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possess the knowledge of it during the argument, and that it has been declared by an authority whose competence is not, or cannot be contested, according to the principles of Common Law, by any of the parties in the case.

(c) Error of Fact; provided that the award is founded expressly on the existence or on the want of a document or a fact, whose existence or want has not been observed before the Tribunal, or could not be proved, whereas after the publication of the award success has been attained in giving such proofs of it that all the parties must admit them as decisive.

ART. 41.-The demand for revision or correction should be notified by writing, with the reasons and the copies of the documents to all the Arbitrators, as also to each of the parties, with such a number of copies that they may be communicated immediately to their agents before the Arbitral Tribunal. Within one month after this notification each party must notify to the others and to the Arbitrators its reply or its defence with reasons, which shall not confer any right to further replies.

On these materials the Arbitrators shall pronounce their final award, fixing a positive period for its execution, that it may produce the same effects as that provided for by Art. 39.

ART. 42.-The costs of Arbitration procedure shall be paid in equal proportions by the Governments interested; but the expenses incurred by the parties for the preparation and carrying on of their case shall be paid by each of them individually.

On the demand of the parties, the Tribunal may charge the one which has been condemned with the total, or the greater part, of the costs of the Arbitration.

eu connaissance pendant le débat, et qu'elle ait été déclarée par une autorité dont la compétence n'est, ou ne peut-être contestée, selon les principes de droit commun, par aucune des parties en cause.

(c) Erreur de fait, à condition que la sentence soit fondée expressément sur l'existence ou sur le défaut d'un acte ou d'un fait, dont l'existence ou le défaut n'ait pas été observé avant le tribunal, ou n'ait pu être prouvé, tandis qu'après la publication de l'arrêt, on réussit à en donner de telles preuves que toutes les parties doivent les admettre comme décisives.

ART. 41.-La demande de révision ou correction doit être notifiée par écrit, avec les motifs et les copies des documents, à tous les arbitres, aussi bien qu'a chacune des parties, en tel nombre d'exemplaires qu'elle puisse être immédiatement communiquée à leurs agents auprès du tribunal arbitral.

Dans le délai d'un mois après cette notification, chaque partie devra notifier aux autres et aux arbitres sa réponse, ou sa défense motivée, qui ne donnera droit à d'autres répliques.

Sur ces éléments les arbitres prononceront leur dernier arrêt, établissant un délai péremptoire pour son exécution, afin qu'il puisse produire les mêmes effets que celui prévu par l'article 39.

ART. 42.-Les frais de procédure d'arbitrage seront payés en proportions égales par les gouvernements intéressés; mais les dépenses faites par les parties pour la préparation et la poursuite de leur défense seront payées par chacune d'elles individuelle


Sur la demande des parties, le tribunal pourra mettre à la charge de celle qui a été condamnée le total, ou une portion plus grande, des frais de l'arbitrage.



Professor of International Law in the University of Naples, etc.


1. The Arbitration tribunal is composed of persons appointed in the capacity of arbiters to decide any particular difference arising between two or more States, or to pronounce a judgment thereon, according to the principles of Public Law, or any special law agreed upon by the parties by means of a Treaty stipulated between them.

2. Submission to the jurisdiction of the Arbitration tribunal is either voluntary or compulsory.

The former is that which follows from a stipulation in a Treaty by which the parties have agreed to submit to Arbitration any dispute which may arise respecting its interpretation or execution; or from a general Treaty by which they have bound themselves to refer to arbitrators any question between them; or from a special agreement (compromis) by which they combine to refer any particular question to arbitrators for their adjudication.

Compulsory submission to arbitral jurisdiction might arise from the deliberation of a Conference which had decided that a question of fact or particular law between the parties should be submitted to Arbitration; or if, in the absence of an agreement (compromis), should one of the parties consider it a case for arbitral jurisdiction and declare itself prepared to submit thereto, the Conference might consider that an Arbitration tribunal should be formed to decide the dispute in question.

3. It is incumbent on States, even if they have not previously



Professore ordinario di Diritto Internazionale, e di Diritto Privato comparato dell' Universita di Napoli, Membro dell'Instituto di Dirito Internazionale.


1. Il tribunale arbitrale è costituito dalle persone nominate in qualità di arbitri per decidere una controversia d'interesse particolare nata fra due o più Stati, e per sentenziare intorno ad essa applicando i principii del Diritto comune, o il Diritto particolare stabilito fra le parti mediante i trattati fra di esse stipulati. 2. La sottomissione alla giurisdizione del tribunale arbitrale sarà volontaria o forzata.

La prima è quella che nasce in conseguenza del patto espresso concordato in un trattato, col quale le parti abbiano convenuto di sottomettere agli arbitri le controversie che possano nascere nella sua interpretazione, o nell'esecuzione; o quando con un trattato avessero assunto in generale l'obbligo reciproco di sottomettere ad arbitri qualunque vertenza fra di loro; o quando, con compromesso speciale, avessero convenuto di sottomettersi ad arbitri per far risolvere da essi una particolare controversia di ordine giuridico.

La giurisdizione arbitrale forzata potrà derivare dalla deliberazione di una Conferenza, con la quale, decisa la questione principale, fosse stata deferita agli arbitri la decisione d'una questione di fatto o di Diritto particolare fra le parti stesse; ovvero quando, mancando il compromesso, e sostenendo una delle parti che fosse il caso della giurisdizione arbitrale, e dichiarandosi pronta a sottomettersi, la Conferenza riconoscesse fondata tale istanza e decidesse che dovesse essere costituito un tribunale arbitrale per decidere sulla determinata controversia.

3. Incombe agli Stati, anche quando non si siano a ciò pre

bound themselves to do so, to recognise the evident general utility of submitting to the decision of an arbitral tribunal all the differences of a juridical nature which may arise between them, which concern their particular interests, and which, according to the principles of Public Law might form matter for a reference to arbitration (compromis).


4. The arbitral tribunal shall be considered constituted when the arbitrators have been appointed, according to the agreement (compromis) entered into between the parties, or according to the following regulations; and they have accepted the mandate.

5. The constitution of an arbitral tribunal might also be effected by means of an arbitration clause in a Treaty by which the parties have agreed to refer all differences arising between them to Arbitration, if such differences can be considered a subject of reference, and to submit themselves to the regulations of International Public Law by means of the Arbitration.

6. The choice of the arbitrators must, in general, be left with the parties intending to submit themselves to the arbitral tribunal, or it may be made by persons invited by them to do so, these persons, of course, adhering strictly to the arrangement previously entered into in virtue of the Agreement.

7. The number of arbitrators ought generally to be restricted to three, but may, by agreement of the parties, be extended to five. The parties, however, may agree to refer the decision of the dispute to one person chosen by themselves to act as arbitrator.

8. If the parties have, by agreement, appointed the arbitrator or arbitrators, their functions must be personally exercised by the person or persons appointed; and if one of these persons should be unable, or should decline, to act, he cannot be represented by a substitute, unless a new agreement (compromis) be made between the parties for that purpose.

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