Far otherwife th' inviolable Saints,
In cubic phalanx firm, advanc'd entire,
Invulnerable, impenetrably arm'd:
Such high advantages their innocence
Gave them above their foes, not to have finn'd, Not to have difobey'd! in fight they flood
Unwearied, unobnoxious to be pain'd
By wound, tho' from their place by violence mov'd.
Now Night her courfe began, and over Heav'n Inducing darkness, grateful truce impos'd, And filence, on the odious din of war: Under her cloudy covert both retir'd,
Victor and vanquifh'd. On the foughten field, 410 MICHAEL and his Angels prevalent Encamping, plac'd in guard their watches round, Cherubic waving fires: on th' other part, SATAN with his rebellious disappear'd, Far in the dark dislodg'd; and void of reft, His Potentates to council call'd by night; And in the midft thus undifmay'd began.
O now in danger try'd, now known in arms Not to be overpower'd, companions dear! Found worthy not of liberty alone,
Too mean pretenfe) but what we more affect, Honor, dominion, glory, and renown; Who have fuftain'd one day in doubtful fight (And if one day, why not eternal days?) What Heaven's Lord hath powerfulleft to fend Against us from about his throne, and judg'd Sufficient to fubdue us to his will.
But proves not fo! --- then fallible, it feems, Of future we may deem him, though till now Omnifcient thought. True 't is, lefs firmly arm'd, Some difadvantage we indur'd, and pain,
Till now not known, but known as foon contemn'd; Since now we find this our empyreal form
Incapable of mortal injury,
Imperishable; and though pierc'd with wound, 435 Soon clofing, and by native vigor heal'd. Of evil then fo fmall, as easie think The remedy: perhaps more valid arms, Weapons more violent, when next we meet, May ferve to better us, and worse our foes, Or equal what between us made the odds, In nature none: if other hidden caufe Left them fuperior, while we can preferve Unhurt our minds, and underftanding found, Due fearch and confultation will difclofe.
He fat; and in th' affembly next upftood NISROC, of Principalities the prime; As one he flood efcap'd from cruel fight, Sore toil'd, his riven arms to havoc hewn; And cloudy in afpect thus anfwering fpake.
Deliverer from new Lords, leader to free Enjoyment of our right, as Gods! yet hard For Gods, and too unequal work we find, Againft unequal arins to fight in pain,
Againft unpain'd, impaffive; from which evil 455 Ruin muft needs enfue: for what avails
Valor or ftrength, tho' matchlefs, quell'd with pain Which all fubdues, and makes remifs the hands Of mightieft? Senfe of pleasure we may well Spare out of life perhaps, and not repine, But live content, which is the calmeft life: But pain is perfect mifery, the worft Of evils, and exceffive, overturns
All patience. He who therefore can invent With what more forcible we may offend Our yet-unwounded enemies, or arm Our felves with like defence, to me deferves No less than for deliverance what we owe.
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