AT A SOLEMN MUSIC.* BLEST pair of Sirens, pledges of heav'n's joy, To him that sits thereon, 5 With saintly shout, and solemn jubilee, 10 Touch their immortal harps of golden wires, With those just Spirits that wear victorious palms, * There are three copies of this ode, all in Milton's own nand writing. 6 concent] So the Cant. MS. not 'consent.' Ed. 1645, 'content;' 1673, 'concent.' Warton. 12 'And Cherubim sweet winged Squires. So Cant. MS. Todd. Jarr'd against nature's chime, and with harsh din Broke the fair music that all creatures made 21 To their great Lord, whose love their motion sway'd In perfect diapason, whilst they stood In first obedience, and their state of good. 25 O may we soon again renew that song, To live with him, and sing in endless morn of light. ΑΝ ΕΡΙΤΑΡΗ ON THE MARCHIONESS OF WINCHESTER. THIS rich marble doth inter The honour'd wife of Winchester, A Viscount's daughter, an Earl's heir, Besides what her virtues fair Added to her noble birth, 5 More than she could own from earth. Summers three times eight save one To house with darkness, and with death. 20 nature's chime] Jonson's Epithal. vol. vii. 2. To do their offices in nature's chime. Warton. 10 Her high birth, and her graces sweet Quickly found a lover meet; The virgin quire for her request 15 He at their invoking came, But with a scarce well-lighted flame; 20 And in his garland as he stood, Ye might discern a cyprus bud. 25 But whether by mischance or blame Atropos for Lucina came; The hapless babe before his birth So have I seen some tender slip, 19 He] See Ov. Metam. x. 4. 'Adfuit ille quidem: sed nec solennia verba, 88 womb] Browne's Brit. Past. b. ii. s. 1. ed. 1616. Todd. 30 35 Pluck'd up by some unheedy swain, 40 45 50 55 For thy hearse, to strew the ways, Sent thee from the banks of Came, Devoted to thy virtuous name; Whilst thou, bright Saint, high sitt'st in glory, Next her, much like to thee in story, That fair Syrian shepherdess, Who, after years of barrenness, 47 Lady] Cymbeline, act iv. sc. 2. 'Quiet consummation have, And renowned be thy grave!' Warton. 60 The highly favour'd Joseph bore 65 Through pangs fled to felicity, Of blazing Majesty and Light: 70 Like fortunes may her soul acquaint, SONG. ON MAY MORNING. Now the bright morning star, day's harbinger, 5 1 star] Of the bright morning star.' Hen. More's Poems, p. 322. 1 harbinger] Shakesp. Mids. N. Dream, act iii. sc. ult. 'And yonder shines Aurora's harbinger.' Warton. 2 dancing] Spenser's F. Q. i. v. 2. 'At last the golden oriental gate Of greatest heaven gan to open faire; And Phœbus fresh as bridgroome to his mate, Warton. |