Belzebub, (a fall'n Angel) i 79. Defcribed ij 299. ij 345. Belial (a fall'n Angel) i 290. Defcrib'd ij 108. His Birds, part of the fifth day's creation, defcrib'd vij 417. Bridge from hell-gates to the world over Chaos, the work, C. Cain and Abel, their story related xj 429. Chance, the common notion of it exploded ij 909. Charity, its praifes, &c. xij 576 to 587. Chemos, or Peor (a fall'n Angel) i 406. 412. Cocytus, a river of hell ij 579. Conjugal love, the praises, &c. of it iv 750. Diftinguifb'd Conjugal obedience, woman's happiness, &c. iv 635. a 3 Cone Confcience, God's umpire in man iij 194. The terrors of Conftellations, their appearances, motion, &c. iij 577. D. Dagon (a fall'n Angel) i 457, Damn'd, the viciffitudes of their torments defcrib'd ij 596 Day and night in heav'n, defcrib'd vj 4. Death and Sin, their flation at hell-gates before Adam's Death deferibed ij 666. Answer to Satan at hell-gates Death eternal confidered x 808. Deluge univerfal. Vide Noah. Despair, the degrees and colours of it iv 108. Devils, why eternally excluded from grace iij 129. Eagle, E. Eagle, a bird of prey, an effect of Adam's fall xj 185. Earth and Heaven. Vide Heav'n and Earth. Earth, its general creation defcrib'd iij 715. vij 237. The Shadow of Heaven v 574. Separated from the waters, part of the third day's creation, defcrib'd vij 276 The fruits of it, &c. vij 313. Its motion, or of the Heavens, fpeculations thereon cenfur'd viij 70. It's praifes ix 99. The centre of the creation ix 107. Deftruction by Noah's flood defcrib'd xj 743. Reftitution after it xij 852. An univerfal paradife at the Meffiah's coming to judgment xij 463. Vide World. Eden, the country bounded iv 210. Eden, the garden of it. Vide Paradise. Egypt, the plagues of it defcrib'd xij 173. Election afferted iij 183. Elements, &c. fubfift on each other xj 415. Enoch, his ftory and tranflation xj 664. 700. Eve particularly defcrib'd, characteriz'd, &c. iv 712. v 379. viij 470.482.546.596. ix 396.431.457.489. 538. 603. 896. Answer to Adam's difcourfe on the prohibition of the tree of knowledge iv 440. Recounts her first view of the creation, Adam, &c. iv 449. Answer to him at night iv 635. To him waking her, relates her dream v 27. Weeping defcrib'd v 129. Attending the entertainment of Raphael v 443. Her formation from Adam viij 460. Behaviour on view of him, &c. viij 500. Difcourfe with him preceding the temptation ix 205 to 384. Answer to Satan (in the ferpent) ix 552. The difcourfe continued ix 732. Soliloquy before her eating the forbidden fruit ix 745. Plucks and eats ix 780. Soliloquy after it ix 795. Refolution to tempt Adam ix 830. Speech to him thereon ix 856. Reply to his answer, refolving to die with her ix 960. Behaviour thereon ix 990. Gives him the fruit ix 995. Repeats the tranfgreffion with him ix 1005. Is incited by him to carnal fruition the firft effect of it) ix 1014. 1035. The place, &c. defcribed ix 1037. Answer to him (accufing her as the aggreffor) imputes it to his indulgence ix 1142. Anfwer to God the Son) calling her to judgment (accafes the ferpent) x 159. The fentence pronounc'd on her x 192. Behaviour, and fpeech on Adam's reputje of her, and her offers of confolation (accufes her felf) x 909. After behaviour thereon x 937. Reply to bis anfwer (advises to die by their own hands) x 966 To him, hailing her the mother of mankind xj 162. Soliloquy, lamenting the threatned expulfion from Paradife xj 268. Speech to him on quitting it (affection, conjugal refolutions, and confolation on the promise of the Meffiah.) xij 61o. Vide Adam & Similies. Evening defcrib'd iv 598. Evil --- in thought unapproved Experience blameless v 117. a guide to wifdom ix 807. F. Faith, unneceffary endeavours to approve it, fufpicious ix 1139: Faith in Chrift, with works, eternal life xij 420. Lavis to force it cenfur'd xij 515. No infallibility against it xij 529. Fame (or glory) the common notion of it cenfur'd xj 688 Fig-tree, of which Adam, Eve, c. made Aprons defcrib ix IIOI. Firmament, the fecond day's creation, defcrib'd vij 261 Fifh, part of the fifth day's creation, defcrib'd vij 391. Flling word in Paradife on Adam's, &c. expulfion hence, defcrib'd xij 632. Vide Similies. Flood univerfal. Vide Noah. Freedom, with the loss of it, virtue, &c. degenerates xj 797. Free Free grace afferted iij 173. Defin'd iij 227. Fruition carnal, the paffion of it cenfur'd viij 579. G. Gabriel, (the Arch-Angel, chief of the guardian Angels Glory (or fame) the common notion of it cenfured xj 688 iij 56. Speech to God the Son, on Satan's defign on the b fabbath |