페이지 이미지

will in no case be entitled to any The indents of the contractor, indemnification, either for the ori- after they shall have been complied ginal cost of stores so rejected, or with by him, and indorsed, « refor any expense attending their ceived serviceable," by the officer transportation or custody.

for the use of whose department In all cases where a large quan- the stores may have been supplied, tity of stores of considerable value are, together with a duplicate, or may have been rejected, the con- authenticated copy of the survey tractor shall be at liberty to appeal report of the stores so supplied, to to the military baard, whose deci- be tacked to his bills for the same, sion, or that of the committee, to and together with them to be forconsist of no less than two of its warded to the military auditor-gemembers, deputed by them for the neral, by whom they will be passed, purpose of inspecting the rejected conformably to the contract rates, stores, shall be tinal.

and to the prescribed mode for adShould it appear that stores, justing accounts in the military which have been thus finally re- department. jected, hare again been tendered Proportionate and periodical supfor the public service by the con- plies of cash will be made to the contractor, he shall, on the same being tractor or contractors, (at the recomproved to the satisfaction of govern- mendation of the military board) ment, be held to have forfeited calculated on quarterly estimates, double the rate of the article, or of the expected demands to be articles, of stores so tendered, and furnished for that purpose, by the government, moreover, on clear departments for whose use respecproof of such intended imposition,' tively the stores shall be required. reserves to itself the right of an- All stores required for the denulling the contract altogether. partment of the commissary of

All risque and expense attending stores, are to be delivered at the the provision, transportation, and arsenal of Fort William, and all custody of the stores, until they stores required for the barrackshall have been approved, and re- master at such place, within the ceived on survey and inspection, garrison of Fort William, as he by the proper officers, shall, in all shall point out. cases, and under all circumstances, Timbers of a bulky nature, be borne by the contractor, and bricks, soorkies, coah, sand and not by the honorable company; on conker, are to be tendered at the other hand, no unnecessary de- Ballao Gbaut, where the garrison lay is to attend the reception of the store-keeper will assume the charge stores from the contractor; it being of them after they shall have the duty of the commissary of passed the prescribed survey or instores, garrison store-keeper, exe- spection. cutive officers, barrack-master, and All other 'stores not specified as agent for gun carriages and powder above, are to be delivered at the barrels, in their respective depart- garrison store rooms. ments, to make the requisite ap- Accoutrements for two-thirds of plication to have committees of the army are to be delivered at survey appointed for the inspection Cawnpore, and it will be at the of stores, whenever they shall be option of the contractor to deliver tendered by the contractor. at the same magazine such number




14 10

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of tents as may be required for the the clothing of the army, and for service of the upper stations, that packing, transporting, and insuris, at and above Allahabad, the ing the clothing to the different accoutrement and tents to be deli- stations of the army, be published vered to be subject to the same in general orders. risks of survey, rejection, and check, as are hereby made and Serjeant-Major, Current rupees. 24 O provided.


21 10 The casement in Fort William,

22 4 Trumpet-major.. Subadar....

23 8 which has bitherto been appro- Jemadar........................... priated to the use of the agent, is to Havildar............................ be allowed to the contractors for Naick...

5 5


Trumpeter...................... the use of their stores.


5 Thos. Hill, Farrier.....

5 0 Acting Sec. Mil. Dept. Serjeant-major....

10 Fort William, Oct. 16, 1806. Drum-major.......... The governor-general in council Serjeant........ having determined that the off. Corporal........

Gunner.................... .........

5 1 reckoning accounts shall hereafter


6 0 be closed on the 31st December,


.................. 5 in place of the 30th April, the compensation authorized by gene- Zemadar.......

8 12 ral orders of the 18th ult. to be Havildar............................. 8 4

5 0 paid to the troops belonging to the Naick.....


4 12 establishment of this presidency, in lieu of clothing for the years Serang.....

2 4 1804-5 and 1805-6, is to be re- Tindal-first........ stricted to the 31st Dec. 1805. Tindal-second....

1 14 Thos. Hill. Private........

1 13 Acting Sec. Mil. Dept. EUROPEAN ARTILLERY INVALIDS. Serjeant..........

7 12

7 8 The governor-general in council Corporal........


6 0 is pleased to order and direct, that Matross............................. 4 13 6 the regulations of government, of

EUROPEAN INFANTRY. the 18th April, 1808, establishing

White lace and yellow lace. certain allowances to commanding

Tin buttons.-brass buttons. officers for hircarrahs, guides, and Serjeant-major......15 19 0 intelligence, &c. be applied to offi. Drum-majoř... .....24 29 0


Grenadier-serjeant. 10 4 cers commanding detachments and

Ditto. Corporal. 5 10 5 12 out-posts in the conquered pro- Ditto. Drummer, 4 14 5 0 vinces.

Ditto. Private.... 5 9 5 12
Thos. Hill,
Acting Sec. Mil. Dept. Serjeant............. 9 11

11 14 Corporal......

5 12 Fort William, Oct. 16, 1806.

Drummer............ 5 4 5 6 The honorable the governor-ge

Private............... 4 12 4 14

12 2 neral in council is pleased to direct Battalion-Serjeant.10 0

Ditto. Corporal. 5 9 5 il that the following terms of Mr.

Ditto. Drummer. 4 13 4 15 Measure's contract, for providing Ditto. Private.... 5 8 5 10




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...... 5 0


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2 2

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5 5




4 3


Pack. pr. Transp. Insur. Serjeant-major, ...ct. rupees.....


bale. pr.bale. pr.ct. Serjeant......


To Malacca, 2 14...15 0.. 6 0 Corporal.............

14.. 15 0...6 0 5


4 12

14,..14 0...6 Private.................. .............

5 7


Acting Sec. Mil. Depart. White lace and ye low lace and tin buttons, brass buttons.

Fort William, October 16, 1806. Serjeant-major ct. rupees 15

19 0

Considerable expense having Quarter-master-serjeant, 10 12 8 Drum-major ..........

been incurred by government, in

24 29 0 Grenadier subadar,....... 15 17 © permitting officers holding the temDitto jemadar,.........

6 6

4 10 porary and nominal appointments Dicto havildar ........

5 of brigadiers to draw the “ supeDitto paicks,

2 5

rior batta,” and also an extraorDitto drummer,...

4 14 5 0 Ditto sepoy,....

3 12 3 13 6 dinary personal allowance under Battalion subadar, 12 14 8 0 the denomination of “ brigadier's Ditto jemadar,... 5 15 6 4 0 allowance," during the same Ditto havildar,..

5 4 0

period of time, under the misDitto naick,...... 1 5 9 o Ditto drummer,

conception of the orders and 4 13 4 15 Ditto sepoy ....... S 11 3 12

intentions of government upon NATIVE INFANTRY INVALID. that subject, the governor-general Serjeant-major, ct. rupees.........

12 0 in council deems it to be proper Subadar


to notify in public orders, that Jemadar......

5 4 whenever the public service shall Havildar.............................

0 Naick..........

hereafter require the nomina

8 Drummer...................... .........

4 12 tion of brigadiers to command Sepoy......

39 brigades of the army, they The marine and Ramghur bat- are to receive an extra personal talions, and Bhauglepore-bill rang- allowance equal to brigadier's ers, are to be clothed at the same allowance," viz. sonaut rupees rates with those specified for the twelve per diem for the performnative infantry.

ance of that duty, but no supeRates of packing, transporting, and rior batta. In the event of any insuring the clothing of the army. of the officers, who shall hereafter

Pack. pr. Transp. Insur. be appointed brigadiers, being pre

bale. pr. bale. pr.ct. viously to appointment entitled To Barrackpore, 2 14... 1 0...0 6

to superior batia for commanding Berhampore, 2 14... 2 12...0 8 Boglepore, 12 14... 3 8...I Ō regiments or battalions, under the Mongheer, 14... 5 8...1 4 regulations established by minutes Dinnapoor, 14... 5 8...1 8 of council, of the 12th August, Chunar, 14... 7 4...! 12 1796, the superior. batta in such Allahabad, 14... 9 O.. 2 0 Cawnpore, 14...11 0...2

cases is to be drawn by the officers - Futtyghur, 14...12 0...2 10

on whom the immediate and Lucknow, 14...12 0...2 actual command of such regiments Bundlecund, 14...14 0...3 or battalions may devolve, conMidnapore, 14... 3 0...0

formably to the regulations of the Dacca,

2 14... 3 0...1 12 Chittagong, 14... 6 0...2

12th August, 1796, above adKissengunge, 2 14... 6 0...1

verted to. Ballasore, 14... 7 0...1 8

Tho. Hill, Cuttack, 2 14...10 0.. 2 O

Acting Sec. Mil. Dept.





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Fort William, November 20, 1806. Descriptive rolls of all native commission officers who have joined the regulars from the provincial corps that were reduced in the course of the present year, are to be sent to the adjutant-general's office without delay, in order to their being furnished with commissions accordingly.

The rolls are to specify the rank to which such officers are actually entitled, agreeably to the orders issued on the occasion, viz. The rank next above that which they respectively held in the regulars previous to their transfer to the provincials on the formation of the latter corps. The date of rank is to be from the period at which their rank and pay ceased in their late provincial battalions. All officers, non-commissioned officers, including drummers or privates, appointed to corps of the line, from the reduced provincials, who shall not have joined on the 30th of this month, are to be struck off and returned deserted. Rolls of all European commission officers of the several corps of the honourable company's service, belonging to the establishment of Bengal, who have not received his majesty's commissions, corresponding to those of their respective commissions in the honourable company's service, are to be forwarded to the adjutantgeneral's office without delay, specifying the rank and date of promotion to the several ranks, for which his majesty's commissions may not have been received.


Fort William, November 23, 1806.

The honourable the court of directors have been pleased to

order, that the establishment of a second lieutenant-colonel and second major to each battalion of artillery, authorized by general orders, of the 15th May last, shall have effect from the 21st

September, 1804. The right

honourable the commander in chief will be pleased to take the necessary steps for having such alterations made in the rank assigned to the officers of artillery, as the orders of the honourable court render necessary. In pursuance of the orders of the honourable court, the difference of pay only is to be drawn by the officers of artillery, to be promoted from the 21st September, 1804, in consequence of the present orders.

THO. HILL, Acting Sec. Mil. Dept.

Fort William, November 20, 1806. The governor-general in council is pleased to authorize the following establishment of gun drivers, and gun lascars, for the horse artillery.


1 Havildar, 1- Naick, 24 Gun drivers or pri


With pay, batta, clothing, tentage, &c. of the corresponding ranks in the corps of Golundauze.

The governor-general in council is pleased to direct, that the present establishment of gun Lascars, for the horse artillery, be reduced to

1 Serang, 1 1st Tindal.

1 24 ditto, 24 Lascars,

With pay, batta, clothing, tentage, &c. of the corresponding ranks in corps of the foot gun Lascars.

THO. HILL, Acting Sec. Mil. Depart.

Fort William, November 20, 1806. All applications to government from the commanding officer of the cadet company, respecting the


institution under his charge, are to be transmitted through the right honourable the commander in chief, excepting such as relate to the buildings, which are to be forward to the military board.

When tents are required to be sent to Baraset for the accommodation of the cadets, the town major will indent on the military board for the requisite number of tents, and the military board will instruct the commissary of stores to send the tents to Baraset.


Acting Sec. Mil. Depart.

Fort William, December 4, 1806.

In pursuance of the orders, passed by the governor-general in council, on the 10th of April last, for restricting the command of the "provincial battalions, to officers under the rank of major, no officer above the rank of captain will, in future, be appointed to command "provincial battalion;" nor will any officer, under the rank of major, be appointed to command one of those battalions, previously, or subsequently to the 10th April last, be permitted to retain such command after he, shall have attained the rank of major. Officers of major or lieutenant-colonel, now holding the command of provincial battalions, will be permitted to retain those commands, until promoted, when they must relinquish such command.

1 drill serjeant, 1 drill corporal, Europeans; 1 pay havildar, to each company as in the native infantry. Arms and accoutrements· The same as those of any European artillery. Camp equipage.-1 private tent for the drill serjeant and corporal. 1 paul (or of a sepoy tent) to every fourteen men, that is, to the party attached to every two six-pounder battalion guns. The pauls are to be made to close at one end. This will require for the corps forty-two tents of one paul each, equal to 10 sepoy tents, or two pauls less than the complement for a battalion of native infantry.

Allowances.-To the command

ing othcer of the corps for stationary, writer, &c. the same as to a battalion of sepoys, sonaut rupecs 20. To the officer commanding, or in charge of a company, for stationary, writers, repairs of arms, &c. the same as to a company of sepoys, per month, sonaut rupees 50. To the surgeon for medicines, in the proportion of what is allowed to a sepoy regiment, or per month, sonaut inpees 132.

Tho. HILL,
Acting Sec. Mil. Depart.

Fort William, December 24, 1806. The governor-general in council has been pleased to authorize the following establishment for the Golandauze corps.

Staff-1 Dative doctor, the same as to a battalion of sepeys;

The quarter-master of artillery at the station, where the head quarters of the corps may be, for repairing pauls, for pins, mallets, gunny bags, sulletahs, &c. in proportion to the camp equipage, at the rate established for a sepoy corps. To the quarter-master of arvikery, as above-mentioned, for targets, the same as to a battalion of sepoys, per annum, sonaut rupees 45.

Quarter-master's establishment for
the corps of Golundauze.

1 Tindal, 5 Lascars, half of
what is allowed to a sepoy batta-
lion; 1 mistry smith, 1 fireman,
2 hammermen, or one forge;
1 carpenter, 3 bildars, a cart,


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