페이지 이미지

in the event of the necessity for printing outside of the city of Washington being in contemplation.

The commission will also have in mind "any neglect, delay, duplication, or waste in the public printing and binding and distribution of Government publications," in accordance with paragraph 1 of your letter of March 12.

Very truly, yours,


MARCH 24, 1919.


Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.

DEAR SIR: Replying to your letter of March 14, you are advised that in connection with the provisions of section 11, of public act No. 314, Sixty-fifth Congress, approved March 1, 1919, the Federal Trade Commission does not publish any journal, magazine, or periodical within the meaning of provisions of the section.

In reference to the provision relative to the estimate of extra demands on the Government Printing Office, you are informed that the following list is submitted as covering the probable reports that may be submitted for printing before the expiration of the present_fiscal year: Leather and Shoes, 150 pages, text (also tables); Car Lines, 250 pages, text (few exhibits); Meat, Part III, 150 pages; Flour, 75 pages. Cost Pamphlets-Steel, Coal, Oil, Lumber, Cement, Brick, Metals, Textiles, Chemicals, Military Food Supplies; total number pages, 400. Grand total, 1,025 pages.

It is barely possible that the following reports may be submitted for printing: Meat, two additional parts, 400 pages; Grain, two parts, 500 pages; total, 900 pages.

Very respectfully,



Washington, May 22, 1919.


Chairman Joint Committee on Printing, Congress of the United
States, Washington, D. C.

My DEAR SIR: This is to acknowledge yours of April 16 concerning the provisions of section 11 of public act No. 314, Sixty-fifth Congress. Every effort has been made to answer categorically the quesfions asked by the committee. If, however, it appears that the answers are incomplete, further data will be supplied upon request.

In addition, I have to say, in answer to the last provision of section 11 of said act, the board will make no new requests upon the Public Printer for work to be done for this office.

A copy of the last regular number of the Vocational Summary is inclosed.


C. A. PROSSER, Director.


1. Name of publication: Vocational Summary.

2. How often issued: Once a month.

3. By whom issued, specifying the particular branch or officer of the Government service: Federal Board for Vocational Education. 4. Authority for publication, stating whether specifically authorized by Congress (cite authority): The issuing of a publication to be known as the Vocational Summary was approved by the Standing Committee, December 27, 1917.

5. Date of first issue: May, 1918.

6. Where printed, whether at Government Printing Office, elsewhere in Washington, or outside District of Columbia: Government Printing Office.

7. Number of copies printed of last issue: 50,000 copies.

8. How distributed, stating separately number of copies for official, for free public, and for subscription distribution: Free, 50,000. 9. Annual receipts from subscriptions, if any: None.

10. Annual expense of printing and issuing the publication, stating the actual amount, if ascertainable, otherwise the estimated annual expense:

[blocks in formation]

11. Annual cost of preparing publication for printing, including salaries, wages, materials, and other expenses properly chargeable to editorial and other work in connection with its preparation other than that reported under preceding item:

The following is an estimate of the monthly cost of preparing copy, editing, and shipping out the Summary:1

1. Preparation of material and typing.

2. Preparing copy for printer, estimated at one day, cost_

3. Reading proof, estimated two days‒‒‒‒

4. Revising page proof and pasting dummy, one day

5. Addressograph operator and assistant, two days__

6. Shipping out, five persons, average of three days each_.



12. Total annual cost of publication, including the two preceding items: Estimated, $9,359.10.

1 Articles appearing in the Summary from month to month are contributed by members of the board, the director and his staff, and associates. There is no possible way of estimating the cost of the preparation of this material, because of the fact that it is at times written out of office hours, at odd moments when the spirit moves in the office, and it is therefore impossible to estimate the actual time consumed.

13. If publication is not printed at Government Printing Office, is it "urgent or necessary to have it done "elsewhere than in the District of Columbia for the exclusive use of any field service outside of said district," etc.: No answer required. Answered in Question 6.

14. Is publication a duplication, in whole or in part, of any other Government publication, or does it relate to work which some other branch of the Government service has undertaken or is authorized by law to perform? If so, state reasons therefor: No.

15. Submit reasons and recommendations, if any, for continuance of publication until the close of the next regular session of Congress, if not specifically authorized by Congress: Continuance of the Vocational Summary is necessary, as it is the only avenue of communication other than private communications from the board to State board of education cooperating under the law with the Federal board. It is therefore the official organ of the Federal board in so far as it gives to school officials, and others interested in school affairs, information concerning the work of the Federal board in cooperation with the State boards for vocational education throughout the United States.

[See separate Index for Government Periodicals, Field Printing, and Printing Plants.]


[As reported to the Joint Committee on Printing.]

Agriculture, Department of:

Crop Reporter, monthly

Experiment Station Record_

Food surveys---

Journal of Agricultural Research..

Market Reporter..

News Letter, Weekly.

Public Roads

Seed Reporter.

Special Information Service

Weather Bureau

Annual report of---

Card Bulletin___

Climatological Data by States, summaries of__

Climatological Data for Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia,

[blocks in formation]

Meteorological Summary for Washington, D. C., monthly.

Meteorological Summary, monthly_

Publications ___

River Bulletin, daily

River Stages, daily

Snow and Ice Bulletin.

Weather and Crop Bulletin___

Weather and Crop Bulletin, national.

Weather map, Washington, daily.

Weather maps, daily--.

Weather Review, monthly

Commerce, Department of:

Biennial list of publications, quarterly supplement to..

Census publications, 1799-1916, circular of information concerning_-
Coast and Geodetic Survey Bulletin.

Fisheries Service Bulletin_

Foreign and Domestic Commerce, list of publications of___.

Foreign and Domestic Commerce publications, catalogue of..

Lighthouse Service Bulletin_.

[blocks in formation]

Steamboat-Inspection Service Bulletin__~

Weights and Measures, Proceedings of the Annual Conference on--

Interior Department:

Alaska Railroad Record__.


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Battle Practices (Long Range), report of..
Confidential instructions




[blocks in formation]

Abstract of reports of conditon of national banks....

Appeals pending before United States courts in customs cases.

[blocks in formation]

Financial statement of the Auditor for the Post Office Department....

Market prices and investment values of outstanding securities____

Monthly statement of Treasurer__.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

National bank notes and Federal reserve notes outstanding, bonds

on deposit to secure circulation__.

Public Health Reports__

Public Health, monthly list of publications of..

Reappraisement Circulars..

Treasury Decisions___.

Values of Foreign Coins_

War Loan Organization-Savings Division___

War Savings Division

Clip Sheet__

Director, the

War Department:

Army hospital newspapers.

Army War College library—

Monthly List of Military Information..

Coast Artillery Journal


Castle, the__

Discharge observations, Mississippi River and tributaries.

Duluth, Minn., Superior, Wis., and Keweenaw Waterway, Mich.,
report of marine commerce of

Library News, the_--

Mississippi River and principal tributaries, stages of the..

Mississippi River Commission

Committee or members, papers, reports, etc., by.

Index to proceedings of__.

Index to reports of..

Proceedings of

Occasional papers_.

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