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[75] tion of hemp than there is in the manufacture of it; because bagging and rope are articles of limited demand, and their consumption depends exclusively upon the extent of the cotton crop. These circumstances combine directly to reduce the price of dew-rotted hemp; and, owing to the facts that the annual production of our State and Missouri is not only 50 per cent. more than the consumption, but also that an estimated surplus of from 5,000 to 8,000 tons of the crops of 1842-'43 is supposed to be at this time in the farmers' hands unsold, many persons are even now looking forward to the price of hemp ruling lower next year than it has ever done before. Supposing, on the other hand, instead of dew-rotting, the entire crop of Kentucky was water-rotted; what would be the condition of things then? Why, instead of keeping his crop until the bagging manufacturer was ready to buy it, the farmer, by drawing out some 25 per cent. of tow, could obtain for the clean hemp from $160 to $200 per ton, and for the tow he could get as much from the bagging manufacturer as he now gets for his best dew-rotted hemp. He then never need fear the markets being glutted; for the consumption of water rotted hemp in the world amounts to several hundred thousand tons annually. Russia alone raises 120,000 tons; and, as I have before said, Kentucky could be made to produce 100,000 tons, if our farmers only knew how to prepare it properly, and a machine was in successful operation to compete with the serf labor of Russia."

At a meeting of the American Institute, a communication was made by Mr. Knight, of Kentucky, respecting a new mode of rotting hemp, by water heated to 160 degrees of Fahrenheit, by which it forms an entirely new staple; it becomes silky, more delicate and beautiful than the first flax. The same gentleman made the following statement to the institute: "Governor Chambers communicated to me a very curious important fact in relation to hemp. He stated that some years since a few tons of hemp were brought to his factory in Kentucky, which his foreman pronounced worthless, in consequence of its being over rotted-the fibre not having sufficient strength to bear twisting. It was, however, put away in one corner of the hemp house as tow, where it remained a year or more; when, being out of hemp, and wishing to keep the force employed, he directed the foreman to try the lot, and see if it could not be spun for bed cords; when it was found to be quite a good article, it having acquired tenacity by age. It was accordingly worked up, and he paid the farmer the usual price. Experiments were afterwards made on lots of similar character, and the results were equally favorable."

The above important facts show the benefit that may yet be derived to this country by the hemp crop. The amount of hemp imported in nine months in 1843 reached in value $228,882. By the following extract of a circular of a house in New Orleans, dated September 12, 1844, we see what may be done :

"Hemp.-This important article to the growers of the Western country is beginning to attract much attention, not only in this country, but in England. The consumption of it has greatly increased since the last year, which has been supplied by shipments from the West, a portion of which was placed upon the market at much less than its value, and in quantities sufficient to supply the immediate demand, at $75 and $85 per ton for American dew-rotted. All, or nearly all, thus held, has been taken; and prices have advanced to $92 50 a $95. Should the stock not be greatly increased, we expect to obtain $100; at which we are holding, and at which we have made some sales.

"Much attention should be paid to the preparation of hemp for the market; it should be entirely clear of shives; neatly and securely baled. The imports of Russia hemp this year are very small-only about 400 tons against 4,000 last year. This will cause an increased demand for your water-rotted hemp, which, if well cleaned, and of bright color, will be taken at full prices-say from $160 to $170 per ton."

Machinery of the most perfect kind is said to be in use in Europe, by which the finest linens (the superiority of which is seen by their being labelled "all hemp") are fabricated. Similar applications might be made in our own country.

We have thrown into our appendix No. 10 some extracts from the report of M. Butowsky, the agent of the Russian Government, who was sent over all Europe to inquire and report "as to the best means of improving the management, cultivation, and fabrication of hemp." A translation of this document was lately published by order of Congress; but the extracts in the appendix contain, in a short compass, some of the most important particulars, prepared by a correspondent of the Louisville Courier.

We have also thrown into the same appendix a circular published by some dealers in the article, which we take from the Prairie Farmer. From the Southern Planter, of August, we have also taken some extracts from a letter from William M. Peyton, of Virginia. Another from the Dollar Farmer, on the culture of hemp, &c. Should time allow, it is, too, our intention to add some extracts, in translation, from a German work, on the vegetables employed in spinning, &c.

The estimated hemp crop for 1844 is 22,800 tons.

Flax is raised in some parts of our country for seed, and the amount raised for this purpose is increasing. We have rich lands, and can raise this crop to great advantage. There is little danger of overstocking the market with seed, as the demand for the oil thus made is great. The oil crop, in most cases, will pay for the expressing of it. The quantity of oil is said to be about two gallons to the bushel; the yield per acre of seed is from 8 to 15 bushels. Sometimes in Europe it is sown and mowed when the seed is ripe, and the stalk thrown away. But since the new discoveries which have been made for enabling the manufacturer to spin it, and fabricate fine linen from it, by machinery, it must reduce the price of linen fabrics, and enter into competition with cotton goods. Flax is admirably adapted to the first cropping of prairie land-the sod being turned over flat, no weeds appear the first season. In this way, flax for seed may be obtained; and American seed for sowing commands a high price in England, where flax is often pulled before it is ripe, and where the climate is not so favorable for ripening the seed. The amount of flaxseed, as well as of linen goods, &c., imported, is of considerable value, though we cannot give any definite returns in respect to them. The paper in appendix No. 11, on the subject of flax, has been furnished by an experienced manufacturer of flax in Paterson, N. J., and contains much valuable information, gathered from his personal observation abroad. By the following extract from a public journal, it appears that the business of raising the seed is one of no little importance at the West:

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"Flaxseed. The Cincinnati Atlas states that the cultivation of flax for the seed alone has become an important item among the farmers of Hamilton county-one farmer having 20, and another 30 acres under culture. The establishment of oil mills in our Western cities makes a home market, at a price that pays well for the cultivation even of the seed alone."

The Genesee Farmer, of September, 1844, speaking of this subject, remarks, that seed will bring in that vicinity $1 50 a bushel, in any quantity, both for home consumption and export. It is also stated that the price of flax is about $150 per ton.

In a Western journal, foreign flax is said to be held in Great Britain at £42 to £100 per ton. Irish flax at £1 15s. to £1 18s. per cwt.; and milled 15s. per cwt.

flax at £2 12s. to £2


The tobacco crop is confined, in a great degree, to particular States; and so much difficulty is experienced in forming any estimate with respect to those States where a few thousand pounds or less are raised, as exhibited on the basis of the census returns, that we have thought it best to strike this crop from the column, as regards those States. In Connecticut and Massachusetts only, of New England, have we retained any estimate, where we believe there has been some increase. In the latter of these States, the attention devoted to the culture of tobacco is principally confined to a few miles around Connecticut river and its vicinity, in the northern part of the State, where, on account of the profit derived, more land has been devoted to it, with successful returns, from year to year. It is stated that in 1843, in the single town of East Windsor, "more than 500 tons were produced, which sold for over $50 per ton; thus bringing in more than $25,000. In five or six adjoining towns, there is also a great deal of tobacco raised. Within the circumference of 25 miles, there is probably not less than 2,500 tons sold annually; and the tobacco is good-better for cigar wrappers than that of the South." This would seem to indicate that our former estimates for this State have been probably about right. We believe this is the fact; and we have therefore fixed it at an increase of 10 per cent. for the year 1844. Respecting this crop in Pennsylvania, we have been unable to ascertain it satisfactorily. From the little incidental knowledge we can get, as it is said to have done well, and more to be planted, we have concluded to fix it at a slight increase, though we should not be greatly disappointed if it turned out otherwise.

Maryland is a large tobacco-growing State. There is considerable conflicting in the accounts of this crop gathered from the public journals. Thus, for instance, it is stated:

"Maryland tobacco.-Lyford's Journal of Saturday says, in reference to the coming crop of Maryland tobacco, that all accounts agree in pronouncing it, from present appearances, the largest, and of as good quality in general, as the State has ever produced. Some portion of it is already housed."

"The tobacco crop.-A tobacco planter of Anne Arundel county, Maryland, states that the article which we copied from Lyford's Journal on Monday last, relative to the extent and quality of this year's Maryland tobacco crop, is incorrect. In Anne Arundel, Prince George, and Calvert, the principal tobacco-growing counties in the State, he says the planters will be satisfied in having two-thirds of an average crop. This may be so, but Mr. Lyford is usually correct in his statements."

So, too

Injury to the tobacco crop.-The Marlborough Gazette of Thursday last says: Much injury was sustained in the lower part of Prince George by the storm on yesterday week. We learn that several planters had their tobacco crops so much cut by the hail as to render them valueless."

And again:

"We would remark, in reference to the present tobacco crop in Maryland, that, from all the information we can get, (and we have taken a good deal of pains to obtain it,) the crop of Maryland is about one-third short of an average one. At the same time, we understand that the quality is much superior to what it was last year, being rather thicker in the leaf, and generally very bright in color. The planters will therefore, in all probability, realize as much in funds for their crop this year as last, as the improvement in quality will make up for the deficiency in quantity."

In July, we find the following notice from Rockville, Montgomery county: "The tobacco planters here made great preparations for the cultivation of a larger crop than has been grown for a number of years; and the season, so far, has been favorable." In the southeast section of the State, bordering on the Potomac river, the report respecting the crop is "50 per cent. short, on account of a dry May and a very dry summer." We believe that the crop is full 25 per cent. short, on an average, of the usual fair crop of the State.

The Virginia crop, to judge from the notices which are found in the journals of that State, has greatly suffered during the past year. The following are specimens:

The Norfolk Beacon says: "In the great tobacco region of the Roanoke, in Prince Edward, Charlotte, Halifax, Pittsylvania, and in the upper James, a drought, more severe than has been felt for many years, has materially impaired the prospects of the tobacco planter. In the above-named region and country, the injury to the corn crop is estimated at one-half to twothirds. The condition of the tobacco crop is exceedingly critical. The portion of the crop first planted has grown spindling, for want of moisture; while that planted later has put forth very closely, or perished in the hill. As late as the 2d, no rain had fallen in the country above named for months, and the injury sustained by tobacco must be material.

"The degree cannot be fully ascertained, but the crop must be short. Indeed, we fear another disastrous year for our great staple is about to revolve-a result which cannot be deprecated too earnestly by all interested in the prosperity of Virginia. The two last crops of tobacco have not only not added a dollar to the prosperity of the State, but left every planter involved in debt. The loss sustained by the planting interest has been almost overwhelming. Hundreds of slaves have been sold out of the State; not far from seventy-five to one hundred have been removed beyond our limits within the last twelve months, and a very heavy balance is yet marked down against the planter. It is difficult to estimate the bad results of a failure of the present tobacco crop; but, as circumstances now are, it is well to prepare ourselves for the worst, and make the best of it."

Again: "Tobacco crop.-A friend from Charlotte county, in this State, informs us that an unusually severe drought has prevailed in Charlotte, Halifax, Prince Edward, Cumberland, and in the counties adjoining these; and great fears are entertained for the corn and tobacco crops. No rain has fallen for several months, and up to Saturday last the drought still continued. The corn crop must be curtailed a half, if not more; and the fate of the tobacco crop is very doubtful. In large districts of country the plants failed, or were destroyed by the fly, and the beds were new sown. This produced a late planting of the crop, and the want of rain has increased the difficulty. Many plants have died in the hill, and few planters have a full crop standing. The drought has also injured the tobacco that was planted

early, causing it to grow light. The tobacco crops of the three past years have wrought such disaster to the planters and to the Commonwealth, that we will not permit ourselves to believe that another is to be added to the disheartening results of the past."-Norfolk Herald, August 9, 1844.

Elsewhere we are told, in September: "The prospect for a good crop of tobacco is very gloomy. The tobacco crop is very unpromising, the drought is so severe."

Similar to these are notices which have been furnished since the first crop was gathered. Thus, in the southeastern central section of the State, in the vicinity of Amelia county, it is stated that there was "a falling off of 30 per cent. from the previous crop, though that which was raised is of superior quality." This was the "result there of drought." In the southern central counties, bordering on North Carolina, it is said: "The last was a small and bad crop; and this is somewhat less-caused by a scarcity of plants, and a dry July, August, and September; but that portion of this year's crop which was planted early (say one fourth) is of a very superior quality." North of this, "the quality was good, but the quantity was hardly an average." In the western part of the State, also, the crop was about an average one. Considering that the last year's crop (1843) was so poor, though this of 1844 has been lessened, yet, on the whole, we think it has not decreased more than about 20 per cent.

In North Carolina, the same cause has operated to reduce the crop. In some sections the crop is rated at about one-half, as but little was planted. Elsewhere it is said that "in quantity it was about equal to last year, but the quality was superior." On the whole, the average decrease from the crop of 1843 was doubtless equal to 15 per cent.

Respecting the crop in South Carolina, we have so little information that we find it difficult to form an estimate. Bordering as it does on North Carolina and Georgia, the season was similar; but, as the crop occupies a minor place in the production of this State, we allow but little increaseperhaps 5 per cent.

In Georgia, the tobacco crops in the western section, or what is called the Cherokee country, are said "not only to be much better, from the favorableness of the season, but there has been an increased culture." In one part of this region, the increase is estimated at 150 per cent., on account of the very low price of cotton. Take the State through, we believe that there was probably from 25 to 30 per cent. advance on the crop of 1843.

The same, we believe, was the case with Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida; although, from the little attention given to it, notices are unfrequent in the all-absorbing question of the prosperity of the cotton crop. The crop of tobacco in Tennessee is quite large; and in West Tennessee, we see it stated that it was "very promising." The whole crop of this State appears to have been an increased one-perhaps 10 to 15 per cent. The same was probably the case with the crop in Kentucky, where there was an increase of from 5 to 10 per cent. It is said that, from all accounts, the presumption is, that the crop in Ohio is nearly or quite an average one, and the quality about as in the previous year. In the Miami valley, one informant says: "In 1843 there were 12,000 pounds raised; in 1844, 8,000. The crop of this year was superior to the last in every respect, and the decrease of quantity is the result of a less number of acres being cultivated. In yet another section of the State, the quantity is fully double. Probably there was an advance of from 10 to 15 per cent.-possibly more.

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