
one thousand guineas, as a token of those sentiments which we have now the pleasure to express; your reputation as an officer, which no doubt occasioned the flattering compliment you received in being selected for the command of this detachment, at a time that required an officer of energy, firmness, and decision, has, we presume to think, been confirmed, by the able manner in which you have, during a long and important period, conducted so large and respectable a charge.

With most cordial wishes for your health and prosperity we remain, Sir,

Your most obedient servants,
George Prole, lieut.-col.

W Richards, capt. 1st batt. 13th regt.
Chas, Webber, major, 5th regt. N. C.
S. Jones, assist.-surgeon, 13th regt.
J. Holland, assist-surgeon, 5th regt. cav.
H. Roberts, lieut. 5th regt. cavalry
J. Caulfield, lieut. 5th regt. cavalry.
H. Finch, ieut. 13th regt.
R. Turton, capt. artillery.
W. Hopper, capt.-lieut. artillery.
W. H. Hornidge, lieut. 13th regt.
R. Axford, lieut. 13th regt.
J. Cunningham, lieut. 13th regt.
J. Elliott, lieut. 13th regt.
G. S. D'Auguilar, lieut. 13th regt.
W. Buckley, cornet, 5th cavalry.
H. T. Tapp, lieut. 1st regt.
A. Roberts, lieut. 13th regt.
Jos. Hume, assist.-surgeon, 18th regt.
Jos. O'Halloran, capt. 18th regt.
Jas. Hyde, ensign of engineers.
B. Latter, capt. 13th regt.
D. Robertson, capt. 23d regt.
Wm. Winch, capt. 1st regt.
G. Hickman, capt. 1st regt.
Jas. Macfarlane, lieut. 1st regt.
A. Hardy, lieut. 1st regt.
Edward Simons, lieut. 1st regt.
Wm. Macpherson, lieut. 1st regt.
J. Sealy, assist.-surgeon, 1st regt.
G. V. Baines, lieut. 18th regt.
W. A. Yates, lieut. 18th regt.
Jos. Hair, capt. 18th regt.
F. Gladwin, lieut. 83th regt.
A. Armstrong, lieut. 18th regt.
Jas. Lawtie, lieut. col. 18th regt.
C. A. G. Wallington, lieut. 18th regt.
Wm. Collyer, lieut. 18th regt.

G. Proctor, assist-surgeon, 18th regt.
John Fagan. capt -lieut. 18th regt.
C. Fa an, capt -lieut. 18th regt.
W. B Salmon heut. 18th regt.
F. Buckley, lieut. 18th regt.
F. Sackville, lieut. and surveyor.
SC. Jones capt. 23d regt
James Holgson major 6th regt.
-Robert Pitman, capt. 6th regt.
Charles Poole, lieut. 6th regt.
J. L. Hill, lieut. 6th regt.
James Macharg, lieut 6th regt.
A Douglas, ieut 6th egt.
Wm. Anslie, assist.-surgeon, 6th regt.
L. Shaw, lieut 18th regt.

C. R. Kennett, lient. 18th regt.
A Trotter, lieut. 13th regt.
T Hall, capt.-lieut 13th regt.
E. Faithful, artillery.

R. Seyer, lieut. 2d batt 6th regt.
J. Vanrenen, major. 18th regt.
H White, lieut. 18th regt.
Arnold King, capt. 13th regt.
A. Owen, lieut. 13th regt.
Camp at Goorha, the 4th
June, 1806.

To Brigadier-General Martindell,
commanding in Bundelkund.
SIR,--We, the officers command-
ing and belonging to the brigades
of irregular troops, formerly in the
service of Ambajee Inglia, and for
the past thirty months in the ser-
vice of the honourable company in
Bunkelkund, understanding that it
is the intention of the officers of
the honorable company's regular
troops in Bundelkund to present an
address to you on the eve of your
departure from a command which
you have so long held with credit
and honor to yourself, and to the
great advantage of government,
cannot let pass the only opportu-
nity we may have of expressing
our regret at your departure, our
high respect for your character as
- a soldier, and our obligations to
you as a gentleman, on every oc-
casion, for these two past years,
during the time we have had the
horor to serve under you in Bun-

We are sensible that the demonstration


stration, thus publicly made, of our veneration for your abilities as an officer, and respect for your character as a gentleman, will add but little to that reputation which you have so deservedly and justly obtained; but we shall feel a great degree of satisfaction in being able to make public ou gratitude for the constant attention and care which you have uniformly manifested to our wants and comfort; and from our individual communications with the inhabitants of these districts we are happy to declare, that they all express the same high regard and respect for your moderation and justice in every transaction of theirs which has been submitted to your decision.

We request, and shall be highly gratified if you will permit us, to contribute towards that lasting token of regard and merit, a sword which the officers of the regular troops have solicited you to accept from them; and we hope, that they will admit our participation with that good-will and understanding, which it has been your uniform study and care to cherish, and which has existed on all services on which the regular and irregular troops of the honorable company have been employed, since we entered the service.

With most ardent wishes that you may long wield a sword, so honorably obtained, in defence of your country's honor and interest, we entreat that you will accept of our sincere wishes for your welfare and future happiness, and beg to remain, your most obedient and

devoted servants, JAMES READHEAD SHEPPARD, Col. commanding-brigade. J. T. Myselback, col. commanding brigade,

John Wapshot Laflour, major, colonel
Sheppherd's brigade

Richard Collins, capt. ditto,
Ed. Butterfield, capt. ditto,
Fred. Martin, lieut. ditto,
Augn. Martin, lieut, ditto,
Hen Phillips, lieut. ditto,
Alex. Francis, ensign, ditto, and Shaick
Kulbally, col. commanding a brigade.
Camp, Koonch, June 7th, 1806.
To Lieut.-Col. Prole, commanding

the Troops in Bundelkund.
Sir, I have the honor to ac-
knowledge the receipt of your letter
of the 9th instant, conveying to me
two addresses from the troops
serving in Bundelkund.

Although words are inadequate to do justice to my feelings on the occasion, I herewith enclose my answer, which I beg you will have the goodness to communicate to the officers under your command. To you, Sir, I feel much indebted, for the very handsome manner in which you have forwarded these addresses, and for the cordial expressions of regard and esteem, which you individually profess for me.

I have the honor to be, &c. &c. (Signed) GAB. MARTINDELL, Lieut Colonel. Lucknow, July 25th, 1806.

To Lieut. Col. Prole, and Officers of the division of the Army, serving in Bundelkund.

Gentlemen.---I am duly honored with your address of the 4th instant, which at this juncture is truly gratifying to my feelings.. Perimit me to assure you, it was not without infinite regret that. I relinquished the command of a detachment with which I had served so long, where every individual upon all occasions exerted himself to se cond my endeavours for the public good, independent of the satisfaction I experienced in your society,


and nothing but considerations of the most imperious nature could have induced me to make the sacrifice.

circumstances it

Under these gives me heartfelt satisfaction to find that my public and private conduct has merited the confidence and good opinion of those I have the honor to command, and it affords me much satisfaction thus publicly to return you my grateful thanks, for the zealous support which you afford me on every occasion.

I accept with pride the proffered token of your personal regard, which shall ever be held by me as a sacred memorial of the friendship of a body of officers, to whom I can with much truth say, I am attached by every sentiment of gratitude and



With my fervent wishes for future welfare, happiness, and


I remain, gentlemen, &c. (Signed) GAB. MARTINDELL,

Lieutenant Colonel.

Lucknow, July 25, 1806


To John Cameron, Esq. mander of the Honorable Company's ship Jane, Duchess of Gordon.

Calcutta, Sept. 8, 18:6. Dear Sir.---Understanding, that the time of your departure from this country is finally fixed, and we ourselves, on the point of joining our respective regiments, feel it a duty incumbent upon us to express to you the high sense of the obligations we feel ourselves under, for the kind attention we experienced from you during our long passage. We therefore request your acceptance of the accompanying service of plate, as a testimony of the

esteem and sincere regard we feel for you.

We have the honor to be,&c. Thos. Willet, Lieut. Col. Wilham Panton, Assist. Sur. F. J. Spiller, Cornet. A. Stuart Lieutenant. R. Powney, ditto. S. Parlby, ditto. G. E. Gowan, ditto. J. E. Johnstone, ditto. J. Oaks, ditto. D. Kirk, ditto. W. Baylis, ditto. J. Andrews, Ensign. George Dunkley.

To Lieutenant-Colonel Willett, Lieutenants J. E. Johnstone, A. Stuart, R. Powney, S. Parlly, G. E. Gowan, J. Oakes, D. Kirk, and IV. Baylis; Cornet F. J. Spiller; Ensign J. Andrews, and William Panton, Esq. Assistant Surgeon of the Hon. Company's Service; and G. Dunkley, Esq. Gentlemen,---I have had the honour of receiving your kind letter of the 8th instant, together with the generous and flattering testimony of your friendship and esteem, which I shall ever hold invaluable. That my conduct has met your approbation affords me the highest gratification; and I have return you my most grateful thanks for your gentleman-like behaviour during a long and tedious voyage. With every wish for your health and prosperity.


I remain, &c.

[blocks in formation]

On captain Larkins's arriving at the Isle of France, general de Caen, as a compliment to his bravery, offered him a cartel to India, or Europe, the latter of which he accepted, and at the island of Saint Helena made the following affidavit :


By Sir Edward Pellew, Bart. Rear Admiral of the Red, Commander in Chief of H. M. Ships and Vessels in the East Indies. Gentlemen,---The the governor of Saint Helena, having transmitted to me the undermentioned deposition of the late commander and officers of the H. C. Ship Warren Hastings, captured by the French frigate la Fiedmontese, of 44 guns, the attention of the respective captains and comman. ders of his majesty's squadron under my command, is hereby especially

called to the statement, in order that the ferocious conduct of the first lieutenant, and part of the crew, of la Piedmontese may receive the general reprobation of his majesty's service.

Given under my hand, on board his majesty's ship Culloden, at sea, 14th February, 1807.

(Signed) E. PEllew. By command of the commander in chief.

(Signed) E. H. LOCKER
A true Copy.

ISLAND OF SAINT HELENA. Deposition sworn before the Worshipful Robert Patton, Esq. Governor; James Cocks, Esq. of Council; two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, in and for the said Island.

After the ship Warren Hastings had surrendered to the National frigate la Piedmontese, Charles

VOL. 9.

Moreau, the first lieutenant, came on board the Warren Hastings, and stabbed captain Larkins, when passing to go on board the frigate. In the same manner Mr. James Bayton,, midshipman, was stabbed by Charles Moreau; and Mr. John Wood, second officer, Mr. John Barnes, surgeon, and John Ball boatswain's mate, were stabbed, in different parts of the ship, by other persons belonging to the frigate, after the surrender of the Warren Hastings.

Sworn before usthis 16, Sept. 1806. (Signed)

ROBERT PATTON, Governor. JAMES COCKS, Sitting Magistrate. (Signed) F. Larkins, commander, James Coxwell, first officer, T. Edward Toussanit, 4th do. T. Wood, 2d do. E. Davis, 3d co. Barnes, surgeon.


(True Copy)

Sec. to Govt.

The ship Fame, one of the first divisions of country ships of this season for China, was captured, on the 21st June, off Acheen Head, by the Semillante, French frigate, and sent to the Isle of France, under the care of a French lieutenant, 2 junior officers, eight French seamen, and one marine; and 12 lascars from the Semillante. There remained on board the Fame, of her crew, Mr. Thompson, 3d officer, and about two-thirds of her Lascars. The Frenchmen put into the Mahe Islands for water, and here Mr. Thompson formed the daring resolution of retaking the ship, which he effected while the French officers were employed in taking a meridian altitude: they were seized by the Lascars, and + C


their hands being tied behind their backs, were secured; the seamen and marine shared the same fate. Mr. Thompson having thus got possession of the ship, treated his prisoners with the greatest kindness and attention, and in 13 days after her recapture arrived safe in Bombay.

An Arab ship arrived with the first Lieut. and crew of the hon. company's cruizer Grappler, captured on the Malabar coast, after a smart brush of a few minutes, by the Piedmontese French frigate, captain Eperon, of 44 guns and 450 men.


MADRAS.-Occurrences for September, 1806.

hon. company's ship Mr. Thomas Cock, chief mate, Mr. William Perham, 6th ditto. Mr. William Dick, purser; A Swinton, Alexander Stewart, Thomas Wall, and J. H. Sheres midshipmen; E. Othley, Captain's clerk, Mess. Mock, Kydd, Binney and Hayes, cadets.

Lady Burgess, ran upon a reef of rocks, near the island of Saint Iago, on the 20th of April, and was totally lost. Capt. Swinton, proceeded to England on the Leopard. The following is a correct list of the officers and passengers drowned,

PRINCE OF WALES'S ISLAND.-Occurrences for Sept.1806.

Piracy and Murder.

Penang.---On the 4th ult. sailed from hence for Malacca, a prow, under the command of Mohammed Cundoo, an inhabitant of this place, having on board, as passengers, Mr. Lodowick Detz and attendants. In eight days they reached Parcellar, where they anchored, and early on the same morning two of the crew, Inchee Baha, and Inchee Arras, attacked and murdered Moham

med Cundoo, and Mr. Detz, and hove them overboard; they intimidated the crew, and made them proceed with the vessel to Perach, where the murderers went on shore, taking with them two young lads, Adam and Duol, natives of Malacca ; and plundered the prow of 1000 dollars:-The remainder of the people (ten men and a woman) immediately made sail for this island and arrived safe.

BENGAL.-Occurrences for October, 1806.

Sir Arab ships were boarded off Ceylon by the Piedmontese French frigate, and plundered of cash, provisions, &c. &c. one ship was left without a cask of water.

The ship Sidney was lost on a shoal in lat. 3. 20. S. and 145 50. E.

One of the Dutch East Indiamen, captured by the Greyhound and Harrier, was formerly the Lucy Maria, of this port, commanded by captain Walter Dawes, who two years ago, in consequence of a contagious disease breaking out in the ship, on her voyage from


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