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BENGAL.-Occurrences for MAY, 1806.

[The principles of the Marquis Wellesley's policy have had a powerful influence in meliorating the condition of our Indian empire; and the practical benefit, which the operation of that policy is gradually pro ducing, will be clearly observed, even in those common occurrences and domestic details, which it is the purpose of this department of our work to record.]

Calcutta. In our last volume (p. 19) was noticed the intention of the Rev. C.Buchanan, Vice President of the college of Fort William, to proceed to Cochin and Travancore, for the purpose of investigating the ancient writings, and history of the Jews and Syrian christians, in these places. He is now far advanced on the journey, accompanied by J. C. Leyden, M. D. a gentleman lately employed by the government of Fort St. George to make literary ry researches in Mysore much may be expected from the united talents of these gentlemen.

The want of rain since the end of March, in the Southern districts of Bengal, will enhance the price of Indigo this season.

A royal salute was fired from the ramparts of Fort William, in commemoration of the fall of Seringapatam.

court of judicature, the members of the supreme council, and all the principal civil and military officers of the presidency.

The following address, from the officers of a detachment in camp at Panniput, to their commanding officer, col. Burn, with his answer, does credit to those gentlemen; and is worthy of record as being the mede of merit. To Colonel William Burn, com

manding the troops at Panniput.

Sir,-The return of peace, and consequent arrangement of the troops, occasioning the separation of your detachment, we beg leave most respectively to express the high satisfaction we have enjoyed in serving under you, and the sincere regret we feel at parting with a commander, most eminently distinguished, by his heroic fortitude and gallantry, evinced at the siege of Delhi, at Shamlie, and upon all other occasions; and whose courage is not more conspicuous than the mode of conducting the duties of his station has been in endearing him to all under his command. Please, then, + A

The governor-general, attended by his personal staff, and the principal gentlemen of the settlement, returned the visit of the Persian ambassador, and on the following day gave a grand entertainment to his excellency, at which were pre sent the judges of the supreme



sir, to accept our unfeigned wishes for your health, happiness, and prosperity, wherever you may be; at the same time, we sincerely pray, that the supreme disposer of all events may continue to you an increased length of years to enjoy that fame you have so justly merited.

We have the honour to be, &c.

To Major Tetley, and the officers
of my detachment at Panniput.
Gentlemen,-I bave had the ho-
nour to receive your address. Believe
me, such a proof of attachment and
regard from you, who, as officers,
I have had reason to admire, and,
as gentlemen, to esteem, shall ever
be to me a source of the highest satis-
faction. If, at any time, it has been in
my power to contribute to your
happiness, I have only succeeded
in fulfilling a small portion of the
duty which your own behaviour,
at all times worthy of applause,
imposed upon me; and whatever
share of approbation our noble and
illustrious leader, under whose per-
sonal command, we have all lately
had the honour of serving, may
have bestowed upon me, I am in-
debted for to the brave officers
and men, at the head of whom I
had the good fortune to be placed;
whose arduous services, be assured,
I shall remember with the warmest
gratitude, till the latest hour of my
existence. Orders having arrived for
our separation, I have to beg of you,
to carry with you my sincerest
wishes for your prosperity; and
may you long live in happiness, to
enjoy the rewards of your exem-
plary conduct.

Believe me, Gentlemen, &c.
Col. commanding a detachment
at Panniput

Camp, near Panniput,
10th April, 1806.

Address of the meeting at Fort


The chairman of the general meeting of the British inhabitants of Calcutta, held on the 26th Oct. 1805, has the honour of publishing, for their information, a letter received by him from the resident at Fort Marlborough, with the resolution which accompanied it. P. SPEKE,

Chairman at a General Meeting of the
British inhabitants of Calcutta.

Sir, I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, under date the 26th Oct. 1805, inclosing a copy of the proceedings of a general meeting of the British inhabitants of Calcutta, on the melancholy occasion of the death of the late lamented governor-general, Marquis Cornwallis. 2. Conformably to the desire expressed in that letter, I have com municated to the British inhabitants of this residency, the resolutions voted at the general meeting of the British inhabitants of Calcutta ; and I have now the honour to transmit a copy of the resolution agreed to at a general meeting of the British inhabitants of this residency, on the 6th ultimo. 3. In transmitting to you this resolution, the British inhabitants of Fort Marlborough have requested me to assure you, that they are impressed by every sentiment of respect and veneration for the character and memory of the late Marquis Cornwallis, which can be inspired by a deep and unfeigned sense of his great and valuable services, of his eminent public and private views, and of a zeal uniformly, successfully, and steadfastly exerted to promote the true honour,

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interests, and glory of his coun- James Archer,

J. S. Powell,
I have the honour to be, Sir, &c.

T. PARR, Resideat.
Fort Marlborough,
Feb. 12, 1806.

The French national frigate

Voluntaire, of 44 guns, entered Fort Marlborough, Jan. 6, 1806. the bay of the Cape of Good Hope, At a meeting of the British in- not knowing of the capture of the habitants, holden this day at Fort settlement. Sir Home Popham Marlborough, for the purpose of took possession of her without reconsidering the most eligible mode sistance ; there was on board, part of testifying their respect for the of the Queen's, and 54th regiments, memory of the most noble Mar- taken in two transports in the Bay quis Cornwallis

, a subscription of Biscay. The Voluntaire is paper is open for the purpose of commissioned, and the command contributing to defray the expences given to the hon. captain Percy. of a Mausoleum, intended to be Sir George Keith, commander erected at Ghazeepore.

of H. M. gun brig, Protector, capDollars.

tured a Dutch East Indiaman (forThomas Parr,. W.B. Martin,

merly the James Sibbald) off the R. S. Perreau,

Cape; the cargo consisting of H, Heath,

cochineal, ivory, indigo, &c. is Jobn Prince,

valued at 300,000l. sterling. Sir James Browa, D. Delamotte,

George took the command of his Charles Day,

prize, and proceeded to England Fras. Salmond,

in her. A fine ship, named the Fort Edward Atkins,

William, of 1200 tons, intended W. B. Cox, ..

for the China trade, was launched James Lumsdain, Charles Campbell,

from the yard of Messrs. John Gil3. B. Sloan,...




more, and Co.

Madras. Occurrences for May. Fifty ships arrived in China, in colours of Seringapatam, was of the course of last year, from the party, he was seated on the America, and were loaded with right hand of the chairman. from 8 to 10 thousand tons of tea, The following addresses, with at an average of 100 dollars per the answers, are highly creditable ton, a great part of which will to the parties, and will tend to find its way into Europe. There promote harmony, enforce disci- ' are great numbers of American pline, and create in others a geneadventurers in Canton, many of rous emulation to deserve a similar whom have realized large fortunes. record of universal approbation.

In commemoration of the fall of To George Byng, Esq. commander Seringapatam, his excellency the of H. M. ship Belliqueur, Madgovernor gave a grand dinner to ras Roads. upwards of 200 gentlemen of the Sir,- We feel it our indispensable settlement. Major Harris, of H. duty, at as early a period as possiM. 73d regiment (son of the gal- ble, to offer you our sincere congralant general) who carried home the tulations upon the safe arrival of the + A 2


whole of the ships under convoy of H. M.'s ship Belliqueux, at this port. Permit us to return you our sincere thanks for the constant and unremitting attention we have ever experienced from you, since we had the honour to be placed under your command. As a testimony of the respect we entertain, we beg leave to solicit your acceptance of a piece of plate, value 1001. the contemplation of which may hereafter renew the pleasing reflection of your eminent services in the late successful expedition against the Cape of Good Hope, and remind you of the sincere regard of those who have the honor to subscribe themselves, &c. Fort St. George, April 23, 1806.

H. M. ship Belliqueux, Madras Roads, 25th April, 1806. Gentlemen,-I hasten to acknowledge your letter of yesterday's date, and to express the great pleasure on finding that the conduct observed by me, during the period you have been placed under my orders, has afforded you that satisfaction, it has, and ever will be my study to experience on similar occasions. I accept with pleasure the piece of plate offered in your letter; and be assured when it reminds me of the events, mentioned by you in so flattering a manner, it will call to my remembrance the services of those amongst you, who were placed under my command on that occasion, and the general attention evinced by the whole, during the period your several ships were under the convoy of H. M. ship Belliqueux.

I have the honour to be, &c.

To the commanders of the hon.
company's ships, Wa. Pitt, &c.

To captain William Edmeads, of the Hon. C. ship, William Pitt. Dear Sir,-In reverting to the circumstances of a voyage protracted to an unusual length, we are gratified in the remembrance of the uninterrupted harmony and general good will which prevailed in the ship under your command, during the whole of its continuance. Sensible how much has been owing to the steady uprightness, and open liberality of your conduct, we offer you our sincerest acknowledgments. We at the same time request your acceptance of a piece of plate, of the value of one hundred guineas, bearing the annexed inscription, indicative of that esteem and regard with which we have the satisfaction of subscribing ourselves,

Dear Sir, &c.
Poonamallee, April 26, 1806.

To Lieutenant-colonel Gibbs, and the officers of H. M. 59th regiment, who came passengers on the H. C. ship William Pitt, to Madras.

Gentlemen,-The distinguished mark of approbation you have been pleased to confer on me, calls forth and esteem; and afford me an opmy warmest sentiments of gratitude, portunity of publicly acknowledg ing, what I have ever been proud to express in private. The harmony that existed in the ship during the passage, may be attributed to the extreme correct conduct of those I have now the honour of addressing. The constant support I have ever received from you as officers, in the execution of my duty, and the pleasure I have derived from your society when off, were alone circumstances sufficient to perpetuate in my memory the advantages I have obtained from such honourable intercourse. Your offer of a piece of

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