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the officer of government. The but the glory acquired by that reindividuals will be reimbursed by giment in the field of Assaye, and the government in the full value the important advantages which reof all articles so delivered. It is sulted from its bravery, discipline, the desire of his lordship in coun- and activity, on a late memorable cil, to obviate the inconvenience occasion, an instance which canwhich the regulation might produce not be omitted, and which can neto individuals who may require ver be obliterated from the annals arms, ammunition, &c. for the of this country, or from the meprotection of ships or other vessels, mory of the British nation. His that may be employed in trade. It lordship in council was pleased, by is, therefore, hereby notified, that a general order under date the 27th articles will be supplied from the August, 1805, to confer a particuarsenal, when it may be conve- lar mark of his lordship’s approbanient, under the usual authority tion on his majesty's 74th regiof government and the military ment, at the period of the embarkboard. By order of the right ho- ation of that distinguished corps nourable the governor in council. for Europe, by granting to the offi.

G. STRACHEY, cers a donation of three months

Sec. to Govt. full batta. Impressed with similar Published in Fort Saint George, sentiments on the present occasion, Sept. 10, 1806.

his lordship in council has, in consi

deration of the long and brilliant OCTOBER.

services of his majesty's 19th regiFort St. George, Oct. 10, 1806. ment of dragoons, resolved to exOn the occasion of the intended tend to the officers of that regireturn of his majesty's 19th re ment a donation of the ment of light dragoons to Europe, amount, which is accordingly dithe right honorable the governor in rected to be paid previously to council feels the greatest satisfac- their departure. tion in testifying, in the most public manner, his highest approbation of

JANUARY the conduct of that distinguished Fort St. George, Jan. 2, 1807. and valuable corps. From the pe- The right honorable the goverriod of the arrival of his majesty's nor in council is pleased to publish, 19th dragoons in India, in the year for the information of the army, 1782, until the present time, that the following extract of a general regiment has shared in almost every letter from the honorable court of action of difficulty and of glory, directors to the governor-general in in which the British arms have been council, dated the 21st May, 1806. engaged during that long and Para. 2. 66

By our letter of the eventful interval, and has deserv- 10th July last, you were informed edly established a degree of reputa- that we had taken into serious contion seldom equalled, never sur-sideration the state of our artillery passed. His lordship in council corps in India, relative to the esta deems it unnecessary at this mo- blishment of field officers attached ment to enumerate the various in. to the battalions; and of the refestances in which his majesty's 19th rence made to the late marquis dragoons have rendered the most Cornwallis on the subject of an inimportant service to their country: crease of that establishment.



- We

3. "We have learned, by a communication from G. A. Robinsou, esq. the private secretary to the late governor-general, that his lordship had discussed the subject, and from a conviction of the propriety and fairness of the measure we had submitted to his consideration, had determined to adopt it. We conclude, however, from the ever to be lamented death of the noble marquis, so soon after his arrival in Bengal, no steps had been taken to give effect to his lordship's


4. "Under these circumstances, as our conviction of the expediency and justice of the augmentation remains unaltered, and as in their letter of the 25th July last, the governor-general and council very strongly recommended an increase of field officers to the artillery, with a view to prevent the slow promotion and frequent supercessions of the officers of that corps, we now direct that a second lieutenant-colonel, and second major, be added to each of the artillery battalions in our service at the several presidencies; and that the necessary promotions do accordingly take place on receipt of our orders. And in consideration of the great delay that has unavoidably occurred in these promotions, and of the augmentations made to the infantry and cavalry regiments in 1804 and 1805, by which the hardships complained of by the artillery officers respecting their reJative promotion to those of the other corps of the army, have been increased in a considerable degree, we have resolved that this new establishment of field officers for the artillery shall be considered as taking effect from the 21st September, 1804, at which period four regiments of native infantry were

added to each of the armies of Bengal and Fort St. George.

5. "In regard to allowances, we can only permit of the difference of pay being drawn by the officers of artillery, to be promoted from the 21st September, 1804, in consequence of our present orders.”

His lordship in council is pleased to direct that the following promotions shall take place.



Brevet lieutenant-colonel majors John Bell, and James Arthur Tanner, to be lieutenant-colonels; brevet major and captain Thomas Hayes, and captains J. G. Scott, John Hammond, and J. W. Freese, to be majors; captain lieutenants P. Grant, James Limond, Patrick G. Blair, and John Noble, to be captains of companies; lieutenant E. M. G. Showers, C. Hopkinson, G. J. Goreham, and capt. Cleaveland, to be captain-lieutenants; and lieutenant fireworkers, T. Roberts, and John Bonner, to be lieutenants on the augmentation ;— date of commissions the 21st Sept. 1804. Captain sir John Sinclair, baronet, to be major; captain-lieutenant Anthony Weldon, to be captain of a company; and lieutenant J. J. Mackintosh, to be captain-lieutenant, in succession to Hammond, deceased;-date of commissions, the 14th February, 1805. Lieutenant fireworker E. S. Munro to be lieutenant ;---date of commission 14th March, 1805. Captain-lieutenant Robert Taylor to be captain of a company, and lieutenant Charles Gahagan to be captain-lieutenant, in succession to Charlton, deceased ;-date of commission the 11th May, 1806. Capt.lieutenant J. D. Brown, to be captain of a company, and lieutenant W. M. Burton, to be captain-lieutenant in succession to Gourlay, cashiered:

cashiered ;---date of commissions the 5th of November, 1806. By order of the right honorable the governor in council,

(Signed) G. STRACHBY,

Sec. to Govt.

By order of the commander in chief,
(Signed) P. A. Agnew,
Adj.-gen, of the army.


February 27, 1807. The right honorable the governor in council, in conformity to

orders received from the


government in India, directs that the 1st regiment of native fencibles shall be disembodied on the 28th instant, and that the regimental staff shall be discharged from that date. His lordship in council takes this opportunity of publishing, in general orders, his perfect approbation of the conduct of the native fencibles, from their first formation to the present period; and is pleased to declare lieutenantcolonel Taswell to be entitled to his particular acknowledgments, as well for having formed and disciplined so valuable a regiment, as also for having been the means of rendering an essential benefit to the public service, by transferring to the regular establishment a large proportion of well-disciplined and exemplary men. His lordship in council is also pleased to publish, in general orders, his acknowledgments to the field officers, and to the other officers of the corps, for

their useful and voluntary services. His lordship in council directs, that the same gratuity as in former years shall be given to the European officers; and that a donation of one month's pay- shall be issued to the native officers and men, as also to the non-commissioned staff and followers of the regiment, as a mark of his lordship's approbation.


His lordship in council directs, that the colours of the native fencibles, shall be deposited in the atmory of Fort St. George, and that the officers of the regiment shall resent rank, with the exception of tain the commissions of their presuch of them as may not be willing to serve on any future occasion in the same capacity; such officers commissions, on submitting a rewill be permitted to resign their quest to that effect to the right hochannel of their commanding offinorable the governor, through the der-in-chief will be pleased to give cer. His excellency the commanthe necessary directions for receivlion of the 25th regiment of native ing the volunteers for the 2d battainfantry, and for taking charge of the arms and military stores of the His excellency will also be pleased 1st regiment of native fencibles. sioned and non-commissioned offito assign to the native commiscers of the native fencibles, who of the 25th regiment of native may volunteer for the 2d battalion present enjoy in the former corps. infantry, the rank which they at Lieutenant-colonel Taswel will. fully explain this order to the offi cers and men under his command.

Feb. 24, 1807.


in council having resolved to reduce
The right honorable the
the battalions of native infantry,
of this presidency, is pleased to
extra to the regular establishment
direct, that the Tanjore provincial


battalion shall be discontinued from the returns of the army from the donation of one month's pay will last day of the present month sioned, non-commissioned officers, be given to the native commisTanjore provincial battalion, on its and privates, and followers of the


reduction, as a mark of the appro- station, committees are to be held bation with which the government to inspect and report on the state of has viewed their services. In fur- repair of the house and office, alther testimony of the approbation lotted to paymasters respectively, of the government of the services' the proceedings of which comof this corps, the native commis- mittees are to be forwarded to sioned, non-commissioned officers the military board, together with and privates of the battalion will the engagement of the paymaster have an option of remaining in the wishing to occupy the quarter. regular service of the company By order of the right honourable with the rank they respectively the governor in council. hold, should they be willing to be (Signed) G. STRACHEY, so transferred to the 2d battalion of

Sec. to Govt. the 21tb regiment of native infan- By order of the commander in chief. try, in which they will be received with the full claims to future bene

March 24, 1807. 1st. It has been fit resulting from their former ser- represented to the right honourable vice in the Tanjore provincial bat. the governor in council, that much talion. Captain Butler will fully inconvenience to the public and to explain this order to the corps.

individuals, as well as great con

fusion in the adjustment of payMarch 17, 1807.—The right masters' accounts have arisen from honourable the governor-general in

a miscontruction and neglect of council has been pleased to resolve, orders about transfer vouchers, that from the 1st of the ensuing which are contained in the 5th pamonth, an allowance shall be made ragraph of the 16th section of the to military paymasters at out-sta- printed code of regulations, pubtions, in lieu of quarters and offices lished by government on the 8th of hitherto kept up at the expense of September, 1801. government; paymasters will, ne

2. In order, therefore, to revertheless, be permitted to occupymedy the evils represented, and the public buildings, which have with a view to accommodate details been usually allotted to them, un

and individuals, when absent from der an engagement to bear all the their corps, the right hon. the goexpenses which

vernor in council has been pleased be necessary

may to preserve such buildings in the to cancel the paragraph of the code same state of repair in which they above stated, and, in lieu thereof, may be at the time they are de- to publish the following regulations, livered over by the barrack-master.

to wbich all officers commanding The following rates of allowance stations or corps, public staff offiare accordingly established at the cers, and paymasters, are hereby different stations:

most positively enjoined to pay the Trichinopoly, 25 pagodas per month.

strictest attention. Musulipatam, 25...ditto....ditto.

3. Details, not under an EuroSeringapatam, 25....ditto...ditto. Bellary,

pean officer, and individuals of 20...ditto....ditto. Visagapatam, 20...ditto....ditto.

whatever rank, when temporarily Cannanore, 20...ditto....ditto.

absent from their corps upon duty, Falamoottah,. 20...ditto....ditto. furlough, or sick certificate, are to Vellore, 20...ditto....ditto.

be returned as such in the musterOn receipt of this order at each rolls; and their pay is to be drawn




in the abstracts of the corps to which rected to grant bills, as stated in they belong.

the preceding paragraphs, taking 4. The amount of


thus care to insert in each the purpose drawn for absentees, is to be re- for which it has been drawn; and turned to the paymaster, who will the paymasters at the stations where grant bills at sight, either for a part the absentees may be, are directed or the whole, as may be required, to discharge such bills at sight, takon the military paymaster-general, ing credit themselves for the at and in favour of the commanding or mount, and debating the military public statf officer of station, where paymaster-general. The paymaster ihe absentees may happen to be at of Fort St. George may grant bills the time. These bills are to be for- for the pay of men absent from the warded by the officers commanding presidency, but he is on no account corps to the stations where their ab- to pay any bills of that description, sent men may be, and it shalì be which will always be discharged to the duty of the commanding or the general treasury. public staff officers at those stations 7. As bills transmitted by post to lose no time in drawing from the are liable to miscarriage, paymaspaymaster the amount of the bills, ters are directed to grant them in and paying the parties.

triplicate ; the first and second to 5. In the case of an European be forwarded by commanding of commissioned officer absent from ficers the same day on which they his corps, the bill for the amount received them, but under separate of bis pay may be made out in his covers, and the third as soon after own tavour, and transmitted direct as may be convenient. The comto him ; but it is to be observed, manding or public staff officer of that every voucher hitherio required the station is immediately, on the is to be considered equally necessary receipt of the first and second bills, in future to warrant the issue of pay to present them to the paymaster, and allowances; and that, therefore, who having paid them, will transin cases when the regular reports mit the first by letter to the miliof muster of camp equipage may tary paymaster-general, the second not have been received (which is along with his account current as a likely olien to occur) the tent al


ucher; and the third, which is lowance for each month is not to be also to be delivered to him, he is drawn. The want of a certificate to retain as a record in his office, to of last payment must in like man- refer to in case of accidents hapa, ner prevent any pay being issued, pening to the other two. until the receipt of such voucher, 9. As it is desirable, however, when the arrears will beconie is that officers and men absent from suable in the following month.- their corps should receive their pay Officers absent from their corps, as early as practicable after it bea who may have their camp equipage comes due, commanding or public with them, will therefore be par- staff officers of stations are authoticular in transınitting to their corps rised, in the event of the bills not the regular reports of muster as arriving, to take up cash on their early as possible in each month, to receipts from the paymaster at the preveut the inconvenience which time the regular troops of such stathey must otherwise be put 10. tions may be paid, for the purpose

6. Paymasters are hereby di- of paying absentees; and they will Vol.9,



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