[blocks in formation]

Alsatians and Lorrainers, special
treatment in United States, 204-
205, 206-210

American forces in Europe, arrange-
ments with United States re-

Desertion: agreement by exchange

of notes, 718-719, 745–747;
modification of agreement,
749-751; proposals of France,
738-739, 740-741
Marriages: French suggestions for

U.S. measures_regarding, 761–
764, 765–767, 769-770, 771-773,
777, 779; U.S. attitude and
measures, 764-765, 767-769,
770-771, 773–777, 777–778, 779
Penal military jurisdiction: agree-

ment proposed by France, 734-
735; exchange of notes, 718-
719, 735-737; extension of
agreement, 754-755, 756
Belgian relief, financial arrange-
ments with United States and
Allied Powers, 461-462, 466-467,
469-472, 486, 488 489, 490, 492
Finnish relief, attitude toward pro-

vision of foodstuffs, 585-586
Military service convention with
United States (Sept. 3):
Arrangements for conclusion, 718-
719; text, 723-726
Proposals: French, 691-693, 696-

697, U.S., 648-650, 662-664,
677-679, 702-704

Prisoners of war, facilitation of
transit of correspondence and
parcels, 27-28

Radio communication, arrangement
with United States, 836-844

France Continued
Serbian prisoners of war and in-
terned nationals, attitude to-
ward provision of aid, 610–611,

Warfare, protests against illegal and
inhumane methods, 786; atti-
tude toward protest of Interna-
tional Committee of Red Cross,

General Polish Relief Committee, 500-
501, 502-503, 506–507, 524

Geneva Convention cited, 46-50
Germany (see also Enemy aliens; En-
emy property; and Prisoners of

Ships, U.S. purchase in Colombia,

Submarine warfare, attacks on U.S.
nationals and ships, 162-163,

Treaties with United States cited:
(Bavaria, 1845), 309; (Prussia,
1785), 4, 162, 163, 164-165, 296,
308; (Prussia, 1799), 4, 55-56,
57-58, 59, 86, 102, 160-161, 162-
165, 169-171, 296, 308, 318;
(Prussia, 1828), 55-56, 59, 162,
164-165, 296, 308, 309, 318
Warfare, protests against illegal and
inhumane methods, 785, 788-
789; American attitude, 785-
786; reply to protests of Inter-
national Committee of Red
Cross, 787-788; reply to U.S.
protest, 791

Great Britain:

American forces in Europe, negotia-
tions with United States regard-

Desertion proposals of Great
Britain, 733–734, 743; United
States, 739

Penal military jurisdiction: pro-
posals and attitude of Great
Britain, 733-734, 737-738, 741-
745, 751-752, 753-754, 759-760;
United States, 739-740, 745,
748-749, 752, 753, 755-756,
759, 760
Belgian relief: financial arrange-
ments with United States and
Allied Powers, 461-462, 466-467,
469-472, 486, 488-489, 490, 492;
provision of tonnage in coopera-
tion with United States, 459-
460, 467-468, 475-485
Censorship, application, 645, 646;
U.S. attitude, 646, 647
Enemy aliens, treatment, 229-231
Finnish relief, attitude toward provi-

sion of foodstuffs, 574-575, 584

Great Britain-Continued
Military service convention with
United States (June 3). See
under Military service conven-

Polish relief, attitude toward-
Appeals for aid, 510

Provision of food for children,
515, 516, 518, 534-535, 537
Transmission of funds, 500, 503-
504, 509, 517-518, 518-519,

Prisoners of war, relief for British, 5
Russian relief, attitude toward-

Proposal for exchange of prison-
ers, 640

U.S. tentative plans for assistance,
628-629, 640-641, 642-643,
643-644, 645

Serbian relief, attitude toward U.S.
financial assistance, 601-602,

Turkish territories, attitude toward
transmission of funds for relief
in, 550-551; transportation of
supplies, 548

Warfare, attitude toward charges by
International Committee of Red


Enemy aliens, treatment, 89

Enemy property: treatment, 89, 362-
363; U.S. recommendations, 361-


Enemy aliens, treatment, 89

Enemy property, treatment. See un-
der Enemy property.


Military service convention with
United States (Aug. 24):

Italian viewpoint toward, 722–723;
text, 726-729

Proposals: Italian, 671-673, 693,
695, 704-706, 721-722; U.S.,
648-650, 662-664, 679-681, 693-
695, 701-702, 720-721

Radio communications, protocol with
United States (Mar. 27), 844-849
Treaty with United States cited,
662n, 728

Jewish Welfare Board, 91

Joint Distribution Committee, 547-548,

Cross of illegal and inhumane Knights of Columbus, 91
methods, 783-784


[blocks in formation]

Hague Conventions cited:

II (1899) and IV (1907), respecting
laws and customs of war on
land, 3, 7, 21, 32, 54, 61

V (1907), respecting the rights and
duties of neutral powers and
persons in case of war on land,

VI (1907), respecting the status of
enemy merchant ships at the out-
break of hostilities, 162

III (1899) and X (1907), adapting
to maritime warfare the princi-
ples of the Geneva Convention,
46-49, 50

XI (1907), restricting the right of
capture in naval war, 162, 224,

Lithuania, relief for, 505-506, 530-
531, 532, 534

[blocks in formation]

Military service conventions, etc.-Con.
Great Britain:

Convention of June 3: arrange-
ments for conclusion, 700-
701, 706-707; text, 708-714
General certificate of exemption
of U.S. citizens in Great Brit-
ain outside age limits, 717-
Proposals: British, 650-653, 656-
659, 664-665, 669, 671, 674-
676, 681-683, 698-699; U.S.,
648-650, 653-656, 659-664,
665-668, 670-671, 676-677,

Special provision for Canadians,
655-656, 657-658, 659, 660-661,
663, 664-665, 667, 675, 676, 682,
683, 686, 710-711; Irish, ques-
tion of, 659, 660, 665-666, 675,
676, 697-698, 699

Unratified convention,

690-691, 700


Greece, convention of Aug. 30: ar-
rangements for conclusion, 707-
708, 719-720; text, 729-732


Convention of Aug. 24: Italian
viewpoint toward, 722-723;
text, 726-729

Proposals, Italian, 671-673, 693,

695, 704-706, 721-722; U.S.,
648-650, 662-664, 679-681, 693-
695, 701-702, 720-721
Russia, U.S. proposal, 648-650
Serbia, U.S. proposal, 648-650

National Alien Enemy Relief Commit-

tee in Cooperation with the Lega-
tions of Sweden and Switzerland
and with the Approval of the Gov-
ernment of the United States, 197-

National Catholic War Council, 91
Netherlands, facilitation of transit of
correspondence and parcels for
prisoners of war, 22

Enemy aliens, treatment, 89
Enemy property: treatment, 89, 371;

U.S. recommendations, 367, 372
Palestine, relief. See Turkish terri-
tories, relief.

Panama :

Enemy aliens, treatment, 232-236,

239-244; attitude of Germany,
84, 92, 235; United States, 87-
88, 93-94, 96; Swedish protests,
233-234, 240-241

Enemy property, U.S. recommenda-
tions, 396-399

Treaty with United States cited, 240,

Panama Canal Zone, exclusion of
enemy aliens, 182

Passport and visa regulations, U.S.
war measures:

Executive order of May 11, 1917,
amending Consular Regulations,

Instructions of May 29, 1917, to
diplomatic and consular officers,

Instructions of June 5, 1917, to
steamship lines engaged in for-
eign passenger service, 793-794
Instructions of July 26, 1917, to
diplomatic and consular officers,
Proclamation of Aug. 8, 1918, regu-
lating issuance of passports and
granting of permits to depart
from and enter United States,

Executive order of Aug. 8, 1918, pre-

scribing regulations governing
issuance of permits to enter and
leave United States, 810-822

Persian relief:

Conflict between Christians and
Moslems, U.S. efforts to discour-
age, 565, 566; Persian attitude,

Reports on conditions and requests
for aid, 563-565, 566-567, 569-
570, 571

U.S. assistance: American Commit-
tee for Armenian and Syrian Re-
lief, mission to Persia, 568-569,
569-570, 571-572; MacCallum
mission, 565-566, 567; relief for
Jews, 566-567, 567-568

Peru, treatment of enemy property,
400-401, 402-403, 405-406, 407-408,
410-411; U.S. recommendations,
401-402, 403-404, 406-407, 408-410,

Poles, special treatment in United
States, 205-206, 210-213, 215
Polish relief:

Clothing, projected transmittal, 529,

Food for children, provision by
United States, 509-513, 516-517,
519-521, 523-524, 531-532, 534,
535-536, 537-538; British atti-
tude, 515, 516, 518, 534-535, 537
Lithuania, relief for, 505-506, 530-
531, 532, 534

Polish appeals for aid, 504-505, 512-
513; attitude of Great Britain,
510; Russia, 508; United States,

Refugees in Russia, relief for, 532-
533; U.S. attitude, 536
Transmission of funds:

Attitude of Great Britain, 500, 503-
504, 509, 517-519, 521-522;
United States, 511-512, 514-
515. 517, 522-523, 524-529, 533

[blocks in formation]

Agreement of Nov. 11 between United
States and Germany concerning
prisoners of war, sanitary per-
sonnel, and civilians, 103-157
American-Austro-Hungarian confer-
ence, proposed, 157-159
American-German conference:
Arrangements, 77-78, 81
Commissioners, 85, 86-87
Informal agreement: desirability,
60-64, 67; U.S. efforts to se-
cure, 64-68, 77-78; U.S. pro-
posed arrangement, 68-76
Instructions, 86, 87-91, 93-94, 95,
96-97, 98, 101-102
Negotiations, 91–103

Camp Help Committees, provisions

of Nov. 11 agreement, 122-124
Establishment and regulations:

German, 26, 30, 34-35, 36-37;
U.S., 12-13, 58; provisions of
Nov. 11 agreement, 111-112,

Transfers of prisoners to other
camps, provisions of Nov. 11
agreement, 131


Notification by Germany, 20-21;
United States, 23; provisions
of Nov. 11 agreement, 110-111
Protection following, 35, 36-37;
provisions of Nov. 11 agree-
ment, 110

Correspondence and parcels, facili-
tation of transit by Denmark, 18,
21-22; France, 4-7, 13, 14, 18,
27-28; Great Britain, 18; Neth-
erlands, 18, 22; Switzerland,
4-5, 6-7, 14, 18, 22; United
States, 1, 11, 15-16; provisions
of Nov. 11 agreement, 125–127
Deaths and accidents, provisions of
Nov. 11 agreement, 121-122
Exercise, provisions of Nov. 11 agree-
ment, 116, 147, 149, 151, 153
Intellectual occupation and divine
services, provisions of Nov. 11
agreement, 116-117

Prisoners of war-Continued
Invalid prisoners, discussions con-
cerning repatriation or intern-
ment, 76-77, 78-81; provisions
of Nov. 11 agreement, 104-109,

Medical treatment, provisions of
Nov. 11 agreement, 117-118
Naturalized citizens, treatment, 94,
100, 103


Camps, provisions of Nov. 11
agreement, 111-112, 146-149
Payment: arrangements between
United States and Germany,
39-45, 98, 101-102; provisions
of Nov. 11 agreement, 129-131
Punishment, provisions of Nov. 11
agreement, 153-154

Recognition of rank, provisions of
Nov. 11 agreement, 131

Powers of attorney and wills, pro-
visions of Nov. 11 agreement, 122
Protecting power:


with prisoners,
provisions of Nov. 11 agree-
ment, 127

Visits of inspection: in Germany
by Spain, 8-9, 13-14, 14-15,
20, 23; in United States by
Switzerland, 3-4, 10-11, 15,
23, 25; provisions of Nov. 11
agreement, 127-129
Punishment of American prisoners
in Germany, 24, 31-32; German
prisoners in United States, 24-
25; provisions of Nov. 11 agree-
ment, 118-121, 153-155
Rations, provisions of Nov. 11 agree-
ment, 114-115

Relief activities for-

American and German prisoners,
provisions of Nov. 11 agree-
ment, 131-132

American prisoners in Germany,
1-2, 4-10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17,
18, 21-22, 25-26, 26-29, 30,
32-34, 60-64, 91

British prisoners held by Central
Powers, 5

German prisoners

in United

States, 3-4, 6, 7, 191; else-
where, 18-19

Rumanian prisoners: proposed,
626-627; attitude of Great
Britain, 628, 644; United
States, 645

Russian prisoners. See under

Serbian prisoners. See under

Sanitary personnel, proposed re-
patriation: German attitude,
45-48; U.S. attitude, 45, 48-51;
provisions of Nov. 11 agree-
ment, 132-134

Prisoners of war-Continued
Submarine personnel: special treat-
ment, 88, 92; provisions of Nov.
11 agreement, 107

Transfer to United States of pris-
oners captured by American
forces, discussions, 51-60, 100-
101, 102

German, 35-36; U.S. reply, 37-

United States, 14-15, 17, 19-21,
22-23, 31, 34-35, 38; Ger-
man replies, 19, 36-37
Provisions of Nov. 11 agreement,

Valid prisoners, discussions regard-

ing internment or repatriation,
88-89, 90-91, 92, 93, 94-95; pro-
visions of Nov. 11 agreement,
103-104, 107-109

War correspondents, provisions of
Nov. 11 agreement, 132

Work: arrangements for, 183-185;
provisions of Nov. 11 agreement,

Prisoners of War Relief Society, 172–
173, 188-189

Provisional Executive Committee for
General Zionist Affairs, 547-548,

Public ships: U.S. attitude toward im-
munity from local jurisdiction,
831-834, 835; Argentine attitude,
829-831, 834-835

Radio communications: U.S. arrange-
ment with France, 836-844; U.S.
protocol with Italy (Mar. 27),

Relief operations. See Belgium: Re-
lief operations; Finnish relief;
Persian relief; Polish relief; Pris-
oners of war: Relief activities;
Russia: Prisoners of war; Serbia:
Relief operations; and Turkish
territories, relief.

Repatriation, U.S. policy, 822, 824-826
Rumanian nationals and prisoners of
war, proposed relief for, 626-627;
attitude of Great Britain, 628,
644; United States, 553, 645

Military service convention with
United States, U.S. proposal,

Polish relief, attitude toward, 508
Prisoners of war:

Copenhagen Red Cross Confer-


Convocation, 630-632; U.S. at-

titude toward participation,


Prisoners of war-Continued
Copenhagen Red Cross Confer-
ence Continued

Proposal for exchange of pris-
oners, 635-636, 643; attitude
of Great Britain, 640; Rus-
sia, 639-640; United States,
637, 641

Reports on conditions and requests
for aid, 610, 624-626, 630-
632, 633, 634, 644

U.S. assistance, tentative plans
for, 8, 626-627, 629, 633, 634,
636-639; British attitude, 628-
629, 640, 641, 642-643, 643-644,
645; recommendations, 630-
631, 633, 640; suspension and
termination of relief, 641,
643, 645, 646-647

Salvador, treatment of enemy aliens,

Salvation Army, 91

Military service convention with
United States, U.S. proposal,

Prisoners of war (see also infra un-

der Relief operations), U.S.
transmittal of Serbian protests
at treatment, 615-616, 618; Bul-
garian reply, 622-624; state-
ment of U.S. consul general,

Relief operations:

Reports on conditions and re-
quests for aid, 588-593, 594-
596, 598, 599-600, 602-604,
606, 609-610, 613-614, 616,
618-619, 619-620

U.S. assistance:

Agricultural Unit of American
Red Cross, 616–617


Arrangements, 590, 591-599,
602-604, 606; British at-
titude, 601-602

Assistance to prisoners of war

and interned nationals:
attitude of France, 610-
611, 612-613; Great Brit-
ain, 599, 601-602, 609,
628; United States, 8, 597,
600, 605, 606-607, 608,
611, 615-616, 619, 624,
626-627, 633

Assistance to Serbians in en-
emy occupied territory,
592, 594-595, 613-614; at-
titude of Great Britain,
601, 605-606, 614; United
States, 607-609, 614
Ships, public. See Public ships.

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