If chance the radiant Sun with farewel sweet Extend his ev'ning beam, the fields revive, The birds their notes renew, and bleating herds Atteft their joy, that hill and valley rings. O fhame to men! Devil with Devil damn'd Firm concord holds; men only disagree Of creatures rational, though under hope Of heav'nly grace, and GoD proclaiming peace, Yet live in hatred, enmity and ftrife Among themfelves, and levy cruel wars, Wafting the earth, each other to destroy: As if (which might induce us to accord) Man had not hellish foes enow befides, That day and night for his deftruction wait.
The STYGIAN council thus diffolv'd, and forth
In order came the grand infernal Peers:
'Midft came their mighty Paramount, and feem'd Alone th' antagonift of Heav'n, nor lefs
Than Hell's dread Emperor, with pomp fupreme, 510 And God-like imitated ftate: him round A globe of fiery Seraphim inclos'd With bright imblazonry, and horrent arms. Then of their feffion ended they bid cry With trumpets regal found the great result : Tow'rds the four winds four fpeedy Cherubim Put to their mouths the founding alchymy, By heralds voice explain'd: the hollow Abyss Heard far and wide, and all the hoft of Hell With deaf'ning fhout return'd them loud acclaim. 520
Thence more at eafe their minds, and fomewhat rais'd By falfe prefumptuous hope, the ranged Pow'rs Disband, and wand'ring, each his feveral way Perfues, as inclination or fad choice
Leads him perplext, where he may likelieft find 525Truce to his refliefs thoughts, and entertain
The irkfome hours, till his great chief return.
Part on the plain, or in the air fublime Upon the wing, or in fwift race contend, As at th' OLYMPIAN games or PYTHIAN fields Part curb their fiery fteeds, or fhun the goal With rapid wheels, or fronted brigads form. As when, to warn proud cities, war appears Wag'd in the troubl'd sky, and armies rufh To battel in the clouds, before each van Prick forth the aery Knights, and couch their fpears Till thickeft legions clofe; with feats of arms From either end of heav'n the welkin burns. Others, with vaft TYPHAN rage, more fell Rend up both rocks and hills, and ride the air In whirlwind: Hell fcarce holds the wild uproar. As when ALCIDES from OECHALIA crown'd With conqueft, felt th' invenom'd robe, and tore Through pain up by the roots THESSALIAN pines, And LICHAS from the top of OETA threw Into th' EU BOIC Sea. Others more mild, Retreated in a filent valley, fing
With notes angelical to many a harp Their own heroic deeds and hapless fall By doom of battel: and complain that Fate
Free virtue fhould inthrall to force or chance. Their fong was partial, but the harmony (What could it lefs when fpirits immortal fing?) Sufpended Hell, and took with ravishment
The thronging audience. In difcourfe more sweet 555 (For eloquence the foul, fong charms the fenfe) Others apart fat on a hill retir'd,
In thoughts more elevate, and reafon'd high, Of providence, foreknowledge, will and fate, Fixt fate, free will, foreknowledge abfolute; And found no end, in wandring mazes loft. Of good and evil much they argu'd then, Of happiness and final mifery, Paffion and apathy, and glory and fhame, Vain wisdom all, and falfe philofophy:
Yet with a pleafing forcery could charm Pain for a while, or anguifh; and excite Fallacious hope, or arm th' obdurate breast With ftubborn patience, as with triple steel. Another part, in fquadrons and grofs bands, On bold adventure to discover wide That difmal world, if any clime perhaps Might yield them eafier habitation, bend Four ways their flying march, along the banks Of four infernal rivers, that difgorge Into the burning lake their baleful ftreams; Abhorred STYX, the flood of deadly hate; Sad ACHERON, of forrow black and deep; COCYTUS, nam'd of lamentation loud Heard on the rueful ftream; fierce PHLEGETON, Whose waves of torrent fire inflame with rage. Far off from thefe a flow and filent ftream, LETHE the river of oblivion, rolls Her watry labyrinth; whereof who drinks, Forthwith his former ftate and being forgets, Forgets both joy and grief, pleasure and pain Beyond this flood a frozen continent Lies dark and wild, beat with perpetual storms Of whirlwind and dire hail; which on firm land Thaws not, but gathers heap, and ruin feems Of ancient pile; all else deep snow and ice; A gulf profound, as that SERBONIAN bog Betwixt DA MIATA and mount CASIUS old, Where armies whole have funk: the parching air Burns frore, and cold performs th' effect of fire. 595 Thither by harpy-footed Furies hal'd
At certain revolutions, all the damn'd
Are brought; and feel by turns the bitter change Of fierce extremes, extremes by change more fierce! From beds of raging fire to ftarve in ice Their foft ethereal warmth, and there to pine Immoveable, infixt, and frozen round,
Periods of time; thence hurried back to fire.
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