페이지 이미지


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The tabular view now given, presents, in a condensed form, the results of the various crops during the past year. To prepare it has been no easy task. The sources of information principally relied on, have been the different agricultural papers or journals, reports of agricultural societies, addresses, an extensive correspondence, with personal application to many thoughout the whole country. To those who have thus contributed to our means of knowledge, the public are under no light obligations for the promptness and efficiency with which they have replied to the questions for information; and this success makes the regret the greater, that an answer could not be obtained in every case, so as to incorporate yet further knowledge, so acquired, in this statistical report.

The progress of each crop, however, from its seedtime to its harvest, has been carefully noted, and the various causes which might affect its increase -or decrease taken into consideration. The aim has been, as far as possible, to exclude from the elements of which the estimate was to be compounded, everything which could not lay claim to reliable accuracy.

Still it is evident, that, in the present dearth of means in our country for extensive statistical investigation of the kind most necessary, an approximation to the truth is the most that can be attained. This is all that has been attempted; and it is hoped that as close and accurate a view as the means at command, and time for the purpose, would allow, is thus furnished. It will be recollected, that the estimate must be finally settled after the crops have been gathered in, the latest of which reach to the month of December; so that the preparation of the whole must chiefly be comprised in the compass of less than two months.

It is often, too, not a little difficult to reconcile conflicting statements and calculations, either of which, so far as it appears, are entitled to equal credit with the others, and yet which give no clew as to the basis on which they are formed, and by the careful examination of which they could be verified or disproved. Great vagueness, likewise, exists in the slight notices found in many of the agricultural journals, where something like a record of the crops from month to month usually forms a part of their columns. An effort has been made to sift out the truth, and so to weigh the evidence, and compare the various results, as to give at least a bird's eye view of the whole. If any one should question the correctness, or if subsequent sources of information should show that we have been mistaken, no one, we are certain, can impute it either to want of diligence in collecting, or to the sparing of any effort to discriminate and to ascertain the truth.


The progress of improvement in agriculture, though gradual, is yet steady. The importance of this branch of industry is beginning to be more and more appreciated. The whole country is more or less interested in it; as it

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The geological surveys ordered, and in progress, or recently completed in many of the Stres, beside the ouer im porasi benefs thureby conferred on those States, have contributed much to advance the science of husbandry. There, in connexion win the experiments of agricultural chymistry, by thus directing the attention to their analyse, are developing the nature of the soils, and their adaptation and means of increased production by different zeeds, products, and methods of cultivation and manures, and so enable the farmer or planter to use the varieties of his land to the best advantage.

The increasing number of agricultural periodicals and treatises, and their cheaper and more extensive circulation throughout the land, are also producing a happy effect. The farmers and planters in the various sections of our country are thus brought acquainted with each other's operations and success, and also with the methods of cultivation and rearing of stock, &c., common in England and on the continent; new products, and the result of their trial, are noticed, and the knowledge of many useful discoveries thus extended. The prejudice against "book farming," as it has been termed, which has so long proved a barrier to the adoption of valuable improvements thus suggested, is gradually wearing away; and a happy combination of science and practical skill is thus secured, the results of which are every year becoming more and more apparent.

Agricultural societies also exercise great influence in furthering the progress of agricultural industry. These are of but comparatively recent date, and their institution and increase in number and prosperity serve to mark the progress of improvement in agriculture; and if still further aided by an efficient board of agriculture, like what exists in Great Britain, they would no doubt be yet more successful. It is only about fifty years since that board was there established, and it has proved of extensive benefit to that active empire. By means of these societies, great numbers of the agriculturists of our country are brought together, to compare notes as it were, to observe each other's success, and to converse on the topics connected with this branch of industry; they examine the machines, implements, animals, and products, offered for exhibition, and are induced to bestow more care and labor in the selection of their seeds and stock, in the preparation of the soil, and in their tillage and harvesting. Every year new and valuable improvements are thus made known and introduced, by which many are essentially benefited. Premiums also encourage to effort; and a highly salutary incentive is furnished in the honor to be acquired of successful and approved farming. A similar effect too, results from the bounties given by the different States, to encourage the culture of some particular product. These have never been offered without a new impulse being stirred, and leading to increased attention to the pursuit. Some of the States, in these respects, are far in advance of others; but almost all are beginning more to appreciate their true interests, and seeking to extend their true prosperity.

While adverting to the causes of general improvement in the agriculture of our country, it may not also be improper to allude to the increased hab

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