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Navy presidential powers, 33, 549; under
old government, 332; powers of Congress,
546; restriction on states, 547.

Neagle, John, portraits by, 822, 824.
Nebraska, admission, 60.

Negroes. See Slavery.

Nelson, Samuel, service, 756.

Nelson, Thomas [1], Independence, 532; por-
trait, sketch, 823.

Nelson, Thomas [2], attends President to
Congress, 408.

Netherlands, mission, 400, 401; high court,

Neutrality, judicial opinion refused, 428;
Washington on policy, 573.

New England, charter, settlement, 5, 6.
New Hampshire, in Convention, 18, 121;
ratification, 25, 60, 125, 143, 652; election
act, 159; representatives, 159; senators,
160; electors, 160, 161; electoral vote, 216,
218, 219; amendments, 318; oath, 433-435;
state-nation pluralism, 443-445; cessation
of imposts, 447; lighthouse cession, 453;
new constitution, 454, 455; state troops,
457; Signers, 532, 539, 553; broadsides,

New Haven, Conn., Adams, 265, 266.
New Jersey, settlement, 6; Confederation,
11; Annapolis Convention, 15; ratifica-
tion, 25, 60, 125, 652; election act, 177,
180; senators, 177; representatives, 177-
179; contested election, 179; electoral
vote, 216, 218; amendments, 317; state-
nation pluralism, 438; lighthouse cession,
452; copper coinage, 457; assumption, 458;
Signers, 532, 539, 553; broadsides, 608.
New Jersey Plan, 20, 21.
New Mexico, admission, 60.
New Year's reception, 418.

New York, settlement, 6; Annapolis Con-
vention, 15; in Convention, 18, 24, 121;
ratification, 26, 60, 125, 143; senators and
electors, deadlock, 27, 171-175; legisla-
ture on national capital, 155; representa-
tives, 172, 174; election of senators, 175,
176; second convention, 280, 285-288;
amendments, 318; Massachusetts case,
350; oath, 434; state-nation pluralism,
438; cessation of imposts, 447; lighthouse
cession, 452; jails, 453; finances, 456;
assumption, 458; Signers, 532, 539, 553;
broadsides, 606–608.

New York American, cartoon, 854.
New York City, presidential mansion, 155, 263;
reception of Washington, 271-273; inau-
guration, 275-279; first term of Supreme
Court, 369-372; as exhibit, 704. See also
Federal Hall; Seat of government.
New York Daily Advertiser, on Pennsyl-
vania freemen, 185.

New York Gazette of the United States. See

New York Journal-American, cartoon, 836.
New York Mirror, cartoon, 851.

New York World's Fair, dedication, me-
morial celebration of Washington's inau-
guration, 699-714; theme, 707, 708.

Newenham, Sir Edward, letter to, 492.
Newspapers, development, 113, 115; for con-
gressmen, 245.

Nicaragua, commemorative stamps, 614;
high court, 760.

Nice, H. N., portrait committee, 774.
Nicholson, James, Federal Hall, 225.
Nielson, Hazel B., staff, 588, 589.

Nineteenth Amendment, 45, 561; date of
ratification, 67.

Ninth Amendment, 43, 136, 558; date of
ratification, 62.

Nobility, prohibition, 33, 547.

Nominations, for representatives, 177, 183,

Nonintercourse, agreements, 8, 9.
Nootka Sound affair, 423.

[blocks in formation]

North Carolina, settlement, 6; ratification
deferred 27, 145, 149, 280; ratification
accomplished, 27, 60, 125, 479, 480; dele-
gates and capital, 144, 149; and second
Constitutional Convention, 285; and
amendments in Congress, 300, 306, 473,
478; ratification of amendments, 317; oath,
435; state-nation pluralism, 439; cessation
of imposts, 449; sick seamen levy, 450, 451;
lighthouse cession, 453; finances, 456;
instruction of senators, 461–463: attempted
protest on assumption, 462; conflict with
national court, 463; status before ratifica-
tion, 468, 471; campaign on ratification,
468-471; sovereignty, 470; paper money
and stay laws, 470, 472; war accounts, 473;
national duties, 474-478; interest in Con-
gress, 478; excuses, 478, 479; elections, 480,
481; western cession, 481; national laws
extended, 481; Independence, 529; Signers,
532, 540, 553; broadsides, 611.
North Dakota, admission, 60.
Northampton, Mass., election, 603.
Northwest Ordinance, 13, 110, 409.
Norway, high court, 760.

Oath, constitutional requirement, 39, 552;
Henry's attitude, 193; first, in House, 239;
enactment, 248-251; bill and state officials,
249; congressional taking, 251; affirma-
tion, 357; judicial, 371; state anticipation,
432; state compliance with act, 433-435.
Occupations, of delegates, 16; of congress-
men, 236.

Offices, Constitution on appointments, 31,
34, 549; presidential control, 34; who are
holders, 129; terms, 131; no religious test,
134, 552; seekers, Washington's policy,
263, 264; consideration of appointments,
342-346; judicial appointments, 343, 364-
368; earlier pluralism, 435; prohibition of
state-nation pluralism, 435-439; office and
function, 436; disqualification in New
England, contests, 439-445; elements of
pluralism question, 445; congressman and,
544; impeachment, 550; disability for re-
bellion, 560. See also Executive depart-
ments; Removal.

Ogden, Matthias, elections, 179.
Ohio, admission, 60.

Oklahoma, admission, 60.

Olmstead Case, 346.


Olney, Jeremiah, on ratification, 484.
Oregon, admission, 60.

Organization chart of Commission, 585-587.
Organization of the government, plan, 144,
554; resolve of Continental Congress,
dates, 144-146, 556; problem of time, 145;
date of operation, 221-223. See also Elec-
tions; Seat of government.
Orme, Azor, candidacy, 164.
Orr, Carey, cartoon, 841.

Osgood, Samuel, presidential mansion, 263;
postmaster general, 343–346.

Otis, Cortlandt, impersonation, 713.
Otis, H. G., on father, 240.

Otis, James, writs of assistance, 42.
Otis, S. A., secretary of Senate, 240; ju-
diciary bill, autograph, 359; on Jay, 367.
Otto, L. G., on Washington's candidacy, 200.
Owen, Daniel, ratification, 493, 497; auto-
graph, 497.

Owings v. Speed, 125, 222.

Paca, William, Court of Appeals, 349; Inde-
pendence, 532; objects, 790, 792.

[ocr errors]

cartoon, 851.

Page, E. L., portrait committee, 774.
Page, John, salaries, 252; amendments, 301,
308; executive departments, 339; titles,
376; Rhode Island, 485, 494.

Paine, R. T., letters to, 353, 355; Independ-
ence, 532; portrait, sketch, 776.

Paine, Thomas, political philosophy, 743.
Panama, commemorative stamps, 614; high
court, 760.

Panama Congress, 403.

Paper money, power to issue, 32, 547;
Georgia, 457; North Carolina, 469, 470;
Rhode Island, 482, 488, 491.

Paradise, John, portrait by, 816.
Paraguay, high court, 760.

Pardon, presidential power, 34, 549.
Parker, Jonathan, elector, autograph, 219.
Parker, Josiah, representative, 195; service,
237; titles, 375; ceremony, 419; state-
nation pluralism, 437.

Parliament, colonial control, 7, 8; appor-
tionment, 128; constitutional power, 742.
Parsons, Theophilus, letter to, 164; state
imposts, 447.

Partridge, George, state-nation pluralism,

Patents, 32, 546.

Paterson, William, Convention, 17; por-

traits, sketches, 52, 803, 812; senator, 177;
attends, 229; service, 236; amendments,
315; judiciary bill, 353, 362; judicial robe,
372; power of removal, 387; refusal of
judicial opinion, 429; signs Constitution,
553; judicial service, 755.

Paterson Plan, 20, 21.

Patriot, Virginia customs boat, 449.
Peabody, Nathaniel, candidacy, 160.


Peachy, Mrs. W. S., portrait, sketch, 825.
Peale, C. W., portraits by, 776, 778, 780,
788, 794, 798, 808, 810, 814, 816, 818, 819,
821, 823, 825, 826.

Peale, James, portraits by, 788, 794, 796.
Peale, Rembrandt, portraits by, 775, 778,

Peckham, R. W., service, 757.

Peery, G. C., portrait committee, 774.
Pelham, Peter, portrait by, 782.
Pendleton, Edmund, on capital, 154; on
amendments, 301; judgeship, 343; on
judiciary bill, 355; letters to, 360, 437; on
titles, 378.

Penn, John, Independence, 532; Confedera-
tion, 540.

Pennsylvania, settlement, 6; Annapolis Con-
vention, 15; ratification, 25, 60, 125, 652;
senators, 180; election act, 181, 182; cam-
paign, 182-185; by-election problem, 185;
electoral vote, 216-218; second conven-
tion, 285, 286; amendments, 318; Connect-
icut case, 350; oath, 433, 434; state-nation
pluralism, 438; cessation of imposts, 447;
lighthouse cession, 451; new constitution,
454, 455; debt legislation and assumption,
458; Signers, 532, 540, 553; broadsides,
608, 609.
Pennsylvania, University of, presidential
mansion, 155; congressmen, 236.
Pennsylvania Packet, on regulation of elec-
tions, 174; on Federal Hall, 226; on
sectionalism, 232; on second convention,
289; on Rhode Island, 482.

Pensions, national assumption, 456.
People, direct action of national govern-
ment, 20, 22, 426; and ratification, 22; as
author of Constitution, 28, 29; rights and
powers, origin, 43, 136, 558; symmetry of
powers, 47, 48.

Persons, Thomas, Antifederalism, 469, 470.
Peru, high court, 760.

Peters, Richard, on
judiciary bill, 355.

amendments, 314;

Petition, right, 41, 557; amendment to
preserve, 294, 302, 308.

Petition of Right, occasion, 519; text, 519-

Petticolas, P. A., portraits by, 792, 794.
Pettit, Charles, candidacy, 180; amend-
ments, 281.

Philadelphia, Convention, 18; population
(1787), 121; capital, contest, 126, 147-155;
reception of Washington, 262, 267, 270;
Mrs. Washington, 411.

Philadelphia Evening Public Ledger, cartoon,

Philadelphia Federal Gazette, on amendments,

Philadelphia Freeman's Journal, on elections,

Philadelphia Pennsylvania Pachet. See Penn-
sylvania Packet.

Philippines, annexation, status, 61, 115.
Phillips, Z. T., benedictions, 683, 698.
Pickering, John, elector, autograph, 219.

Pickering, Timothy, letters to, 185, 200, 233,
241, 297, 425, 482.

Pinckney, Charles, Convention, 18, 333;
plan, 20; portraits, sketches, 58, 811, 827;
on senatorial election, 196; signs Consti-
tution, 553.

Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth, Convention,

18; portraits, sketches, 58, 775, 777, 796;
letters to, 143, 425; election, 218; war
portfolio, 425; signs Constitution, 553.
Pinckney, Thomas, elections, 196; mission,
400, 401; letter to, 401.
Pinckney Plan, 20, 333.

Pine, R. E., portraits by, 784, 824, 826;
painting by, 810.

Pinkney, William, mission, 403.
Pintard, Lewis, Adams' arrival, 266.
Piracy, punishment, 546.

Pitney, Mahlon, service, 758.

Pitt, William. See Chatham.

Pittman, Key, British king, 615; Congress
sesquicentennial, address, 656, 657; Su-
preme Court sesquicentennial, 715.

Plaschke, P. A., cartoon, 834.
Platt, Richard, broadside, 607.
Pleasants, J. H., portrait committee, 774.
Poland, commemorative stamp, 614; high
court, 760.

Police power, state, 43, 44.

Politics, rise, 424; Washington's warning,
568, 569.

Polk, C. P., portraits by, 790, 824, 825.
Population, growth and distribution, 112,

Portrait exhibit, scope, 596, 598, 599, 770,
771; character of artists, 771-773; com-
mittee, 774; catalogue, 775-817.
Portsmouth, R. I., ratification, 496.
Portugal, mission, 430; high court, 760.
Possessions of United States, 61.
Posters of celebration, 591, 592.
Postoffice, control, 32, 546; under old govern-
ment, 332; reorganization, 342; appoint-
ment of head, 345, 346; ad interim service,
410; outside states, 473; celebration
stamps, 613, 614.

Potomac River, regulation of control, 14;
national capital, 146, 147, 155, 156.
Powel, Samuel, on capital, 151; on illumi-
nation, 262; oath, 434.

Powers, T. E., cartoon, 836.

Powers, plans on national, 19-21; of Congress,
29-33, 37, 43, 128, 546, 547; reserved
state, 30, 43, 302, 311, 312, 320–322, 558;
presidential, 33-35, 549; of the people,
43, 47, 48, 136, 311, 312, 314, 558; im-
plied, 128, 546; proposed amendments,
296; restriction, 296. See also Prohibi-

Pratt, Matthew, portrait by, 808.
Preamble, purpose, 29; text, 542.
Preparedness, Washington's advice, 572.
Presidency, Virginia Plan and report, 19,
20; Paterson Plan, 20; question of council,
23; election provisions, 23, 43, 46, 132, 547,

548, 558, 562; veto, 31, 130, 545; sole execu-
tive, 33, 131, 547; qualifications, 33, 548;
powers and duties, 33-35, 132, 549; and
execution of laws, 34; civil exemptions,
34; suppression of domestic violence, 37;
term, 46, 137, 547, 561; succession, 46,
132, 137, 548, 561, 562; proper address,
126; and amendments, 134; plans and
election of electors: New Hampshire, 159-
161; Massachusetts, 162, 163, 165; Con-
necticut, 171; New Jersey, 177; Pennsyl-
vania, 181, 185; Delaware, 186; Maryland,
187, 189; Virginia, 191, 193; South
Carolina, 195; Georgia, 197; qualifica-
tions of electors, 159, 162, 171, 177, 186,
187, 192; New York deadlock on electors,
171-173; date of election of electors, 161,
173; review of electoral method, 197;
electoral prescription, 199; rotation ques-
tion, 205, 289, 294, 389, 411, 499; electoral
vote, 216-218; chamber in Federal Hall,
229, 246; presentment of bills, 245, 250;
joint addresses, 246; enactment style of
bills, 249; counting the electoral vote,
258, 670, 671; social status, 260, 410, 420;
salary, 278, 549; proposed amendments on
provisions, 296; writs in name, 297, 363, 364,
370, 371; Adams' attitude, 388; Adams on
power, 389; Madison on power, 389; com-
munications with Congress, 391; with
Senate, 393-396, 398, 399; addresses before
Congress, progress, reply, 408; depart-
mental information, 423; rise of politics,
424; diplomatic intercourse, 425; unofficial
advice of judges, 427; refusal of judicial
opinion, 428, 429; impeachment, 543, 550;
oath, 549. See also Ceremony; Election of
President; Offices; Senate; Titles; Vice
presidency; Washington, George.
Presidential mansions,

first, 263.

unoccupied, 155;

Press, freedom, restrictions, 41, 294, 302,
308, 557.

Price, Richard, letter to, 157.
Princeton, N. J., capital, 126.

Princeton University, congressmen, 236.
Printing, congressional, 245.
Privateering, regulation, 546.
Prize cases, Revolution, 347-350.
Prohibition of liquor, amendment, 45, 561;
repeal, 47, 137, 562; amendment as statute,

Prohibitions, on states, 32, 33, 136, 547; on
Congress, 32, 136, 546, 547.

Property, control over national, 37, 546, 551;
protection of private, 42, 44, 136, 557, 559.
Providence, R. I., postoffice, 473; petition
to Congress, 475; shipping, 477, 485;
statement on trade, 485; secession move-
ment, 491, 495; ratification, 496.
Providence United States Chronicle, on state
attitude, 490.

Provoost, Samuel, inauguration services, 279.
Prussia, mission, 402.

Public debt, proposed amendments, 295;
power, 545; obligation of preconstitutional,
552; validity, 560. See also Assumption.
Public lands, survey system, 13; control,
409, 551.



Receipts and expenditures, public state-
ments, 547. See also Money bills; Taxa-

Public opinion, influences on, 675.
Puerto Rico, annexation, 61.
Punishments, cruel, 42, 136, 558; English
protest, 527.

Putnam, Herbert, Constitution Shrine, 622.

Quakers, and illumination, 261, 273.
Qualifications, President and Vice President,
33, 548, 559; representatives, 128, 158,
162, 163, 174, 181, 187, 191, 196, 197, 542;
senators, 158, 188, 543; presidential elec-
tors, 159, 162, 171, 177, 186, 187, 192, 548;
proposed amendments, 295.

Quartering troops, regulation, 42, 557; pro-
posed amendments, 310; English protest,

Quinn, R. E., portrait committee, 774.
Quorum, making first, 229-231, 670; require-
ment, 544.

Railroads, in 1860, map, 114, 115.
Ramage, John, portraits by, 786, 790.
Ramsay, David, candidacy, 196, 611; on
vice presidency, 208.

Randolph, Beverly, letter to, 437; state
imposts, 449; state troops, 457.
Randolph, Cornelia J., bust, sketch, 792.
Randolph, Ellen W., portrait, sketch, 821.
Randolph, Edmund, Convention, 17, 123;

ratification, 25; letters to, 153, 190, 208,
232, 283, 298, 311, 360, 365, 377, 390, 448;
Henry as boss, 191, 193; Senate secret
sessions, 241; Virginia and amendments,
282, 283, 320, 321, 323; attorney general,
343, 344, 346; judiciary, 351; first court,
370; dinner with President, 372; titles,
380; ceremony, 419; Cabinet, 424; state
imposts, 448; portrait, sketch, 801, 824.
Randolph, John, of Roanoke, on new
government, 221.

Randolph, Martha J., portrait, sketch, 782.
Ratification, provisions, 20, 22, 23, 124, 552;
action of Continental Congress, 24, 554-
556; contest, issues, 24, 40; first states,
25; leaders, 25; Washington, 25; second
convention plan, 26, 280-292; Massa-
chusetts, suggestion of amendments, 26,
125; later states, completion, 26, 143, 496;
belated states, 27, 149; beginning new
government, 27, 125, 556; order, table,
60, 125; party names, 124; greatest con-
tests, 125; character of proposed amend-
ments, 280, 294-297; consideration of
judiciary, 351, 352; resolution of Con-
vention, 554; broadsides, 601, 603-612;
commemorative stamp, 613; commemora-
tive address, 649-653; policy of nine states,
652; process, 652. See also Amendments;
North Carolina; Organization; Rhode

Rayburn, Sam, Congress sesquicentennial,
656, 664, 667, 678.

Read, George, portraits, sketches, 54, 795,
824; senator, 186; Court of Appeals, 349;
power of removal, 384; Independence,
532; signs Constitution, 553.
Rebellion, punishment, 560.

Receptions, Mrs. Washington's, 417, 422;
large public, 418.

Records of Convention, 18, 122.

Reed, D. A., portrait committee, 774.
Reed, Joseph, Confederation, 540.

Reed, S. F., portrait, 717; Supreme Court
sesquicentennial, 718; service, 758.
Rehoboth, Mass., as port, 475.
Rejections by Senate, 395–397.
Religion, freedom, 41, 294, 302, 308, 557;
no test for office, 134, 552; Washington
on importance, 569.

Removal, power of, silence of Constitution,
382; House consideration, 382-386; direct
or implied grant, 384-386, 388; contest in
Senate, tie votes, 386-388; later history,
388; public opinion, 390, 391; Washing-
ton's attitude, 391; Senate and diplomatic,
395, 400.

Representation, equal state, in Continental
Congress, 9; Virginia Plan, 19; Paterson
Plan, 21; compromise, 21; slave, 21;
safety of policy, elections, 680, 681. See
also Apportionment.
Representatives, qualifications, 158, 162,
163, 174, 181, 187, 191, 196, 197, 542;
contested elections, 179, 196; by-election
problem, 185; revenue of election methods,
197; right of instructions, 308. See also
Elections; House of Representatives;
states by name.

Republican form of government, guaranty,
19, 28, 37, 551.

Resolutions of Congress, joint and con-
current, 131; joint rules on, 245; procedure,

Revenue, bills, 256. See also Receipts.
Rhode Island, and Convention, 15, 121; rati-
fication, 27, 60, 125; delegates and capital,
144, 148, 153; and second Constitutional
Convention, 285, 484; ratification of
amendments, 318; oath, 435; state-nation
pluralism, 445; cessation of imposts, 449;
tonnage tax, 450; lighthouse cession, 453;
jails for national prisoners, caution, 454;
status before ratification, 468, 473, 484;
war accounts, 473; national imposts and
tonnage, effect, 474-478, 485, 492; resent-
ment against, neighbors, 482, 483, 485;
economic classes, paper money, stay laws,
482, 488, 491; efforts for ratification con-
vention, 483-485, 489; popular vote on
ratification, 483; attitude of Congress
(1789), warnings, 485-487; state embargo,
485; feared foreign intrigue, 486; smug-
gling, 486-488; offset state imposts and
drawbacks, 487, 488; excuses, memorial to
Congress, 489-491; Washington's attitude,
491-493; threat of town secession, 491,
495; calling of convention, 492; first ses-
sion, proposed amendments, 493; coer-
cive movement in Congress, 493-495;
second session of convention, ratification,
495, 496; elections, 498; laws extended to,
498; Signers, 532, 539; broadsides, 604;
charter, 743.

[blocks in formation]

Robinson, Moses, diplomatic offices, 401.
Rodney, Caesar, Independence, 532.
Rolland, Romain, on World War, 728.
Romania, high court, 760.
Roosevelt, F. D., Commission, v; letter on
it, autograph, vi; proclamation on sesqui-
centennial, 584; addresses: September 17,
629; before Congress, 677; Mt. Vernon,
696; World's Fair, 699.

Roosevelt, Isaac, elections, 174; broadside,

Ross, George, sr., portrait, sketch, 822.
Ross, George, jr., Independence, 532; por-
trait, sketch, 822.

Rothschild, Louis, adviser, 588.
Rouse, G., portrait by, 812.

Rules, House, 239; Senate, 240.

Rush, Benjamin, on Washington and presi-
dency, 200; Independence, 532; portrait,
sketch, 824.

Russell, B. A., cartoons, 838, 859.

Russia, mission, 402; high court, 760.
Rutgers College, congressmen, 236.
Rutherford, John, diplomatic offices, 401.
Rutledge, Edward, elections, 218; Inde-
pendence, 532; portrait, sketch, 823.
Rutledge, John, Convention, 18, 123, 351;
portraits, sketches, 58, 787, 798; justice-
ship. 367, 368, on circuit, 372; chief
justiceship, rejected, 397; North Carolina
certiorari incident, 463; service, 754; signs
Constitution, 553; object, 792.

Rutledge, John, jr., portrait, sketch, 798.
Rutledge, Mrs. John, portrait, sketch, 798.

Sabath, A. J., Congress sesquicentennial, 656
Sacramento Bee, cartoon, 856.

St. Clair, Arthur, inauguration, 276.
St. Louis Star Times, cartoon, 839.
St. Mémin, C. B. F. de, portraits by, 794,
796, 810, 819.

St. Pauls Chapel, New York, services, 279.
Salaries, of congressmen, 130, 251-256;
judicial, 133, 363, 550; advances to
congressmen, 230; presidential, 278, 549;
proposed amendment on change, 302, 308,
317-319; departmental, 336, 341; vice
presidential, 379.

Salmon, Lucy M., on rejection of Fishbourn,
high court, 760.

commemorative stamps, 614;

Samoa, annexation, 61.

Sandy Hook, lighthouse, 452.
Sanford, E. T., service, 758.
San Francisco, exposition, 701.
San Francisco Chronicle, cartoon, 837.
San Francisco Monitor, cartoon, 844.
Sargent, A. A., woman suffrage, 45.
Savage, Edward, portrait by, 776; painting
by, 810.

Schureman, James, candidacy, 177-179;
contested election, 179.

Schuyler, Philip, elections, 174; senator, 175;
power of removal, 387; state-nation
pluralism, 438, 439.

Scott, Anna M., portrait, sketch, 808.
Scott, Mrs. Hector, portrait, sketch, 806.
Scott, Thomas, candidacy, 183; by-election,
185; state-nation pluralism, 438.
Scudder, Nathaniel, Confederation, 539.
Seal, Inc., 593, 595.

Seals, judicial, 370, 719; United States, 689.
Seamen, state hospital tax, 450.

Search and seizure, protection, 42, 557.
Seat of government, list, 126; plans under
Confederation, 146, 147; rival claims for
first, contest, 146-155, phases of question,
150-152; later rivalry, 154, 155; per-
manent, development, 155, 156; proposed
amendments, 296; permanent contest and
Rhode Island affairs, 494; control, 546.
Secession, legality, 117; threats in Rhode
Islands, 491, 495.

Second Amendment, 42, 557; date of ratifica-
tion, 62.


Secrecy, Continental Congress, 148; Senate,
240-242, 378, 459; Senate ballot
nominations, 394, 395, 399.
Sectionalism, changes, 112, 113, 115–117,
120; in Congress, 232-235, 469, 472;
Washington's warning, 566, 567.
Sedgwick, Theodore, letters to, 164, 166, 167,
173, 207, 229, 281, 364, 452, 488; candi-
dacy, 166, 167; Adams, 210; problem of
novelty, 238; salaries, 252, 253; office-
seekers, 264; second convention, 286;
amendments, 308; isolation, 336; executive
departments, 338, 339; Washington and
power of removal, 391; at presidential
mansion, 391, 417; levee, 417.

Senate, Chamber, 228; quorum, organization,
229, 239, 670; president pro tem, 239, 258,
670; secret sessions, 240-242, 378, 459;
proposed distinctions over House, 243, 244,
248, 252-256; procedure, 247, 358; recep-
tion of Adams, 266; executive intercourse,
393-399; Supreme Court sesquicentennial,
727; regulation of organization, 543, 544;
and impeachments, 543; in election of
Vice President, 548, 559. See also Appoint-
ments; Congress; Removal; Senators;

Senators, popular election, 45, 561; qualifi-
cations, 158, 188, 543; review of first
election methods, 197; classification, 245;
title, 377; state requirements of, 465;
earlier election regulations, 543. See also
Instructions; Senate; states by name.

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