
fabbath (by God the Father and Son) the feventh after
the fix days of the creation vij 581. The folemnity of
it defcrib'd vij 594. Speech (the Father's) on the
guardian Angels return from Paradife upon Adam's
fall x 34. Appoints the Son judge of it x 55. Speech
to the cœleftials on Sin and Death's entrance into the
world thereby x 614. Promise of their diffolution, and
renovation of heaven and earth x 633. Charge to the
Angels, touching the changes in the creation on the fall
x 649. Anfwer to the Son's interceffion on Adam's
repentance xj 45. Speech to the cœleftials, conven'd at
his decreeing his expulsion from Paradife xj 84. To
Michael thereon xj 99.

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GOD the SON, at the right hand of the Father iij 62
His the Father's) effence, &c. iij 138. His word, &c.
iij 169. vij 163. Answer to him on Satan's defign on
the creation, man, &c. iij 144. On his propofing the
manner, &c. of man's redemption iij 227. Undertakes
it iij 236. Love to man, and filial obedience iij 266.
The fecond Adam iij 285. His merits alone imputative
to man iij 290. xij 406. His refurrection, as God &
man, decreed iij 303. Equal to the Father iij 305.
His (the Son's) attributes iij 383. Answer to the
Father on Satan's revolt vj 733. The image of
the Father iij 383. vj 680. vj 736. The Meffiah vj
718. 881. Answer to the Father, appointing him to
end the battel between the cœleftial and revolted Angels
vj 723. Undertakes it vj 730. His armour, equipage, &c,
defcrib'd vj 760. Speech to the cæleftial army vj 8cc.
Solely attacks the revolters vj 824. Intirely defeats them
vj 838. Returns in triumph vj 878. His perfon, equi-
page, &c. in the Work of the creation deftrib'd vij 192
Re-afcent to heaven after it vij 550. Inftitution of the
fabbath (by God the Father, and Son) the feventh
after the fix days creation vij 581. The folemnity of it
defcrib'd vij 594. Anfwer (the Son's) to Adam, on
bis folitude in Paradife viij 369. To his reply viij 398
To another (promises him a confort) viij 437, Appointed



by the Father judge of Adam's tranfgreffion x 55. Alt
judgment committed to him x 56. The mercy of it x
58. Answer to the Father thereon x 68. Defcent to
Eden x 85. Call to Adam there x 103. Reply to his
anfwer (accufing Eve) x 119. To his reply x 144.
To Eve (acoufing the ferpent) x 157. Sentence pro-
nounc'd by him on the ferpent x 163. 175. Explained
x 182. On Eve x 192. On Adam x 197. Gloaths
them with skins, &c. x 211. Re-afcent to the Father,
and interceffion for them x 224. The juftice of his fen-
tence x 754. His interceffion on their repentance xj 22.
Vide Meffiah.

GOD, Purity of adoration more acceptable to him, than
ritual iv 736. All good proceeds from, and returns
to him v 469. To be contemplated in the works of the
Creation 508. Acts immediate vij 176. The centre
of heaven ix 107. His abfolute decrees xj 311. The
fear of him, &c. with lofs of freedom, degenerates xj
797. Particular prefence xij 48. To obey, love, depend
on his providence, &c. the fum of knowledge xij 557.
And wifdom xij 575.

Gospel how to be underflood xij 511.

Grace of God, man its object, and Devils eternally ex-
cluded from it, why iij 129. Man's long refiftance of
it alone exclufive iij 198. Repentance a fruit of it xj
22. The fpirits of it, and liberty, conforts xij 525.
Gratitude exerted, a difcharge of its debt iv 55.
Gunpowder, guns, &c. the original invention vj 478.
afcrib'd to the Devil vj 484. Discharge defcrib'd vj 584.


Heaven and earth, their final renovation by fire xj 898.
xij 547. After-happiness therein xij 463.549.
Heaven, the joys, &c. of it defcrib'd iij 344. Is Gate
iij 501. v 253. Paffage from thence to the world iij
526. Its general creation iij 716. Visible, the study of
it how necessary viij 66. Speculations of its motions,
or the earth's, cenfured viij 70. How fituated, re-
fpecting the world, and Hell x 320.
b 2

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Hell defcribed i 60.228. ij 587.618. Its Gates ij 645.
First open'd by fin ij 871. How fituated, respecting
heaven, and the world x 322. Vide Similies.

Hierarchies of heav'n, before the revolt of the fall'n Angels,
defcrib'd v 579.

Hinnom, the valley of, whence call'd Tophet, and
Gehenna i 399.

HOLY GHOST, its effufion, &c. at the creation vij
195. Defcent, &c. on the Apostles, and all baptiz'd
xij 485. Promis'd and given alike to all believers xij.518
Hofpitality, an incitation to it v 316.

Hymn to light ij 1. To God the Father and Son iij 372.
On conjugal love iv 750. On the creation vij 180.252.
557. 602.

Hypocrify vifible to God alone iij 682.

Hypocrites, Satan the firft iv 121. Pretenders to fuper-
natural purity, &c. iv 744.


Idolatry, the original rife of it affign'd i 364. Of the
poft-diluvian world xij 115.

Jealoufy the lover's Hell v 449.

Immortality of the foul difcufs'd x 782.

innocence, the fate of it defcrib'd iv 312. 492. 733.
v 211.303.443. viij 40.510.
Intellectual beings, a faculty of them ij 146.
Invocations, the author's i 6. iij 51. vij 1. xj 20.
Jove (a fall'n Angel) i 512.

Ifraelites, the fiory of their bondage, & deliverance from
Egypt, related xij 163. Of the Settlement of their
civil and facred economy in the wilderness xij 223.
Eftablishment in Canaan xij 260. Reason, use, &c.
of their ritual laws xij 280. Government by Judges.
and Kings xij 315. Captivity in Babylon xij 335.
Return from thence, after-diffentions, &c. to the birth
of the Meffiah, &c. xij 345 to 359.
Ifis, (a fall'n Angel) i 478.

Ithuriel (a guardian Angel of Paradife) iv 788. Detects
Satan's first attempt on Eve there iv 810.



Knowledge of good and evil, the tree of it, how fituated
iv 220. ix 626. Defcribed ix 575. Forbidden to Adam
vij 542. viij 323. Satan's Encomium of it ix 679.
Eve's ix 795.863.

Knowledge (or opinion) the refult of reason and fancy v
100. Without reftraint, folly vij 126. viij 188. xij 560
Of things neceffary, wisdom viij 192.

Knowledge of future events, the defire of it reprehended
xj 770. Its fum, the love, fear, &c. of God xij 557.
In animal creatures afferted viij 369. Vide Similies.


Lethe, a river of hell, defcrib'd ij 582. Medusa the
guard of it ij 610.

Leviathan defcrib'd i 201.

Liberty, with the loss of it, virtue, &c. degenerates xj
797. Adam's fall, the first caufe of it xij 82.
Liberty, the fame with reafon xij 83.

Life, the tree of it defcrib'd iv 218. Where fituated ix 69.
Life, long, by temperance xj 530. The great rule of it
refpecting it felf xj 553.

Light, hymn to it ij 1. The first day's creation, defcrib'd
vij 243.

Lightning how produced x 1073.

Limbo, or fools paradife, where iij 495.

Lion, a beaf of prey, an effect of Adam's fall xj 187.
Love conjugal, its praifes iv 750. Diflinguifh'd from
that of an amour iv 763. Love confifts in reafon,
not paffion viij 586. Defin'd viij 589. In fpirits co
leftial, the expreffion of it, what, and how viij 620.
Smiles, the food of love ix 239. Founded in reafona
one end of human life ix 241.

Lucifer, Satan why so called x 425. Vide Satan.
Luft carnal, the first effect of Adam's fall ix 1011.
The folace of it ix 1042.

b 3



Mammon (a fall'n Angel) i 678. His speech in the
council call'd by Satan after their fall ij 229.

Man fall'n the object of grace, why iij 130. His long
refiftance of it alone exclufive iij 198. Redemption pro-
pos'd by God the Father iij 203. Undertaken by God
the Son iij 227. The Son's merits alone imputative to
him, towards it, how iij 290.

Man created to repair the lofs of the fall'n Angels iij 667
ix 143. His creation defcrib'd vij 524. Dominion over
the reft vij 520 Love to woman, how confiftent with
his fuperiority vij 567. The whole creation in little
ix 109. Angels, his guardians ix 154. His fuperiority
over the woman given him by Gad x 145.195. Pure
fuing his appetites, disfigures not God's image, but his
own xj 515. Conformity to the divine will, the true
end of his creation xj 603. Abfolute dominion over his
brethren (men) an ufurpation xij 64. Given him by
God only over the creatures xij 67.

Matches conjugal, the modern cenfur'd viij 57. Refpecting
the woman particularly x 888.

Medufa, the guard of Lethe ij 610.

Mercy, God's first and last attribute iij 132.

Meffiah promifed x 181. The promife explain'd x 182.
xij 386. His birth, &c. and kingdom defcrib'd xij 352.
Why called the feed of the woman xij 376. Life, and
pafion xij 388. Refurrection, and miffion of the Apoftles
xij 420. Afcenfion, &c. xij 451. Coming to judgment,
&c. xij 538. 543.

Michael (the Arch- Angel) appointed one of the chiefs
of the cœleftial army against the revolted Angels vj 44
His prowess, &c. in the battel vj 250. Speech to Satan
encountring him vj 262. The combat defcribed vj 296
Wounds Satan vj 320. The revolters defeated, incamps
on the field of battel vj 410. Prepares to expel Adam,
c. from Paradife xj 126. His appearance, &c. there
deferibed xj 238. Speech to Adam thereon xj 251.


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