, , genuine signature appeared to the foregoing certificate, was, at the time of signing the same, one of the judges of the superior [or district] court of the state of and county of duly commissioned and qualified; that full faith and credit are, and of right ought to be, given to all his official acts, as such, in all courts of record and elsewhere. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed the seal of said court, at my office, this [Seal.] day of , 19 D. E., Clerk. FORM No. 1270-Authentication of copy of a judicial record. I, D. E., clerk of [state the name of the court], certify that I am the legal custodian of the original records of [state name of court]; that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of the original [designate the record by name] in the action [or proceeding] entitled [here give title]. In witness whereof, I have subscribed this certificate and affixed the seal of said court thereto at [Seal of court.] this day of , 19 D. E., Clerk of [name of court]. FORM No. 1271-Authentication of copy of a judicial record of a foreign country. [Insert copy of record.] [Name of state or country, etc.] I, F. H., clerk of [state the name of court], certify that I am the legal custodian of the records of said court; that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of the original record in said court [designate the particular record) in the action [or proceeding] entitled [here state]. In witness whereof, I have signed this certificate and have affixed [Certificate of justice.] [Name of state or country, etc.] I, S. T., the [presiding] judge (or justice] of [name the court], certify that F. H., whose signature is affixed to the above certificate, is the clerk of said court, and, as such, the legal custodian of the records thereof; that the signature of said F. H. to said certificate is his genuine signature; and that the foregoing attestation by him as such clerk is in due and proper form. S. T., [Presiding] Judge [or justice] of [name of court]. I, V. W., certify that I am the consular agent of the United States to (state country], and that the signature of S. T. is the genuine signature of S. T., the [presiding] judge (or justice] of [name of court]. In witness whereof, I have signed this certificate and affixed thereto my official seal of office, this [Scal.] , , day of 19 at V. W., Consular Agent of the United States to FORM No. 1272-Authentication of a document in a sister state or territory. [Certificate of custodian of document.] State [or territory] of , county of Office of [name of office in full]. } I, M. N., [giving name of office,] certify that I am the legal keeper [or custodian] of the original document, of which the foregoing is a copy; that said copy is a full, true, and correct copy of said original document. [Date.] [Certificate of secretary of state.] State (or territory] of Office of Secretary of State. } ss. M. N., [giving name of office]. I, R. S., the secretary of state of the state [or territory] of certify that the foregoing copy of [here state] is duly certified bỷ Jury's Pl.-123. M. N., the [giving name of office), who is the officer having the legal custody of the original thereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the great seal of the state [or territory] of to be affixed, this day of , 19 [Great seal of state or territory.] R. S., Secretary of State. FORM No. 1273-Authentication of a document in the office of a department of the United States. (Annexed to copy of document.) I. A. B., [giving name of office] certify that I am the legal custodian of the original [naming the document), and that the foregoing copy of [designating the original document), is a full, true, and correct copy of said original document. A. B. [giving name of office]. FORM No. 1274-Authentication of a public record of a private writing. (Annexed to copy of record.) [Certificate of recorder or registrar.] , , } in Office of County Recorder [or registrar] in the county of state of I, D. E., county recorder [or registrar] of the county of the state of certify that the foregoing copy is a full, true, and correct copy of the original record in my office as such county recorder [or registrar] of a [giving the name of the private writing] and of the certificate of acknowledgment thereof. I certify that I am the legal keeper of such record. , state of , and [Here follows copy of the order certified.] I, , county clerk of the county of ex-officio clerk of the court in and for said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of an order made in the above-entitled matter, and entered in the minutes of said court on the date mentioned in the caption thereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of FORM No. 1276-Certificate to signature and attestation of county clerk. State of County of , : } ss. one of the judges of the court of said state and county, do hereby certify, that , whose name is subscribed to the foregoing certificate of attestation, now is, and was at the time of signing and sealing the same, clerk of County, state of , and keeper of the records and seal thereof, duly elected and qualified; that full faith and credit are and of right ought to be given to all of his official acts as such in all courts of record and elsewhere; that said signature is genuine, and that his said attestation is in due form of law and by the proper officer. Given under my hand and seal, this day of , 19 S. T., Judge. Chapter CXLV. CXLVI. TITLE XVIII. Quasi-Civil Proceedings. Habeas Corpus Proceedings CXLVII. Disbarment of Attorneys ..... CHAPTER CXLV. Habeas Corpus Proceedings. ... Page 1944 Form No. 1277. Petition for writ. (Common form.) Form No. 1281. Order for discharge of prisoner......... §508. Annotations 1946 1947 1947 1947 FORM No. 1277-Petition for writ. (Common form.) The petition of L. M. respectfully shows: That D. E. is unlawfully imprisoned, detained, confined, and restrained of his liberty by at , , in the county of state of ; that the said imprisonment, detention, confinement, and restraint are illegal; that the illegality thereof consists in this: [Here specify sufficient of the facts to show the illegality, etc., of the imprisonment.] , Wherefore, your petitioner prays: That a writ of habeas corpus may be granted, directed to the said sheriff [or other person] as aforesaid, commanding him to have the body of said D. E. before your honor at a time and place therein to be specified, to do and receive what shall then and there be considered by your honor , |