

DALKEITH, Lord, Edinburghshire
Cattle Plague and Importation of Live Stock,
Nomination of Select Committee, [234] 201

[blocks in formation]


Burial Grounds, Motion for Returns, [233]

Employers and Servants-" Common Employ-
ment," Motion for a Select Committee, [232]
886, 892

Industrial Occupations, Casualties in, Motion
for Returns, [234] 1479

Local Government of the Metropolis, Motion
for Returns, [232] 1736
Metropolitan Board of Works (Election of
Members), 2R. [232] 1354

Railway Accidents-Legislation, [232] 254
Railway Accidents, Res. [234] 28

Railway Companies Servants, 2R. [234] 720
Russia and Turkey-The War-Suez Canal,
Neutrality of, [234] 313


Central Asia-Appointment of a Consul, Mo-
tion for an Address, [234] 1561

DENBIGH, Earl of

India-Estate of General Sombre, [235] 81

[blocks in formation]

Metropolis-Hyde Park Corner, [232] 898
Parliament-Public Business, Arrangement of,
[234] 997

Parliament-Business of the House, Res. [232]
333; [235] 1681

Parliament-New Rules of Debate, Res.[236]72
Post Office Money Orders, 2R. [235] 1240
Solicitors Examination, &c. Comm. [235] 866
South Africa, Comm. cl. 27, [236] 276, 280

DENISON, Mr. W., BECKETT-, East Ret-

Post Office-Telegraph Offices, Closing of,
[235] 406


Burial Acts Consolidation, 2R. [233] 1930;
Comm. add. cl. [234] 1067; Report, Bill
withdrawn, [235] 183

Eastern Question-The Protocol-Sir Henry
Elliot, Motion for Adjournment, [233] 315
Eastern Question-Tripartite Treaty of 15th
April, 1856, [234] 845

Irish Peerage, 2R. [232] 1753; Comm. [233]
9; 3R. 95

Parliament-Election of Representative Peers
for Scotland-Earldom of Mar, Res. [235]

Prisons, Comm. cl. 14, [235] 872

Derby Corporation (Extension of Borough,
&c.) Bill (by Order)

c. Moved, That the Bill be now considered "
May 1, [234] 144

Amendt. to leave out " now considered," and

add "re-committed to the former Committee,
in respect of Clauses 42 to 46, inclusive, and
Clause 52" (Sir Henry Wilmot) v.; after
short debate, Question put,
46 That the
words, &c.;

A. 127, N. 161; M. 34 (D. L.

Words added; main Question, as amended, put,
and agreed to

Considered May 15, 984

DERBY, Earl of (Secretary of State for
Foreign Affairs)

Captain Burnaby-Recall from Russia and
Asia, [232] 1748, 1749, 1752

Eastern Question-Miscellaneous Questions
Despatch of 1st May, 1877, [234] 487, 488
Layard, Mr., Declaration of, [234] 724
Mediterranean Fleet, [235] 663

Negotiations, [233] 90, 91, 92, 1736

Partition of Turkey, [236] 745
Russian Circular, [234] 2, 142

Tripartite Treaty of 15th April, 1856, [234]

Eastern Question-The Protocol-Sir Henry
Elliot, [233] 311, 1051, 1052; Motion for
Papers, 1192


DERBY, Earl of-cont.


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DILKE, Sir C. W., Chelsea, &c.

Ballot Act, The-Marking of Ballot Papers,
[232] 1014

China-Chefoo Convention, [236] 164
County Franchise and Re-distribution of Seats,
Res. [235] 500

Criminal Law The Detective Police, [236] 828
Customs, Inland Revenue, and Savings Banks,
Comm. add. cl. Motion for reporting Pro-
gress, [234] 1131

Eastern Question-Resolutions (Mr. Glad-
stone), [234] 707

Eastern Question-The Protocol, Motion for
Papers, [233] 1145, 1146, 1175
East India Loan, Comm. [236] 121
Expiring Laws Continuance, 2R. [236] 638
House Occupiers Disqualification Removal,
2R. Motion for Adjournment, [232] 181, 339
India-Ameer of Afghanistan-Conference at
Peshawur, [234] 1581

Western Frontier Policy, [236] 722
Indian Civil Service-Admission of Candidates,
[235] 462

Malay Peninsula-Perak, [233] 1940, 1941
Metropolis-New Lodge in Hyde Park, [235]

Metropolitan Street Improvement, Lords
Amendts. consid. [236] 217

Mutiny, 2R. [232] 2019

Navy-Naval Education-H.M.S. "Inflexible,"
Res. [235] 901

New Forest, [235] 193

Parliament-Miscellaneous Questions

Business of the Session, [235] 1534
Metropolitan Commons Bill, Lords' Amend-
ments, [235] 1742

Morning Sittings, [234] 1238

Public Business, Arrangement of, [234] 995
Parliament-Business of the House, Res. [232]


Parliamentary and Municipal Elections-Hours
of Polling, Res. [233] 382, 393

Parliamentary and Municipal Registration, 2R.
[232] 1960, 1961; Nomination of Select
Committee, [235] 1736

Post Office-Postal Messengers and Letter
Carriers, [235] 1734

Registration of Borough Voters, 2R. [232] 795
Russia and Turkey-The War-Miscellaneous

Blockade of the Black Sea, [235] 1324,
1389; [236] 459, 461

Neutral Interests, [234] 109

The Ameer of Kashgar, [235] 1390

Sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Sunday, Leave,
[232] 362

South Africa, 2R. [235] 987; Comm. 1784;
cl. 3, [236] 180, 181

Spain-Execution of the crew of the "Vir-
ginius," [233] 1667

Straits Settlements-The Malay Peninsula-
Expenses of the Campaign, [235] 1387

Supply Admiralty Registrar and Marshal of
Probate, &c. of the High Court of Jus-
tice, Amendt. [235] 1292, 1293

Colonial Local Revenue, &c. Amendt. [232]
1996, 1999; [235] 1413, 1417; Amendt.
[236] 586, 587

Diplomatic Services, [232] 1978, 1979
Land Registry Office, [235] 1359
Metropolitan Police, [235] 1362


DILKE, Sir C. W.-cont.

[ocr errors]


Parks and Pleasure Gardens, [233] 678;
Amendt. 679; Report, 1247

Police Courts, London and Sheerness, [235]

Report, [235] 922

Woods, Forests, &c. Office, [234] 1171
Tasmanian Main Line Railway, 2R. [234] 1180
Thames River (Prevention of Floods), [235]

91, 1523; Nomination of Committee, Mo-
tion for Adjournment, [233] 1643

Town Councils and Local Boards, Comm. add.
cl. [233] 914

Turkey-Miscellaneous Questions

Conference at Constantinople, [233] 110
Treaty of 1856, [232] 834

Turkey and Russia-Prince Gortchakoff's
Circular, [232] 462, 1569
Turkey-Negotiations-Guarantees, Res. Mo-
tion for Adjournment, [233] 483

Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, Comm.
234] cl. 13, Amendt. 115, 119; Amendt. 120; cl. 16,
135, 138, 284; Amendt, 285, 287, 296;
cl. 17, 1002, 1003; cl. 19, Amendt. 1007,
1008; cl. 21; 1009; cl. 28, Amendt. 1115,
1117; add. cl. 1241, 1242, 1248; Postponed
cl. 18, Amendt. 1282; Consid. cl. 14, 1805;
cl. 29, Amendt. 1809

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

Valuation of Property, Comm. Motion for Ad-
journment, [233] 1642

[blocks in formation]

House Occupiers Disqualification Removal, 2R.
[232] 182

Lunacy Law, Motion for a Select Committee,
[232] 246

Mexico, Commercial Relations with, [233]

Mutiny, 2R. [232] 2019

Navy-Naval Education-H.M.S. "Inflexible,"
Res. [235] 908

Office of Woods

Appointment of Solicitor,

[236] 161
Parliament-Miscellaneous Questions
Business of the House, [235] 1743;
Morning Sittings, [233] 509
Orders of the Day, [236] 13

Public Business, Arrangement of, [234] 997
Parliament Business of the House, Res.
Amendt. [232] 336

Parliament-New Rules of Debate, Res. [236]
75, 81

Patents for Inventions, Leave, [232] 225

Post Office-Telegraphic Communication with
Lundy Island, Res. [234] 1142

Prisons, Comm. cl. 20, [232] 1245; add. cl.
[233] 544; Consid. add. cl. [234] 1653
Russia and Turkey-The War-Suez Canal,
[235] 4

DILLWYN, Mr. L. L.-cont.
South Africa, 2R. [234] 1001;
amble, 1827; cl. 3, [236] 18
cl. 20, 262

Supply-British Embassy Hous
1056, 1057

Chancery Division of the H
Justice, [235] 1289

Civil Services and Revenue
[233] 733; [235] 476
Colonial Local Revenue, &c. [
Colonial Office, [233] 800

Dublin Metropolitan Police, [2
Egypt-Cave, Mr., Mission of
Embassies and Missions Al

Embassy Houses, [233] 796
House of Lords Offices, [233] 7
Land Registry Office, Amendt.


Lord Privy Seal, Office of, [234
Miscellaneous Expenses, [235]
Parks and Pleasure Gardens,
680; Report, Amendt. 1245
Patent Office, [234] 1169
Queen's and Lord Treasurer
brancer in Exchequer, Scotlar
1616; Amendt. 1619, 1620
Queen's Bench, &c. of the Hig
Justice, [235] 1292

Royal Palaces, [233] 673, 675
Science and Art, Department of,
Amendt. 740, 742, 743
Secret Services, [234] 1604
Stationery, Printing, &c. Ame
Superannuation and Retired
&c. Motion for reporting Prog

Woods, Forests, &c. Office, [234]
Works and Public Buildings, [234
Turkey-Bosnia-Despatch of Const
[235] 1020



Votes on Account, [235] 467


Burial Acts Consolidation, Report,
[234] 1931

Public Worship Regulation Act, Petit

Divine Worship Facilities Bill
(Mr. Wilbraham Egerton, Mr. Bir
Whitwell, Mr. Rodwell)

c. Considered in Committee; Resolution
to, and reported; Bill ordered;
Feb 9
Moved, "That the Bill be now r
July 4, [235] 772

Previous Question proposed, "That tha
tion be now put " (Mr. Assheton); afi
debate, Previous Question put; A.94
M. 16 (D. L. 218)

Main Question put, and agreed to
read 2o
Committee [Dropped]



Divorce Bills
Select Committee nominated August 6, as fol-
lows:-Mr. Walpole (Chairman), Mr. At-
torney General, Mr. Butt, Mr. Dodson,
Mr. William Edward Forster, Sir Charles
Forster, The Lord Advocate, Mr. Marten,
and Mr. Arthur Peel

Dock Warrants Bill

(Sir John Lubbock, Sir James M'Garel-Hogg, Sir
Charles Mills, Mr. Watkin Williams)

c. Considered in Committee; Resolution agreed
to, and reported; Bill ordered; read 1°*
Feb 19
[Bill 94]

Bill withdrawn * May 10

DODDS, Mr. J., Stockton

Blind and Deaf Mute Children (Education),
2R. Motion for Adjournment, [234] 1294
Harbours on the North East Coast, Res. [234]


Public Works Loans, 3R. [234] 1291
Supply-Chancery Division of the High Court
of Justice, [235] 1290

Queen's Bench, &c. of the High Court of
Justice, [235] 1292

Wreck Commissioner, Office of, [235] 1293

DODSON, Right Hon. J. G., Chester
Bishoprics, 2R. [234] 1292

Cattle Plague and Importation of Live Stock,
Report of Select Committee, [236] 675
Civil Service Estimates-Proposed Ministerial
Statement, Res. [232] 1035

Customs, Inland Revenue, and Savings Banks,
2R. [233] 1674: Comm. [234] 310
Foreign Office, Commercial Reports of the,
[234] 1299

Illegitimate Intestates Estates (Scotland), Res.
[235] 290

Justices Clerks, Comm. el. 2, [232] 1640
Local Administration-Representative County
Boards, Res. [232] 1716

Mercantile Marine-Merchant Shipping and
Seamen, [236] 726

Parliament Business of the House-Morning
Sittings, [233] 509

Parliament-Debates-Official Reports, Res.
[233] 1605

Post Office Telegraphs, [236] 786

Prisons, Comm. el. 6, Amendt. [232] 871, 872;
cl. 11, 1228; cl. 14, 1236; cl. 36, [233]
512; cl. 42, Amendt. 519, 522; Consid.
cl. 40, [234] 1790; cl. 47, Amendt. 1800;
3R. [235] 26

South Africa, Comm. cl. 4, [236] 234
Supply-Constabulary, Ireland, [235] 1379
Embassy Houses, [232] 1055
Land Registry Office, [235] 1361
Local Government Board, [234] 1156
Mint, &c. [234] 1166

Police, Counties and Boroughs (Great
Britain), [235] 1362, 1366

Police Courts, London and Sheerness, [235]

Works, Buildings, &c. [234] 1174

Wreck Commissioner, Office of, [235] 1293,


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DOWNING, Mr. M'Carthy, Cork Co.

Admiralty Jurisdiction (Ireland) Act, 1876-
Rules and Orders, [232] 827
Assistant County Surveyors (Ireland), 2R.
[234] 252

Cattle Plague and Importation of Live Stock,
Nomination of Select Committee, [234] 203
Convict Prisons-Discipline and Management,

Address for a Royal Commission, [235] 1274
County Officers and Courts (Ireland), Leave,
[232] 246; [233] 1942, 1943; 2R. [235]
173; Comm. cl. 57, Amendt. 1792 cl. 59,
ib.; cl. 89. Amendt. [236] 411, 413, 415;
add. cl. ib.; Consid. cl. 68, Amendt. 437
Estimates, The, 1876-7-Writ and Seal Office
(Ireland), Res. [235] 1029

Intoxicating Liquors (Ireland), 2R. [235] 1429,
1430, 1439, 1440, 1449

Ireland-Miscellaneous Questions

Admiralty Courts-Cork and Belfast, [235]


Local Courts of Admiralty, [234] 618
Magistracy-Mr. H. W. Chambre, [233]
373, 376, 1942

Poor Law-Removal of Paupers-Case of
Mary Devlin, [236] 465, 466
Ireland-Irish Land Question, Res. [234] 87,99
Ireland-Magistracy-Mr. Ancketell, Case of,
Res. [234] 335

Ireland National School Teachers, Res. [235]

Land Tenure (Ireland), 2R. [233] 277
Navy-Boys, Ireland, [232] $31

Parliament-New Rules of Debate, Res. [236]

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

DOWNING, Mr. M'Carthy-cont.


Sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Sunday (Ire-
land), Re-comm. [235] 329; Motion for Ad-
journment, 382, 1190

Summary Prosecutions, 2R. [233] 1857
Supply-Constabulary, Ireland, [235] 1378

Parks and Pleasure Gardens, [233] 681
235] Supreme Court of Judicature (Ireland), Comm.
156, 158; cl. 8, 270; cl. 10, 273, 276; cl. 51,
1540; cl. 62, Amendt. 1541; cl. 74, 1575,
1581, 1582; cl. 80, Amendt. ib.; add. cl.
1584, 1627, 1628, 1641

236] Consid. cl. 4, 311; cl. 6, 313; cl. 42, 384
Union Justices (Ireland), 2R. [235] 759

[blocks in formation]

Dublin Central Tramways Bill [Lords]
(by Order)

c. Moved, "That the Bill be now taken into
Consideration" July 23, [235] 1653
Amendt. to leave out "now," and add "
this day three months" (Mr. Ashley); Ques-
tion proposed, "That now,' &c.;" after
short debate, Amendt. and Motion with-

Ordered, That the Bill, as amended in the
Committee, be referred to the Examiner of
Petitions for Private Bills, to inquire whether
the Amendments involve any infraction of
the Standing Orders of this House" (The
Chairman of Ways and Means)

[blocks in formation]

DUFF, Mr. M. E. Grant-cont.
India-Miscellaneous Questions
Commercial Treaty with Port
Khelat- Afghanistan, [232]

[233] 192, 1538; [235] 1859
Western Frontier Policy, [236]
India Tariff-Import Duties on Co
factures, Res. [235] 1124
International Maritime Law-Dec
Paris, 1856, Res. [232] 1281
Intoxicating Liquors Retail, Res. [2
Married Women's Property (Scot
[233] 1401

Metropolis-India and Colonial Mu
Fife House Site, [235] 1855
Parliament-Public Business, Arra
[234] 997

Parliament-Queen's Speech, Addr
swer to, Report, [232] 129
Turkey-Treaty of 1856, [232] 513,
232] Universities of Oxford and Cam

233] Comm. 1978; cl. 4, Amendt. 1999


234] cl. 14, 124; cl. 15, 126; cl. 16, 27
Wild Fowl Preservation Act-Sale
Fowl, [233] 1214

DUFF, Mr. R. W., Banffshire
Cattle Plague and Importation of
Nomination of Select Commit

Navy-State of the-Boilers, [232]

DUNBAR, Mr. J., New Ross
Army Medical Department - App
[232] 389

Army Promotion and Retirement-
Indian Army, [236] 166
East India Finance, Motion for a S
mittee, [232] 307

Indian Ordnance Corps-Pensioners,

Sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Su
land), [232] 1155
Supreme Court of Judicature (Irelan
cl. 10, Amendt. [235] 272; cl. 74,

DUNDAS, Hon. J. C., Richmond
Metropolis-Parochial Charities of th
London, [233] 1665

Dundonald, The Earl of Lord C

Moved, That a Select Committee be a
"to inquire and report upon Lord C
Petition, laid upon the Table of t
upon the 8th day of March last, pra
Majesty to be graciously pleased to
the gracious act of Royal justice
stored the late Lord Dundonald to
and honours " (Sir Robert An
April 10, [233] 857; Question
agreed to

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