choice of fit persons to serve in and surest foundations, that the facred ministry of thy peace and happiness, truth and Church. And to those which justice, religion and piety may shall be ordained to any holy be established among us for all Function, give thy grace and generations. These and all oheavenly benediction, that both ther neceffaries for them, for by their life and doctrine they us, and thy whole Church, we may fet forth thy glory, and humbly beg in the Name and fet forward the falvation of all mediation of Jesus Christ our men, through Jesus Chrift our most blessed Lord and Saviour. Lord. Amen. Or this. Almighty God, the giver Amen. A Collect or Prayer for all Conditions of men, to be used at such times when the Litany is not appointed to be faid. good gifts, who of thy divine providence haft appointed divers orders in thy Church; Give thy grace, we God the Creator and Prehumbly beseech thee, to all of all mankind, we those who are to be called to humbly beseech thee for all any office and administration forts and conditions of men, that in the fame; and fo replenish thou wouldst be pleased tomake them with the truth of thy do- thy ways known unto them; Etrine, and endue them with thy saving health unto all nainnocency of life, that they tions. More especially we pray may faithfully ferve before for the good eftate of the Cathee, to the glory of thy great tholick Church; that it may be Name, and the benefit of thy so guided and governed by thy holy Church, through Jesus good Spirit, that all who proChrift our Lord. Amen. fefs and call themselves ChriA Prayer for the High Court stians, may beled into the way of Parliament, to be read du- of truth, and hold the faith in ring their Seffion. unity of fpirit, in the bond of : Oft gracious God, we peace, and in righteousness of Mhumbly beseech thee, as life. Finally we commend to of the for this Kingdom in general, fo thy Fatherly goodness, all those especially for the High Court who are any ways afflicted or of Parliament, under our most distressed in mind, body, or religious and gracious King at eftate, [† especi- This to be faid this time assembled: that thou ally those for whom when any defire wouldst be pleased to direct our Prayers are de- Congregation and profper all their confulta- fired that it may tions to the advancement of thy, please thee to comfort and reglory, the good of thy Church, lieved them according to their the fafety, honour, and wel- several necessities, giving them fare of our Sovereign, and his patience under their fufferings, Kingdoms; that all things and a happy iffue out cofall their be so ordered and fettled by afflictions. And this we beg for their endeavours, upon the best Jesus Chrift his fake. Amen. gs may A Prayer that may be faid though we be tied and bound after any of the former. with the chain of our fins, yet God, whose nature and let the pitifulnes of thy great property is ever to have mercy loose us, for the honour mercy and to forgive; Receive of Jesus Chrift our Mediator our humble petitions; and and Advocate. Amen. A THANKSGIVINGS. A General Thanksgiving. vidence doft cause the former Lmighty God, Father and the latter rain to defcend of all mercies, we thine upon the earth, that it may unworthy servants do bring forth fruit for the use of give thee most humble and man; We give thee humble hearty thanks for all thy good- thanks, that it hath pleased ness and loving kindness to thee in our great neceffity to us and to all men, send us at the last a joyful rain Said when any [t particularly to upon thine inheritance, and to those who defire now refresh it when it was dry, to return to offer up their prai- the great comfort of us thy unses and thanksgi-worthy fervants, and to the vings for thy late mercies glory of thy holy Name, vouchsafed unto them.] We through thy mercies in Jefus bless thee for our creation, pre- Chrift our Lord. Amen. This to be that have been prayed fors de praises fervation, and all the bleffings of this life, but above all for thine inestimable love in the For fair Weather. redemption of the world by our plague of immoderate rain and Lord JesusChrist, for the means waters, and in thy mercy haft it of grace, and for the hope of relieved and comforted our glory. And we beseech thee fouls by this seasonable and give us that due fense of all thy blessed change of weather; we mercies, that our hearts may be praise and glorifie thy holy 10 unfeignedly thankful, and that Name for this thy mercy, and we may thew forth thy praise, will always declare thy loving a not only with our lips, but in kindness from generation to geour lives, by giving up our neration, through Jefus Chrift selves to thy service, and by our Lord. Amen. For Plenty. walking before thee in holiness and righteousness all our days, Moft merciful Father, through Jefus Chrift our Lord; who of thy gracious goode to whom with thee and the Ho- ness haft heard the devout praydly Ghost be all honour and glo- ers of thy Church, and turned nery, world without end. Amen. our dearth and scarcity into cheapness and plenty; Wegive God our heavenly Father, the humble thanks for this who by thy gracious pro- thy special bounty, beseeching For Rain. the P thee to continue thy loving our facrifice of praise and kindness unto us, that our land thanksgiving for these thy mermay yield yie us her fruits of in- cies towards us, through Jesus crease, to thy glory and our Christ our Lord. Amen. comfort, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen. For Peace and Deliverance from our Enemies. tower For Deliverance from the Plague, or other common Sickness. O wounded Lord God, who hast Almighty God, who art us for our fins, of defence and confumed us for our tranfunto thy fervants against the greffions, by thy late heavy and face of their enemies; We dreadful Visitation, and now in yield thee praise and thankf. the midst of judgment remémgiving for our deliverance from bring mercy, haft redeemed our those great and apparent dan- fouls from the jaws of death; gers wherewith we were com- We offer unto thy Fatherly passed. We acknowledge it goodness our selves, our fouls thy goodness that we were not and bodies, which thou hast delivered over as a prey unto delivered to be a living facrithem; beseeching thee ftill to fice unto thee, always praising continue such thy mercies to- and magnifying ifying thy mercies in wards us, that all the world the midst of thy Church, thro may know that thou art our Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Saviour and mighty deliverer, Or this. Amen. through Jesus Chrift our Lord. E humbly acknowledge Wombl before thee, O moft For restoring Publick Peace merciful Father, that all the at Home. punishments which are threatned in thy law, might justly Only Father, walne our manifold tranfgreffionsand Eternal God, our hea- have fallen upon us by reason of makest men to be of one mind hardness of heart. Yet seeing it in a house, and stilleft the out- hath pleased thee of thy tender rage of a violent and unruly mercy, upon our weak and unpeople; We bless thy holy worthy humiliation, to asswage Name that it hath pleased thee the contagious fickness, whereto appease the feditious tumults with we lately have been fore which have been lately raised afflicted, and to restore the up amongst us; moft humbly voice of joy and health into our beseeching thee to grant to all dwellings; we offer unto thy of us grace, that we may hence- divine Majesty the facrifice of forth obediently walk in thy praise and thanksgiving, laud. holy commandments, and lead- ing and magnifying t thyglorious ing a quiet and peaceable life Name for fuch suchthy preservation in all godliness and honesty, and providence over us, through may continually offer unto thee Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 1 The Collects, Epiftles, and Gospels, to be used throughout the Year. Note, That the Collest appointed for every Sunday, or for any or Eve, shall be faida at the Even a Vigil The first Sunday in Advent. A at time to awake out of fleep: for now is oursalvation nearer Lmighty God, give us than when we believed. The grace that we may caft night is far spent, the day is away the works of dark- hand; let us therefore caft off ness, and put upon us the ar- the works of darkness, and let mour of light, now in the time us put on the armour of light. of this mortal life (in which Let us walk honestly as in the thy Son Jesus Chrift came to day, not in rioting and drunkvisit us in great humility;) enness, not in chambering and that in the last day, when he wantonness, not in strife and shall come again in his glorious envying. But put ye on the Majefty, to judge both the Lord Jesus Christ, and make quick and dead, we may rife not provifion for the flesh, to to the life immortal, through fulfil the lufts thereof. him who liveth and reigneth The Gospel. S. Matth. 21. 1. with thee and the Holy Ghost, now and ever. Amen. to Jerufalem, and were This Collect is to be repeated come to Bethphage, unto the every day with the other Col- mount of Olives, then sent JeLects in Advent, until Chrift- sus two disciples, saying unto them, Go into the village over The Epistle. Rom. 13.8. against you, and straightway We no man any thing, but ye shall find an ass tied, and a mas-Eve. When they drew nigh une to love one another for colt with her: loose them and he that loveth another, hath bring them unto me. And if fulfilled the law. Forthis, Thou any man say ought unto you, flhalt not commit adultery, ye shall say, The Lord hath Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt need of them; and ftraightnot steal, Thou shalt not bear way he will fend them. All false witness, Thou shalt not this was done, that it might be cover; and if there be any other fulfilled which was spoken by commandment, it is briefly the prophet, saving, Tell ye comprehended in this saying, the daughter of Sion, Behold, namely, Thou shalt love thy thy King cometh unto thee, neighbour as thy felf. Love meek, and fitting upon an ass, worketh no ill to hisneighbour, and a colt the fole of an ass. therefore love is the fulfilling And the disciples went, and of the law, And that, knowing did as Jesus commanded them, the time, that now it is high and brought the ass, and the C colt W 7 1 our Lord Jesus Christ. Wherefore receive ye one another, as Christ also received us, to the glory of God. Now I say, that Jesus Christ was a minister of colt, and put on them their fort of the scriptures might clothes, and they set him there- have hope. Now the God of on. And a very great multitude patience and confolation grant spread their garments in the you to be like-minded one toway, others cut down branches wards another, according to from the trees, and strawed Christ Jesus: that ye may with them in the way. And the mul- one mind, and one mouth glotitudes that went before, and rifie God, even the Father of that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the Son of David: blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest. And when he was come into Jerufalem, all the ci- the circumcifion, for the truth ty was moved, saying, Who is of God, to confirm the promithis? And the multitude said, ses made unto the fathers: and This is Jesus the Prophet of that the Gentiles might gloriNazareth of Galilee. And Jesus fie God for his mercy, as it is went into the temple of God; written, For this cause I will and cast out all them that fold confess to thee among the Genand bought in the temple, and tiles, and fing unto thy Name. overthrew the tables of the mo- And again he faith, Rejoyce, ney-changers, and the feats of ye Gentiles, with his people. them that fold doves, and said And again, Praise the Lord, all unto them, It is written, My ye Gentiles, and laud him, all house shall be called the house ye people. And again, Efaias of prayer, but ye have made it faith, There shall be a root of a den of thieves. Jesse, and he that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles, in him shall the Gentiles truft. Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghoft. The fecond Sunday in Advent. B Lessed Lord, who hast caufed all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning; Grant that we may in such wise hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that The Gospel. S. Luke 21. 25, by patience and comfort of thy Nd there shall be signs in holy word, we may embrace the fun, and in the moon, and ever hold fast the blessed and in the stars; and upon the hope of everlasting life, which earth diftress of nations, with thou haft given us in our Savi- perplexity, the sea and the our Jefus Chrift. Amen. waves roring; mens hearts fail The Epiffle. Kom. 15.4. W Hatfoever things were A ing them for fear, and for looking after those thin things which are coming on the earth : for the written for our learning; that powers of heaven shall be shawe through patience and com- ken. And then shall they fee the |