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ensuing month, the pay-masters of his majesty's regiments shall be permitted to draw an allowance of 201. per annum for stationary. His lordship in council is pleased to direct that in lieu of the salaries, at present allowed to the officers, appointed to pay family certificates at the presidency and Vellore, the former amounting to seventy-five pagodas, and the latter to thirty-five pagodas per month, they be permitted to draw a monthly salary of fifty-five pagodas each. This modification to take place from the 1st of the ensuing month.

April 29, 1806.

With a view to prevent confusion in the adjustment of accounts, the right honourable the governor in council is pleased to direct, that all advances of money on other payments to the gentlemen in the military or medical departments, arriving from England at this preşidency, shall be issued through the following channels. To assistant surgeons on the establishment at Fort St. George, through the secretary of the medical board. To cadets on the establishment of Fort St. George, through the officer commanding the cadet company, or the officer appointed to take charge of them at the presidency. To assistant surgeons, and cadets belonging to other presidencies, through the town major of Fort St. George.

Fort St. George, May 6, 1806. The right honourable the governor in council having considered with attention the situation of certain descriptions of staff officers on the establishment of the army under the presidency, who, from the offices which they fill, are not liable to take the field, consequent ly should not be considered as amenable to muster the camp

equipage of their respective ranks, nor entitled to draw regimental tent allowance. Of this description of officers, the right honourable the governor in council considers the military staff attached to himself, (not inclusive of the commandant of the body guard) all military residents at native courts, the military auditor-general, hist deputy and assistants; the secretary, deputy secretary, and assistant to the secretary of the military board, the deputy paymaster-general to his majesty's troops; the members of the medical board and their secretary; the commissary of stores at the arsenal of Fort St. George; all fixed commissaries and deputy commissaries of stores, and subordinate stations; all town majors, fort and town adjutants; the agent for furnishing military stores at the presidency; the paymaster of stipends and his assistant at Vellore; the medical storekeeper at the presidency; assistant surgeon at the dispensary; surgeons of the male asylum, lunatic and native hospitals; Black Town jails and St. Thome; all fixed garrison surgeons; in short, no description of officers in public fixed situations are to be considered as entitled to tent allowance. This indulgence having been extended to the army with the exclusive view of facilitating its movements, which in the instances before stated does not apply; all officers, therefore, of the descriptions to which the letter and spirit of this order applies, will only, from the 1st June next, draw the house and office rent already allowed to them under the authority from government; and such officers as are not in receipt of house rent will, for the above period, draw it conformably to the regulations

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regulations established under this rent to be fixed by the right hohead at the presidency, and at nourable the governor in council, subordinate stations when not pro- on application from the parties, vided with quarters at the public according to the nature and extent expense. This order in no shape of duty, which the officer applyaffects the staff of the commander- ing may have to discharge. These in-chief, nor the offices of the allowances are only to be drawn by adjutant quarter-master-general of staff officers, who are not provided the army, or subordinate officers with quarters or office at the pubin those departments, or other liç expense, and the abstracts or public officers who may be con- bills in which they are included, sidered liable to take the field with are always to be supported by a the army, or to move about from certificate from the barrack master, one station to another on duty, as in the following words:-“ I do in the instances of barrack masters hereby certify, that the officer, and judge advocates, &c.

drawing house (or office) rent as

above, is not provided with a pubThe right honourable the gover- lic quarter, and that there are none nor in council, having resolved to be had for his accommodation, that all officers, in certain fixed staff (or that of his office) at this stasituations, who are not liable to tion.” In the absence of the take the field, shall draw house barrack-master, the certificate is rent in lieu of tent allowance, to be signed by the public staff from the first of the ensuing officer of the station, or where month; and his lordship in council there is no officer of this descriphaving given due consideration to tión, by the commanding officer the rates of house and office rent, on the spot. formerly allowed at subordinate By order of the right honourablo stations, viz. pagodas five per


governor in council. month, indiscriminately to all (Signed) G. STRACHEY, ranks, (a sum by no means suffi

Sec. to Govt. cient to enable officers of rank to procure suitable accommodation) May 31, 1806.---The present has been pleased further to re- allow ance of six fanams per day solve, that field officers, in situa- to each man, commanders of ships, tions above described, shall draw, on which European troops may ba as bouse rent, pagodas fifteen, sent from one port to another, being office rent, pagodas tive per month; found totaliy inadequate to the captains in such situations to be expense of victualling them, the permitted to draw pagodas ten as right honourable the governor in house rent, and pagodas five per council has been pleased to resolve, month for an office; subalterns, that an allowance of ten fanams in such situations, pagodas ten per per day, on account of each Euromonth, for house and office rent. pean, shall be paid by government

The rates of house rent at the to the commander of any ship in presidency and its dependencies which troops may be ordered to to continue as usual, viz. field proceed from any port dependent officers, pagodas twenty; captains, on the presidency of Fort St. pagodas fitteen; and subalterns, Georg“, provided the troops shall pagodas eight per month, Office be victualled at the expense of the


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commander, or owner, of the said an exemplary degree of fortitude, ship.

activity, and military discipline ; (Signed) P. AGNEW, and in the execution of the miliAdjutant-gen. to the army. tary operations which required

their services, their conduct has Fort St. George, May 27, 1806. been distinguished by every quality The right honourable the go- of perseverance, gallantry, and skill, vernor in council has great satis- which can tend to elevate the repufaction in publishing the following tation and establish the ascendency extract of a letter addressed to this of the British arms. We request government, by the honourable the that your lordship in council will governor-general in council, and in be pleased to direct the communistating the cordial concurrence of cation of these sentiments to the his lordship in council in the sen- officers and men of his majesty's timents expressed by the governor- and the honourable company's general in council, in regard to the forces of the presidency of Fort St. meritorious conduct of the officers George, engaged in the duties of and troops of this establishment, the field, during the late contest who were employed in the field with Jeswunt Rao Holkar." during the operations against Jeswunt Rao Holkar. « On the occasion of withdraw- honourable the governor in coun.

June 17th, 1906.-The right ing the armies of the establishments cil is pleased to publish in general of the several presidencies from the orders the following regulations, duties of the field, and placing which have been established for the thein in the cantonments, in con

guidance of the chaplains, serving sequence of the conclusion of the under the orders of this presidency. late hovourable and advantageous peace with Jeswant Rao Holkar, Regulations for the chaplains servwe discharge a satisfactory obliga

ing under the presidency of Fort tion of our public duty in convey

St. George.

1. ing to your lordship in council the Every chaplain shall read expression of the high sense we

divine service every Sunday mornentertain of the distinguished con- ing to the Europeans, civil and duct of the officers and men of military, residing in the garrison that portion of his majesty's and

to which he is appointed, when the honourable company's forces, the whole of the morning prayer attached to the presidency of Fort is to be read, and a sermon to be St. George, which has been employed on active service during the 2. The chaplain is to apply to last contest. Under every trial of the commanding officer, or the fatigue and difficulty incident to a chief civilian in authority, to allot protracted term of a military ser- any convenient room, which can vice in countries recently exposed be spared, for the purpose of dito the injuries of famine; and the vine worship, should no regular ravages of war, the officers and church be established at the station troops of his majesty's and the or garrison to which a chaplain is honourable company's service, em- appointed ; and if no such building, ployed under the presidency of or room, can be spared, he is to Fort St. George, have manifested apply to the commanding officer,



requesting that a range of tents may be pitched for this express purpose every Sunday morning.

3. Should the clergyman receive any hinderance in the discharge of his duty; should the Europeans not attend divine service, or shops be opened on the Sabbath day, the clergyman is to make the same known (according as the case may be, of a civil or military nature) to the commanding officer, or senior civil servant, in writing, and request his interference to prevent such irregularity in future; and in the event of such complaint not being duly noticed by the commanding officer, or senior civil servant, he is to forward a copy of his complaint to the senior chaplain, to be laid before the right honourable the governor in council.

4. Christmas day, and Good Friday, are to be kept holy, and the usual solemnities of the church duly observed on these holidays.

5. If from indisposition or other causes, divine service should not be performed by the clergyman at the appointed times, a letter is to be addressed to the senior chaplain, accounting for the omission. 6. The practice of baptizing in private houses is to be avoided by the chaplain as much as possible, and the clergymen is to attend at the place appointed for divine service every Saturday at noon, for the purpose of baptizing soldier's children; however, this is not to be considered as authorizing the clergyman to decline attending at any time or place to administer private baptism to such infants as may be in a weak, or precarious state of health.

7. The sacrament of the Lord's supper is to be publicly administered four times in the year, pro

vided there are a sufficient number of proper communicants desirous of receiving it, and it is to be proclaimed on the Lord's day next before Christmas day, Easter day, Whitsunday, and the 13th Sunday after Trinity.

8. Clergymen having obtained the right honourable the governor's permission to marry those in the higher ranks of life, and that of the chief civil, or military officer on the spot, to marry those in the inferior orders, are to direct the attendance of the parties at the church, or place allotted for divine service in canonical hours; and at such time and place only, the marriage ceremony is to be performed, except in cases of emergency; and in all such cases, the cause for deviating from this regulation is to be noted on the back of the marriage certificate forwarded to the senior clergyman.

9. Women are to be churched only in the face of the congregagation and during public prayers.

10. Funerals are to be appointed either at half past six o'clock in the morning, or half past five o'clock in the afternoon, and the clergyman is to attend at the latter time if he receives notice of the funeral before three o'clock p. m. but if the notice arrive after that hour, the interment is to take place at half past six o'clock on the morning following; cases, however, may occur which may require a deviation from this general rule.

11. Attention is to be paid by clergymen to those seasons set apart for the fasts, festivals, and other solemnities appointed by the church, and they are particularly to use their influence in preventing public amusements in the holy week (commonly called passion week.)


12. It is a bounden duty of 17. The senior chaplain shall every clergyman to make frequent from time to time visit the suborvisits to the sick Europeans in the dinate garrisons, for the purpose hospital, to pray by those who of reporting such observations to wish for such consolation in their government as he may conceive last moments, and, where it may of consequence to the cause of seem proper, to administer the religion in this country. sacrament of the Lord's supper.

13. No clergyman is to carry Fort St. George, June 27, 1806. on any trade or traffick whatso- The right honourable the goverever, directly or indirectly.

nor-general in council is pleased 14. The general order issued to direct, that all paymasters, and by government on the 27th of garrison store-keepers, in the civil March, 1805, is to be strictly service of the honourable company, attended to, regarding marriages, appointed to do duty as members baptisms, and funerals, and the of military committees, shall take certificates which are to be for- relative rank with officers of the warded to the senior chaplain, are army, according to the following to be made out in the exact form table of presidency established by prescribed by that G. O. by clergy- the honourable court of directors. men as well as civilians and com- Senior merchants, lieutenant-colomanding officers.

nels, junior' merchants, majors, 15. The junior clergy shall factors, captains, writers, and subalanswer all enquiries made by the terns. His Jordship in council, senior chaplain of Fort St. George, however, further directs, that the on the state of religion in their paymaster shall not in any case respective stations, &c. &c. and take rank of the officer commandpoint out to him, for the informa- ing the station at which he may tion of government, any irregu- reside. larities they may observe in their neighbourhood, tending to disturb The right honorable the goverthe peace of society, and to sub- nor in council having resolved that vert the principles of true religion no fire arms, ammunition, or miand virtue; and also regularly re- litary stores of any description, port, at the expiration of every shall be purchased or sold by any three months, on the progress of individual residing under the protheir ministry to the senior chap- tection of the government of Fort lain.

St. George, (with the exception of 16. The senior chaplain is to regular shopkeepers, who may communicate to government all import from England, small arms, matters relative to the church, and battle powder, swords or dirks, for all communications from the ju- sale to their customers) does hereby nior clergy are to be addressed order and direct, that all indivito government through the senior duals having any ordnance, fire chaplain, in order that he may make arms, ammunition, or military such remarks thereon as he may stores, which may be intended for think proper ; however, the se- sale, (with the exception above nior chaplain is not hereby autho- stated) shall deliver the same at rized to keep back any letter which the arsenal of Fort St. George, may be forwarded to him.

when a receipt will be granted by


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