
So fpake th' Arch-Angel MICHAEL, then paus'd, As at the world's great period: and our fire, Replete with joy and wonder, thus reply'd.



O goodness infinite! goodness immenfe ! That all this good of evil fhall produce, And evil turn to good! more wonderful Than that which by creation first brought forth Light out of darkness! Full of doubt I stand, Whether I fhould repent me now of fin, By me done, and occafion'd; or rejoice Much more, that much more good thereof fhall fpring: To GoD more glory, more good-will to Men From GOD, and over wrath grace fhall abound. But fay, if our Deliverer up to Heav'n Muft re afcend, what will betide the few His Faithful, left among th' unfaithful herd, The enemies of truth? Who then fhall guide His people, who defend? will they not deal Worfe with his followers, than with him they dealt?



Be fure they will, faid th' Angel; but from Heav'n He to his own a COMFORTER will fend, The Promife of the FATHER: Who shall dwell His SPIRIT within them; and the law of faith Working thro' love, upon their hearts fhall write, To guide them in all truth; and also arm With fpiritual armor, able to refift



SATAN'S affaults, and quench his fiery darts:
What man can do against them, not afraid,
Though to the death; against fuch cruelties
With inward confolations recompens'd;
And oft fupported fo as fhall amaze
Their proudeft Perfecutors: for the SPIRIT
(Pour'd firft on his Apoftles, whom he fends
T'evangelize the Nations; then, on all
Baptiz'd,) fhall them with wond'rous gifts indue,
To speak all tongues, and do all miracles,
As did their Lord before them. Thus they win





Great numbers of each nation, to receive
With joy the tidings brought from Heav'n: at length
Their Miniftry perform'd, and race well run,
Their doctrine, and their ftory written left,
They die. But in their room, as they forewarn,
Wolves fhall fucceed for Teachers, grievous wolves!
Who all the facred mysteries of Heav'n,
To their own vile advantages fhall turn,
Of lucre, and ambition; and the truth
With fuperftitions, and traditions taint,
Left only in those written records pure;
Though not but by the SPIRIT understood.
Then thall they feek t'avail themselves of names, 515
Places, and titles; and with thefe to join
Secular pow'r, though feigning ftill to act
By fpiritual: to themfelves appropriating
The SPIRIT of Gop, promis'd alike and giv'n
To all Believers: and from that pretenfe
Spiritual laws by carnal pow'r shall force
On every confcience; laws which none shall find
Left them inroll'd; or what the SPIRIT within
Shall on the heart ingrave. What will they then
But force the SPIRIT of Grace it felf, and bind
His confort liberty? what, but unbuild
His living temples, built by faith to ftand,
Their own faith, not another's? (for on earth,
Who against faith, and confcience, can be heard
Infallible?) Yet many will prefume:




Whence heavy perfecution fhall arife

On all, who in the worship perfevere

Of spirit, and truth: the reit (far greater part).
Will deem in outward rites, and fpecious forms,
Religion fatisfy'd; truth fhall retire

Beftuck with flandrous darts; and works of faith
Rarely be found. So fhall the world go on,
To good malignant, to had men benign;
Under her own weight groaning; till the day
Appear of refpiration to the just,
And vengeance to the wicked: at return




Of HIM fo lately promis'd to thy aid,

The Woman's Seed; obfcurely then foretold;
Now amplier known thy Saviour, and thy Lord;
Laft, in the clouds, from Heav'n to be reveal'd 545
In glory of the FATHER, to diffolve

SATAN, with his perverted world; then raise
From the conflagrant mafs, purg'd and refin'd,
New heav'ns, new earth, ages of endless date,
Founded in righteoufnefs, and peace, and love, 550.
To bring forth fruits, joy, and eternal bliss.

He ended, and thus ADAM laft reply'd,
How foon hath thy prediction, Seer bleft!
Meafur'd this tranfient world the race of time,
Till time ftand fix'd? Beyond is all abyfs,
Eternity, whofe end no eye can reach !
Greatly inftructed I fhall hence depart,
Greatly in peace of thought, and have my fill
Of knowledge, what this veffel can contain
Beyond which was my folly to afpire!
Henceforth I learn, that to obey is beft,
And love with fear the only GoD; to walk
As in his prefence; ever to obferve

His Providence, and on him fole depend.
Merciful over all his works! with good
Still overcoming evil; and by fmall




Accomplihing great things: by things deem'd weak
Subverting wordly ftrong, and wordly wife,

By fimply meek: that fuffering for truth's fake,
Is fortitude to highest victory,

And, to the Faithful, Death the gate of Life:
Taught this by his example, whom I now
Acknowledge my Redeemer, ever bleft!


To whom thus alfo th' Angel laft reply'd: This having learn'd, thou haft attain'd the fum. 575 Of wisdom; hope no higher, though all the ftars Thou knew'ft by name, and all th' ethereal pow'rs, All fecrets of the deep, all nature's works,


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