ing her on the generalship and rising glory of her son, instead of shewing the exultation of a Spartan dame, she replied, with all the sang froid of a good old Friend, "Ah, dear me! This fighting and killing is a sad thing! I wish George would come home and look after his plantation !!" Nor does it appear that nature had mixed much of gunpowder in the composition of any of his brothers: for when one of them, in the time of Braddock's war, wrote him a letter, signifying something like a wish to enter into the service; George, it is said, gave him this short reply: "Brother, stay at home, and comfort your wife." But though not destined to figure on the quarterdeck of a man of war, yet he ceased not to cultivate that talent which had been given for higher uses. From adjutant Muse, a Westmoreland volunteer, who had gained much credit in the war of Cuba, whence he had lately returned with Lawrence Washington, he learnt to go through the manual exercise with great dexterity. By the help of good treatises on the art of war, which were put into his hands by the saine gentleman, he soon acquired very clear ideas of the evolutions and movements of troops. And from Mons. Vanbraam, who afterwards accompanied him as interpreter to Venango, he acquired the art of fencing, at which, it is said, he was extremely expert. A passion, so uncommon for war, joined to a very appearance, and great dignity of character, could scarcely fail to attract on him the attention of the public. In fact the public sentiment was so strong in his favour, that at the green age of nineteen, he was appointed major and adjutant general of the Virginia forces in the Northern Neck, when training, as was expected, for immediate service. For his services as an adjutant general, he was allowed by the crown one hundred pounds sterling per nnum. 30 CHAPTER V. Feh encroachments on the Ohio-Washington vohinnteers his service to governor Dinwiddie-his razerdous embassy to the French and Indiansmiraculous escapes-account of his journal-anecdoteof his modesty. IN the year 1753 the people of Virginia were alarmed by a report that the French, aided by the Indians, were erecting a long line of military posts on the Ohio. This manœuvre, predicting no good to the ANCIENT DOMINION, was properly resented by Robert Dinwiddie, the governor, who wished immediately in the name of his king to forbid the measure.. But how to convey a letter to the French commandant on the Ohio, was the question. For the whole country west of the Blue Mountains, was one immeasurable forest, from time immemorial the gloomy haunt of ravening beasts and of murderous savages. No voices had ever broke the awful silence of those dreary woods, save the hiss of rattlesnakes, the shrieks of panthers, the yell of Indians, and howling tempests. From such scenes, though beheld but by the distant eye of fancy, the hearts of youth are apt to shrink with terror, and to crouch more closely to their safer fire-sides. But in the firmer nerves of Washington, they do not appear to have made the least impression of the agueish sort. The moment he heard of the governor's wishes, he waited on him with a tender of his services. "Now Christ save my sacul, but ye'er a braw lad!" said the good old Scotchman, " and gin ye play your cards weel, my boy, ye shall hae nae cause to rue your bargain." The governor took him to his palace that night, which was spent in preparing his letters and instructions. The next day, accompanied by an interpreter and a couple of servants, he set out on his journey, which, being in the depth of winter, was as disagreeable and dangerous as Hercules himself could have desired. Drenching rains and drown ing floods, and snow-covered mountains opposed his course; but opposed in vain. The generous ambition to serve his country, and to distinguish himself, carried him through all; and, even at the most trying times, touched his heart with a joy unknown to the VAIN and TRIFLING. On his way home he was way-laid and shot at by an Indian, who, though not fifteen paces distant, happily missed his aim. The poor wretch was made prisoner. But Washington could not find in his heart to put him to death, though his own safety seemed to require the sacrifice. The next evening, in attempting to cross a river on a raft, he was within an ace of being drowned; and, the night following, of perishing in the ice but from both these imminent deadly risks, there was a hand unseen that effected his escape. ABOUT the middle of January he returned to Williamsburgh; and, instantly waiting on the governor, presented him the fruits of his labours-the belts of wampum which he had brought from the Indian kings as pledges of their friendship-the French governor's letters-and, last of all, his journal of the expedition. This, it seems, he had drawn up as a tub for the whale, that he might be spared the pain of much talking about himself and his adventures. For like the king of Morven, " though mighty deeds roiled from his soul of fire, yet his words were never heard.' The governor was much pleased with the Indian belts -more with the Frenchman's letter-but most of all with Washington's journal, which he proposed to have printed immediately. Washington begged that his excellency would spare him the mortification of seeing his journal sent out into the world in so mean a dress. He urged, that having been written in a wintry wilderness, by a traveller, young, illiterate, and often cold, wet, and weary, it needed a thousand emendments. "Hoot awa, Major," replied his excel lency, "hoot awa, mon; what tauk ye aboot amend"ments. I am sure the pamphlet need nae blush to " be seen by his majesty himsel and in geud troth I " mean to send him a copy or twa of it. And be" sides our Assembly will rise to-morrow or next "day, and I wish each of the members to tak a " few copies hame with them. So we must e'en " strait-way print the journal of hand as it is." THE journal, of course, was immediately printed. Every eye perused it: and every tongue was loud in its praise. Indeed it was not easy to err on the side of excess; for whoever with candour reads the journal, will readily pronounce it an unique in the history of juvenile productions. It discovers that vigour, and variety of talents, which take up, as it were intuitively, the views belonging to any new subject that presents itself. It is the hasty production of a young man, born in retreats of deepest solitude, in a time of profoundest peace, and brought up to the simple harmless-employment of a surveyor, an employment which, more than any other, tends to tranquillize the mind. The verdure and music of the love-breathing spring; the bright fields and harvests of joy-inspiring summer; the faded leaves and mournful silence of autumn, with winter's solemn grandeur; were the scenes in which the youth of Washington was passed. In these he hears the roar of distant war-from these he is sent forth to mark the gathering storm. Instantly he breathes the whole spirit of his new engagement-" Old things are done away: all things are become new." The chain and theodolite are forgotten -the surveyor is lost in the soldier. His shoulders are young: but they sustain the head of an old engineer. He marks the soil, the timber, the confluence of rivers, the sites for forts. In short, nothing connected with the defence of his country escapes him. He penetrates the characters of the different people around him-the low sensuality of the Indian, ready, for a dram, to lift the tomahawk-the polished subtilties of the European, who can " smile and smile," and yet design the death of the traveller. These important truths present themselves intuitively to his mind; and shine with such lustre in the pages of his journal, as to command the admiration of every unprejudiced reader. AMONG the gentlemen in Williamsburgh, who had sense and virtue enough to appreciate the worth of Washington, one of the first was a Mr. Waller.This gentleman, conversing on that subject with Mr. Robertson, speaker of the house of Burgesses, observed, that such services as those rendered by Major Washington, were far too important to be paid off by the light coin of common parlour puffs. "This young man," said he, " has deserved well of his country; end her Reprsentatives in Assembly ought to acknowledge the obligtion." - That's exactly my own opinion," replied Robertson : " and if you will let me know when the major next visits us, I will make a motion to that effect." THE next day, Washington, not having ever dreamt of the honour intended him, entered the house; and, going up stairs, took his seat in the gallery. The eagle-eyed friendship of Mr. Waller quickly discovered him ; and stepping to the chair, whispered it to Mr. Robertson; who instantly arose, and ordering silence, called out: "Gentlemen, it is proposed that the thanks of this HOUSE be given to Major Washington, who now sits in the gallery, for the very gallant manner in which he executed the important trust lately reposed in him by his excellency governor Dinwiddie." In a moment the HOUSE rose as one man; and turning towards Washington, saluted him with a general bow; and, in very flattering terms, expressed their high sense of his services. -Had an earthquake shaken the capitol to the centre, it could hardly have so completely confounded the major! He rose to make his acknoledgments, but, alas! his tounge had forgotten its office. Thrice he aessyea to speak: but thrce, in spite ofevery eoffirt, his utterance failed him, save faintly to articulate, |