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The Fireside.


YES: books are both charming and profitable. Good books charm away the dulness and dreariness of life, and impart instruction on subjects of the first importance. They are useful to all classes, but more especially to the poorer. Rich people may command many sources of enjoyment, but they cannot command one more pure and profitable than good books afford, and it is a vast advantage which the poor people of these days enjoy, that good books are now cheapened down to the reach of them, so that every prudent and careful cottager may have his little library for use and reference. Sir John Herschell, the celebrated astronomer, has said, and the remarks are as creditable to his generosity as his wisdom :"Of all the amusements which can possibly be imagined for a hard-working man, after his daily toil, or in its intervals, there is nothing like reading an entertaining book-supposing him to have a taste for it, and supposing him to have a book to read. It calls for no bodily exertion, of which he has had enough, or too much. It relieves his home of its dulness and sameness, which in nine cases out of ten, is what drives him out to the alehouse, to his own ruin and his family's. It transports him into a livelier, and gayer, and more diversified and interesting scene; and while he enjoys himself there, he may forget the evils of the present moment fully as much as if he were ever so drunk, with the great advantage of finding himself the next day with his money in his pocket, or at least laid out in real necessaries and comforts for himself and his family, and without a headache. Nay, it accompanies him to his next day's work, and if the book he has been reading be anything above the very idlest and lightest, gives him something to think of besides the mere mechanical drudgery of his every-day occupation-something he can enjoy while absent, and look forward with pleasure to return to. But supposing him to have been fortunate in the choice of his book, and to have alighted upon one really good and of a good class, what a source of domestic enjoyment is laid open! what a bond of family union! He may read it aloud, or make his wife read it, or his eldest boy or girl, or pass it round from hand to hand. All have the benefit of it—all contribute to the gratification of the rest, and a feeling of common interest and pleasure is excited. Nothing unites people like companionship in intellectual enjoyment. It does more, it gives them mutual respect, and to each among them self-respect that corner stone of all virtue. It furnishes to each the master-key by which he may avail himself of his privilege as an intellectual being, to

Enter the sacred temple of his breast,

And gaze and wander there a ravished guest-
Wander through all the glories of the mind,
Gaze upon all the treasures he shall find.


The Penny Post.


DEAR SIR,—I have, at different times, received three anonymous letters, enclosing postage stamps. Of the fourth, which I received a few days since, I hand you a copy, which I shall be glad to have sent to the four winds through the medium of your widely circulated pages, in the hope that it may reach the eye of the writer, who is entirely unknown to me, and also that some other individuals may be stimulated to "go and do likewise." I am, dear sir, your's affectionately,

Boston, October 18, 1847.


Cheshire, Oct. 14, 1847. FRIEND NOBLE,-This makes the mistake straight. The matter ran thus. I bought some things at your shop, and when I got home I found that you had given me ten shillings too much. I suspected you had done so at the time, but was not sure till I examined my purse. Though I have been in Boston three or four times since, I had not the money to return. I sent three letters from York; the first containing twelve stamps, the second twenty-four, the third thirty-six stamps, and the present sixty stamps; making in the whole ten shillings, and one shilling for interest. Your's truly in the Lord, A SINNER SAVED BY GRACE.

GALATHIEL Suggests that instead of talking about politics, or farming, or trading, as they are going together in company to the house of God on the sabbath day, as many do with whom he is acquainted, it would be much better if christians would talk by the way of the things of God, and things whereby one may edify another. A very useful suggestion.

AN ENCOURAGING FACT.-A minister in Devon says-I am much pleased with the Pioneer, and do what I can to promote its sale by recommending it from the pulpit, and on other occasions. A short time ago I received a note from a pious woman, who says, "My conscience reproves me that I did not let you know before that I believe I shall have to bless God through eternity for the day on which the Christian Pioneer was put into my hands. Bless the Lord, O my soul, for his unspeakable mercies to so unworthy a creature!" With many other similar expressions of gratitude, and prayers for the usefulness of the little periodical, she hopes the liberty she takes will be excused.


The Children's Corner.


TAKE this book, my boys,

Earnestly peruse it; Much of it after lies

In the way ye use it:
Keep it neat and clean.
For remember, in it,
Every stain that's seen

Marks a thoughtless minute.
Youth's a sunny beam
Dancing o'er a river,
With a flashing gleam,
Then away for ever.
Use it while ye may,

Not in childish mourning

Not in childish play,

But in useful learning. As your years attain

Life's meridian brightness, Hourly seek and gain

Genuine politeness: This lives not in forms, As too many teach us

Not in open arms,

Not in silken speeches.

Not in haughty eye,

Not in artful dealing,

Not within the sigh

Of a mimick'd feeling: But its lights preside

Rich in nature's splendour,
Over honest pride,

Gentleness, and candour.
From your hearts condemn
Vain gesticulation;
Oft we see a gem

Dimm'd by affectation:
Fashion's forms may do,
Where there's ice below them,
But where hearts are true,
Simple words can show them.
Slight ye not the soul

For the frame's demerit;
Oft a shatter'd bowl

Holds a mighty spirit;
Never search a breast

By the ruby's glances;
Pomp's a puppet guest,

Danced by circumstances.

What is good and great,

Sense can soon determine, Prove it though ye meet

Or in rags or ermine. Fortune's truly blind,

Fools may be her captors;
But the wealth of mind

Stands above their sceptres.
Cull from bad and good
Every seeming flower,
Store it up as food

For some hungry hour:
Press its every leaf,

And remember, Johnny, Even weeds the chief

May have drops of honey. Touch nor taste with crime, Ere so lightly painted; For that printer time

Ever tells the tainted. Justice never nods;

Boys, you'll find that rather
Crimes and pickled rods

Bud and bloom together.
Pomp and power alone.
Never make a blessing;
Seek not e'en a throne
By one wretch distressing.
Better toil a slave

For the hard-earned penny
Than be rich, and have

A curse on every guinea.
Think, my gentle boys,

Every man a brother!
That's where honour lies,

Nay, but greatness rather:
One's the mystic whole;

Lordly flesh wont know it,
But, the kingly soul,

Sees but vice below it.
Bobby, thoughts like these,
Store you more than money;
Read them not to please,
But to practice, Johnny.
Artless though their dress,

As an infant's dimple,
Truth is none the less

For being truly simple.



THE following remarkable narrative was inserted in Dr. Rippon's Baptist Register for 1802. Dr. Samuel Stennett, on whose authority it was related, had it from Dr. Joseph Stennett, his father; so that its truth is beyond a doubt.


Dr. Joseph Stennett married a lady in Wales, in consequence of which he resided there several years, and preached with great acceptance to the baptist congregation in Abergavenny. There was a poor man in that congregation generally known by the name of Caleb; he was a collier, and lived among the hills between Abergavenny and Hereford. He had a wife and several small children, and walked seven or eight miles every Lord's-day to hear the doctor, the weather seldom preventing him. He was a very pious man; and his knowledge and understanding were remarkable, considering the disadvantages of his station and circumstances. doctor was very partial to him, and pleased with his conversation. One winter there was a severe frost, which lasted many weeks, and not only blocked up his way to meeting, so that he could not possibly pass without danger, but prevented him from working for the support of himself and family. The doctor and many others were much concerned lest they should perish from want. However, as soon as the frost had broken up, Caleb appeared again. The doctor saw him from the pulpit, and as soon as the service was ended, went to him, and said "Oh Caleb, how glad I am to see you. How have you done during the severity of the weather?" He cheerfully answered, "Never better in my life. I not only had necessaries, but lived upon dainties during the whole time, and have some still remaining, which will serve us for some time to come." The doctor expressed his surprise, and wished to be informed of the particulars. Caleb told him that one night, soon after the commencement of the frost, they had eaten up all their stock, and had not one morsel left for the morning, nor had any human probability of getting a new supply; but he found his mind quite calm and composed, relying on a gracious God, who neither wanted power nor means to supply his wants. He went to prayer with his family, and then to rest, and slept soundly till morning. Before he was up, he



heard a knock at his door, and on going to see who was there, saw a man standing with a horse, loaded, who asked if his name was Caleb. He answered in the affirmative, and the man immediately desired him to help to take down the load. Caleb asked what it was. He said, provision. On his enquiring who sent it, the man said he believed God had sent it; and no other answer could he obtain. When he came to examine the contents, he was struck with amazement at the quantity and variety of the articles. There were bread, flour, oatmeal, butter, cheese, salt meat and fresh, neat's tongue, &c., which served them throughout the frost, and some mained to that present time. The doctor was much affected with the account, and mentioned it in all companies where he went, in hope of finding out the benevolent donor. His attempts, however, were all in vain, till he went, about two years afterward, to visit Dr. Talbot, a noted physician in the city of Hereford. Dr. Talbot was a man of good moral character, and of a very generous disposition, but an infidel in principle. His wife was a godly woman, and a member of the baptist church Abergavenny, but could not attend very often on acount of the distance. Dr. Stennett used to go and visit her now and then, and Dr. Talbot, though a man of no religion himself, always received Dr. Stennett with great politeness; and Dr. Stennett generally stayed a night or two at his house when he went. While they were conversing very pleasantly one evening, Dr. Stennett, with a view of introducing something entertaining and profitable, spoke of the great efficacy of prayer, and instanced the case of poor Caleb. As he was relating the affair, Dr. Talbot smiled, and said, “Caleb! I shall never forget him as long as I live." What! did you know him?" said Dr. Stennett. "I had but very little knowledge of him," said Dr. Talbot, "but by your description, I know he must be the same man you mean.' Dr. Stennett was very anxious to hear what account Dr. Talbot had to give of him, upon which Dr. Talbot freely related the following circumstances.— During the summer previous to the hard winter above mentioned, he was riding on horseback for the benefit of the air, as was his usual custom when he had a leisure hour, and generally chose to ride among the hills, it being more pleasant, rural, and romantic. A few farm-houses were dispersed here and there, and a few little cots. As he was riding along, he observed a number of people assembled in a barn, and his curiosity led him to ride up to the barn door, to learn the cause of their



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