she did not forgive him his base and atrocious conduct in aiding and abetting a deceit foul and infamous. He then confessed that he was not a soldier,-as his mustachios might have indicated, and his swearing confirmed, but the eldest son of a calicot manufacturer of great wealth and renown; that his ami was neither a count, nor a cavalry colonel, but simply a melodramatic performer, enacting tyran's at the Ambigu Comique of Paris; that no duel had been fought for her; and that General Gengibus was no other than a billiard-room marker. That the supposed quarrel had been "got up" to produce an "effect;" and that the distinguished blood of the Oripeaux that had stained his scarf, had been obtained, en passant, from a calf's head suspended at a butcher's stall. The only reply Molly could make to this awful disclosure, was to fall in a befitting fit; but Monsieur de la Blagne--whose true name was François Blageur,-who well knew that when a lady closed her eyes in a faint, her ears were more than usually open, whispered into one of them that he merely had paid his addresses to her sister, that he might have access to her, and glut his eyes upon her divine charms. When, perceiving that she remained silent, he loaded his pistol with half-adozen bullets and pellets, knelt down to say his prayers, and then put the muzzle of the weapon in his mouth. Seeing this, Molly jumped up, and roaring "murder!" and "voleur!" rushed out of the room, leaving the disappointed Frenchman in utter dismay The first step that the indignant Molly Cannon adopted, was to inform Lucy, like an affectionate sister, that De la Blagne had merely made love to her as a matter of convenience; that she had always been the true object of his devotions, and that he must really be a most honest and upright young man thus to have saved her froin ruin and disgrace, by marrying a strolling player; and, finally, (for Molly was a warm advocate of finality) that she would send back to the wretch all his treasures and valuables, which she now dignified with the appellation of his " pitiful dirty traps." It is difficult to say, how this business might have terminated, and how far Miss Molly Cannon might have felt it incumbent on her to reward Monsieur Blageur for his candour, (not, of course, to vex her disappointed sister); but women propose, and sometimes the public dispose. The fracas of this untoward event was even too great for Boulogne; and, by the advice of Abbé Caffard, the parties thought it expedient to set out for Paris after a family council. The Misses Cannon concluded that they should all become wives of some nobles; their brothers, that they should move in a society, in which they could not have dared to thrust their provincial noses in London. Mrs. Cannon was anxious to behold the rites of the Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church performed in all its splendour; and old Commodus,--who had taken a vast fancy to écarté playing, (and who, moreover, had greatly admired a Parisian opera-dancer, who had been "starring it" at Boulogne, on her return to Paris from a London eclipse in the opening season,) fancied that in the French metropolis he could afford to " do the genteel thing." OLD MORGAN AT PANAMA. In the hostel-room we were seated in gloom, old Morgan's trusticst crew; Let us go and pillage old Panama, We, the mighty Buccancers!" Straight at the word each girt on his sword, five hundred men and more; roar, "The way ye have sped is farther to tread, than the way which lies before." So on we march'd upon Panama, We, the mighty Buccaneers! 'T was just sunset when our eyes first met the sight of the town of gold; And down on the sod each knelt to his god, five hundred warriors bold; Each bared his blade, and we fervent pray'd [for it might be our latest prayer,] "Ransom from hell, if in fight we fell, if we lived, for a booty rare!" And each as he rose felt a deep repose, and a calm o'er all within; For he knew right well, whatever befell, his soul was assoil'd from sin, Then down we march'd on old Panama, We, the mighty Buccaneers! The town arose to meet us as foes, and in order beheld us come ;- God wot! O'er dying and dead the morn rose red, and o'er streets of a redder dye; We, the mighty Buccaneers! We found bars of gold, and coin untold, and gems which to count were vain; And so we revell'd in Panama. We, the mighty Buccaneers! We lived in revel, sent care to the devil, for two or three weeks or so, This drink we invented at Panama, We, the mighty Buccaneers! When the churls were eased, their bags well squeezed, we gave them our blessing full fain, And we kiss'd our girls with the glossy curls, the dark-eyed girls of Spain; Our booty we shared, and we all prepared for the way we had to roam, When there rose a dispute as to taking our route by land or by water home. So one half of the band chose to travel by land, the other to travel by sea: Old Morgan's voice gave the sea the choice, and I follow'd his fortunes free, And hasten'd our leaving old Panama, We, the mighty Buccaneers ! A bark we equipp'd, and our gold we shipp'd, and gat us ready for sea; wind. With a fresh'ning breeze we walked the seas, and the land sunk low and lower; A dreary dread o'er our hearts there sped we never should see land more And away we departed from Panama, We, the mighty Buccaneers! For a day or two we were busy enow in setting ourselves to rights, In fixing each berth, our mess, and so forth, and the day's watch and the night's; And thus we sail'd on from old Panama, We, the mighty Buccaneers! Day after day we had stagger'd away, with a steady breeze abeam; No shift in the gale; no trimming a sail; how dull we were, ye may deem! And thus we sail'd on from old Panama, We, the mighty Buccaneers! At last it befell, some tempter of hell put gambling in some one's head; How the winners laugh'd, how the losers quaff'd! 't was a madness, as it were.. And thus we sail'd on from old Panama, We, the mighty Buccaneers! From morn till night, ay, till next morn's light, for weeks the play kept on : had lost. He went to bed at noon he was dead-I know not from what, nor reck; We, the mighty Buccaneers! This but begun: and those who had won lived a life of anxious dread; have won The gold that our blood bought at Panama: We never were slow at a word and a blow, so we cross'd our irons full fain; For I swear, by God, I will cleave him like wood!" There was one made an He, the mighty Buccaneer! At this we quail'd, and we henceforth sail'd, in a smouldering sort of truce; We, the pillagers of old Panama, We, the mighty Buccaneers! She went right fast, but we took her at last. 'T was a little brigantine thing; And go and pillage some other Panama, Ye, the mighty Buccaneers!" We were reckless and rude, we had been at feud till 't was war to the very knife: weapons they wore : This Spanish gun was a token from one who had fought me a week before, We, the mighty Buccaneers! Their traps all pack'd, there was nothing lack'd, but sharing the women three: sore; We all that day watch'd them lessen away. They were never heard of more! We kept merrily on from old Panama, We, the mighty Buccaneers! Their sufferings none know, but ours, I trow, were very, oh! very sore; We had storm and gale till our hearts 'gan fail, and then calms, which harassed us more; Then many fell sick; and while all were weak, we rounded the fiery cape; And such was the pillage of Panama By the mighty Buccaneers! G. E. INMAN. and a dangerous chance; but it was his only one. Listen, sir: while the men had their heads turned to the opening of the cavern, watching the boat pass, the sight of which had driven them into it, he lifted the ladies gently into the end of the boat. They couldn't hear him for the noise of the waves; there was plenty of room for them, and he drew a sail over them, and was just stepping in himself after them, when one of the men turned, and he had only time to conceal himself under the bows of the boat before she was again moving silently out of the cave with, as her crew little suspected, the addition of two to their number since she had entered it. At last the "They went about a quarter of a mile down under the cliff, and landed a boy, who disappeared like a cat up the rocks. A dead silence ensued; no one ventured to speak; the men rested on their oars, and the boat gently rose and sank on the waves. silence was broken; something dark was hurled down the cliff at a short distance from the boat. It fell heavily on the rocks. God forgive him, he's tossed him over, muttered one of the men. And so it was, sir. The poor man on the look-out was asleep near the top of the cliff; and we often hear of these men rolling over in their sleep. There's always a reason for it, sir. They were going to land their cargo, when they heard a gun in the offing from one of the King's cutters. The alarm had been given. Not a moment was to be lost; and, straining every nerve, they bore out to sea. "They were about two miles from the shore, when some of the men declared it was a lost job, and that they could go no further. Mrs. Clements was quite senseless with cold and exhaustion, but her sister listened eagerly to what the men said. They had some angry words, but the meaning of their conversation she could not understand. There was a little boat astern of the larger one, which they drew to it, and entered one by one, the last man calling out as he stepped in-Now then, boys, pull for your lives; they'll make after us when they find they've lost their prize.' "The boat had disappeared in the surrounding darkness before the terrified lady comprehended all; and then, sir, in a moment the frightful truth flashed upon her. The devils had scuttled the boat, and it was sinking fast. She said one prayer, and turned to kiss her sleeping sister, when Mr. Clements' voice sounded almost at her side! There he was, sir,-there he was in the self-same little pleasure-boat which had been the cause of all their misfortunes. He had just time to lift the ladies out of the boat, and to get clear of her, when she went down. The revenue-cutter came up, and took them on board all alive; but many months passed before Mrs. Clements recovered the events of that dreadful night." "I "What became of Mr. Clements when they left him in the cave?" "He held on to the boat for a few minutes till they got outside, and then swam to the rocks, where he found his little pleasure-boat, and entering it, followed in the track of the larger vessel in time to save the life of Mrs. Clements and that of her sister. The sun is setting, sir," said the samphire gatherer, touching his hat to me. must be going homewards. Mayhap," he added, as he turned away on his path, "one of these days, when you are strolling on the rocks below, sir, you will look at the cavern where Mr. Clements found his wife. You can imagine much better than I can describe what must have been their feelings in such a place, and at such a time. Good evening, sir." |