1 Where the great vision of the guarded mount Looks toward Namancos and Bayona's hold; Look homeward Angel now, and melt with ruth: And, O ye dolphins, waft the hapless youth. 166 Weep no more, woful Shepherds, weep no more, So sinks the day-star in the ocean bed, 171 And tricks his beams, and with new spangled ore 175 180 167 watery floor] Dante Purg. ii. 15. 'Sovra 'l suol marino.' Davison's Poet. Rhapsodie, p. 78. 169 repairs] Lidgate's Troy, p. 13, 'Long ere Titan 'gan make his repaire.' Browne's Brit. Past. p. 88, 'Breathes to the sullen night a soft repayre.' See Fletcher's Christ's Victory, ii. 12; and the Adamus Exul Grotii, p. 28, 35; and Marino's Slaugh. of the Innoc. p. 45. 'His light immortal doth repair.' And Lucret. v. 733. 171 forehead] 'Oft seen in forehead of the frowning skies.' Sylvest. Du Bartas, p. 25. 177 blest] Past Ægl. on Sir P. Sidney's death, by L. B. ver. 135. 'Phillisides is dead! Oh happy sprite That now in heaven with blessed seules doest bide: There entertain him all the saints above, 185 While the still morn went out with sandals gray; 191 190 See Past. Ægl. on Sir P. Sidney's death, by L. B. ver. 159. 'The sun, lo! hastned hath his face to steep In western waves; and th' aire with stormy showres, 198 To-morrow] Fletcher's P. Island, c. vi. s. 77. IL PENSEROSO. HENCE, vain deluding joys, The brood of folly without father bred, How little you bestead, Or fill the fixed mind with all your toys! Dwell in some idle brain, And fancies fond with gaudy shapes possess, As thick and numberless As the gay motes that people the sunbeams, Or likest hovering dreams The fickle pensioners of Morpheus' train. Prince Memnon's sister might beseem, 5 10 15 20 18 too bright] Hor. Od. i. xix. 5. 'Nimium lubricus aspici.' 19 Ethiop] 'Noctem Ethiopissam.' Miltoni Prolus. p. 73. 85 cyprus Winter's Tale, act iv. sc. 3. Thee bright-hair'd Vesta, long of yore, His daughter she (in Saturn's reign, And join with thee calm Peace, and Quiet, And hears the Muses in a ring 25 30 35 40 45 'Cyprus black as e'er was crow.' Warton. 87 keep] 'State in wonted manner keep. Jonson's Cynth. Rev. act v. s. 6. Warton. f And add to these retired Leisure, 58 Smoothing] Shakesp. Sonnets, 51. 59 checks] Todd's Milton, vol. vi. p. 323. 68 Riding] Eurip. Suppl. 992. ἱππέουσι δι' ὀρφνάιας. 50 55 60 65 70 |