페이지 이미지

8. Explain auto da fe, Cortes, pistole, Kit-cat, Molière's doctors, widow of a buffoon, Treatise

on the Bathos, The Pyrenees have ceased to exist.

9. What are the merits and the defects of Macaulay's style?

10. "English belongs to the Low-German division of the Teutonic languages." Explain the statement fully, and mention the other languages of this division.

11. Make lists of five words in English derived from Spanish, Persian, and Arabic respectively; and trace fully the history of one word from each list.

12. What is meant by the Law of Hobson Jobson?


Professor Morris.


1. Write an Essay on "Steele versus Addison."

2. Briefly describe the prose style of Burton, Cowley, Browne, Johnson.

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3. Comment on the following passages :-
(a) Spenser wrote no language.-JONSON.
(b) Abundance of choler adust.-BURTON.

(c) Travelling out of England into Spain thou goest out of God's blessing into the warm sun.FULLER.

(d) Lucretius by his favour, though a good poet, was but an ill-natured man when he said it was delightful to see other men in a great storm.-CoWLEY.

(e) It was not dumb chance that to discover the fougade... contrived a miscarriage in the letter.-BROWNE.

(ƒ) To babble the dialect of France.-JOHNSON. (g) It starts at its own shadow like the man in the Hartz mountains.-HAZLITT.

4. (a) What does Ben Jonson say about Shakspeare in Explorata?

(b) What are the short epitaphs suggested on Camden and Fuller?

5. (a) What idea of Coleridge does Hazlitt leave with his readers ?

(b) What idea of Hazlitt is left by the same account?

6. What parts do Galahad, Gawain, Tristram play respectively in the Idylls?

7. Explain the following passages in the Idylls:(a) For an ye heard a music, like enow

They are building still, seeing the city is built
To music, therefore never built at all,
And therefore built for ever.

(b) In letters like to those the vexillary

Hath left crag-carven o'er the streaming Gelt. (c) The strong neighings of the wild white horse. (d) The Tournament of the Dead Innocence. (e) My house are rather they who sware my vows, Yea, even while they brake them, owned me king.


The light that led

The holy Elders with the gift of myrrh.

8. What are the parts played in Paracelsus by Michal and by Aprile?

9. Explain the following words from Paracelsus:Burgonet, rear-mice, pansies, genethliac, firelabarum, horoscope; and from other poems by Browning-Bardotti, Welt-schmerz, "threw Venus," St. Martin's Summer, Cenciaja, rampired.

10. Write short accounts of Blake, Miss Austen, T. Hood, G. Meredith.

11. Make brief comments on Macaulay's Lays, Disraeli as novelist, Matthew Arnold as literary critic.

12. Name a book published in each decade of this century.


Professor Morris.


1. Translate into French

The death of Nelson was felt in England as something more than a public calamity; men started at the intelligence and turned pale, as if they had heard of the loss of a dear friend. An object of our admiration and affection, of our pride and of our hopes, was suddenly taken from us; and it seemed as if we had never till then known how deeply we loved and reverenced him. What the country had lost in its great naval hero-the greatest of our own and of all former times was scarcely taken into the account of grief. So perfectly indeed had he performed his part, that the maritime war after the battle of Trafalgar was considered at an end: the fleets of the enemy were not merely defeated, but destroyed.-SOUTHEY.

2. Translate

Car en de longs détours de chansons vaga-

Il enchaînait de tout les semences fécondes,
Les principes du feu, les eaux, la terre et l'air,
Les fleuves descendus du sein de Jupiter,
Les oracles, les arts, les cités fraternelles,
Et depuis le chaos, les amours immortelles.

3. Write an account of the author of the preceding passage.

4. Translate, adding brief notes—

(a) Dans les rues, pas de pavés; la nuit, pas un réverbère; aux toits, pas de chéneaux; les petites vitres éborgnées, fermées depuis vingt ans avec un morceau de papier. Au milieu de cette grande misère, le prévôt qui passe en toque noire, et monte l'escalier de la mairie, les jeunes officiers nobles, qui se promènent en petit tricorne, habit blanc, l'épée en travers du dos; les capucins avec leurs longues barbes sales, leurs robes de bure, sans chemise, et le nez rouge, qui s'en vont par troupes au couvent, où se trouve aujourd'hui le collége.

(b) Au milieu du festin, le roi paraît, suivi de la reine tenant le Dauphin dans ses bras. La musique joue l'air: 0 Richard, ô mon roi, l'univers t'abandonne! puis des airs étrangers, la marche des Hulans, les vins coulent, les têtes se perdent, les dames distribuent des cocardes blanches, et la cocarde tricolore est, dit-on, foulée aux pieds.

(c) Le chef de votre municipalité, et le chef de votre milice, instruit de tout ce qui se passe, au lieu de s'assurer des ministres, comme il était de leur devoir, ont fait échapper des prisons le traitre Bonne de Savardin, pour vous enlever les pièces de conviction de la perfidie du ministère, et peut-être de leur propre perfidie.

(d) On ne voulut pas s'exposer à une nouvelle explosion des condamnés, en les faisant remonter de la prison à la salle du tribunal pour entendre

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