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the bad condition of crops on the Wabash bottom lands, says: "In Jefferson and Jennings, and all this region of the State, the wheat crop is more promising than it has been at the same time in any former year within the memory of man."

From another statement we gather the following:

Michigan City, (Indiana,) June 4.-"Wheat still commands 65 cents; but small quantities coming in. It is now considered that the frost we had about the 20th May did but little injury to the wheat; the fly has injured some fields, but the prospect now is of a fair crop."

In July the remark is made, that "the wheat crop, in various sections, has suffered from the fly." A similar diversity also exists in the later reports. In the central counties of the State, the accounts are favorable, and "a large crop is spoken of." In the counties lying in a southeasterly direction from the centre, and reaching on to the Wabash, the crop is estimated to have "fallen short 33 per cent., on account of the rust." North of these, however, another statement gives the opinion that the crop is greater than an average one, and exceeds that of 1843 by 25 per cent. As we proceed still north, on the upper waters of the Wabash, "the rains proved so severe," as has been mentioned, that the crop is reckoned at "not more than half of that of 1843." In the southeast, inclining to the central south, bordering on the Ohio river, including the counties of Washington, Scott, Jefferson, and some of the neighboring ones, there is more than usual complaint of rust; and the crop has been estimated at "not half a crop, and less than that of 1843." Northeasterly from these counties, and bordering on Kentucky and Ohio, in Dearborn, Ripley, Switzerland, and Franklin counties, and some others, there was likewise "a small crop ;" and the same cause, the "rust," is assigned as the reason. Still further north, and bordering on Ohio, and back towards the centre, the crop is estimated at "30 per cent in advance of that of 1843."

It must be taken into view, however, that a large quantity of seed was sown on a greater breadth of land than had been done the previous year; and, when we consider this fact, it seems probable that, if we estimate the whole crop at about 20 or 25 per cent. less than in 1843, we shall not vary greatly from the true state of the case. We are inclined to think that the difference, either side, cannot be more than 5 per cent.

Respecting the wheat crop of Illinois, our earlier notices are somewhat more full; and these, as well as the later ones, lead us to the conclusion' that this crop, though promising at first, suffered even more than in Indiana. Thus, in May, we are informed that "the fly is doing great injury in many parts of the State." And, early in the month, the Chicago Journal says: "The Hessian fly has made its appearance on Hickory creek, in Will county. Several entire fields of wheat, both winter and spring, have been destroyed. The loss, however, occasioned by this insect is confined, thus far, to small sections of country. The wheat crop, as a general thing never appeared more promising in northern Illinois than at present."

Again, speaking of this and other States, the Prairie Farmer, published at Chicago, says: "If there be not a larger wheat crop in the United States this season, or in the West at any rate, than ever before, we shall be disappointed. In our rambles through Illinois, we have seen and been informed that more wheat was sown last fall than usual; that, almost without exception, as far as we have been able to learn, it has been uninjured by the weather. The early opening of the spring will hasten its growth, so that

there will be little danger from rust; and this being the chief cause of fear for wheat in this region, we think the prospect is good for a large crop."

At a short period after, however, we find the accounts more discouraging, and early in June the prospects of the wheat crop in Illinois are mentioned as "unfavorable." In a St. Louis paper of June 1st, the fly is said to be "doing great injury" near Fox river, in Illinois.

Again, we have the following notice:

"Little Fort, (Illinois,) June 5.-After a rain of nearly six weeks, we have got a glimpse of the sun, and things begin to move. The season has been very unpropitious for putting in the spring crops, and, in this section of country, there will not be so much spring wheat raised as in the preceding year. There is, however, an abundance of wheat in the country; but the roads are so bad that very little gets to market. We are paying now 62 to 65 cents for winter, and 50 to 55 cents for spring. The crops in the ground look well, and every thing promises well."

Again, the Quincy (Illinois) Whig of the 3d instant says: "The rains of last week, it is feared, will have a serious effect upon the crops. Many of the farmers had commenced cutting their wheat, but were obliged to suspend their operations in consequence of the wet weather. Although the prospect, some weeks since, was very fair for a large yield, the continued wet weather has operated most disastrously, in many instances, upon the prospects of the farmers. Whole fields, we are informed, in this and adjoining counties, will yield little or nothing. The prospect for corn is even worse than for wheat, and, unless more favorable weather intervene soon, there is every probability of a failure in the crop."

Under date of June 3d, in Warren county, an informant writes us: "The season in this section is rather unfavorable. The wheat crop, I think, will be short of the expectations of all; the growth is most rapid-it is already beginning to head; but, whether from early frosts last fall, or the immoderate and cold rains this spring, I cannot say. On inspection by myself and some of my neighbors, it appears to be about one-third or one half less; our wells, ranging from 14 to 20 feet deep, are full to the top; the ground appears to be so much saturated with water, one would think it would never dry; the rains have been so numerous, that, before the ground was sufficiently dry to plough, another rain would follow."

The Prairie Farmer of July says that "the wheat crop is in some places luxuriant, but has suffered severely in various sections by the fly." And the same agricultural journal, of September, speaks of it having "promised well," but that "it did not yield half a crop in middle Illinois;" and that "much of it was not cut, on account of the wet and rust."

In Warren county, it is stated that the crop "fell far short of last spring's promise. The rains were so incessant and immoderate since last March, that much fall wheat has been more or less injured by rust or scab." Spring wheat, likewise, is said to be injured. Much of the wheat brought to market is stated to be "of a poor quality;" and the same complaint is heard of injury by long-continued wet.

The following estimates have been received since the harvest has been gathered:

In southern Illinois, one person considers the crop "as good as that of 1843." In the southwest tier of counties lying along on the Mississippi, on the other hand, it is stated that it did not reach to more than two-thirds of the crop of the previous year; and the "wet weather, and rust before

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the harvest," are assigned as the cause of this decline. North of this, reaching up to the centre, as compared with the crop of 1843, that of 1844 is placed as high as "100 per cent. increase," as "the crop of 1843 was very small, and that of 1844 was a remarkably good one. In the southeast counties, on the Wabash, and running back towards the centre, the crop is pronounced to have been "a very indifferent one," having "suffered much from long-continued rains ;" while in the central counties, and on towards the north, we are informed that "the wheat crop bade fair in the spring to be an uncommon yield; but, owing to the unusual floods of June, it ran too much to straw, and rust injured the crop. Some fields were entirely destroyed, and most of them injured in quality." Owing, however, to the large quantity sown, the crop may have turned out "an average one." In the northern part of Illinois, it is thought by one to be "a good crop," and towards the south "more injured by rust." A good judge, speaking of the wheat crop in this State, says: "The wheat crop in the vicinity of Chicago was a fair crop, though in quality it was poor, shrunk, and with a larger than usual growth of straw. It promised finely in the early.season, but ran too much to straw." It was also injured in some of the counties of northern Illinois by rust and the fly, and was about the same as in 1843. From these various accounts of the crop in different parts of the State, we are inclined to believe that a decrease of 25 to 30 per cent. should be allowed for the whole crop.

The wheat crop of Michigan has gained largely for two or three years past. This is one of those States where, owing to new lands being brought under cultivation, and a large increase of population by immigration, a greater extent of field is sown from year to year. Had there been nothing to injure the crop, the increase on that of 1843 would have been a large one. The earlier notices of the wheat crop in Michigan were somewhat unfavorable. A specimen of this appears in the following:

"St. Joseph's, (Michigan,) May 31.-Last week we mentioned the fact, that the fly was making sad havoc with the wheat crop in this vicinity. Since then, we have noticed that this enemy of the farmer infests different parts of this and the adjoining States. Still, the ravages of the fly appear not to be suficiently extensive to affect materially the general crop."

In June we find this account of the prospect, and the causes at work to influence the decrease of the crop: "While at the east and south the weather during the whole spring has been unusually warm and pleasant, and vegetation far in advance of the season, with us, throughout the whole west, we believe, there has been almost continuous rain. Our streets seldom present a worse surface in the early spring, and the roads in the interior, we are told, are in many places almost impassable.

"The effect of the heavy rain upon the wheat and spring crops has been exceedingly unfavorable; but whether so much so as to injure materially the harvest, cannot yet, we imagine, be determined. We hear, too, that the Hessian fly is doing much injury in some quarters. We fear, therefore, that the wheat crop, especially, is less promising in this State than it has been for several preceding years."-Detroit (Michigan) Advertiser of June 7th.

As an exception to this, it is said: "We are gratified to learn from the Oakland Gazette that the wheat crop looks well in that county, especially in the northern part."

In July, the accounts are not more favorable. Thus, from Centreville, we are informed, "the harvest is just beginning; but our crop of wheat will be far below medium. The fly in early spring, subsequent and long rains, and now within a few days the rust, have destroyed much wheat." Again:

"Ann Arbor, July 24.-Farmers are now in the middle of their harvest. The crop appears to be an average one. The straw is much rusted, but the grain appears to be but little shrunk."

In Monroe county, likewise, in July, the wheat crop is mentioned as being "nearly ruined by the fly." In other sections, it is said that "the wheat is coming forward finely, and bids fair to be an average crop. The ravages of the fly have been confined to small districts, and on light sandy soils." In Pontiac, also, it is stated to be "an average crop." The Michigan Farmer of July also mentions that the crop was suffering severely in various parts by the fly, and says, by way of curing the evil, that "where the fly has appeared no wheat there grown should be used for seed, and when practicable old last year's wheat should be sown." The eye bright is also mentioned as likely hereafter to prove an enemy to the wheat crop, as it is increasing in some sections. Again: "Although the fly and worm have spread devastation and ruin over many wheat fields throughout the entire valley of St. Joseph, yet the prospect is that we shall have a larger quantity for exportation the coming year than ever. This will arise from the fact that there was a larger quantity sown last fall than in any previous year."

In the next month, (August,) the following are some of the accounts which have been gathered respecting the wheat crop in Michigan: The Michigan State Journal (Ann Arbor) says: "The aggregate crop of the country will be less than was expected. In many places, the grain is very much shrunk." Again:

"Jackson, August 15.-The wheat crop is almost an entire failure. The insects took it last fall, and the rust in the spring, and then again the insects a second time."

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In Calhoun county, the crop is is made that the Michigan subsoil is nothing like an average crop.' period, a writer remarks, that the Some fields were not harvested." are assigned:

said to be "light;" and the suggestion
plough may be very useful; "but there
Under date of Grass Lake, at the same
crop there is "almost an entire failure.
The following causes of this poor crop

"1. The land has been run to wheat from year to year, without manuring or seeding it down.

2. The sowing of the same seed year after year on the same farm. "3. Sowing too early or too late.

4. The practical culture of many acres, rather than the thorough tillage of a few."

Later information corresponds well with the above. Thus, in the southeastern counties, we are told that there is "not more than one-fourth of the surplus of 1843, owing to the wet season and the ravages of the fly ;" and that in some cases "the injury was so severe that the farmers had to plough up their fields, and sow them over again.'

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In the northern and eastern section the grain is said to be "much shrunken, from rust;" and in the south part of this section it was "injured by the


fly;" so that, on the whole, the crop in this region "fell short of 1843 at least 25 per cent."

In the western section of the State the wheat crop was likewise much injured by the rust. "The early sown" is said to have been a "good crop;" but "the late sown" was "nearly all ruined; not more than half a crop was obtained, and this probably did not yield more than half the usual quantity of flour."

From all these accounts, it is evident that, but for the increased quantity sown, a very large deduction must be made from the wheat crop of Michigan for 1844, compared with that of 1843; but, regarding this counterbalancing consideration, we may fix it at from 20 to 25 per cent. less.

So far as we can form any estimate respecting the wheat crops of Tennessee and Kentucky, where considerable wheat is raised, it is thought, that while there have been much blight and rust in the latter of these two States, so that in some parts it amounted to almost a total failure, and a falling off of 15 per cent., on the other hand, the same crop has given a more favorable result in Tennessee; and by some the estimate is of an advance of 25 per cent. on the preceding year.

In the northwest section of the State, the estimate is, that there was not more than half a crop; not so much was sown, and the wet weather, with the rust and smut, injured it. In the Tennessee valley, bordering on Alabama, it is mentioned, in an agricultural journal, that the "wheat was cut from the 15th to the 20th of May-a light yield, and does not make good flour."

For the whole State, we are inclined to fix it at from 10 to 15 per cent. increase, and for Kentucky a decrease of about 15 to 20 per cent.

As we have been disappointed in obtaining as full information as wasdesired on these two States, we do not speak with equal assurance as with respect to other portions of our country.

In the State of Maryland, lying as it does contiguous to the States of Pennsylvania and Virginia, the crops will be likely to be affected by the same causes which operate in influencing the crops of those States. The harvest being as early, the grain crops must naturally have shared likewise in the advantage of the same warm and dry weather, which has been favorable to the wheat crop, already described.


On referring to the earlier notices of this crop, we find, under date of June, at Hagerstown, that the prospect in the valley of Washington county promises well, though the fly appeared in some few fields. In Kent county, in June, it was thought that the crop would be a "moderate" one. Kent and Montgomery and Queen Anne counties, a month later, it is pronounced to be remarkably fine and heavy. The Frederick Herald of July says, of the wheat crop: "We hear less complaint than usual; and although the rust and smut have done some little injury, we have but little doubt that the main objection to the wheat will be, that the grains are not sufficiently weighty, and are shrivelled, from the excess of wet weather lately."

Again: the American Farmer, during the same month, states, that notwithstanding there have been partial failures in some portions of the wheatgrowing regions, we believe that in the aggregate the crop has proved an abundant one.

In August, in Baltimore and some of the adjoining counties, it is stated that there was an average crop, and well secured; and the general report

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