페이지 이미지

The officers promoted by the following arrangement are not entitled to any

additional allowances whatsoever, or to the exercise of the authority of the rank to which they are promoted, until the date of the order for them to join corps respectively, agreeably to the orders of government, of the 12th July, 1806.

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blished in the districts of Bauglepore, 5th Regiment Native Infantry.-Cap- and Tirhoot, from the 230 Feb.

tain Archibald Campbell, to be fort 1806, vice lieutenant-colonel Wilton, adjutant from the 24th February, on Furlough. 1806, vice captain J. P. Johnson, on Artillery.- Captain Thomas Hill, to be Furlough. Capt.-lieutenant George garrison store-keeper of Fort William. Becher, to be deputy agent for camels Medical Department. - Mr. W. R.

Munro, third member of the medical 7th Regt Native Infantry.—Captain board, is appointed second member

David Lumsden, to be regulating of that board, vice Mr. F. Balfour, officer of the invalid Tanpahe, esta- on Furlough.

and gram.



Fort William, Jan. 22, 1807.-The following is the arrangement and assignment of rank to Lieutenant-colonels and Majors, resulting from the anterior promotion and rank, granted by the orders of government, dated the 4th of December, 1806, founded on priority of succession to the rank of Major.

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22 George Dick,........... March 5,

18 Henry Lennon,........

John Cunningham,....


European Regiment.-Capt. S Kelly, to be major, from 14th Nov, 1805, vice Witton promoted. Capt.-lieut. Stephen Long, to be captain, from ditto, vice Kelly prometei. Lieut. T. D. Broughton, to be captain-lieut. from ditto vice Long, promoted. 1st Native Regiment. - Captain W. H. Cooper, to be major, from 20th Oct. 1907, vice Arnold, promoted. Capt. Lieutenant W Midwinter, to be captain from ditto, vice Cooper, promoted Lieutenant Samuci Nesbitt, to be capin-lieutenant, trom da to, vice Midwinter, promoted. Captain W. Hemmings to be m jur, 19th Feb. 180, vice Harriet, reti cd Captainlieutenant S Nesbitt, to be captain,` from ditto, vice Flemings, promoted, Lietenant W. Macpherson, to be Captain- lieutenant tiom ditto, vice Nesbitt promoted Sd Native Regiment-Captain Benjamin Lit.on, to e major from 19th Feb. 1806, vice Owen, promo.cd Capt. Lieutenant James Scott, to be captain, from ditto, vice Litton, promoted. Lient, Joha towat Schnel, to be captain-licutent, from ditto, vice Scott, promoted.


4th Native Regiment. -Capt. G Foulis, to be major from 99th Sept. 1809, vice Scot removed to 93d new regt. Coptain-licucenant S. Brown, to be captain, from ditto, vice Foulis, proLieutenant James Nicol, to be captain-ieutenant, from ditto, vice Brown promoted. Ensign W. W. Plunkett, to be lieutenant, from ditto, vice Nicol promoted. Ensign W. Costley, to be lieutenant, from 4th June, 1804. Captain-lieutenant J. Nicol. to be captain from 1st Sept. vice Macpherson struck off


W. Casement, to be captain-lieutenant from ditto, vice Nicol, promoted, Capt Lieut. W. Casement, to be capt. from 21st Sept. vice Brown removed to 24th regt. Lieutenant Colin Campbell, to be captain, from itto, vice Nicol, removed to 26th, ditto

Alex nder Campbell, to be capt -lieut. from ditto

6th Native Regiment.-Captain G. Tenson to be major, from oth May 1806, vice Brictzcke, to be promoted Capt. Lieut. G. Herbert, to be ca tain, from tto vi e Benson promoted. Lieute ant Charles Poole, to be captain-lieutenant, from ditto, vice Herbert, promoted.

15th Native Regiment.-Captain H. V. White, to be major, from 28th Sept. 1804, vice Cuthbert. promoted Capt. Lieut H. Addison, to be captain, from ditto, vice White, promoted. Lieut. W. W. Kitchin, to be captain-lieutenant, from ditto, vice Addison, promoted. Ensign C Sterling, to be lieutenant, from ditto, vice Kitchia, promoted. Captain-lieutenant W. W. Kitchin, to be captain, from Oct. 29th 1854, vice Dairymple, deceased. Lieutenant J Greenstreet to be capt.licutenant, from ditto, vice Kitchen, promoted. Ensign Joseph Garner, to be lieutenant, from ditto, vice Greenstreet, promoted Copt. Lieut. J. Greeastrect, to be captain, fiem January 10th, 1505, vice Wallace, deceased. Lieutenant James Perry, to be captain-lieutenant from ditio, vice Greenstreet, prometed.

16th Native Regiment.-Capt. W Fraser, to be major,from Nov. 14th, 1805, vice Crawford, promoted. CaptainLieutenant John Gibbs, to be captain, from ditto, vice Fraser, promoted. Lieutenant P. B Hume, to Le capt.lieutenant from ditto, vice Gibbs, pronoted.

17th Native Regimen.--Capt. Charles White, to be major, from Feb. 27th, 1805, vice Richardson, promoted. Captain Lieutenant R. Macpherson, to be captain, from ditto, vice White, promoted. Lientenant A. M. Rowland, to be captain-lieutenant, from ditto. vice Macpherson, promoted. Captain George Carpenter, to be major from Nov.27th, 1805, vice Charon, promoted. Captain-Licutenant A. M. Rowland, to be captain, from ditto, vice Carpenter, promoted. Lieutenant G W. Wiggins, to be captainlieuterant, from ditto, vice Rowland, promote

18th Native Regiment.-Captain Henry Lennon, to be majer, from March 22, 1804, vice Kind, retired Captain Lieut. W. M. Watson to be captain, from ditto, vice Lennon, promoted. Lieutenant W. Hamilton, to be captain-lieutenant, from ditto, vice Watson, promoted.

19th Native Regiment.-Capt. J. Dawson, to be major, from June 18th, 1806, vice Marsden promoted. Captain Lieutenant C. L. Showers, to be captain, from ditto, vice Dawson, promoted. Lieut. Francis Walter, to be


captain-lieutenant, from ditto, vice Showers, promoted.

20th Native Regiment.-Captain James Dewar, to be major, from October 19th, 1805, vice Hutchinson, promoted Captain Lieutenant Heary Oake, to be captain, from ditto, vice Dewar, promote. Lieutenant Lewis Wiggins, to be captain-lieutenant from diato, vice Oakes, promoted. 21st Native Regiment.-Capt Alexander Morrison, to be major, October 17th, 1805, vice Wade, promoted. Captain Lieutenant James Sharpe, to be captain, fron ditto vice Morrison, promoted. Lieutenant James Cock,

to be captain-lieut. from ditto, vice Sharpe, promoted

The foregoing arrangement of rank, made in conformity to the order of the honourable the court of directors, having caused Captam Charles Brietzcke to succeed to the rank of major from the 8th of September, 1803, that officer becomes entitles to the rank of lieutenantcolonel from the 8th of May, 1806, which supercedes the promotion male on the 21st of Augus, 1806, of Major Charles Gladwin, to the rank of lieutenant-colonel, with the relative promotions made on that occasion in the 4th Native Infantry; Major Charles Gladwin being only entitled to rank as major from the 30th of September, 1803, and, ther fore, with reference to the standing of his seniors in the line, is not yet entitled to be promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colone!

to the rank of lieutenant-colonel, Capt. W. A. Thompson to major, CaptainLieutenan D. B. Lindsay, to be captain of a company, and Lieutenant James John Leith, to be captain-lieutenant, be cancelled from that date; a so the promotion made by the minutes of council of the 6th of November, p omoting captain Lieutenant Jaunes J. Leith, to be captain of a company, in the room of Captain Lindsay, deceased, and Lieutenant W. C. Faith.nl. to be captainlieutenant, in the root of Leith, promoted, be cancelled from that date, and that the following promotions be made:

th Native Regiment. Lieutenant J. John Leith, to be captain-lieutenant, with rank from the 21st of October,

1906, vice Lindsay, deceased. 6th Native Regiment. Major Charles Brietzcke, to be lieutenant-colonel from the th of May, 1806, vice Wetherstone, deceased, Captain George Eenson to be major from the same date, vice Brietzcke, promoted. Captain-Lieutenant George Herbert, captain of a company from the same date, vice Benson, promoted. Senior Lieutenant Charles Poole, to be cap. tain-lieutenant from the same date, vice Herbert promoted.

12th Native Regiment.-The name of Captain Fletcher Dalston, having, by mistake, been inserted in the arrangement of rank published in the minutes of concil of the 4th December, in- ́ stead of Captain Joseph Fletcher, the name of Captain Joseph Fletcher is to be inserted, to rank as captain of a company from the 19th of Oct. 1803, vice Radcliffe, promoted.

Ordered therefore, that the promotions wh ch were made in he 4th native regiment by minutes of cout of the 21st August last, o. Major Charles Gladwin, Ordered, that the following statentent of the proportion of off-reckonings for the year 1805, be published in general orders. Statement of the proportion of off reckonings, for the year 1805, due in advance to Colonels of regiments and other officers, whose accounts are adjusted with the general fund, for eight months of that year, viz from the 1st of May to 31st December, 1805, on advance on account of the first four months of the same year, or from the 1st of January to the 30th April. 1805, having already been made, as authorized by the general orders of the governor-general in council, dated 15th February, 1806

Major Gen. T. Ticho's, on Furlough, from 1st May to 31st Dec. 1805. Sic. Rupees. George Rus el, ditto,

Sir E. Baillie,

John M'Donald,

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William Palmer,

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Daniel Conninghame, (vice Noke deceased) 14th Nov.

to 31st Dec. 1805.

Captain D. Sloane, in temporary command of the Hill Rangers, from the 1st May to 5th June, 1805.

Lieut.-col. Toone, from the 6th June, (the date of his appointment
to the command of the corps of Hill Rangers,)
to 31st Dec. 1805.

E. S. Broughton, ditto Rhamgur battalion, 1st May to
31st December, 1805.

Rd. Forbes, comg, the 2d bat N. Inva.

Captain T. Jaffrays, comg. the 1st ditto.

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502 7 2



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Major G. Dick, comg. 1st bat. B. Volunteers, ditto
J Irwin, comdg. 2d dito,

Lieutenant J. Alexander, comg. the two companies

of the late 2d B. Volunteers, ditto - ditto, Swinton, comg. the Pioneer corps,


Sic. Rs. 65,220 O

Ordered, that a treasury order be issued in favour of the pay-master at the presidency, for sicca rupees 65,220, to enable him to discharge the shares above-mentioned.

JANUARY, 1807. 6th regt. Native Infantry.—Captainlieutenant Charles Poole, to be captain of a company, from the 5th October, 1806, vice Gill, deceased. Lieutenant Simon, to be captain-lieutenant, from the same date, vice Poole, promoted.

The under-mentioned cadets and assist

T. HILL, Acting Sec. Mil. Dept.

ant surgeon, having arrived at this presidency, and produced the certificates and counterpart covenant of their respective appointments, they are admitted into the service accordingly.

Mr. A. Poole, cadet for the cavalry, certificate, dated 6th March, 1809.


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