Or works of GoD in heav'n, air, earth, or sea, And all the riches of this world enjoy'dft, And all the rule, one empire: only add Deeds to thy knowledge answerable; add Faith, Add Virtue, Patience, Temperance, add Love, (By name to come call'd Charity, the foul Of all the reft) then wilt thou not be loth To leave this Paradife, but fhalt poffefs A Paradife within thee, happier far! -- Let us defcend now therefore from this top Of speculation, for the hour precife
Exacts our parting hence: and fee! the Guards, 590 By me incamp'd on yonder hill, expect
Their motion; at whofe front a flaming fword, In fignal of remove, waves fiercely round. We may no longer ftay: go! waken EvE: Her alfo I with gentle.dreams have calm'd, Portending good, and all her fpirits compos'd To meek fubmiffion: thou at feason fit Let her with thee partake what thou haft heard: Chiefly, what may concern her faith to know, The great deliverance by her feed to come (For by the woman's feed) on all mankind. That ye may live (which will be many days) Both in one faith unanimous, though fad, (With caufe!) for evils paft, yet much more cheer'd With meditation on the happy end. 605
He ended, and they both defcend the hill: Defcended, ADAM to the bow'r where EVE Lay fleeping ran before, but found her wak'd, And thus with words not fad fhe him receiv'd.
Whence thou return'ft, & whither went'ft, I know; For GoD is alfo in fleep, and dreams advife; 611 Which he hath fent propitious, fome great good Prefaging, fince with forrow and heart's distress Wearied I fell afleep: but now, lead on! In me is no delay; with thee to go,
Is to ftay here; without thee here to ftay, Is to go hence unwillingly: thou to me Art all things under heav'n, all places thou, Who for my wilful crime art banish'd hence. This further confolation yet fecure I carry hence; though all by me is loft, Such favor I unworthy am vouchfaf'd, By me the promis'd feed fhall all restore.
So fpake our mother EvE; and ADAM heard Well-pleas'd, but answer'd not: for now too nigh 625 Th' Arch-Angel ftood; and from the other hill To their fix'd ftation, all in bright array The Cherubim defcended; on the ground Gliding meteorous, as ev'ning mist, Ris'n from a river, o'er the marish glides;
And gathers ground faft at the lab'rer's heel,
Homeward returning. High in front advanc'd,
The brandifh'd fword of GOD before them blaz'd;
Fierce as a Comet; which with torrid heat, And vapors as the LIBYAN ait aduft, Began to parch that temperate clime: whereat In either hand the haft'ning Angel caught Our lingring Parents; and to th' eastern gate Led them direct; and down the cliff as faft, To the fubjected plain; then disappear'd. They looking back, all th' eaftern fide beheld Of Paradife, fo late their happy feat! Wav'd over by that flaming brand; the gate With dreadful faces throng'd, and fiery arms. Some natural tears they drop'd, but wip'd them foon: The world was all before them, where to chufe 646 Their place of reft, and Providence their guide.. They, hand in hand, with wandring fteps and flow, Through EDEN took their folitary way.
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