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and understanding of the truth, that Thy people may be led in the green pastures of Thy word.

Teach, O Lord, all teachers of mankind; prosper all science and discovery, and cause art and learning to flourish. Cause Thy face to shine on all men; bless the labour of the husbandman, and prosper all lawful trades and industries.

Bless, we entreat Thee, all who bear rule upon the earth. Regard with Thy favour Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Albert Edward Prince of Wales, the Princess of Wales, and all the Royal Family.

Bless all rulers, judges, and magistrates, and grant that they may maintain justice and equity, that Thy people may serve Thee without fear in holiness and righteousness.

Bless the whole nation; save us from strife and faction, from blindness of heart, from worldliness, and from unfaithfulness to the high trust which Thou hast committed to us.

We commend to Thee, O Lord, our kindred, our friends, our benefactors, and those among whom we dwell. Let peace be to our households, and let those who dwell therein be children of peace. Bless the young; let them grow in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.

Have compassion, O Lord, on the sick, the poor, the desolate, and all who are afflicted and sorrow

ful. Inspire them with faith and hope, and draw near to them, O living God, to uphold, comfort, and save them.

Turn back them that wander, O Lord, and accept the penitence of those who turn to Thee: cause the light of the life eternal to rise upon their minds, and deliver them from the power of their sins.

O Lord most High, with Thy whole Church throughout the world we give Thee thanks for all Thy faithful servants, who having witnessed in their lives a good confession have left the light of their example to shine before Thy people on earth. Mercifully grant that by Thy fatherly blessing we may be enabled to follow them in all virtuous and godly living, and that hereafter we may be with them in Thy heavenly presence, whither Jesus the Forerunner is for us entered; to whom, with Thee, the Father, and the Holy Ghost, be glory evermore.


Then a Psalm or Hymn is sung, or, when con

venient, the Anthem.

Then, the Congregation kneeling, the Minister shall


Let us Pray.


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The Thanksgiving.

GIVE thanks unto the Lord, for He is good:
For His mercy endureth for ever.

We magnify and praise Thy glorious name, O Lord God Almighty, for all Thy goodness to us. Thou hast opened Thy hand and hast supplied all our wants; Thou hast loaded us with Thy benefits, so that our cup runneth over. Like as a father pitieth his children, so hast Thou pitied us; Thou hast upheld us in the day of our distress, and made light to arise upon us when we were in darkness.

O Lord our God, the Giver of all good, we bless Thee for Thy never-failing mercy: for all the benefits we have received, for whatever good we may have done, for all Thy promises, and all our hopes of good to come: We thank Thee for loving parents, for wise teachers, for generous benefactors, for brethren of one mind with us, for good masters, for faithful servants; for all who by their words, or writings, or example, have cheered and strengthened us. We praise Thee that Thou didst send Thy Son Jesus Christ into the world, that whosoever believeth in Him might not perish but have everlasting life; and

that in Him Thou hast come near to us, and dwelt among us, and caused us to dwell with Thee, and to be heirs of Thine eternal kingdom. By Thy tender mercy, O God, the dayspring from on high hath visited us, to give light to them that sat in darkness, to guide our feet into the way of peace.

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy name.

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.

Here may be introduced any

other subject for

Receive, O Lord, with compassionate kindness the prayers and supplications of Thy children. Lead us and guide us, O God, for in Thee do we put our trust; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Then followeth the Prayer for Illumination, in these words, or at the discretion of the Minister.

For Illumination.

Almighty God, who makest the blind to see and the lame to walk, and openest the prison to them that are bound, let Thy word come to us, we beseech Thee, with power to deliver us from evil habits, from prejudice, from the fear of man, and from every bondage in which we are

entangled, that so we may walk at liberty in the ways of Thy commandments, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Then may be sung a Psalm or Hymn.


A Sermon is then preached, concluding with an Ascription of Praise; after which the Minister shall say— Let us Pray.


Prayer after Sermon.

GOD, who hast appointed the day for labour and the night for rest, grant, we beseech Thee, that we may so rest in peace and quietness during the coming night, that afterward we may be able to go forth to our appointed labours. Take us into Thy holy keeping, so that no evil may befall us nor any plague come nigh our dwelling. Be pleased, O heavenly Father, to cover our sins with Thy mercy as Thou coverest the earth with the darkness of night, and grant that as our bodies are refreshed by quiet sleep, so also our souls may rest in the sense of Thy forgiveness and mercy.

We praise Thee, O God, that Thou hast not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep we should live together

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