페이지 이미지

7. On March 2 a merchant borrowed £912 10s., promising that on June 18 he would repay the loan, together with interest at the rate of 44 per cent. per annum. What sum of money is the merchant pledged to pay?

8. A nautical mile is greater than an ordinary mile by 0.15 of the latter. How many nautical miles are there in 1,028,280 feet?

9. A multiplication sum which had been worked on a black board was partially rubbed out, the figures still remaining visible being 4579, the whole of the multiplicand; 32, the first two of the figures of a multiplier of four figures; and 94, the last two of the figures of the product. Restore the whole work.

10. A schoolboy was told to divide half of a certain number by 5; the other half by 7; and to add the quotients. Being lazy, he tried to save time by dividing the whole number by 6. The answer found by him was too small by 8. What was the number he was asked to divide ?


The Board of Examiners.

The Map must be attempted.

1. Draw a map of England and Wales. Mark on the


(a) The counties bordering on the south and east


(b) The towns Berwick, Dover, Manchester, Sheerness, Sheffield, York.

(c) The rivers Avon, Humber, Mersey, Severn,


(d) The islands Scilly, Thanet, Wight.

(e) The capes Flamborough, Holyhead, Lizard, Beachy Head.

2. Give the exact position, and mention any advantages of position, from a commercial point of view, of Adelaide, Athens, Auckland, Chicago, Constantinople, Delagoa Bay, Hamburg, Marseilles, Muscat, Talienwan.

3. Mention twelve states of the German Empire.

4. What are the chief centres of production of amber, coffee, cotton manufactures, linen, salt, steel, soda, silk, tin, woollen manufactures.

5. Give some account of the natural resources of Brazil.

6. Where are the following races to be found, and under what governments:-Esquimaux, Magyars, Basques, Finns, Bretons, Samoieds, Circassians, Turkomans, Copts, Malagasys.

7. How do you account for the large extent of arid territory in Australia ?

8. Describe carefully the causation of monsoons.

9. Describe carefully the causation of the tides.

10. Describe the watersheds of Asia, and explain how the mountain ranges and high lands determine the limits and directions of the drainage areas.


The Board of Examiners.

1. Describe any process for obtaining approximately pure oxygen from the air.

2. By what tests would you distinguish between three samples of water, one being pure, one derived from a town water supply, and one from the ocean?

3. Explain and illustrate the statement that chlorine may act similarly to oxygen as a supporter of combustion. What ordinary form of fuel will not burn in chlorine?

4. Explain the production of red vapours by the action of various substances on nitric acid.

5. What is prussic acid? Describe its properties, and a method of preparing it.

6. Compare nitrogen and phosphorus in respect to the compounds they form with hydrogen.

7. How is potassium carbonate obtained? How may it be converted into caustic potash ?

8. Calculate the weight of each of the elements contained in 40.8 grammes of anhydrous calcium sulphate; and find the weight of calcium carbonate obtainable from it. [Given: O 16, C 12, S = 32, Ca = 40].



The Board of Examiners.

1. Define velocity, and explain how it is measured. The velocity of a train is 30 miles per hour; express this in centimetres per second. (1 foot 30 centimetres.)

2. State the law of the composition of two forces whose directions intersect; and describe a method of verifying it experimentally.

3. What is a movable pulley? Describe a system of pulleys in practical use, and determine its mechanical advantage.

4. Explain why a pendulum is often used to regulate clocks; and shew how to demonstrate the

property on which its use for this purpose depends.

5. A piece of metal weighs 100 grammes in air, and 91 in kerosene; find the density of kerosene, that of the metal being 8.7.

6. How would you prove by experiment(a) That air has weight.

(b) That the mercury column in a barometer is balanced by a certain weight of air.

7. Distinguish between the coefficients of linear and of cubical expansion of a solid; and shew that the latter is (very approximately) three times the former.

8. Define "Boiling Point." Give some account of the relation between this quantity and external pressure, and shew how the relation may be determined.

9. A copper sphere (mass 50 grammes) is heated to the temperature of a certain flame, and dropped into 233.6 grammes of ice-cold water; if the temperature of the water rises to 15° C., find that of the flame. (Sp. heat of copper 0.096.)

10. Describe an experimental method of determining the relative emissive powers of surfaces.

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