페이지 이미지

5. Compare the nutritive importance and value of carbohydrates, fats, and proteids. Explain the precise nature of the evidence upon which your conclusions are based.

How would you proceed to ascertain whether gelatin is of similar value as a food to proteids or not?

6. A note on the piano is sounded with a fundamental tone of 256 vibrations per second.

Explain the means by which the aerial vibrations excite a nervous impulse in the auditory nerve, and, as far as you can, the path such an impulse might take.

Five questions only to be answered. Equal marks allotted to each question.




The Board of Examiners.


1. A meal of potatoes is eaten. Describe the chemical changes undergone by this food-stuff in its passage through the alimentary canal, with special reference to the structure and secretion of the glands which take part in the process of its digestion.

2. Give an account of the general structure and minute anatomy of the liver, together with a description of its relationship to the vascular system.

What do you know of the functions of the liver?

3. How does the blood in the pulmonary vein differ from the blood in the pulmonary artery? How could you demonstrate some of the differences in the composition of arterial and venous blood? Draw and describe transverse sections through a capillary, a vein, and an artery.

4. Describe the general appearance and minute structure of the kidney.

What are the most important substances of which urine is composed? Describe experiments by which you would prove their presence.

5. Describe, with drawings, the different kinds of cartilage, and the positions in which they occur in a grown-up body.

Trace carefully the stages in the history of cartilage from its first occurrence in the femur of a mammal.

6. Give a classification of the different kinds of proteids and their derivatives with which you have become acquainted. Mention briefly how you would procure the different substances named in your classification.

What elements are contained in a proteid, and how would you prove the presence of these elements?

Five questions only to be answered. Equal marks are allotted to each question.


The Board of Examiners.

1. Describe the macroscopic and microscopic changes in nutmeg liver. What are its chief causes in its mild and severe forms?

2. Describe the macroscopic and microscopic changes in disseminated miliary tuberculosis of the lungs. How would you stain sections of such lungs to show (a) the histological structure, and (b) the bacilli ?

3. Describe the macroscopic and microscopic distinctions between fibro-adenoma and carcinoma of the mammary gland.

4. State what you know concerning pyogenic micro. organisms, including methods of isolation and culture, and staining reactions.

5. Describe the macroscopic changes in a typhoid Peyer's patch.

6. Describe the macroscopic and microscopic changes in the atrophic granular kidney, and the characters of the urine excreted by it.



The Board of Examiners.

1. Describe the os calcis.

2. Describe the articulations of the temporal bone.

3. Describe the ligaments and synovial membrane of the elbow-joint and superior radio-ulnar articulation.

4. Describe the anterior and posterior common ligaments of the spine.

5. Name, in order, the muscles in immediate relation with the hip-joint.

6. Describe the origins, insertions, relations, and functions of six but not more of the following muscles: Trapezius; mylohyoid; triceps; flexor longus pollicis; transversalis abdominis; quadratus lumborum; vastus externus; tibialis posticus.

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The Board of Examiners.

1. Describe the steps of the dissection of the following regions, giving in order the structures met with

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and their relations, but not describing any structure in detail:

(a) The bend of the elbow;

(b) The back of the leg.

2. Describe the origin, course, relations, branches, and anastomoses of the inferior mesenteric artery.

3. Describe the origin, course, relations, branches, and communications of the hypoglossal nerve.

4. Describe the vocal cords and their relations, and name the several muscles that govern the tension and position of the true cords.

5. Describe the path of a sensory impression from a lumbar nerve immediately outside its intervertebral foramen to the cortex cerebri.

6. Describe the position, relations, arteries, and veins of the ovaries.


The Board of Examiners.

1. Comment on the Surgical Anatomy of(a) Inguinal Hernia;

(b) The third part of the subclavian artery.

2. Describe the topographical anatomy of the heart, including its valves.

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