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fashion now among men, than her total ignorance of the rudiments of astronomy is, at this period, among women of her birth and fortune.

The contrast between Sir John Flowerdale and the Colonel is very happily executed; and whilst the wishes of an audience must ever be excited for a happy conclusion to the paternal anxieties of the first, every spectator is sure to be so extremely dissatisfied with the mind and manners of the last, that,-but for the preservation of the filial duty of the daughter, to spare her heart compunction for deceit and treachery -it might be wished that she had married the mean impostor her lover, without returning to obtain the consent of her profligate father.

Lionel and Harman are as much contrasted in the character of lovers, as the elder gentlemen are in the character of parents; and how much soever the young ladies of former times might allow themselves to sigh for men who descended to the vilest falsehoods, in order to obtain their hands, the better informed woman of the present era would, perhaps, as soon become the wife of the effeminate Jessamy, as of the unprincipled Harman; and have sense to look forward for happiness in wedlock only with a man of strict honour-such as Lionel.

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A Chamber in COLONEL OLDBOY's House: COLONEL OLDBOY is discovered at Breakfast, reading a Newspaper; at a little Distance from the Tea Table sits JENKINS; and, on the opposite Side, DIANA, who appears playing upon a Harpsichord. A GIRL attending.


Ah, how delightful the morning,

How sweet are the prospects it yields !
Summer luxuriant adorning

The gardens, the groves, and the fields.

Col. O. Well said, Dy, thank you, Dy. This, Master Jenkins, is the way I make my daughter entertain me every morning at breakfast. Come here, and kiss me, you slut, come here, and kiss me, you baggage. Diana. Lord, papa, you call one such namesCol. O. A fine girl, Master Jenkins, a devilish fine girl! she has got my eye to a twinkle. There's fire

for you-spirit!-I design to marry her to a duke: how much money do you think a duke would expect with such a wench?

Jenk. Why, Colonel, with submission, I think there is no occasion to go out of your own county here; we have never a duke in it, I believe, but we have many an honest gentleman, who, in my opinion, might deserve the young lady.

Col. O. So, you would have me marry Dy to a country 'squire, eh? How say you to this, Dy? would not you rather be married to a duke?

Diana. So my husband's a rake, papa, I don't care what he is.

Col. O. A rake! you damned confounded little baggage! why, you would not wish to marry a rake, would you? So her husband is a rake, she does not care what he is! Ha! ha! ha ha! ha!

Diana. Well, but listen to me, papa-When you go out with your gun, do you take any pleasure in shooting the poor tame ducks and chickens in your yard? No, the partridge, the pheasant, the woodcock, are the game; there is some sport in bringing them down, because they are wild; and it is just the same with a husband or a lover. I would not waste powder and shot to wound one of your sober, pretty-behaved gentlemen; but to hit a libertine, extravagant, mad-cap fellow, to take him upon the wing

Col. O. Do you hear her, Master Jenkins? Ha! ha! ha!

Jenk. Well, but good Colonel, what do you say to my worthy and honourable patron here, Sir John Flowerdale? He has an estate of eight thousand pounds a-year, as well-paid rents as any in the kingdom, and but one only daughter to enjoy it; and yet. he is willing, you see, to give this daughter to your


Diana. Pray, Mr Jenkins, how does Miss Clarissa, and our university friend, Mr Lionel? That is the

only grave young man I ever liked, and the only handsome one I ever was acquainted with, that did not make love to me.

Col. O. Ay, Master Jenkins, who is this Lionel ? They say, he is a damned witty, knowing fellow; and egad, I think him well enough for one brought up in a college.

Jenk. His father was a general officer, a particular friend of Sir John's; who, like many more brave men, that live and die in defending their country, left little else than honour behind him. Sir John sent this young man, at his own expense, to Oxford.

Diana. The last time I was at your house, he was teaching Miss Clarissa mathematics and philosophy. Lord, what a strange brain I have! If I was to sit down to distract myself with such studies

Col. O. Go, hussy, let some of your brother's rascals inform their master that he has been long enough at his toilet; here is a message from Sir John Flowerdale You a brain for mathematics, indeed! We shall have women wanting to head our regiments tomorrow or next day.

Diana. Well, papa, and suppose we did? I believe, in a battle of the sexes, you men would hardly get the better of us.


To rob them of strength, when wise nature thought fit,
By women to still do her duty,

Instead of a sword, she endued them with wit,
And gave them a shield in their beauty.

Sound, sound the trumpet, both sexes to arms,
Our tyrants at once, and protectors!

We quickly shall see whether courage or charms
Decide for the Helens or Hectors.


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