

Descending, and in half cut sheer; nor staid,
But with fwift wheel reverse, deep entring shar'd
All his right fide: then SATAN first knew pain,
And writh'd him to and fro convolv'd; fo fore
The griding sword with discontinuous wound
Pass'd thro' him: but th' ethereal substance clos'd, 330
Not long divisible; and from the gash
A stream of nectarous humor issuing flow'd,
Sanguin (fuch as cæleftial spirits may bleed,)
And all his armor stain'd, e're while so bright.
Forthwith on all fides to his aid was run
By Angels many and strong, who interpos'd
Defense; while others bore him on their shields
Back to his chariot; where it flood retir'd
From off the files of war: there they him laid
Gnashing for anguish, and despite, and thame, 340
To find himself not matchless, and his pride
Humbled by fuch rebuke, so far beneath
His confidence to equal Gop in pow'r.
Yet foon he heal'd; for spirits that live throughout
Vital in every part, (not, as frail man,



In entrails, heart or head, liver or reins)
Cannot but by annihilating die:
Nor in their liquid texture mortal wound
Receive, no more than can the fluid air:
All heart they live, all head, all eye, all ear, 350

All intellect, all fenfe; and as they please,

They limb themselves, and color, shape and fize
Afsfume, as likes them best, condense or rare.

Mean while in other parts like deeds deserv'd Memorial, where the might of GABRIEL fought,

And with fierce ensigns pierc'd the deep array
Of MOLOC, furious King! who him defy'd,
And at his chariot wheels to drag him bound
Threaten'd, nor from the Holy One of Heav'n


Refrain'd his tongue blafphemous: but anon


Down claven to the waste, with shatter'd arms


And uncouth pain fled bellowing. On each wing
URIEL, and RAPHAEL, his vaunting foe
(Though huge, and in a rock of diamond arm'd)
Vanquish'd, ADRAMELEC, and ASMADAI, 365
Two potent Thrones! that to be less than Gods
Difdain'd; but meaner thoughts learn'd in their flight,
Mangl'd with gastly wounds thro' plate and mail.
Nor stood unmindful ABDIEL, to annoy
The atheift-crew, but with redoubl'd blow
ARIEL, and ARIOC, and the violence
Of RAMIEL scorch'd and blasted overthrew. ---


I might relate of thousands, and their names
Eternize here on earth; but those elect
Angels, contented with their fame in Heav'n, 375
Seek not the praise of men: the other fort,
In might though wondrous, and in acts of war,

Nor of renown less eager, yet by doom
Cancel'd from Heav'n and facred memory,
Nameless in dark oblivion let them dwell.
For ftrength from truth divided, and from juft,
Illaudable, nought merits but difpraise
And ignominy; yet to glory aspires,
Vain-glorious, and through infamy feeks fame:
Therefore eternal filence be their doom!



And now, their mightiest quell'd, the battel swerv'd, With many an inrode gor'd; deformed rout Enter'd, and foul disorder: all the ground With shiver'd armor strown, and on a heap Chariot and charioteer lay overturn'd, And fiery foaming steeds: what stood, recoil'd O'er-wearied, thro' the faint Satanic hoft Defenfive scarce, or with pale fear furpriz'd; Then first with fear furpriz'd, and sense of pain,


Fled ignominious: to fuch evil brought


By fin of disobedience; till that hour,

Not liable to fear, or flight, or pain.


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