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remembered that Prince Bismarck closed the German market to Russian investments (Russia is a country which has always paid its creditors!) and forced the 4 per cent. consols into the hands of thousands of needy people, one cannot help resenting this conversion, the more so when it is considered that three-fifths of our revenue is spent on the army, which of course everybody knows is never to fight. The Grand Duke of Baden, who is as fond of speaking as the Emperor William, not long ago made a speech to the Kriegervereine or Old Soldiers' Association, exhorting them to work in the cause of peace in their own homes and for the State. The desire for peace is extant everywhere, but unfortunately it is but little understood which is the proper way of keeping the peace. The German Emperor has also written to the Tsar, saying how much he wished for friendly intercourse with Russia; upon which the Emperor of Russia replied, through Prínce Lobanoff, that it was also his ardent wish to be on good terms with Austria. Again, at the death of FieldMarshal Canrobert, the German Emperor telegraphed a message of condolence to Lieutenant Canrobert. It is true that any such movements are looked upon by a large number of Germans as a weakness towards France, but this is entirely untrue, and the oftener we see an exchange of such sentiments between the crowned heads of Europe, the better pleased we may be.

Our society has distributed fifty numbers of Count Tolstoi's book, "Christianity and Patriotism," as well as a large number of Richard Reuter's prize essay edited by Björklund, whilst Herr Pfarrer Resch, a member of the Wiesbaden Society, wrote a very good poem on peace, which was published in one of the local newspapers. The Monatliche Friedens Correspondenz, or Monthly Peace Correspondence, which is sent to all the German newspapers and also to a large number of private persons, has passed out of Monsieur Ducommun's hands into the management of the Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft, but will be edited by our hard-working friend Herr Franz Wirth at Frankfort-on-the-Main. It has been considerably enlarged. Herr Wirth has also compiled an exhaustive answer to the address sent by our American friends to the German Emperor on the question of Elsass-Lothringen. It is written in French, and should be carefully studied by those who believe that the restitution of the Reichslande would in any way alter the existing state of things. In the Gentlewoman has appeared a biography of the Baroness Bertha von Suttner, illustrated with views of the schloss and the park, to which I should also like to call the attention of our English friends.

I have been invited to speak at Limburg on March 5th at the Freie Evangelische Sociale Conferenz by Professor Zimmer of Herborn, who is a member of the Wiesbaden Society. I have accepted this offer with pleasure, and hope that good may come of it. The audience will consist to a large extent of clergymen, whose help we need very greatly, and of members of various learned professions, as well as ladies. Herr Kullmann, a member of our committee, was at Alzey a few days ago, where I hear he founded another society, making the twentieth in Germany. The Wiesbaden Society has some ninety members, and is, in proportion to the number of inhabitants, the largest in Germany. Wiesbaden, February, 1895. A. BOTHMER.

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harvests, and from whence now arises a clamorous cry for help from its starving population.

At this same time battalions of hearty young men with costly artillery equipments are starting from Napoli la bella to carry the so-called light of civilisation into Africa.

Does no one think of the enormous amount of good the money thus thrown away into the Red Sea might have done by the simple means of reduced taxation? Does no one think of the possible complications which may arise from this African frenzy, which seems to have invaded all Europe? Meanwhile we are witnessing in Africa the curious spectacle of a Christian monk, a Roman Catholic apostolic monk, singing a Te Deum in honour of our victory in Abyssinia, whilst other Christians, also Roman Catholic apostolic monks, are leaving the Italian colony, full of wrath and indignation, having been expelled with only a few hours' notice on suspicion of connivance with the enemies of Italy.

How will the Holy Father reconcile this to the satisfaction of both parties, as both are flesh of his flesh and blood of his blood? The national dualism which at this moment divides into two parties the two religious orders-the Italian Capucins and the French Lazarists-in that portion of Africa, may have, through the intrigues of the Vatican, a very great influence on the politics of the two nations, and fan the flame of discord already so fatal to them, and thus lead to complications of a most disastrous character.

There are many Italians who, having taken part in the holy struggle for their national independence, thought, and still think, that with wiser and less vain men at their head they might now been enjoying not only an enviable position at home, but also a strong and respected position in the face of Europe.

If Italy had known how to improve and fertilise her own uncultivated land, instead of trying to conquer far-off barren kingdoms, she would certainly have found much more useful occupation for her thousands of robust young workmen who are now fertilising the plains of South America, improving the marshes of Brazil, constructing railroads in Roumania, digging trenches in Greece, and planting vineyards in France, and rich in the arts which peace protects and encourages, populated with citizens who would feel their dignity as men, who would dare to attack a nation of thirty million inhabitants strong, and proud in their independence and affluence? But to-day, ruled by a false idea, our pride is centred in our alliances, which only shows our weakness, and prevents us from intervening as heralds of justice in any question which might by misadventure arise between the European Powers, and at the same time spare our country the pauperism of emigration and the horrors of starvation which seem to have become the evil spirits of the Peninsula.

I do not wish to assert that many in Italy think as I think, although I am not alone in my opinion, but I simply wished to give the Association this frank expression of the views of an Italian, which will enable you to assure our generous companions in all parts of the world that the idea of conquest by the force of arms is not the idea of all those who are born under the soft sky of Italy, and who are most ardently devoted to her. Florence, February, 1895 DIEGO MARTELLI.


WE heartily welcome the appointment of M. Trarieux, Senator, as Minister of Justice in the new French Ministry, and it augurs well for a pacific policy. He has been one of the most prominent members of the Inter-Parliamentary Conference, and presided at several of the sittings of that body at the Hague last year. He was on that occasion appointed a member

of the Commission charged with the task of preparing a scheme for an International Tribunal for the settlement of disputes. He also moved an address to the newspaper Press of Europe, inviting its support for the cause of international unity and concord.

A very gratifying proof of his interest in our movement has been afforded by the fact of his having selected, for his private secretary, our excellent friend and colleague, M. Jacques Dumas, well known to us all as one of the founders of the "Society of the Young Friends of Peace" at Nimes, and as editor of that valuable review-La Paix par Le Droit.

We may add that M. Trarieux was a member of the National Assembly, and has been chief of the Bar at Bordeaux. He has served on all committees appointed by the Senate to report on questions of special importance.


THE following bill to promote peace among nations by international arbitration was introduced in the Senate of the United States, January 14, 1895, by Senator Sherman :

"That to enable the President to carry into execution the resolution of Congress, adopted on the third day of April, 1890, requesting him to invite, from time to time, as fit occasion may arise, negotiations with any Government with which the United States may have diplomatic relations, to the end that any differences or disputes arising between the Governments which can not be adjusted by diplomatic agency may be referred to arbitration,' he is authorized to conduct such regotiations by regular diplomatic agents of the United States, or, at his discretion, he is hereby authorized to appoint a commission to visit such other Governments

he may determine, for the purpose of instituting negotiations with them for the creation of a Tribunal of International Arbitration or other appropriate means whereby difficulties and disputes between nations may be peaceably and amicably settled and wars prevented." The Peacemaker, Philadelphia, U.S.A.


FRANCE AND MADAGASCAR.-M. Le Myre de Vilers has told M. Hanotaux that the French will be welcomed as deliverers by the non-Hova tribes of Madagascar. The Sakalavas and the rest hate the Hovas, no doubt, but they hate Europeans far more, and Frenchmen worse than all Europeans. It is useless for France to try to disguise the wholly aggressive character of the war. It is not even based on any breach of the treaty of 1885; but merely on the fact that the treaty was so clumsily drafted that France could make nothing out of it. It is to be observed, too, that in the treaty France expressedly and pointedly recognised Queen Ranavalona's claim to the dominion of all the Malagasy tribes. So that the deliverance of her down-trodden subjects, coupled with her breach of the very treaty that made them subject, hardly comes to a logical pretext for war-Pall Mall Gazette. [We quote this statement without endorsing it, and merely as material for study of the question.]

THE SCIENCE OF DESTRUCTION.-The pneumatic dynamite guns that have been mounted at Sandy Hook, during a recent test, threw eight shells, loaded with 200lb. of nitro-gelatine, about two miles, and dropped all of them into a space of 30ft. by 120ft. They threw up columns of water 100ft. high, and each exploded two econds after striking the water as they had been timed to do.-Echo.

THE PENNSYLVANIA PEACE SOCIETY.-The twentyeighth anniversary of this Society was held at Philadelphia on the 7th December last, when the chair was taken by Sarah F. R. Eavenson, M.D. Alfred H. Love, President of the Universal Peace Union, the Hon, W. N. Ashman, LL.D., George Dana Boardman, D.D., Mrs. Belva Lockwood, and others delivered addresses. The meeting was specially marked by a speech of great power by Mr. G. F. Stevens, President of the Single Tax Society. We have seldom read more powerful arguments for Free Trade as the most effectual means of securing permanent peace. We wish we could reproduce this excellent plea in full. We must content ourselves with two sentences :-"I am here to urge upon you that, in the conditions and temper of our time, the great practical work for peace among nations is international commerce......The efforts of the peace societies, however laudable, can never be successful so long as the nations maintain their present system of isolation."

A LESSON FOR ANNEXATIONISTS.-One lesson, indeed, it [the history of the Cape Colony] contains, which can not be repeated too often in these days to a ruling race -the lesson that in the long run injustice usually brings its own retribution, and that the excellence of the proposed end of philanthropic schemes of legislation cannot atone for the employment of means that are inequitable and unfair.-The Times.

THE NEUTRALISATION OF STATES.-The Danish Branch of the Inter-Parliamentary Union has notified its intention of moving the following proposal at the next annual Conference, to be held at Brussels; that the members of the same be requested to bring forward "proposals," in their several Parliaments, that the Governments of Europe be invited to send delegates to a diplomatic conference, which shall report what States may fairly claim to acquire the status of neutrality.Corresp. Autog.

THOU SHALT NOT KILL.-From June 1791 to November 1813 the French Government enrolled 4,556,000 men, nearly three-fourths of whom died in battle, of wounds or of diseases contracted in the field.

RUSSIA.-The Novosti newspaper of St. Petersburg allotted two whole columns to a report of the annual meeting of the Vienna Peace Society, and expressed the warmest sympathy.-Corresp. Autog.

DENMARK.-The numerous branches of the Danish Peace Society scattered throughout the kingdom have met at Copenhagen to concert measures for the purpose of securing public manifestations in favour of the peace movement on occasion of the general parliamentary elections to be held in April next. It is proposed that candidates should be asked whether they will join the Danish branch of the Inter-Parliamentary Conference, and will vote for a subsidy to the International Peace Bureau. Well done, "gallant little" Denmark!

FRIEDENS-KATECHISMUS ("PEACE CATECHISM " ).— M. Potonié Pierre, in the Epoque of Paris, alludes to this little book from the pen of Alfred Hermann Fried, and noticed by our German correspondent in CONCORD for December last. His main point of view is the increasing mutual dependance of nations, and the solidarity of their interest. He says, "Every great acquisition and every progressive step is for the benefit of all countries alike. The existence of the arts and sciences of commerce and industry depends on their international character, and cannot grow so long as they are confined within frontiers."

THE STATISTICS OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION. THE HOSTILITIES IN WAZIRISTAN. Alfred Hermann Fried gives the following figures:The war of 1870-71 killed 60,000 Germans and 155,000 Frenchmen, while it cost 500 millions sterling. The wars which occurred between 1853 and 1866 (fourteen years) cost no less than 48,000 millions sterling."

PROPOSED ANGLO-AMERICAN ARBITRATION TREATY. -Mr. W. Randal Cremer, M.P., was, on the 19th January last, presented to the President of the United States by Mr. Gresham, Secretary of State, in order that he might deliver the memorial signed by 354 members of the House of Commons.

GERMANY.-Almost every week we receive newspaper reports of meetings of Peace Societies among our Teutonic brethren. The latest, Breslau, Koenigsberg; while at Frankfort-on-Main, at a great gathering of the Progressist party, Dr. Eberhard denounced militarism in vigorous terms, and was enthusiastically applauded.

AUSTRIA. A general meeting of the "Society of the Friends of Peace" at Baden (near Vienna) has been held, under the presidency of a well-known author, Leopold Katscher; and among the telegrams of congratulation was one from the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Baron von Chlumcky. A new Society has been constituted at Trieste; many well-known persons attending the meeting held for that purpose.

ITALY.-The Lombard Union has issued an eloquent address to all friends of progress to unite in efforts to suppress all causes of hatred and distrust between nations, inasmuch as the maintenance of peace is constantly imperilled by outbursts of passion and prejudice. All men must unite in practical steps to bring about a higher public and private morality by a more active share in the politics and administration of their several countries.

THE PEACE ARMIES OF EUROPE AND AMERICA.We have just received from the International Bureau of Peace a new edition of the List of Peace Societies, carefully prepared by the Hon. Secretary, M. Elie Ducommun. For Great Britain we find the names of 9 societies; for Austria, 3; for Germany, 15; for Belgium, 1; for Denmark, 1; for Sweden, 1; for France, 14; for Holland, 3; for Italy, 7; for Norway, 1; for Switzerland, 23 branches of "The International League of Peace and Liberty." There is also a University Society at Zurich. In the list of societies in the United States of America we find the names of no less than 54. Of course this enumeration gives no idea of the comparative strength of the movement in the several countries named. There is a tendency, we think, to unnecessary multiplication of small groups, when greater union would bring greater results. We hope that the Bureau will endeavour to ascertain the total number of working and paying members in the several countries.

ARBITRATION; S. AFRICA.-A dispute between Portugal and Great Britain respecting the boundary of Manicaland has been referred to the arbitration of Italy.

ARBITRATION; GREAT BRITAIN AND HOLLAND.-The British Government claimed from that of the Netherlands damages for the illegal seizure of the ship Costa Rica on the high seas, made under the supposition that the ship and her freight had been stolen. The Dutch Government disclaimed liability to payment of indemnity but offered a sum of money as an act of grace. The British Government took up the case, and after two years litigation Holland proposed arbitration, which has been accepted

THE following correspondence has passed between ou Committee and the India Office with reference to the resolution on this subject, which appears in the usua column :

"40 & 41 Outer Temple, Strand, W.C.,
"January 17th, 1895.

"SIR,-The attention of our Committee has bee drawn to the telegrams and other reports from India indicating that British troops were engaged i another invasion of Afghanistan. From those source of public information we hear of villages being shelle and burned, of cattle taken away by thousands, and the resources of the tribes being devastated.

"It being one of the objects of the Association t trace the causes and occasions in which hostilitie originate, in the hope of being enabled, in some degre to obviate and anticipate disputes by means of media tion and arbitration, I am directed to ask if ou Committee can be supplied with copies of the officia despatches, and with references thereto that ma serve to show what authorities are responsible for th present hostilities against the tribes in Waziristan, an whether some other method than those of fire an sword may be accessible for preventing further ho tilities beyond the borders of India, and expeditin the withdrawal of Her Majesty's Government fro Afghan territory.

"Though financial matters do not come directl within the cognizance of our Association, the notoriousl adverse state of Indian finance, which such cost expeditions as that now proceeding must now aggr vate, affords a special reason for our asking to supplied with copies of official documents that ma serve to explain the grounds on which these destructiv operations have been undertaken. "I am, &c.,

"J. FREDK. GREEN, Secretary. "To the Secretary of State for India in Council."

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[NOTE.-As to this geographical statement Sir Arth Godley has been desired to make, we trust some memb of Parliament will take an early opportunity of putti it to the test. Meantime the ordinary maps serve justify that portion of our letter of inquiry. If t "territory within which three brigades of H Majesty's Indian forces are now operating is not pa of the dominions of the Ameer it certainly is portion of British India. And if the Ameer, by t Kabul-Durand Treaty, on grounds yet undisclose chose to waive his suzerainty over the Waziris, th seems but a very poor excuse for the Indian Gover ment invading their territory.-ED. CONCORD.]


Ir has been arranged by the various Peace Societies to hold a series of joint meetings at St. Martin's Town Hall, Charing Cross, on the 18th, 20th, and 22nd March. It is proposed that at one meeting the questions for consideration shall be the present condition of European armaments, arbitration, a permanent international tribunal, &c.; at the second meeting the question of armaments as effecting the interests of labour and the workingclasses; and at the third meeting the religious and ethical aspect of the peace question, including the education of the young, &c. It is hoped that these meetings will be of a representative character, and that they will attract the attention of many who are not at present identified with any of the existing peace organisations. Full particulars as to speakers, &c., will be duly announced. We trust that our members will make these meetings known to their friends.


THE following letter has been received in reply to a letter enclosing the resolution of the Committee on this subject, which will be found in the usual column:Foreign Office,

"26th January, 1895. "SIR,-I am directed by the Earl of Kimberley to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 22nd instant, and in reply I am to state that the only agreement existing between the Governments of Great Britain and Italy in regard to Kassala is contained in the Protocol of the 15th of April, 1891, which has been laid before Parliament (Parliamentary Paper, Italy, No. 1, 1891), and that the report of an intended re-occupation of Dongola is entirely unauthorised.

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"I am, Sir,

"Your most obedient, humble Servant, "T. H. SANDERSON.

The Secretary, International Arbitration and Peace Association."


THE Humanitarian League is organising a National Conference, to be held at St. Martin's Town Hall on February 28th and March 1st, under the presidency of Mr. J. Passmore Edwards. The subjects to be discussed are the Criminal Code, Public Control of Hospitals, Slaughter-house Reform, and Cruel Sports. Delegates will attend from the Fabian Society, Christian Social Union, Women's Emancipation Union, British Women's Temperance Association, Witnesses' Protection Society, the International Arbitration Association, &c. Particulars may be obtained from Miss E. Martyn, Pioneer Club, Bruton Street, W.



Vice-Chairmen {T. HOLMES, F.R.C.S.

Hon. Treasurer-JOHN M. GRANT.
Secretary-J. FREDK. GREEN.

The Executive Committee invite criticisms and suggestions from Members on the subjects of the resolutions passed at their meetings.]


January 15.-INVASION OF THE SOUDAN BY ITALIAN TROOPS.-Whilst taking note of the suffer

ings and discontent amongst the Italian population, caused mainly by the heavy taxation and financial difficulties resulting from the excessive military and naval expenditure which the Government of the country persists in maintaining, this Committee observes the renewed warfare between the Italian commanders and the Abyssinians, and regrets to learn that the invasion of the Soudan by those commanders is being further extended.

Further, it is desirable to draw the attention of Her Majesty's Government to the statement recently made by Admiral Brin in the Italian Parliament, and also circulated in the press, to the effect that, as a result of the African understanding between Italy and England, the British garrison at Suakin will assist the Italians at Kassala; also to the statement from Cairo that the Egyptian Government contemplates the reoccupation of the outlying province of Dongola.

In view of assurances given at various times that further inroads by Egypt into the Soudan are contrary to the policy of the British Government, it is desirable that Her Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs should be asked to state what grounds, if any, exist for these several alleged instances of countenance given by British authorities to renewed hostilities in the Soudan.

January 15.-BRITISH INVASION OF AFGHANISTAN.Referring to the new invasion of Afghanistan by a large force of British Indian troops, resulting in the devastation of the Waziri country, the driving off of the cattle and other destruction of the tribes' means of subsistence, it is desirable that the Secretary of State for India should be asked to make known by the publication of authorised documents the circumstances in which these deplorable occurrences have arisen, which, while embittering the Afghans against the British name and influence, must seriously add to the present embarrassment of Indian finances. 29.-CONFERENCE OF THE HUMANITARIAN LEAGUE.-In view of a letter from the Secretary of the League, it was decided to send delegates to the Conference on February 28th and March 1st. Mr. L. P. Ford and the Secretary were appointed as delegates.

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