페이지 이미지

NAVY-Arctic Expedition-cont.


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Captain Nares, Question, Captain Pim; An-
swer, Mr. A. F. Egerton June 21, [235] 90
Double Time to Officers and Men, Question,
Captain Pim; Answer, Mr. Hunt Feb 15,
[232] 388

Extra Leave, Question, Captain Pim; Answer,
Mr. Hunt Feb 16, [232] 467
Promotion, Question, Mr. Rylands; Answer,
Mr. A. F. Egerton April 13, [233] 1070
The Medical Officers, Question, Captain Pim;
Answer, Mr. Hunt Mar 2, [232] 1261

Assistant Paymasters, Question, Sir John Hay;
Answer, Mr. A. F. Egerton July 31, [236]


Boilers, Observations, Sir John Hay; Reply,
Mr. Hunt; debate thereon Mar 12, [232]

Boys, Ireland, Question, Mr. M'Carthy Down-
ing; Answer, Mr. Hunt Feb 22, [232] 831
Chief Engineers, Question, Mr. Gorst; Answer,
Mr. A. F. Egerton April 9, [233] 773;-
Engine Room Artificers, Question, Mr. Samp-
son Lloyd Answer, Mr. Hunt Mar 25,
[233] 552

Compassionate Allowances, Question, Mr. Pule-
ston; Answer, Mr. Hunt Feb 26, [232]

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H.MS." Inflexible," Questions, Mr. Ashbury,
Mr. E. J. Reed; Answer, Mr. A. F. Egerton
235] June 25, 198; Observations, The Duke of
Somerset; Reply, The Duke of Richmond
and Gordon July 10, 1040; Questions,
Captain Pim; Answers, Mr. A. F. Egerton
July 12, 1181; July 16, 1325; July 26,
1858;-Committee of Inquiry, Question,
Sir John Hay; Answer, The Chancellor of
the Exchequer July 9, 972; Questions, Sir
John Hay, Mr. Gourley; Answers, Mr. A.
F. Egerton July 16, 1320;- The Instruc-
tions, Question, Mr. Ashbury; Answer, The
Chancellor of the Exchequer July 19, 1522

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[See title Navy-H.M.S. "Inflexible"
and "Captain"]

H.M.S." Monarch," Question, Mr. Gourley;
Answer, Mr. A. F. Egerton July 19, [235]


H.M.S." Newcastle"-Loss of Life, Question,
Mr. Hanbury-Tracy; Answer, Mr. Hunt
Feb 9, [232] 127; Question, Mr. Evelyn
Ashley; Answer, Mr. Hunt May 17, [234]

H.M.S. "Repulse," Question, Mr. P. A.
Taylor; Answer, Mr. A. F. Egerton
June 28, [235] 399

H.M.S. "Thetis," Question, Captain Pim;
Answer, Mr. Hunt June 18, [234] 1945
H.M.S. "Thunderer," Question, Mr. Seely;
Answer, Mr. Hunt Feb 15, [232] 390
H.M.S." Vanguard," Question, Mr. Sullivan;
Answer, Mr. Hunt Feb 20, [232] 727; Obser-
vations, Dr. Cameron, Mr. A. F. Egerton
Mar 12, 1769-Compensation Allowances,
Question, Colonel Naghten; Answer, Mr.
A. F. Egerton April 23, [233] 1671
Keyham Factory-Case of Edward Owens,
Question, Mr. Puleston; Answer, Mr. A. F.
Egerton July 17, [235] 1388

Marine Officers-Report of Committee, Ques-
tion, Mr. Gorst; Answer, Mr. A. F. Egerton
June 11, [234] 1584

Naval Artillery Volunteers, Question, Mr.
Whalley; Answer, Mr. Hunt Mar 8, [232]


Naval Chaplains-The Society of the Holy
Cross, Question, Mr. Whalley; Answer, Mr.
A. F. Egerton July 9, [235] 971
Naval Education, Observations, Mr. T. Brassey;
Reply, Mr. A. F. Egerton; short debate
thereon July 6, [235] 891

Naval Officers on the Retired List, Questions,
Captain Pim; Answers, Mr. A. F. Egerton
May 3, [234] 265; June 8, 1489; Questions,
Mr. P. A. Taylor; Answers, Mr. A. F.
Egerton July 5, [235] 813; July 12, 1178
Navigating Officers, Question, Mr. Anderson;
Answer, Mr. Ilunt Feb 19, [232] 580
Navigating Sub-Lieutenants, Question, Mr.
Bruen; Answer, Mr. A. F. Egerton July 9,
[235] 968

The Herring Fisheries, Question, Mr. J. W.
Barclay; Answer, Mr. A. F. Egerton
July 9, [235] 969

The New Naval College, Dartmouth, Ques-
tion, Mr. E. J. Reed; Answer, Mr. Hunt
232] Mar 1, 1206; Question, Mr. Edwards;
Answer, Mr. Hunt Mar 8, 1577; Ques-
tion, Mr. A. F. Egerton; Answer, Mr.

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NAVY-The New Naval College-cont.
234] Baillie Cochrane May 3, [234] 267; Ques-
tions, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Baillie Cochrane;
235] Answers, Mr. A. F. Egerton July 5, 816;
Question, Mr. Edwards; Answer, Mr. A. F.
Egerton July 9, 970; Question, Sir
Frederick Perkins; Answer, Mr. A. F.
Egerton July 10, 1045; Question, Sir H.
Drummond Wolff; Answer, Mr. A. F.
Egerton July 12, 1179; Questions, Sir
H. Drummond Wolff; Answers, The Chan-
cellor of the Exchequer July 19, 1519;
July 23, 1660; July 27, [236] 12

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Officers of the Royal Marines and Engineer
Department, Question, Mr. Gorst; Answer,
Mr. Hunt Feb 9, [232] 125

Pay of Royal Marines, Question, Dr. Kenealy;
Answer, Mr. Hunt Mar 1, [232] 1209
Promotion and Retirement, Question, Mr.
Sampson Lloyd; Answer, Mr. A. F. Egerton
May 4, [234] 318; Observations, Admiral
Egerton; short debate thereon June 18,
1970; Question, Mr. Gorst; Answer, The
Chancellor of the Exchequer July 23, [235]
1660; Question, Mr. Anderson; Answer,
Mr. A. F. Egerton August 10, [236] 749
Report on
(P.P. 422)
Torpedoes, Observations, Lord Charles Beres-
ford, Mr. E. J. Reed Mar 9, [233] 128 ;-
Torpedo Instruction, Question, Mr. Gourley;
Answer, Mr. A. F. Egerton May 1, [234]



Training Ship "Britannia"
Question, Mr. Blake; Answer, Mr. Hunt
Mar 15, [232] 1975

Reports-(P. P. 142 229)
Training Ships for Boys, Question, Captain
Pim; Answer, Mr. Assheton Cross June 12,
[234] 1637
Returns-(P. P. 111)
Training Ships (Ireland)—The " Gibraltar,"
Question, Major O'Gorman; Answer, Mr.
A. F. Egerton April 26, [233] 1949
Warrant Officers-The Order in Council, 1875,

Navy-Admiralty Administration-cont.

vantage of appointing to the offices of
troller of the Navy and Superintenden
Her Majesty's Dockyards persons who
sess practical knowledge of the duties
have to discharge; and of altering the
which limits their tenure of office to a
term " (Mr. Seely) Mar 6, [232] 1454;
long debate, Question put; A. 58, N.
M. 125 (D. L. 27)

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Amendt. on Committee of Supply Augus
To leave out from " That," and add "
opinion of this House, no further sum
money should be voted for the Navy
the case and claims of Mr. John Clare,
inventor, patentee, designer, promoter,
upholder of metal shipbuilding on life-
serving principles for the State Navy,
plaintiff in Clare v. the Queen,' are rig
investigated by a Select Committee of
honourable House, and, if found correc
per records of the Admiralty since 1853
be liquidated" (Mr. Biggar) v., [236] 5
after short debate, Question, "That
words, &c.," put, and agreed to

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Question, Observations, Mr. Gorst, Mr. Navy-H.M.S. "Inflexible" and "C
Childers Mar 12, [232] 1780

Navy-Admiralty Administration

Motion for a Select Committee (Captain Pim)
Feb 20, [232] 755 [House counted out]

Navy-Admiralty Administration
Moved, "That this House, in order to remedy
certain defects in the Administration of the
Admiralty, recommends the Government to
take into consideration the propriety of ad-
ministering that Department by means of a
Secretary of State :

"That this House further recommends the Go-
vernment to take into consideration the ad-



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Moved, "That there be laid before this Hou
a Return to be added to the Return, Na
(H.M.S.Inflexible'), No. 295, 1877,
curve of stability, with the Report, da
23rd August 1870, of H.M.S. Captai
with the curves e, f, and g of H.M.S.
flexible' set out thereon to the same scald
also the Letter of the late Chief Construct
dated 23rd August, published in the Time
24th August 1870, and the submission of t
late Controller, dated 24th August 187
respecting the stability of H.M.S. Ca
tain"" (Captain Pim) July 23, [235] 1738
after short debate, Question put; A. I
N. 25; M. 8 (D. L. 247) (Parl. P. 295 40

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Navy-Naval Criminal Returns
Amendt. on Committee of Supply Mar 12, To
leave out from "That," and add "in the
. opinion of this House, it is desirable that
more detailed information should be fur-
nished to Parliament in regard to crime and
punishment in the Navy, such as was afforded
by the Returns for the years 1863, 1864, and
1865" (Mr. P. A. Taylor) v., [232] 1783;
after short debate, Question put, "That the
words, &c.; A. 121, N. 65; M. 56
(D. L. 32)
Returns, 1875-P.P. 148

Navy-Nomination of Cadets

Amendt. on Committee of Supply June 18, To
leave out from "That," and add "in the
opinion of this House, the abolition of limited
competition for the appointments of Cadets
to the Navy has been injurious to the in-
terests of the Public Service "(Mr. Shaw
Lefevre) v., [234] 1954; Question proposed,
"That the words, &c.;" after short debate,
Question put; A. 171, N. 130; M. 41
(D. L. 182

Navy-Organization and Administration
Amendt. on Committee of Supply Mar 19, To
leave out from "That," and add "a Select
Committee be appointed to inquire fully into
the present Admiralty organization and its
system of departmental and general admi-
nistration of the affairs of the Navy, as well
as into the actual condition of the Naval and
Maritime resources of the Country, to ascer
tain how far they meet the requirements of
the Empire; and also into the administrative
arrangements made by the First Lord of the
Admiralty to insure the efficiency of the
Naval Service, upon which depends the wel-
fare and safety of the Kingdom" (Captain
Pim) v., [233] 133; after short debate,
Question, That the words, &c.," put, and
agreed to

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Question, Captain Price; Answer, The Chan-
cellor of the Exchequer August 7, [236]


Navy-Punishment of Flogging

Moved, "That, in the opinion of this House,
the time has arrived when the punishment of
flogging in the Navy should be altogether
abolished" (Mr. P. A. Taylor) April 10,
[233] 846; after short debate, Question put;
A. 122, N. 164; M. 42 (D. L. 26)

Navy-Shipbuilding-The "Agamemnon”


Amendt. on Committee of Supply July 6, To
leave out from "That," and add "it is inex-
pedient to build any more vessels of the
Agamemnon' class until that type has been
tried, and that the money proposed to be
voted for such vessel be expended in building
a vessel of war with full sail power, capable
of cruising and blockading under sail alone,
but able to steam when necessary 300 miles
in 24 hours, with a coal supply for 7 days,
and with an armament consisting of one


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Amendt. on Committee of Supply Mar 19, To
leave out from That," and add "in the
opinion of this House, it is essential to the
due discharge of the duties of this House in
controlling and revising the Estimates of the
public expenditure, that the Estimates for
the year for the Service of the Army and
Navy, and more especially the Civil Service
Estimates, should be taken into consideration
at a period of the Session such as to afford
ample time and opportunity for discussing
them:-That any practice which tends to
deprive this House of such opportunity, either
by taking votes on account or by deferring
the Estimates to a late period of the Session,
is calculated to impair the efficiency of the
control of this House over the public expen-
diture, and to interfere with the due exercise
of the rights and privileges of this House"
(Mr. Butt) v., [233] 120; Question proposed,
"That the words, &c.;" after short debate,
Amendt, withdrawn

[Navy-See title Peru-The Peruvian
Iron-clad "Huascar


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NEWDEGATE, Mr. C. N. cont.


232] Prisons, Leave, 134; 2R. 422, 434, 453;
Comm. 845, 859, 865; cl. 5, 868; cl. 11,
1224; Amendt. 1227, 1228, 1230

233 cl. 20, 342, 350, 358; cl. 42, Amendt. 515,
519, 521, 526, 528; add. cl. 637, 642
234] Consid. add. cl. 1468
235]3R. 15

Sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Sunday (Ire-
land), Re-comm. [235] 327

South Africa, Comm. cl. 3, [236] 194, 204;
cl. 4, 234, 245, 246; cl. 20, 262; el. 26, 268
Summary Prosecutions, 2R. [233] 1853
Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, Comm.
cl. 13, [234] 119; cl. 16, 129, 136, 303

New Forest Bill (Mr. William Henry Smith,
Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Noel)
c. Legislation, Question, Earl Percy; Answer,
Mr. W. H. Smith Feb 16, [232] 463
Ordered; read 10 April 30
[Bill 150]
Read 2o, and committed to a Select Comm.*
May 17

And, on June 7, Committee nominated as fol-
lows:-Mr. William Henry Smith (Chair-
man), Lord Edmond Fitzmaurice, Sir Wil-
liam Vernon Harcourt, Mr. Rodwell, Mr.
Cowper-Temple, and Sir Henry Wolff:-
Mr. T. Brassey, Mr. Hanbury, Colonel Loyd
Lindsay, General Shute, and Mr. Trevelyan
nominated by the Committee of Selection
Personal Explanation, Lord Edmond Fitz-
maurice June 8, [234] 1492

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[Bill 123]

(No. 213)

7. Read 1* (Lord President) June 28
Moved, That the Bill be now read 2a "
July 5, 794

Amendt. to leave out ("now") and add ("this

day three months") (The Duke of Somerset);
after short debate, Amendt. withdrawn ;
original Motion agreed to; Bill read 2a
Report* July 9

Committee; Report July 10, 1041 (No. 129)
Read 3* July 12

Royal Assent July 23 [40 & 41 Vict. c. cxxi]

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Newspapers Registration Bill-cont.

newspaper proprietors criminally as well a
civilly responsible for the acts of their en
ployés," (Mr. J. Cowen) v.; after debat
Question put, "That the words, &c. ;” A. 6
N. 149; M. 80 (D. L. 65)

Question, "That the words 'in the opinion
this House, no legislation for the compulso
registration of the proprietorship of new
papers can be considered satisfactory whic
does not provide for the repeal of the exce]
tional Law which renders newspaper propri
tors criminally as well as civilly responsibl
for the acts of their employés,' be ther
added," put, and agreed to; main Question
as amended, put, and agreed to

[blocks in formation]

NOEL, Right Hon. G. J. (First Commis
sioner of Works), Rutland
Cleopatra's Needle, [235] 190

High Court of Justice-Mr. Justice Fry'
Court, [234] 1764

Home Office--Reception of Deputations, [232
1360, 1761

Illegitimate Intestates Estates (Scotland) -
Paterson's Estate, [235] 407
Metropolis-Miscellaneous Questions

City Improvements-Chancery Lane and
Fleet Street, [234] 258

Hyde Park, [234] 1940;-Hyde Park Cor
ner, [232]898;-Constitution Hill, 1205
-New Lodge in Hyde Park, [235] 1168

Rotten Row, [232] 384;-The Mounds
1573, 1574

Kensington Gardens, [232] 1203
Public Offices, [232] 737;-New Govern
ment Offices [233] 119
Richmond Park, [234] 1939

St. Margaret's Church, [235] 83
Museum of Natural History (South Kensing
ton, [232] 1650

Ordnance Survey, [232] 1757

Palace of Westminster-Ladies' Gallery, [232]

Preston County Court, [234] 1938

Royal Academy-Sir Francis Chantrey's Be-
quest, [232] 731

Supply-Acquisition of Lands and Embank-
ments, [233] 750

Embassy Houses, &c. [233] 756, 792, 793,
795, 796

Houses of Parliament, [232] 1044, 1045
National Gallery Enlargement, [232] 1045
Natural History Museum, [233] 746, 748
New Courts of Justice and Offices, [232]
1046, 1047 [233] 749

Parks and Pleasure Gardens, [233] 676,
677, 678, 679, 680; Report, 1246, 1247
Public Buildings, [232] 1042
Public Offices, Furniture of, [232] 1043
Royal Palaces, [233] 674, 675
Science and Art, Department of, [233] 739,
740, 742

Surveys of United Kingdom, [233] 744


NOEL, Right Hon. G. J.-cont.


Wellington Monument, [233] 745
Winchester House, Purchase of, [232] 1049
Works and Public Buildings, [234] 1174
War Office-Sanitary State, [232] 180;-Re-
port on, 1260

NOEL, Mr. E., Dumfries, &c.

Cattle Plague and Importation of Live Stock,
Nomination of Select Committee, [234] 305
Dumfries Public Park, [234] 856

Palace of Westminster-Carriage Shelter, [234]


Roads and Bridges (Scotland), 2R. [234] 1871
Salmon Fisheries (Scotland) Act, 1862-Sol-
way Fisheries, Res. [233] 61

Sheriff Courts (Scotland), Comm. cl. 5, [236]
358; cl. 7, 370; Amendt. 371, 375

NOLAN, Captain J. P., Galway Co.
American Meat, Importation of, [234] 316
Army Medical Department, [235] 618
Army Promotion and Retirement, Res. [236]

Army Royal Artillery and Engineers -
Arrears of Indian Pay, Motion for a Select
Committee, [235] 216

Army Estimates-Divine Service, [235] 254
Land Forces, [232] 1429

Military Law, Administration of, [235] 629
Reserve Force Pay, &c. [235] 650, 651
Cattle Plague and Importation of Live Stock,
Nomination of Select Committee, Amendt.
[234] 183, 186, 187, 194, 196
Colorado Beetle, [235] 1180
Companies Acts, 1862-1867-Nomination of
Committee, [234] 1359

County Boards (Ireland), 2R. [233] 87
County Officers and Courts (Ireland), 2R.[235]

174; Comm. cl. 59, 1793; cl. 93, [236] 414
Criminal Punishments (Ireland) (Applications
for Remissions), Motion for a Return, [232]


Eastern Question-Resolutions (Mr. Glad-
stone), [234] 474, 582, 704

Elementary Education (Ireland), Res. [233] 49
Foreign Office and Diplomatic Service-Open
Competition, Res. [232] 929

German Empire-French Residents, [232] 1972
German Subjects in England-The German
Army, [232] 1857

Indian Civil Service-Admission of Candidates,
[235] 462

Ireland-Miscellaneous Questions

Army-The 88th Regiment, [234] 1490
Post Office Postal Arrangements, [234]
860, 1555, 1556

Railways, [234] 725

Royal Irish Constabulary, [234] 1600;-

Drill and Guard Mounting, [232] 734
Ireland-Borough Franchise, Res. [234] 1896,
Ireland-Dempsey, Mr. James, Motion for Re-
turns, [234] 584

Ireland Irish Land Act, 1870, Motion for a
Select Committee, [234] 173
Ireland-Irish Taxation, Res. [234] 1357
Ireland-National School Teachers Res. [235]


NOLAN, Captain J. P.-cont.


Ireland Poor Law Unions Amalgamation,
Motion for a Select Committee, [232] 1525
Ireland-Royal Irish Constabulary, Motion for
Papers, [233] 1371

Irish Peerage, 2R. [235] 1166

Local Administration-Representative County
Boards, Res. [232] 1693

Mutiny, Comm. [233] 833; cl. 27, Amendt.
1047; Consid. cl. 26, Amendt. 1458, 1459,

Navy Estimates-Navy (Excess), 1875-6, [232]
Parliament Business of the House, [233]


Parliament-Business of the House, Res. Mo-
tion for Adjournment, [232] 333
Parliament Business of the House-New
Rules of Debate, Res. Amendt. [236] 81
Parliamentary Registration (Ireland), 2R.
[234] 1731

Poor Law Guardians Elections (Ireland), 2R.
[234] 1034

Prisons, Comm. cl. 42, [233] 528; add. cl.
634; Consid. add. cl. [234] 1458; cl. 40,

Prisons (Ireland), 2R. [232] 455, 457
Public Health (Ireland), 2R. [235] 1085
Public Works Loans (Ireland), Comm. cl. 2,
Amendt. [235] 144; cl. 4, Amendt. 145
Russia-Hon. Colonel Wellesley-Military At-
taché, [235] 1035

Sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Sunday (Ire-
land), [232] 981

South Africa, Comm. [235] 1786; Preamble,

1824, 1825; cl. 3, [236] 195; cl. 20, 263;
cl. 26, 265, 271; el. 27, 275, 276, 277, 282,
283, 284; cl. 28, 287, 288, 291
Supply-British Embassy Houses, &c. [232]

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Public Works in Ireland, [235] 1281, 1283
Queen's and Lord Treasurer's Remem-

brancer in Exchequer, Scotland, &c.[234]

Supreme Court of Judicature (Ireland), 2R.
[232] 631; Comm. el. 13, [235] 857; cl. 18,
859; cl. 74, 1579; Consid. [236] 307; cl. 10,
315; cl. 13, 382; cl. 42, 384

Town Councils and County Boards, Comm.
add. cl. [233] 913

Union Justices (Ireland), 2R. [235] 755
University Education (Ireland), 2R. [235] 1893
Valuation of Property, 2R. [232] 1636, 1637
Valuation of Property (Ireland), Leave, [232]


Ways and Means, Comm. Amendt. [233] 1237,


2 Q

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