; text,
576, 577. See also Isolation.
Montana, admission, 60.


Montesquieu, Baron de, influence, 127;
separation of powers, 736.

Montgomery, J. S., prayers, 661, 691;
portrait, 695.

Monticello, Va., view, 828.

Moody, W. H., service 757.
Moore, Alfred, service, 755.
Moore, Robert, staff, 588.
Moravians, illumination, 273.

Morgan, J. H., portrait exhibit, on it, 598,

Morgan, Mary H., portrait, sketch, 804.
Morris, Gouverneur, Convention, drafting of
Constitution, 17, 123, 623; national gov-
ernment, 20; portraits, sketches, 53, 788,
807, 812, 825; for Europe, 192; on Wash-
ington and presidency, 203; on executive
departments, 333; mission, 400, 401; Con-
federation, 539; signs Constitution, 553.
Morris, Hester, portrait, sketch, 814.
Morris, Lewis, elections, 174; candidacy,
176; Independence, 532;
sketches, 790, 821.

Morris, Lewis, jr., portrait, sketch, 790.
Morris, Mrs. Lewis, portrait, sketch, 822.
Morris. Maria, portrait, sketch, 814.
Morris, Mary (White), Mrs. Washington,
412; portrait, sketch, 793, 816.
Morris, Richard, administers oath, 239.
Morris, Robert, portraits, sketches, 53, 792,
795, 814; senator, 180, 181; Adams, 211;
attends, 229; service, 236; letter to, 240;
salaries, 254; hospitality, 262, 271; super-
intendent of finance, 331, 335; Treasury
Department, 342; judiciary bill, 355;
power of removal, 387; state instructions,
460; certiorari incident, 463; tonnage and
outside states, 475; Rhode Island 494;
Independence, 532; Confederation, 540;
Constitution, 553; career and fate, 625.
Morris, Robert, jr., portrait, sketch, 790.
Morton, John, Independence, 532.
Mount Vernon, Va., notification of Wash-
ington, 267; exercises at, 618, 691; views,
691, 692, 814.

Moustier, Comte de, letters to, 231, 324;
reception of Washington, 273; inaugura-
tion, 273, 276, 279; on ceremony, 419;
audience incident, correspondence, 425.
Moynahan, "

cartoon, 841.

Muhlenberg, F. A. C., candidacy, 183, 184;
Speaker, 238; portrait, sketch, 657.
Muhlenberg, Peter, candidacy, 184.

Murphy, Francis P., portrait committee,

Murphy, Frank, portrait, 717; service, 758.
Murray, A. R., acknowledgment to, 142;
staff, 588.

Murray, W. V., candidacy, 189.

Myers v. United States, 388.

Natural law, 741.

Naturalization, state judges and function,
436; regulation, 545.

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