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shall forward to the secretary to government, certificates from the captains or pilots specifying the dates of dispatch or departure of ships respectively," the commander-in-chief directs, that the strictest attention be invariably paid to those directions in future, by all commission officers, surgeons, assistant-surgeons, chaplains, others, belonging to any department of the army, who may be permitted to embark either for Europe, or elsewhere, on furlough, or to retire from the service, on board of foreign or other ships that may not be dispatched by the civil officers of government. Duplicates of such certificates to be sent to the adjutant-general's office at Fort William. And all officers, surgeons, or assistants, who may be cies, or to proceed to sea, for the permitted to visit other presidenbenefit of their health, are directed to report the date of embarkation, the name of the ship on which they proceed, and the date of their return to the presidency, to the town major, and to the adjutantgeneral at Fort William. Officers, surgeons, assistant-surgeons, chaplains, or warrant officers, who may arrive at the presidency from Europe; or on leave, or duty from other stations, are also reminded of the necessity of reporting their arrival to the town-major, and adjutant-general, and are strictly enjoined always to report in like manner the date of their departure from the presidency. All officers and assistant surgeons, appointed to corps in the first instance, are also directed to make similar reports on proceeding to join their corps. Lieutenant Scott, of the 2d battalion 5th regiment, is ordered to do duty with the 1st battalion of the regiment, until the 15th of Dec. next,

nor-general in council deeming it
to be highly improper that any offi-
cer holding a staff appointment at
any army station, or an officer who
may be employed in the capacity of
personal staff to the commanding
officer at such stations, should act
as agent for a contractor, is pleased
to direct that this practice, which
is evidently so much at variance
with the established principles of
controul, shall be hereafter discon-
tinued; and every officer holding a
staff employed, is hereby positively
prohibited from undertaking such
an agency.

Acting Sec. Mil. Dept.

Fort William, Aug. 28, 1806. The governor-general in councilis pleased to direct all persons, formerly in the service of the Mahratta or other native states or chiefs, who quitted the service of such states and chiefs, and availed themselves of the protection of the Bri-' tish government, in consequence of the proclamation issued by the governor-general in council, under date the 29th Aug. 1803, to report their names, place of residence, and the rank which they respectively held in the service which they quitted, to the secretary to government in the secret, political, and foreign department, for the information of the honorable the governor-general in council, without delay.


Acting Sec. Mil. Dept.

Fort William, Sept. 6, 1806.

Instances having occurred of officers embarking for Europe on furlough, and on retiring from the service, without complying with the regulations of government, which direct" that officers and surgeons proceeding on foreign ships


when he will proceed to join the corps, to which he is appointed. John Burke, matross of artillery, doing duty at the arsenal at Fort William, is directed to join his corps. H. WORSLEY, Adjutant-General.


single.----hides, country.---ditto Corah.---hemp.--iron country.---jars, water.---jute. linen cotton,---linen gurrah, Panta. ---ditto Curwa.--- ditto Gudgee.--mats, best.----oil, linseed.----do. mustard.---paint, blue, Patna,--plank, mangoe.---rope jute.---saltpetre, unrefined.---sheep skins,--stone corone.---tape (cotton broad) timbers, saul,

Fort William, Sep. 11, 1806. The following regulations for the guidance of pay-masters, in their capacities of commissaries of sup-thread ditto. plies, are to have effect from this date.

1. The deputy pay-masters who were appointed by the general orders of government of the 18th June, 1804, to the following stations of the army, and who are also to perform the duty of commissaries of supplies, are to furnish such articles of stores as may be required for the service of the magazines, at their respective stations, according to the following list and prices, to be determined on as soon as the present rates can be revised and equitably adjusted, without any claim whatever to commission. Futty Ghur,

Cawnpore, (including Allahabad;)
Chunar (including Sultanpore.
Benares, and Ghazepore,)
Dinapore (including Buxar,

large.---ditto sissoo.---ditto mangoe.twine, country----jute.---wax.---wood fire.

2. The deputy pay-master who may be charged with the payment of the troops and stations on the west bank of the Jumna, shall also act as commissary of supplies to magazines and stations to the westward of that river.

3. The deputy pay-masters are bound, in consideration of the salaries they receive, and of the above rates which will be fixed on a just and adequate calculation, to furnish such quantities of the stores therein specified, as shall be required of them within one month, at farthest, from the date of the requisition, unless satisfactory reasons shall be produced for further delay, under the penalty of forfeiting the rated value of every article that shall not have been delivered within that period of time.

Boglepore) and Berhampore. List of stores which are in future to be furnished by the deputy 4. In order to ascertain the time pay-masters at the different stations, within which it is incumbent on a in their capacities of commissaries deputy pay-master to furnish the of supplies, and the rates of which articles required of him, he shall, will be here after settled. whenever an Indent is presented Bamboos (of Bengal,) large---to him, in his capacity of commisditto middling.---ditto, small.--bamboos, upper country, best short, baskets, large.---bellows, brass, smiths.---borax (Tincal),---buntin, country,--- charcoal, mangoe soondry.---cotton, raw.---dammer ---duppers, empty (for each md. they contain,)---eggs.----flour.glue, Patna.----grease.----gunneys

sary of supplies, and that the stores are not supplied forthwith, indorse it" accepted," and add the date of presentment.

5. Stores supplied in any considerable quantity are, in every practicable case, to undergo a regular survey, agreeably to the established rules of the service


previous to their being received into the magazine, and in case when a survey shall not have been practicable, as on occasion of any sudden emergency, from a want of officers, or from the supplies being too inconsiderable to require a particular survey of them, the commissary, deputy commissary, or other officer in charge of the magazine, is himself to survey and minutely examine the stores, to see that they are in quality, weight, and measure, conformable to what is required by the indent, and that they are in every respect in good condition and adapted. to the purpose for which they were indented for.

6. The survey report is, along with the indent on which the stores were passed by the military board, to be tacked to the deputy pay-master's bill, and forwarded with it as a necessary voucher, to the office of the military auditor general.

7. In cases when stores shall have been supplied on emergent indents, under the authority vested in commanding officers of stations, without the previous sanction of the military board, such indents, accompanied by the deputy paymaster's bills for the stores so supplied, vouched in the manner directed in the 6th article, are to be transmitted, through the regular channel of the brigade major of the station, to the secretary of the military board, for the purpose of being submitted for their sanction.

8. When the indents shall have been passed by the board, they will, together with the bills, be forwarded to the office of the military auditor general, of which due intimation will be given to the deputy paymaster by the secretary of the military board.

9. If any deputy pay-master

shall, in his capacity of commissary of supplies, furnish stores without authority of the right honourable the commander in chief, or the military board, (except in cases of emergency, which are provided for by the 7th and 15th articles) he shall not be held entitled to make any charge against the company for stores so furnished, and the military auditor-general shall reject all such bills as may be presented to him for stores supplied without either of the authorities above-mentioned, or without the emergency of the case requiring that they should be so supplied.

10. The deputy pay-masters are however authorized to comply with the indents of the ordnance officers in charge of magazines for such articles as may be requisite to complete the proportions of petty stores allowed to be issued to quarter-masters by the general orders of 13th September, and 14th November, 1796, taking care that the quantities issued on such indents do not exceed the regulated allowances, and that the indents, with the receipts of the ordnance officers for the contents, are transmitted regularly every month to the military board office for the sanction of the military board.

11. The supplies to be furnished by the deputy pay-masters are to be confined to the wants of the magazines, and not to extend to the engineer department, or that of the quarter-master-general.

12. The commissaries, deputycommissaries, or other officers in charge of magazines, are to be furnished with a copy of the list of stores to be supplied by the deputy pay-master at the different stations of the army, by which their indents on the deputy pay-master are to be regulated, and they are positively



enjoined not to indent on them 14. The list of stores and their for any article not specified therein, rates to undergo revision every two except in cases of absolute necessity, years. of which necessity the military 15. Indents on the commissary board are to be judges in the first of supplies shall not include any instance. The indents and bills article which the commissary, or for all such extra articles shall be other officer of ordnance, shall made out separate from those for have it in his power to make up stores authorised to be furnished from the materials in the magaby the deputy pay-master, and the zine under his charge, or which he rates at which the articles are may be able to procure from a charged by the deputy pay-master neighbouring depot or magazine ; must correspond with his actual provided, however, the purpose bona fide disbursements, (which for which such articles are required must be certified to be so upon is not of an emergent nature, or honor,) the bills for which are to be that the service would be liable to accompanied by the original bill or be prejudiced by the delay that receipt for the sum paid for them, could attend a requisition on another and to be attested by the following depot or magazine, in all such declaration : “I, A. B. do hereby cases the discretion of the officer declare upon my honor, that the commanding, and the rules of the articles charged for in this bill have service which provide for public been purchased by me, on the emergencies must be the guide. public account, at the rates speci- 16. It is however expected, that fied; that I do not directly or commissaries, and officers of indirectly derive any emolument ordnance, in charge of magazines, from their purchase ; and that I will prevent the necessity of have endeavoured, to the best of having recourse

to the my power, to procure them on the missiaries of supplies, for Europe, most reasonable.

and other articles not in the list of (Signed “ A. B.

stores which they are authorised to “ Deputy pay-master at the supply, and which are usually "station of "

sent from the grand arsenal of Fort 13. The agent for the supply William to the different magazines, of military stores at the presidency, by foreseeing the probable demand and the deputy pay-masters acting there will be for such articles, and in their capacity of commissaries by making timely applications to of supplies, being the only persons the military board for the requisite authorised to furnish any article supplies, as well as by keeping of military stores ; commissaries, themselves informed of the state of deputy commissaries,

other magazines within their reach. officers of ordnance, shall on no 17. Until a new table of rates account act as commissaries of can be prepared for the different supplies of stores ; nor on any stations of the army, deputy payoccasion whatever be concerned in masters are to continue to furnish purchasing or procuring military the usual stores according to the stores; the regulations of the rates heretofore allowed. service placing them in their

T. Hill, proper situations of officers of:

Acting Sec. Mil. Depe. custody, check and controul in the department to which they belong.





Fort William, Sept. 18, 1806. musters are fixed by a committee Ordered that the following con- of officers nominated for the pure ditions of the agreement, entered pose. into by government with Mr. Fair- The commissary of stores, garlie, for the supply of military rison store-keeper, executive ottistores, &c. and with Messrs. In- cer, barrack-master, and agent for glis, Raitt, and Co. for the supply gun carriages, and powder barrels, of chumani, be published in general are to attend the committees of orders.

survey in their respective departThe stores are to be supplied on menis, and to point out, to the indents passed by the military committees, such stores as may be board, setting forth the specific tendered by the con'ractor, and purposes for which they are re- which may in their judgment be quired; and the contractor or con- any way objectionable or unfit for tractors are obliged to furnish the service, and these oflicers, viz. several articles of stores, if of less the garrison store-keeper, execucost than sicca rupees 5000 : with- tive-otficer, barrack-master, and in one month after the indept or agent for gun carriages and powder indents, passed by the military barrels, will be held responsible for board, for such stores, shall have any store admitted by the combeen presented by the public offi- mittees of survey, with their concer or department, for whose use sent, which may afterwards be they may be required; if the found unfit for the purposes for stores be of the value or cost, of which they were intended. sicca rupees 5000 : within two The contractor is bound to furmonths, and if the value or cost nish the commissary stores, and of the stores be sicca rupees 10,000: garrison store-keeper, with lists of within three months after the in- the articles which he shall from dents passed as before shall have time to time offer to deliver into been presented to the contractor, the arsenal, or garrison stores, in unless sufficient and satisfactory which lists are to be expressed the reasons shall be assigned by the numbers of the indents, as regiscontractor to the military board, tered by the military board office, for any longer delay in their deli- by which the supplies of the artivery.

cles so offered shall have been auImmediately on the indent being thorized, and committees of surpresented to the contractor, passed veys, or inspecting officers being by the military board as above, he furnished by the commissary of is to endorse the same “ accepted,” stores, or garrison store-keeper, as adding the date of presentment, the case may require, with the so as to ascertain the time within said lists, shall insert the correswhich it is incumbent upon bim to ponding numbers of the indents in furnish the articles required. their reports of the survey, which

No stores are, on any account, are to be forwarded in the usual to be received in large quantities manner through the town-major's from the contractor, until they office, to the military board. shall have been surveyed, and ap- The store which may be rejected proved as good and serviceable, by the committees of survey as unand corresponding with the pre- fit for the service, will be at the scribed musters (in case where expense of the contractor, who

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