페이지 이미지

Corn Brooms and Scrubbing Brushes.

To each company, without regard to its numerical strength, 3 corn broom 2 scrubbing brushes per month. (§ 2091, Revised Regulations.)

To each public office and building furnished by the Quartermaster's De ment, viz:

Post Commanders and Post Quartermaster offices, Quartermaster's wareh Post bakery, Post school, Post chapel, and Post library, six corn broom annum. Each Officer of the Army is authorized to purchase six corn br and three scrubbing brushes per annum at the prices specified in this of (§ 2092, Revised Regulations, as amended by G. O. No. 49, H. Q. A., 1884).

Barrack Chairs.

One for each N. C. officer above the rank of Corporal.
Six for every 12 enlisted men of all other grades.

[blocks in formation]


No. 93.


Washington, August 12, 1884.

I.. By direction of the Secretary of War paragraphs 49 to 61, inclusive, of the Regulations, are amended to read as follows:

49. Details of officers of the Army as professors at colleges and universities, under sections 1225 (amended by the act of July 5, 1884) and 1260 (amended by the act of May 4, 1880), Revised Statutes, will be according to the following regulations:

50. Details "shall be apportioned throughout the United States as nearly as may be practicable according to population;" such States as do not contain sufficient population to entitle them to one officer will be grouped with one or more contiguous States or Territories, so that the combined population of the group will allow the detail of one or more officers, to the extent of forty officers in all.

51. As a rule, captains of companies, regimental staff officers, or officers who have served less than three years with their regiments or corps, or who have recently completed a tour of detached duty, will not be eligible. No details will be made that will leave a battery, troop, or company without two officers for duty with it. The period of detail will not be longer than three years.

52. Details of retired officers, under the act of May 4, 1880, will be in addition to the forty allowed by section 1225, as amended by the act of July 5, 1884, and may be made to institutions of learning of the requisite grade in any State, without reference to population or to the number of officers already serving therein.

53. No officer will be detailed at any institution except upon an application from its proper representatives.

54. Applications for details of officers should be addressed to the Secretary of War, and should be accompanied by a certificate as to the number of male students the college or university has the capacity to educate, and also by the last printed catalogue.

55. Officers of the Army desiring a detail at colleges or universities may make application therefor to the Adjutant General, through the usual military channels, and their names will, if the officers are available, be

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