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In large cities people do not know their nearest neighbors, and it is sometimes dangerous, both from the moral and financial point of view, to make indiscriminate acquaintances without some investigation of the proposed acquaintance.

This is quite true of the Suffrage Movement, which, without introduction, is attempting to intrude itself upon thousands of women who have no knowledge of the character of this movement, which has for associates both Feminism and Socialism.

As the character of people may be known by the morality of their associates, so can Suffragism be estimated by the principles of Feminism and Socialism.

It is a dangerous proceeding to accept the acquaintance of strangers and introduce them to our families without a full knowledge of their character as exhibited by their principles and actions.

In the next flat may reside gamblers, firebugs and cadets, queens of the underworld, child stealers, shoplifters and procuresses and priestesses of fetish worship.

Any of these immoral neighbors may intrude by way of your back door, or introduce themselves into your parlor. They may exhibit fluency of speech and a superficial education; they may seat themselves at your piano and sing and

play beautifully; they may wear fine clothes and sport beautiful jewelry. With all this outward appearance of culture, refinement and worth, and an assumption of piety, their intentions may be to make stool pigeons of your sons and induce your husband and your son to besot themselves or gamble at a losing game.

The queen may have intentions on your husband or son, or the leading of your daughter astray, or she may abduct the baby, or the priestess of the cult may try to undermine the true faith of the whole family, and substitute fetish worship therefor.

The object of the following chapters on Suffragism is to make you acquainted with the neighbors who are trying to force themselves upon you, and into your Society.

The foregoing chapters have described the characteristics of Socialism-Feminism, which are close friends and companions of Suffragism, and from your knowledge of these two theories you can judge the worth or the worthlessness of Suffragism-the three are connected by both sentiment and propaganda, telephone, telegraph and mail lines whereby they communicate their aspirations, their principles, their literary and financial assistance to each other, and their connection is as close as that of the Siamese twins.

Their object in working together is to revolutionize society, to destroy the home, break up the unity of the family, bring discord where harmony now prevails, and annihilate the church. To take out of men's minds their former respect and chivalrous actions toward woman, to make your children wards of the state, and deprive you of the ability to do your duty in regard to the physical nurture of your children, their mental training and their religious education.

If they cannot convince you that their cult is for the betterment of humanity, they do not propose to allow you to

vote on the question and overcome them in politics, but they propose by a small minority of Feminists to intimidate politicians and force the good women, by the rape of their free will, to vote and take part in politics, whether they want to do so or not.

It may be asserted that with the bad elements predominating in votes cast by women, that the resultant effect upon the religious and social life of the state will be bad, and that those conditions will be injured instead of bettered.

It is regrettable that to show the true character of the three ISMS, it has been necessary to quote their impious and vile language, but the justification of this is to enlighten the noble women of the country in regard to the true character of their neighbors who are forcing themselves upon them.

If Feminists believed their position was just and popular, they would insist upon a bill being passed submitting the female suffrage question to a vote of all the women of the country, but instead of doing so, they avoid this proposition and attempt to boycott the President of the United States and the Congressmen, and individual members of the Legislature, and absolutely force on the people of the country, and especially on the good women, something which is uncalled for, and which, in the judgment of the masses of mankind, will be injurious to all classes.

In an attempt to show the popularity of suffrage and the demand for the same, they have parades in all parts of the country, which have shown the weakness of suffrage rather than its strength. For example, on the 2nd of May, 1914, in the city of Chicago, after spending much money and having the assistance of the newspapers, they only managed to have in their parade 3,200 people, of whom only 2,500 were voters. Of this number 700 were negroes and 500 were Socialists, exhibiting the red flag of anarchy. A majority of the remain

ing 1,300 were of the Feminist variety, whose principles are so apparent to the best class of women.

With the hope that the pages of this book will carry information to the good women and men of the country, and that they will be fully advised in regard to the undesirability of the Suffraget-Socialist-Feminist propaganda, and will be inspired to combat these False Priests until a final victory will crown the banner of the patriots who represent the family, the home, religion and true womanhood, I shall feel that my labor has not been in vain.

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