페이지 이미지


No. 70.


Washington, July 15, 1884.

The following extracts of an act of Congress are published for the information and government of all concerned :

AN ACT making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated for the objects hereinafter expressed for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, namely:

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To enable the several Executive Departments, the Department of Agriculture and the Smithsonian Institution, to participate in the World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition, to be held at New Orleans, Louisiana, under act of Congress of February tenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, as follows: For the War Department, fifteen thousand dollars; for the Navy Department, ten thousand dollars; for the State Department, ten thousand dollars; for the Treasury Department, twelve thousand dollars; for the Interior Department, one hundred and twentyfive thousand dollars; for the Post Office Department, ten thousand dollars; for the Department of Agriculture, twenty-five thousand dollars; for the Department of Justice, three thousand dollars; for the Smithsonian Institution (including the National Museum and Commission of Fish and Fisheries), seventy-five thousand dollars; for necessary incidental expenses of administration by the board, including office rent, fuel, gas, stationery, telegrams, and expressage, fifteen thousand dollars; in all, three hundred thousand dollars, to be disbursed under the direction of the Board on United States Executive Departments appointed under executive order of May thirteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-four; and no expenses of any kind beyond the amounts herein provided for shall be incurred by any of the said Departments, or any officer thereof on account of said

To enable the several Executive Departments of the Government including the Department of Agriculture and the Smithsonian Institution, to participate in the Cincinnati Industrial Exposition, to be held at Cincinnati, Ohio. during the months of September and October, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, ten thousand dollars; and to participate in the Southern Exposition, to be held at Louisville Kentucky, from August sixteenth to October twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and eighty-four; ten thousand dollars; in all, twenty thousand dollars; Provided, That in case more than the said sums is required for the execution of this provision the same shall be paid by said Expositions.






For the Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, Illinois, as follows: For completing shop H, an iron-finishing shop, for the armory, fiftyfive thousand dollars.

For armory-shop K, an iron-finishing shop, fifty thousand dollars. For completing storehouse numbered four, fifty-four thousand dollars. For machinery and shop fixtures, ten thousand dollars.

For general care, preservation, and improvement; for building new roads; for care and preservation of the water-power; for painting and care and preservation of permanent buildings, bridges, and shores of the island; for building fences, grading grounds, and repairs and extension of railroad, ten thousand dollars.

For completion of the improvement of the water-pool above the dam, eighteen thousand five hundred dollars.

For the Rock Island bridge as follows:

For care and preservation of the Rock Island bridge, and expenses of maintaining and operating the draw, nine thousand dollars.

For protecting the Rock Island bridge by means of sheer-booms, two hundred and fifty dollars.

For Benicia Arsenal, Benicia, California:

For permanent repairs of post and fences, four thousand and fifty-five dollars.

For Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:

For connecting outlet of brick sewer in the vicinity of officers' quarters with Frankford Creek, one thousand dollars.

For wood-working machinery, one thousand six hundred dollars. For one rectilineal lens and outfit for photographing drawings, three

hundred dollars.

For new slate roof on niter storehouse, one thousand eight hundred dollars.

For the San Antonio Arsenal, San Antonio, Texas:

For completing the two-story storehouse, ten thousand one hundred and fifty dollars.

For completing one set of officers' quarters, and sheds to the same, three thousand dollars.

For Piccatiny Powder Depot, Dover, New Jersey, forty thousand dollars.

For the Sandy Hook Proving Ground, New Jersey:

For expenses of repairs and alteration of buildings at Sandy Hook; purchase and repairs of machinery, steam-engines, shafting and belting, and all other permanent repairs and improvements, two thousand five hundred dollars.

For building for storage purposes at the proving-ground, two thousand five hundred dollars.

For the Springfield Arsenal, Springfield, Massachusetts:

For repairs and preservation of grounds, buildings, and machinery not used for manufacturing purposes, fifteen thousand dollars.

For repairs of arsenals: For repairs of arsenals, and to meet such unforeseen expenditures at arsenals as accidents or other contingencies during the year may render necessary, thirty thousand dollars.

For erecting a new wall and underpinning part of old wall of south side of United States arsenal on Gray's Ferry road, at Philadelphia, twenty thousand dollars.


For the preparation of a site and the erection of a pedestal for a statue of the late President James A. Garfield, thirty thousand dollars; said site to be selected by and said pedestal to be erected under the supervision of the Secretary of War, the chairman of the Joint Committee on the Library, and the chairman of the Garfield Monumental Committee of the Society of the Army of the Cumberland.

To defray the expenses attending the unveiling of the statue of the late Rear-Admiral Du Pont, to be erected in Du Pont Circle, in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be required, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War.

For the improvement and care of public grounds, as follows:

For improving, care, and maintenance of ground south of the Executive

For ordinary care of greenhouses and nursery, two thousand dollars. For improving reservation on South Carolina avenue, between Fourth and Sixth streets east, two thousand dollars.

For improving reservation on North Carolina avenue between Second and Third streets east, two thousand dollars.

For ordinary care of Lafayette Square, one thousand dollars.
For ordinary care of Franklin Square, one thousand dollars.

For care and improvement of reservation numbered three (Monument Grounds), one thousand dollars.

For continuing improvement of reservation numbered seventeen, and site of old canal, northwest of same, twenty thousand dollars: Provided, That no part thereof shall be expended upon other than property belonging to the United States.

For construction and repair of iron fences, five hundred dollars.
For manure, and hauling the same, five thousand dollars.

For painting iron fences, vases, lamps, and lamp-posts, two thousand


For purchase and repair of seats, one thousand dollars.

For purchase and repair of tools, two thousand dollars.

For trees, tree-stakes, lime, whitewashing, and stock for nursery, three thousand dollars.

For removing snow and ice, one thousand dollars.

For flower-pots, twine, baskets, and lycopodium, one thousand dollars. For care, construction, and repair of fountains in the public grounds, one thousand five hundred dollars.

For abating nuisances, five hundred dollars.

For improving, care, and maintenance of various reservations, five thousand dollars.

For improvement, maintenance, and care of Smithsonian Grounds, five thousand dollars.

For improvement of Washington Circle, two thousand dollars. For repairs and fuel at the Executive Mansion, as follows: For care and repair of and refurnishing the Executive Mansion, twelve thousand five hundred dollars.

For fuel for the Executive Mansion and greenhouses, two thousand five

hundred dollars.

For care and necessary repair of greenhouses, four thousand dollars. For lighting the Executive Mansion and public grounds: For gas, pay of lamp-lighters, gas-fitters, plumbers, gas-fitting and plumbing, purchase and erection of lamps and lamp-posts, purchase of matches, and for repairs of all kinds; fuel and lights for office, stables, watchmen's lodges, and for

the greenhouses at the nursery, fifteen thousand dollars: Provided, That for each six-foot burner not connected with a meter in the lamps on the public grounds no more than twenty-two dollars shall be paid per lamp for gas, including lighting, cleaning, and keeping in repair the lamps, under any expenditure provided for in this act; and authority is hereby given to substitute other illuminating material for the same or less price, and to use so much of the sum hereby appropriated as may be necessary for that purpose.

For repair of water-pipes and fire-plugs: For repairing and extending water-pipes, purchase of apparatus to clean them, and cleaning the springs and repairing and renewing the pipes to the same that supply the Capitol, the Executive Mansion, and the building for the State, War, and Navy Departments, two thousand five hundred dollars.

For telegraph to connect the Capitol with the Departments and Government Printing Office: For care and repair of the same, one thousand two hundred and-fifty dollars.

For the building for the State, War, and Navy Departments: For continuing the construction of the building walls of the several stories of the west and center wings, preparation of cut granite for the upper stories of the and for each and every purpose connected with the construction of the building, including the rent of necessary office-rooms, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars.



For the construction of buildings at and the enlargement of such military posts as in the judgment of the Secretary of War may be necessary, two hundred thousand dollars.

For the addition of one story to the public building for a quartermaster and commissary depot in process of construction at Saint Paul, Minnesota, to be used as offices for officers of the Department of Dakota, fifteen thousand dollars[.]


To be expended by the Secretary of War:

For the observation and report of storms: For expenses of the meteorological observation and report of storms by telegraph and signal, or otherwise announcing the probable approach and force of storms, for the benefit of commerce and agriculture throughout the United States; for manufacture, purchase, and repair of instruments, five thousand five hundred dollars; for telegraphing reports, one hundred and thirty six thousand dollars; for expenses of storm, cautionary, off-shore, and other

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