wit: One steam-engine and one bunkhouse, 15 by 20 feet in size, a little more or less, all on said date situated upon block 8 in the town of Rolinda, said personal property being, prior to the severance herein complained of, appurtenant to said lands and a part and parcel thereof. 4. That said steam-engine is, and then was, of the value of $600, and said bunkhouse is, and then was, of the value of $100. 5. That the defendants herein, on or about the 25th day of August, 1905, at and in said county, without plaintiff's consent, and wrongfully and unlawfully, entered upon the premises above described, so belonging to plaintiff, and forcibly and wrongfully broke into the building in which said steam-engine was located, and removed said steam-engine from said premises, and at the same time did wrongfully and unlawfully enter upon said premises and seize and take said bunkhouse and remove the same therefrom. 6. That the defendants ever since said date have wrongfully and unlawfully withheld and detained, and now wrongfully withhold and detain, said property from the possession of plaintiff, to its damage in the sum of $300. 7. That the said property has not been taken for any tax, assessment, or fine pursuant to any statute, or seized under an execution or an attachment against the property of the plaintiff. Wherefore, plaintiff prays judgment against the defendants for the recovery of the possession of said personal property, or for the sum of $700, the value thereof in case a delivery can not be had, together with $300 damages, and for its costs of suit; further, that said property be taken from said defendants by the sheriff of said county in claim and delivery, and held in accordance with the law in such cases made and provided, and that it may have such other and further relief as to the court may seem proper in the premises. [Verification.] F. E. Cook, Attorney for plaintiff. FORM No. 1000-By married woman, to recover possession of separate personal property or the value thereof. (In Richey v. Haley, 138 Cal. 441; 71 Pac. 499.) [Title of court and cause.] The plaintiff complains of the defendant, and for cause of action alleges: 1. That plaintiff is a married woman, and the wife of Charles S. Richey, and that the property herein sued for and hereinafter described is the sole and separate property of the plaintiff. 2. That on the 12th day of November, 1897, in the county of Santa Clara, plaintiff was the owner and in the actual possession of the following goods and chattels, to wit: [Here follows a description of said property]; that said goods and chattels were at said time, and ever since have been, of the value of $420. 3. That the defendant, on the 12th day of November, 1897, in the said county of Santa Clara, without the consent of plaintiff, wrongfully took said goods and chattels from the possession of the plaintiff. 4. That before the commencement of this action, to wit, on the 13th day of November, 1897, and again on the 2d day of December, 1897, the plaintiff demanded of the defendant possession of said goods and chattels, but to deliver the possession thereof the defendant refused. 5. That defendant still unlawfully withholds and detains said goods and chattels from the possession of the plaintiff, to her damage, by reason of said withholding and detention, in the sum of $200. [Concluding part.] § 422. ANSWERS. FORM No. 1001-Defense of general denial. [Title of court and cause.] The defendant answering the complaint [or petition] of the plaintiff, denies: 1. That the plaintiff was ever in possession or entitled to the possession of the goods and chattels in the complaint [or petition] described, or any thereof. 2. That the said goods and chattels, or any of them, are or ever were the property of the plaintiff. 3. That said goods and chattels are or were at the time alleged, or at any time since, of the value of $ than $ [Concluding part.] , or any amount greater FORM No. 1002-Defense that title is in another than the plaintiff. [Title of court and cause.] The defendant answering the plaintiff's complaint [or petition], alleges: That the property therein described was at the time therein mentioned, and still is, the property of one C. D., and not the property of the plaintiff. [Concluding part.] FORM No. 1003-Defense that defendant is part owner. [Title of court and cause.] The defendant answering the plaintiff's complaint [or petition], alleges: That at the several times therein mentioned, the defendant was, and still is, the owner of one undivided half of said goods and chattels, and that the whole of the same then were rightfully in the possession of the defendant. [Concluding part.] FORM No. 1004-Defense that defendant is entitled to a lien on goods for storage [or freight]. [Title of court and cause.] The defendant answering the plaintiff's complaint [or petition], alleges: , , 1. That on the day of 19 the plaintiff deposited the goods mentioned in the complaint [or petition] with the defendant for storage [or for carriage], agreeing to pay for the said storage [or carriage] of the same as follows: [State terms of agreement.] 2. That the defendant duly performed all the conditions of said contract on his part, and carefully and safely stored said goods [or safely transported the same according to his said agreement], and has always been, and still is, ready and willing to deliver the said goods to the plaintiff [or to his consignee] upon payment of the sum due for storage [or freight]. 3. That the plaintiff has not paid or tendered to the defendant the said sum, or any part thereof. [Concluding part.] FORM No. 1005-Defense by common carrier, claiming lien for services.Replevin, by the United States of America, to recover goods and supplies transported. (In Union Pacific R. Co. v. United States, 2 Wyo. 170.) [Title of court and cause.] Now comes the defendant, the Union Pacific Railroad Company, and for answer to the petition of the United States of America, says: 1. That it denies each and every of the allegations stated and contained in the said petition, except that the said defendant was a corporation as therein alleged. And of this the said defendant puts itself upon the country. 2. And the defendant, for a further answer to the petition of plaintiff, says: That it is a common carrier of goods and merchandise for hire and reward, from the city of Oklahoma, in the state of Nebraska, to the town of Rawlins, in the territory of Wyoming; that as such common carrier it received the said goods and chattels in the plaintiffs' petition mentioned long prior to the commencement of the action herein, at Omaha aforesaid, from one Dwight J. McCann, then lawfully in the possession and control of the said goods and chattels, for transportation to Rawlins, in the territory of Wyoming, and that thereafter, as a common carrier, the said defendant carried and transported the said goods and chattels from said Omaha to said Rawlins; that under and by virtue of the contract under which the said goods and merchandise were carried and transported the defendant was to have the right to retain the possession of the said goods, chattels, and merchandise, and of each and every part thereof, until its charges for the carriage, transportation, and storage of the same should be fully paid and discharged; that its charges for the carriage, transportation, and storage of said goods, wares, and merchandise have not, nor has any part thereof, ever been paid; that its charges as aforesaid on the 20th day of November, 1877, amounted to the sum of $588.16, to wit, for freight and transportation, $496.86, and $91.30 for storage; that on the 20th day of November, 1877, under and by virtue of the contract aforesaid, and under its lien as a common carrier, it had a special ownership in the said property, goods, wares, and merchandise, in the plaintiff's petition mentioned, and in each and every part thereof, and on said date was entitled to the possession of the said property, and of each and every part thereof; that, therefore, plaintiff wrongfully and unlawfully deprived the defendant of the possession of the property in the plaintiff's petition mentioned, to the damage of the defendant in the sum of $588.16. Wherefore, the defendant prays judgment against the plaintiff for the said sum of $588.16, with interest thereon since the 20th day of November, 1877, and costs of this action. W. R. Steele, Attorney for defendant. FORM No. 1006-Defense of lien for services for manufacturing. [Title of court and cause.] The defendant answering the plaintiff's complaint [or petition], alleges: 1. That said goods were manufactured by the defendant, as [here state], and were detained by him by virtue of his lien as a mechanic and the manufacturer thereof as security for the payment of $ which is the amount due him from the plaintiff for work and labor in manufacturing them. 2. That the defendant has always been, and still is, ready and willing to deliver the said goods to the plaintiff upon receiving the said amount, but the plaintiff has not paid or tendered the same, which is still due and unpaid. FORM No. 1007-Defense by sheriff.-Justification of taking under attachment. [Title of court and cause.] The defendant answering the plaintiff's complaint [or petition], alleges: 2. That on the day of , , 19 an action was duly commenced by one E. F. against the said C. D., in the court of the in the state of alleged to be due for [state what]. county of , , to recover $ , 3. That on the said date a summons was issued in due form in the last-named action, and on said date was duly served upon the said C. D. by the defendant, as the sheriff of the county of , by , |